We point out new music. In case you've missed it. Or simply because you are too busy with: life, school, work, girlfriend(s), boyfriend(s), family, sport, sport on telly, tv shows, and everything else.
@jameswindels-lyte1032 3 месяца назад
“Who’d want to be young now?” Yep, sentiments are even more just now.
@agdgdgwngo 2 года назад
Has to laugh at the "domesticated junkie" comment about Pete Doherty. I actually like the guys music but that comment is spot on, though the media has thoroughly gone off that sort of celebrity it does bring the trope back now and again. Makes for easy sales of magazines and tabloids
@james8322 3 года назад
Where is a good place to buy shirts like Anton’s?
@WillyWP 4 года назад
A good interviewers prompts the interviewee to speak, doesn't go on and on over explaining himself, interrupting and only asks one thing at a time. This guy is the worst.
@apolllitik 6 лет назад
les martinets qui chantent derrière <3
@philliphernandez6715 7 лет назад
Brought to you by Coca Cola. jk i love Anton hes my soul brotha.
@Milfontes74 7 лет назад
Disaster imposible interviewer. Uma pena
@danielolsson4000 7 лет назад
people always hating on people interviewing Mr. Newcombe , kinda wierd
@lindab30 9 лет назад
OK - apparently has a personality disorder - ya know what - it is called genius!!! we all have that gift- just BELIEVE IN MAGIC - and maybe what society labels genius as a disorder are so so so wrong
@stephenhargrave7922 5 лет назад
I have an extremely talented social butterfly friend and in his twenties he has become infatuated with the idea society has pushed that his gift is a disorder. Now he smokes way too much pot to mellow out and it is robbing him of his ambition
@FlorenciaE 10 лет назад
@RonD108 10 лет назад
The interviewer interrupts too much. Let Anton speak!
@cloudcity2012 10 лет назад
His hair alone puts him into the Rock and Roll hall of fame
@meteoro14041 10 лет назад
Kinda Peter Steele..
@stevekeate1 10 лет назад
The mighty Peter Steele!
@7roadapples 10 лет назад
He has some good, good tunes.....about his personal life, only he knows his demons and only he can do something about it. I think he should just keep going and doing what he loves......making music :)
@7roadapples 10 лет назад
Absolutely! I love his music.....and it is his gift to us.....as for his personal life, that's not for me to judge!
@simonfirth5838 11 лет назад
I think you've just watched Dig!...
@EngineOfRuin 11 лет назад
Anton's been sober and clean for a few years. By the way, what the fuck is wrong with you ?
@jimsteele2072 11 лет назад
And you have every right to your Biased Opinion. You just validated everything I mentioned in my previous post. Thanks for the conversation, but I really see no point in continuing on with this, as it is certainly going nowhere. Peace my friend.
@jimsteele2072 11 лет назад
Again, you seem to have a "Personal" gripe about Anton, Personally, and everything you have touched on is about Him, not his music. When we think of Van Gogh, Mozart, other "Artists" we remember the Art, not the lifestyles of the Artist, in most cases, so Get Over It Man, Art is about the Art, not the Artist, Have you ever listened to the Music, or are you a Personality Fan?
@jimsteele2072 11 лет назад
I understand, But those days are gone, and as I see it Anton is one of the most Real Deal artists we have going these days, not to say the only, and hey, I'm Glad he pawned his Rick to get an Eightball, instead of getting into a shitty recording contract and whoring himself out in that way. Fuckit, Anton is legit.
@jimsteele2072 11 лет назад
Did he burn you for cash? you seem a bit disturbed. Get over it, whatever it is.
@2Happyhour 11 лет назад
Interviewer is really annoying that's for sure. I think it's half language barrier and half amateur skills. He keeps talking when Anton starts to answer. If he would have shut up it would have been an even better interview. I hope you read this dude, let your people talk! All that aside, good to hear Anton's thoughts on current stuff.
@talktal 11 лет назад
he needs to dye his chesthair and sideburns too if he is going to do that to his hair. its kind of weird
@BEATmyguest31 11 лет назад
did somebody put a nest of newly hatched birds right next to the fucking microphone
@AndreaSzabo7171 6 месяцев назад
@deano5314 11 лет назад
who would want to be young now!
@WhoIsPine 11 лет назад
Yeah man, fuck voting and democracy.
@NEVERagainEVER423 11 лет назад
Anton is totally psychic and can answer questions before they are asked...probably in a manic cycle...my husband was like that...I loved him, he's dead
@thekillystabbers8827 7 лет назад
Annette Stephens-Smith he. truly is...he has conversed with me about dreams I had like they were real life instances...every few years we meet and our conversation picks up right where we left off
@NEVERagainEVER423 7 лет назад
@GlasNoir 5 лет назад
The Killy Stabbers - that RIGHT THERE, what you said, is probably the clearest “tell” I can think of as far as ppl with a friendship/relationship with Anton... I have also been fortunate enough to get to know him and enjoy one on one conversations every so often... and I swear to god, even when it was years between conversations, he did exactly what you described, just resumed the same conversation we’d been having before we’d ended the last chat... I always thought that was so impossibly unique, and so fittingly Anton in a way that I had to comment when I saw someone else mention that trait of his :) K E E P M U S I C E V I L !
@Yesiamblind 11 лет назад
I want one of those.
@RibasOasis 11 лет назад
Drugstar.... xD
@moi2662 11 лет назад
what does Anton say when interviewer mentions Pete Doherty & then interviewer says "yeah probably"...
@jeohlsson 11 лет назад
he's funny
@EvolutionaryVids 11 лет назад
Asking a question and then trying to answer it for him or unnecessarily elaborating gets annoying. Thanks for posting though.
@lacazzzz 11 лет назад
How rude. Anton doesn't sound like he wants to speak that much. As a non-native speaker he does quite a good job...
@cloudcity2012 11 лет назад
I think Alex Jones would let him talk more lol
@cloudcity2012 11 лет назад
the shirt is called a Kurta
@cloudcity2012 11 лет назад
modern day legend, just look at that shirt
@MsMissymelbourne 11 лет назад
the interviewer has an accent cos hes "foreign"deal with it.i bet he went home and trnslated the interview into his own lang .for local dist.no biggie.
@CrowClouds 11 лет назад
@photent 11 лет назад
Ennio Morricone
@photent 11 лет назад
5:10 "I'm the rich guy, here is my fucking breast implant operation, oh, I mean my wife." loll
@photent 11 лет назад
I thought the interviewer was good, commenters- have some respect and be grateful you got to see anything.. this is free remember.
@waymanmccall1592 11 лет назад
The drugs have aged him well.
@CthulhuReed 11 лет назад
the guy interviewing him is pretty inept at the simple task of asking questions that will yield interesting answers. he needs to lock it up.
@broleren 11 лет назад
What the name of that italy pop 60s guy you are talking about (7.43)?
@kperry5000 11 лет назад
sounds like they are in a fucking bat cave
@gramoukdoom 11 лет назад
Yeah let the man develop his ideas FFS. Stai zitto!
@TheNick1111111111111 11 лет назад
Its almost as if he's just done a gram of speed before the interview.
@ANPHKI 11 лет назад
Interviewer, ask questions preferrably short and to the point (maybe actually asking a question containing some tangible points and ideas to give an opportunity for a fruitful answer or conversation, eh?), then listen to the answer, and don't interrupt it with some egoistic incomprehensible blabber. This sort of meandering and shouting is just pure frustration to witness.
@rickdeck4rd 11 лет назад
He did a gig on June 2012 in Bologna, so I guess it was recorded then.
@deano5314 11 лет назад
This world is fucked
@Benjabola 11 лет назад
yeah democracy is pretty fake in america. 50% 50% split every time? at least in canada the percentages are realistic, not saying it's not rigged