Liberty Vault
Liberty Vault
Liberty Vault
I post videos on history, philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, psychology, and technology. Almost all of them emphasize pro-liberty viewpoints, or focus on individual rights in some way.

Michael Malice - The Merits of Trolling
2 часа назад
Ron Paul - Final Speech to Congress
12 часов назад
@Recklyss 32 минуты назад
I think he's right about the castration and the weakening of men on a global scale but I think he's wrong about Andrew. Partly because he reached a level of popularity in a short period of time that Jordan couldn't and partly because he's been mad ever since his daughter Mikhaila hung out with Andrew a few years ago while Jordan was in a downward spiral. I think Tim is also wrong on the topic of Andrew as well. It reminds me of highschool when certain guys became jealous that the Quarterback was dating the prettiest girl in school. Don't get mad, become better.
@delicatelace8830 37 минут назад
Alex Jones is not polite society. Thank God for that. Covid proved we are way too polite. Do not comply.❤
@deborahapostolou8078 Час назад
Jordan Peterson is extremely insightful and fair with his analysis. He's definitely talented in his ability to convey the most complex into the most comprehensible. I absolutely agree with everything he's saying. He's definitely a courageous person. Not allowing himself to be silenced is extremely admirable. As a Canadian, I wish Jordan Peterson continued success in all aspects of his life! We need more people like this.
@andrewstewart9063 2 часа назад
Devalued Twitter by 80% to own the "woke" 🤣🤡
@sustainablyyours61 2 часа назад
Just look at the Israelis who go on social media and laugh at Palestinian babies being killed.
@MrJeremyJay 2 часа назад
Bullshit. The death camps were run by absolute criminals, sociopaths and psychopaths. They organised orgies, raped and tortured prisoners, experimented on them and so on. I'm Polish of German descent and my great-grandfather was in the Wehrmacht and his half-brother was in the SS. I have a very good knowledge of the history of that time.
@supergeek1418 3 часа назад
I don't usually disagree with Elon Musk, but there's *NO WAY* China's economy is going to surpass America's. First: China lies about its GDP. It's *NO WHERE NEAR* as large as the CCP says that it is. Second: China is in the beginning stages of a demographic implosion: Due to their disastrous "One Child" policy for (essentially) two generations, there simply aren't enough replacement workers to sustain their economy. Add to this the fact that the children that *were* born during the "One Child" era were pampered and coddled to the point that they believe that they're all Little Empirors, and they have *NO* desire to work, marry, or have children. The "One Child" policy has thus morphed into a defacto "No Child" policy. It has been predicted that China's population will shrink by *75%* by mid century There's *NO WAY* they'll surpass the U. S. In the foreseeable future. There still is a definite path to war, though: Chairman Xi Jin Ping knows that China is at (or near) its peak military strength *right now* and if he's going to have *any* chance of taking Taiwan, he needs to do it soon --- or never. That could (very well) be the spark that ignites WW-III. Also, China under Xi Jin Ping absolutely *IS* acquisitive! That's what the entire Belt And Road program is all about: Give developing countries loans to build infrastructure that benefits China, then (when those countries can't repay the loans) take over the ports, or mines, or rail systems, or whatever. Effectively taking over these countries without firing a shot. Sun Tsu to the max, From Chairman Xi's perspective, it's *VERY* well played.
@Spractral 3 часа назад
My penis is a ferrari, a powertool if you will, and I'm doing donuts in the parking lot.
@matthewmbober4426 3 часа назад
Traditionally an armed society is a polite society.
@prisoneroftech2237 3 часа назад
Now you just need to be the only money/credit issuer of last resort like the federal reserve setup massive stock exchanges; funnel money into to ‘investment funds’ have every asset under the sun under management and voila….you have the ultimate shadow banking empire which has been around for a few hundred years and only getting more powerful by the day.
@siewkonsum7291 3 часа назад
The historical Portuguese Empire had their fiat global currency, so did Empire of Spain, Netherlands, France & Britain, and currently America. Average of each fiat currency dominance is about 100 years. Due lavish spending by over borrowing to expedite global military dominance by an Empire, eventually their fiat currency is unsustainable and finally collapsed. Now the US dollar is about 102 years todate and sure is on the decline to lose its dominance eventually to be just one of the currencies that no country is so depended on it and hooked to it.
@user-kw5hx7ji8h 3 часа назад
The lie becomes the truth eventually.
@pownerpwn5364 3 часа назад
money money money money money......so nasty
@user-rh8fl8qz2z 3 часа назад
A LOST SOUL. Professed a lot of bs...died miserable. No thanks.
@briansandford614 3 часа назад
@GuyDownTheSt 3 часа назад
Why is this interview impossible to find
@jetsetter883 4 часа назад
Agree with him 100%.
@tompchromedome 4 часа назад
Many of the camp guards we Jews who were told they would be first shot if any trouble developed, they became worse that the germans
@MrNiceGuy485 5 часов назад
If there is life on earth, there is life everywhere in the galaxy. Where there is water, there is life. And I imagine that earth is not the only planet with it.
@jean-francoisavon62 5 часов назад
Every sociology student I met (mostly PhD students) were in awe at Foucault, saw him almost as a god of sociology ...
@christiansmith-of7dt 5 часов назад
There was an old saying , if God had only known how terrible my life would of been he never would of created me
@nalayini1504 5 часов назад
Though Jordan Peterson is not Christian, I can see his immense respect and emotion for the faith in the way he communicates the principles from the Bible as he understands them....and so far he has been able to explain things in a way that makes the principles more real to our modern lives....I have so much admiration and respect for him ❤❤
@nhmooytis7058 5 часов назад
There hasn’t been actual ‘education’ in education in 40 years, just propaganda and babysitting.
@nhmooytis7058 5 часов назад
Not so much easy to fight psychopathic narcissists Doc.
@barryrobertson7064 6 часов назад
@ronbridegroom8428 6 часов назад
We knew at the time that this was not to be trusted. Fauci stated in Oct 2019 that nRNA vaccines, since they are new and untested, would need 10 years of testing, if all goes perfectly, before it could be used safely. This is on video. Can be seen on C-Span. The main guy behind mRNA stated many concerns and was vilified and ignored
@NewLauri 6 часов назад
He just should study his own ancestors. who were involved in slavery. and start to study Russians, who were never involved in slavery
@markrussell4682 7 часов назад
This is a lie cooked up by the NRA in the late 1970's.
@nobu1730 7 часов назад
wow! this completely changed how view things
@jeanmorin3247 7 часов назад
When Dr Peterson is at his best, he is unbeatable. The clarity of his thinking comes across as the tinkling of crystal.
@stevezy4772 7 часов назад
I made a joke about Malice on X and he blocked me.
@IBleedMercuryOfficial 8 часов назад
How did Malice get popular? He's not funny, he's not clever and he's not a particularly good troll.
@Boballoo 8 часов назад
"Anarcho Capitalist Libertarian" Love it!
@odysodys1098 8 часов назад
This is a succinct description of the parasitic deep state that has infiltrated the West and particularly the Biden administration. The hope is Trump can take them down. Trump 2024. Full pardon for Julian Assange.
@ready1fire1aim1 8 часов назад
Well said.
@AliBubba. 8 часов назад
Two petulant children with insanely overblown images of themselves, each with intense contempt for the other because they see themselves as intellectually superior. PBD thinks anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of democracy is an idiot and Malice thinks anyone who has a hard time understanding abstract concepts they've never heard of before is an idiot. Value King vs Anarchy Bae. What a clown show.
@k4ngk0ng74 8 часов назад
I can't help but think this young man is trying to move the goal post, it was once 1/100000 was the cut off for acceptance, now he wants us to be ok with 6-7/100000? Good for him, but not for me. Court case deemed it a treatment, cannot mandate a treatment.
@RodolfoFlores-vy8pr 8 часов назад
This guy is a very good engineer. There is not much after that. Dont askhim about global politics. He knows no more than any bartender.
@nickmagrick7702 8 часов назад
Bret is clearly confusing lazy entertainment with all entertainment. There are video games that make you dumber, which is most of the most visible market right now, and you have games that make you smarter. I know games have enriched my life for certain, and wasted them. But I even learned from the ones that wasted my time in how these things affect people and how I can be scammed for my time or money. There is a problem when entertainment is designed for the easiest quickest assess to the rewards of that entertainment, lazy design. Like in MMO's when they just auto path you to your next destination then auto fight your battles for you then auto complete your quests so you don't ever have to read or get off the conveyor belt. Then there are games that I have played which told stories or forced me to solve problems which literally changed my life and helped me grow. Entertainment isn't the problem, its the way entertainment is being done because of profit incentives, or emotional stunting.
@Melmoth191 8 часов назад
Is Peterstein gonna talk about Bolshevik atrocities next or naw?
@Chase0267 9 часов назад
Democrats will say, "but but why do u need a gun? What are u even afraid of? The government?? You are such a conspiracy weirdo"🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
@seancarristhebest 9 часов назад
No actual libertarian would want to be the President or anything like that.
@user-gq7xj4bc6k 9 часов назад
Learn to play a musical instrument. Start a book club. Go to church. Get outside. Volunteer somewhere.
@jackturner7577 9 часов назад
Who is the other guy?
@ktor538 10 часов назад
What he's say is, If you go over board it will become mundane and will create a higher tolerance towards the rewards each time.. you'll develop a mental illness as result (lower serotonin levels)
@Kyouma. 10 часов назад
That's exactly why more and more people are turning to Japanese entertainment like anime, because it actually conveys values and important things
@garyfrancis6193 10 часов назад
My guess is this interview was not brought to you by Pfizzle.
@John83833 10 часов назад
I’m glad Bret is there to put this idea into words. I’ve had similar thoughts when it comes to violent revenge movies, I feel like they are an indulgence of our baser instincts. It taps into our desires to have the green light to do horrible things without any moral qualms. Same thing with zombie movies…no moral issues here, they’re not even human. Every time I hear someone say “have you seen this new show ___), it feels like there is some real world opportunity they will never have. On my death bed I will never wish that I watched more TV shows.
@trailtripper8183 10 часов назад
Main reason i pirate anything I watch. Not paying to be brainwashed. Ad blockers on all devices.
@Mustapha1963 10 часов назад
I do not disagree with Dr. Peterson one bit. I would add to what he said by pointing to the media and their all-pervasive bias against Conservatism as another of the reasons why the Right is losing the culture wars. The media has been the propaganda arm of Progressives since the 1950s, but they began to set aside any pretense of objectivity when Ronald Reagan was elected. It is difficult enough to get your message out straight when you're almost unanimously opposed by academia, but add in a media that might just be even more unanimously opposed to your message and the job becomes impossible. At best Conservatives can get their message out on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, Fox News (mostly) and on Talk Radio. But the Left isn't satisfied with 95% control of the media- they want 99% AND FNC shut down and Talk Radio muzzled. It says a great deal about the lack of strength of your arguments when your favored tactic is to silence those you disagree with.