Goodbye Lupus by Brooke Goldner, M.D.
Goodbye Lupus by Brooke Goldner, M.D.
Goodbye Lupus by Brooke Goldner, M.D.
I have helped thousands of people successfully reverse autoimmune diseases like Lupus, RA, MS, Sjogren's & more.
I successfully and fully reversed my own Lupus over 17 years ago.

Best-selling author of Goodbye Lupus, Goodbye Autoimmune Disease, and Green Smoothie Recipes to Kick-Start Your Health & Healing.

Forbes Health Advisory Board Member

Sole professor for autoimmune disease reversal for Plant Based Nutrition Certification from eCornell

Expert in the nutrition, emotional, and lifestyle changes necessary to reverse and recover from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, increase energy and vitality and quality of life.

Learn more: linktr.ee/goodbyelupus

More Free Info:
Facebook: facebook.com/DoctorGMD
Instagram: #GoodbyeLupus
Website: GoodbyeLupus.com
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@ObedientChild 7 часов назад
Hi Dr Brooke I used to be diabetic. I also had stage 4 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, in my bone marrow in 1990 with an orange sized tumor in my colon. From accidentally inhaling a cloud of pesticide insecticide 6 months previous. They gave me 6 weeks to live, call 3 chemical therapies, put in my chest & four different bone marrow biopsies. Most perfect thing to go through. I had five churches praying for me though. To get to the point. I was studying to be a molecular biologist at Central Michigan University. Wanted to find a cure for cancer. Hadassah University in Jerusalem found the first split in the DNA to make a mutated cancer cell The more research I did the more I found out that cancer is all caused by what we eat I started doing my own research online I discovered many naturopath doctors and chiropractors that really knew about eating. I switched to whole Food plant-based diet and got off insulin. Some people are predisposed to damage to the pancreas and many other malnourished organs and glands. I had two different surgeries for ovarian cysts. Also had my gallbladder removed. All of this could have been preventable if I had known how to eat many years ago. I grew up with pop with every meal and sugary cakes and pies and desserts and candy and fried foods. The native American Indians are very predisposed to diabetes. The more I study and pray about diabetes, the more I am convinced my body was not insulin resistant I had an injured malnourished, diseased pancreas among other glands. A seriously believe that my pancreas was over producing because I had trained it to overproduce insulin due to consumption of all the sugar and desserts and candy. And I really believe the insulin is defective got my pancreas was producing. My body could not use defective insulin . What other types of insulin worked well with injections of it, keeping my blood sugar at a normal level. The mitochondria and the Golgi complex in every cell were all malnourished and damaged. Please let me know what you think about what I just wrote. I am currently homeless because of a very dangerous ex-husband. Which I am prosecuting for what he did to me. The stress triggered me to start eating some bad stuff. Your Videos really help me to get back on track. Have more dentures in hard vegetables are hard to chew and can make soreness in my mouth. Plus I have nowhere to use my Ninja blender right now to make smoothies. Sleeping in my vehicle It's all going to get better soon Blessings hugs and love
@renukamaharjan7421 13 часов назад
Sud we take care in diet as my doctor recommended me not to cut any food in order to have immune power to fight against the disease? ?
@floraly88 15 часов назад
Dr. G., I'm not ready to make a full switch due to addiction, but I also don't want to do nothing at all. Would my body benefit if I just start to add the good stuff (hyper nourishment) to my current diet as a first step?
@gdgirouard 17 часов назад
How do you eat cabbage without ending up in paying the next morning with a lot of bloating?
@tonymaurice4157 20 часов назад
Is dried dates okay.?
@nantesjansenvanvuuren105 День назад
Dankie vir jou harde werk om ander te help. Waardeer
@randy1203 День назад
Hello, I'm a 68 yr male with hyperthyroidism. So does this information apply to me???
@JenniferMathewslive2 День назад
Boot camp costs 150 bucks a month Rapid Recovery costs thousands. Out of reach for most people.
@Goodbyeeveryonehere 17 часов назад
You do your own version of exercise. A one hour walk first thing every morning. You can do her diet without paying any money if you do it properly it will work. Stop looking for excuses
@user-gw2tk8pz7y 7 часов назад
@@Goodbyeeveryoneheretough love a bit but I understand where you coming from but also the person you replying too….not everyone’s journey the same…loads of compassion needed on this journey …not lies but tender kind of love I guess….do many hurting ones out here
@user-gw2tk8pz7y 7 часов назад
I hear you! Yes 👍🏻 however I also know it’s possible for us to forge ahead ….i don’t know you but believe the life and love in you will help you find a way to do this for your bodies benefit and the blessing that you still being here wiil be to others on their journey…I believe in you ! All the love my heart to yours and 🙏🏽 for your success in the healing journey ✌🏼🕊️🌈🩸🍁🍂🌲🎄
@conniecox1253 День назад
Hello I just found out I have Lupus I’m be 70 this month have you ever heard of of someone getting small white bumps on their body I believe had this for a while no one in my family has Lupus , so far the bumps don’t go away started maybe 5 months ago . .? Thank you so much ❤❤❤
@imperfectvegan5724 День назад
Thank you!
@tonymaurice4157 День назад
This doesn't work after back surgery
@user-nr5he3ic9o День назад
Please tell me that her kids get more calories than that for dinner!!!
@living_m2414 День назад
I’m trying to figure out if this many raw cruciferous veggies is bad for hashimotos / goiter
@PlantbasedSilvi День назад
I hate sport but since I have VR I play to different fitness, Tennis, Kayaking, Zumba and so much more. I meet people around the world an we play togehtet tennis or kayaking on so on .
@mattwilson9585 День назад
The Gospel of Grace The Gospel for EVERYBODY TODAY What does it take to be Saved? Faith Alone 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Roman 10:9-11 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 4:24-25 KJV But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. (Christ died for our sins, he was buried, and he rose again according to the scriptures) By having faith in that alone you are sealed with the Holy Spirit forever and SAVED from the moment of faith. Galatians 1:11-12 KJV 11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. 12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Are we all sinners? Does the blood of Jesus Save Me? Romans 3:23-25 KJV 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; (Jesus was a perfect sacrifice for are sins to be FORGIVEN) What if I continue to Sin? What if I stop having Faith? What if 5 years after being saved I have an affair? What if I aborted my child? What about suicide? When you first had faith in Christ you were sealed and secured from that day forward, no matter what you do or don’t do our saviour has saved your soul and made you a new creation. Eternal Security ( 100% Going to Heaven) Galatians 3:23-25 KJV 23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. ( We’re not under the law so no longer under the curse of sin cause we’re Justified by Jesus through Faith Alone) Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Titus 3:5 KJV 5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; 6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; 7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Romans 8:15 KJV 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. When you believe in you heart on the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (The Finished Works/Blood) you are saved brothers and sisters for all of eternity (Eternal Security is Yours) Romans 8:38-39 KJV 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nothing can ever take you away from our Lord Jesus Christ when you believe in your heart. NOTHING NOT YOUR FUTURE PRIDE NOT YOUR PRESENT LUST NOT YOUR FUTURE LUST NOTHING MEANS NOTHING Thank you Jesus Christ for this promise you gave me and all who believe in your blood I pray this helps You or Someone Else get a little closer to Jesus Christ and get clarity on what it takes to be Saved by Faith in the finished works of Christ May God Bless Us
@mattwilson9585 День назад
Roman 10:9-11 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
@floraly88 День назад
Wellness Wednesdays are awesome. I listen to these while walking and it makes me so happy. Even tough im still eating unhealthy foods due to addiction, I cut down on them and added smoothies and it already made me feel much better. Lost almost 50 pounds in the process. Thanks Dr. G.
@MarkJones-z1t 2 дня назад
Has this diet helped with tinnitus? Ever Doctor I've talked to says nothing that works to cure it.
@white-rabbit93 2 дня назад
Beautiful Dr. Brooke. ❤
@ShhweetT 2 дня назад
I have lupus. Been living with us for 14 years. I think I'm in the middle of a bad flare up and they put me on 60 mg prednisone taper. I'm in the process of changing my diet now and I thought I would be feeling a little better by now but I'm not sure what the world's going on. I am now shaky and jittery. My vision is changing and looking at my phone for longer than 10 mins hurts my head. Could this be from the filler alone or a side effect of prednisone?
@tanyaboyce День назад
What do you mean by filler ?
@tonymaurice4157 20 часов назад
Is dried fruit okay?
@wandaroersma3339 2 дня назад
He looked great with a little hair. He looks good anyway
@ucandrawastickfigure7415 2 дня назад
If you have had a gastric bypass, oxalates may be dangerous. Please reasearch. Low oxalate options are available. This eating plan put me in the ER yesterday.
@ucandrawastickfigure7415 2 дня назад
If you have had a gastric bypass please do the research. Oxalates may not be safe for you.
@hermanharper4594 2 дня назад
I really want to know your thoughts on mixing infusion of the green smoothie and the 96 Oz's of water in one container sipping the mixture all day infused with the water bottle because I don't like a thick smoothie thin like a juice what do you think. Anyone else got an option on this topic much appreciated your opinion. And thank you Dr Brook Goldner for sharing information. Trying to save my one kidney born with only one kidney
@tonymaurice4157 2 дня назад
It didn't help me at all but I have nerve pain from back surgery
@eezeebakeoven1716 2 дня назад
Awesome!Maybe this motivates my Dad,he hears me say it,but not really🫤
@jajajajaja357 2 дня назад
HYPER-PARATHYROIDISM: I was feeling horrible for years. Finally I found someone saying that supplementing with BORON does STOP the hyperfunction of the parathyroid. I started taking 3 mg of Boron each day and have been feeling like a new person. This gave me my life and AND saved me from surgery. I wish I could tell this to every hyper-parathyroid patient on the planet. ONE comment like this found under a related video on YT was all it took to change my life.
@imperfectvegan5724 2 дня назад
Your advice is much appreciated!
@DeStresswithDeeSOS 2 дня назад
Thank you for the work you do. I have never had an antibiotic except at 6 months. I was sick as a child all the time with tonsils out at 6 months. I am 57 and knew at age 7 the body could heal itself, as a bio hacker in functional medicine and natures medicine I rarely take anything in a bottle for pain. willow bark instead. I believe the universe brought me to you because my doctors are not up on the latest research and I believe what started out as leaky gut and colon is now leaky muscle. If anyone sees this - please look at the pinned video and the comment update after recent hospital visit and what I have come with my new prodocol and need someone to watch me while I do it to keep me safe. Eating greens all my life produced silencing gene markers for all my lab results. I just need the root cause which my fire fighter friend is helping with mould removal. After a recent virus that knocked me out in June for 2 months - my body now has charlie horses moving through my body, began in liver in the 80's now recently moving to lungs, neck really bad, throat really bad can't breathe when throat seizes at night sleeping, also on the tops of my feet, shins, hips, kidneys, head are new and I feel like I am giving birth. I have an antibiotic for rifaximin. I was going to wait to take it because I have never antibiotic and I know what it does to our microbiome. Should I or shouldn't I take it at this time is what I am wondering or will it make things worse. In deep gratitude and loving kindness, You are Love xo
@user-gp1zv5pn2o 2 дня назад
@rhondadernoga2147 3 дня назад
Luvz u hair!!!
@deangelahunt330 3 дня назад
You are beautiful! Thank you for all you do! ♥️
@LetThoseOatsRoll 3 дня назад
Regarding the audio on RU-vid, it's better than last week but is it possible I can hear Thomas talking muffled in the background? Love your work, I'd listen to you forever regardless ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@patienceanyamjames65 3 дня назад
Hi in Nigeria with MS using diapers how do I heal
@lynelleschleusener9675 3 дня назад
I would love the recipe for the soup your mom made, Dr. G.
@lisarussom5935 3 дня назад
Thank you for your time Dr. G.❤
@wholeplantfoodgal5134 3 дня назад
YES!!! It's really hard but so worth it! Just do it!!
@kirthanakavassery 3 дня назад
We love you, Dr.G ❤ Thanks for all that you do for us!
@VidLineBricks 3 дня назад
I mean, you really are the truth😊😊😊
@reneepelletier3021 3 дня назад
Thanks so much, Dr Goldner! I’m newly addicted to your channel haha I’ve been living with celiac disease since age 27 (so ten years now. ) I wish I knew about you when I was starting out. I’ve been making and loving your signature smoothies for a little bit now and feeling an incredible increase in my energy. Which coffee just doesn’t deliver! The rest of my diet is whole plant foods allowing some healthy fats. I’m 5’8 and 115 pounds- always being told to eat more protein/fats 😆 It’s reassuring to hear alkaline ph is better too - I freaked last week when my urine ph was at 8 Thank you for everything 💓💓💓 You look like the picture of health!! I’m totally inspired!
@other4819 3 дня назад
Tried it...but broc and cauliflower are just terrible tasting raw...I put the broc in my smoothie to get it....
@shelbywoo3229 3 дня назад
You’re absolutely right, I had to make myself do it for about 3-4 weeks then I wanted to exercise every day. When you finally start recognizing the positive effects (such as more energy and less body pain) it will provide the drive to continue going.
@marketstallfacts4723 3 дня назад
Wonder Woman!
@carlinamatthies6013 3 дня назад
My 10th live, where unfortunately my question was not answered. 😢 I wonder if the phytoestrogens in flaxseed can have an effect on my hormone replacement therapy? If anyone knows, I would appreciate an answer. ❤ Overall I’m doing well on the HNP ❤
@LetThoseOatsRoll 3 дня назад
Hi Carlina I can't answer your question but maybe Dr Neal Barnard from PCRM could he's often on The Exam Room with Chuck Carroll. He wrote great book called Your Body in Balance which covers hormone balance using Wholefood plantbased diet. I resolved my menopause symptoms using his approach combined with Dr Gs daily smoothie. All the best
@conversationswithtelese 3 дня назад
Thank you for always sharing live changing information with your community.
@Elizabeth-dg8dn 3 дня назад
Why does Dr.Goldner consider rice inflammatory?
@pambirrell4032 3 дня назад
@Elizabeth-dg8dn 3 дня назад
@@pambirrell4032 I was wondering why it is inflammatory?
@pambirrell4032 3 дня назад
@@Elizabeth-dg8dn Elizabeth- I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve heard Dr. Goldner say that on several videos! She says it’s also one of those addictive foods, and that’s definitely my experience. Like sugar, if I don’t have it I don’t want it!
@Elizabeth-dg8dn 3 дня назад
@@pambirrell4032 Yes, I'm sure it is addictive for some and maybe it does not "promote healing" in the GL protocol, however I'd like to know exactly why rice would be inflammatory?
@izzygal673 3 дня назад
Dear Dr. G., you have a sever Internet connection issue. This redults poor audio on all your channels. Your valueable life saving information deserves better Internet connection.
@samsemanda3900 3 дня назад
The last statement is a checker on our lives. Thanks Dr
@Miyankochan 4 дня назад
Is kohlrabi a good cruciferous to use? I can eat tons of that 😂
@carlinamatthies6013 3 дня назад
Yes, Kohlrabi is perfectly fine ❣️
@EvainFruitParadise 4 дня назад
Love to hear Thomas in the back you are working💪🏻😘 Great talk help me thu day 7 on GBLprotocol