Daniele Della Mattia
Daniele Della Mattia
Daniele Della Mattia
Nature on your walls
4 года назад
La Natura a casa tua.
4 года назад
Europa (cover) Santana (album Amigos)
4 года назад
Le paperelle ringraziano!
5 лет назад
Metamorphosis (Swallowtail)
5 лет назад
Tafani che ballano
6 лет назад
Vita da farfalle: il macaone
6 лет назад
Song of the Wind - Cover
9 лет назад
@SmokaLottaVero Месяц назад
Parassiti che non sono altro
@MrMistySuperEpic Месяц назад
I love this song
@philipoconnor4263 2 месяца назад
Dr Hawkins reads. Sounds like a moron then proves it by stating that the beauty of a butterfly or conversely the unattractiveness of some species can only be explained by the philosophers or theologians, what utter tosh and nonsense. Nice video spoiled by a moronic commentary.
@philipoconnor4263 2 месяца назад
Is that a nervous, stressed American voice or someone practicing how to read?
@danieledellamattia6275 2 месяца назад
No, it's an automatic reading... 🤪
@michaelstewart7036 3 месяца назад
I use rue as a host plant
@elijahglasser1421 4 месяца назад
Beautiful butterfly
@carladavis4500 10 месяцев назад
I live middle GA and I have 5 chrysalis right now after birds ate 15 of the 20 Swallowtail caterpillars that were munching on my parsley. Hopefully, I will be able to set 5 Swallowtails free in a week or so. Its still hot here but I’m worried about my house being cooler, low 70s. I’m not sure if this matters. I have also gathered several eggs & several tiny caterpillars from two of my citrus trees and I hope the butterflies will be successful as well. I planted lots of milkweed, and plants/flowers to attract pollinators this spring and I was rewarded! This is my first time raising butterflies so I am very excited and amazed! Fingers crossed! 😊 BTW, I’m definitely planting lots of parsley, dill, & fennel next spring and more milkweed.
@analyticalhabitrails9857 9 месяцев назад
Same!! I already want winter to come and go already, and let spring come already!!!! #Springseason2024
@mhamed1432 11 месяцев назад
Such a beautiful creature. Glory to the one who is the most beautiful the most CREATIVE. Thank you for sharing this phenomenal process.
@geffreyjewell6546 11 месяцев назад
Annoying narration. Annoying that you can't find a real person to narrate. Could do without the bird chirping on loop in the background. Like the content otherwise. I'm currently raising 5 black swallowtail butterflies. Just a note: Yellow Jackets love to munch on these caterpillars, I keep cheesecloth over the host plants once I notice a hatching. It helps protect them without sprays that may harm other species.
@SandyKH 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for posting.
@ruthamyallan1 11 месяцев назад
Butterflies and human souls: "Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak [this] to your shame. But some [man] will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? [Thou] fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other [grain]: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh [is] not the same flesh: but [there is] one [kind of] flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, [and] another of birds. [There are] also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial [is] one, and the [glory] of the terrestrial [is] another. [There is] one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for [one] star differeth from [another] star in glory. So also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit. Howbeit that [was] not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the second man [is] the Lord from heaven. As [is] the earthy, such [are] they also that are earthy: and as [is] the heavenly, such [are] they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory? The sting of death [is] sin; and the strength of sin [is] the law. But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. " 1 Corinthians 15
@dianebecker3804 Год назад
Doesn’t look good
@deo75ify Год назад
Bellissimo, avevo due bruchi di macaone sul finocchio selvatico ... da giorni non li vedo più, ho cercato le possibili crisalidi, ma nulla! possibile siano stati predati, se si, chi se ne nutre?
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
Per esempio le vespe, i calabroni ecc.
@deo75ify 11 месяцев назад
@@danieledellamattia6275 Ok, Grazie
Mi sono commossa! Tutto ha il suo senso ed è perfetto così com'è!!! Grazie 🙏
@francescaaiuti5294 Год назад
Tutto ciò è dir poco emozionante
@habibos2149 Год назад
Quanto può far paura un esserino che si difende con l’odore di melone 🥹
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
Il bruco non ha la possibilità di fuggire e neppure di nascondersi, rimane tutto il tempo aggrappato immobile al filo d’erba contando sulla sua capacità di mimetizzarsi. Tuttavia, se si sente minacciato, estroflette l’osmeterium in un attimo e, oltre all’odore che emana, questo è di colore rosso, quindi è un segnale di pericolo. Ciò dovrebbe mettere in guardia e scoraggiare l’eventuale predatore. Un’arma di difesa non comune.
@KawaiiHippityHop-cl5bb Год назад
It has an EAS voice.
@Canada4Israel Год назад
God is amazing....what a mind!!!
@analyticalhabitrails9857 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, I like to see nasa and harvard "geniuses" deplicate that process and produce the same outcome down to the molecular level!!
@gabrielegurioli Год назад
Oggi ne ho vista nascere una. Fantastico👏
@TheRedRaven_ Год назад
Hey guys I found one of these on the side of my house last year, I thought it was dead as the season was basically over but decided to attach it to a tree outside my window anyway. Just recently I noticed it moving so clearly he is still alive, yesterday he was flexing back and forth more than ever. Is this butterfly having an issue coming out of his Chrysalis or something?
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
it is completely normal, it means that the butterfly inside is getting ready to come out.
@TheRedRaven_ Год назад
@@danieledellamattia6275 Oh great, thanks for the quick reply 😊
@lawrencefoster2120 Год назад
I love butterflies.
@gavleo6303 Год назад
Stupendo. "Se dunque uno è in Cristo, egli è una nuova creatura; le cose vecchie sono passate: ecco, sono diventate nuove."
@marcob.5488 Год назад
Domanda.... Chi sono i migliori Photoreporter in Italia?? Ne abbiamo di validi a livello mondiale???
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
Bella domanda. Non so dirti chi siano ma sono certo che ne abbiamo di molto validi, nei vari concorsi fotografici anche internazionali ve ne sono.
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
@@marcob.5488 Non saprei rispondere...
@chindonly Год назад
I have about 5 swallowtail caterpillars now on my lemon tree. Watching them each day 😊
@pkpk9513 Год назад
Are they butterflies now? Even I have 7-12 caterpillars on my 2 lemon plants
@dinlendiricidrtv Год назад
👍💯❤️Tırtıl 🐛 yaprağı yiyecek,Kozasını örecek, bakalım nasıl bir kelebeğe🦋 dönüşecek, Subhanallah ❤️💯👍 Emir geldiği zaman Tırtıl 🐛 kelebek 🦋 yolculuğuna devam edecek,, Yumurtadan çıktı; Tırtıl 🐛oldu; şimdi kozaya girmeye hazırlanıyor,; pupa olacak; değişip kelebek 🦋 olacak; Subhanallah; Hepimiz yolcuyuz; Ruhlar aleminden, anne rahmine, oradan dünyaya, bebeklik,çocukluk, gençlik, yetişkinlik, yaşlılık derken, kabir, berzah, haşir, hesap, tartı sonra sırattan geçen uzun bir yolun yolcusuyuz. Rabbim yolda azıksız bırakmasın;Kabirde ihtiyacımız olacak azığımızı, dünyadan toplayıp; Son nefeste, günahlarımız bağışlanmış olarak, En önemli durak olan kabre, gülerek girenlerden, Cennette Cemalullah şerefine erenlerden eylesin Rabbim Biz Senden Razıyız; Ya Rab, Sen de bizden Razı ol, Amin❤️
@kellybishop7238 Год назад
Just amazing!
@dinlendiricidrtv Год назад
Very nice a comment ❤️💯👍❤️👏👍💯❤️Tırtıl 🐛 yaprağı yiyecek,Kozasını örecek, bakalım nasıl bir kelebeğe🦋 dönüşecek, Subhanallah ❤️💯👍 Emir geldiği zaman Tırtıl 🐛 kelebek 🦋 yolculuğuna devam edecek,, Yumurtadan çıktı; Tırtıl 🐛oldu; şimdi kozaya girmeye hazırlanıyor,; pupa olacak; değişip kelebek 🦋 olacak; Subhanallah; Hepimiz yolcuyuz; Ruhlar aleminden, anne rahmine, oradan dünyaya, bebeklik,çocukluk, gençlik, yetişkinlik, yaşlılık derken, kabir, berzah, haşir, hesap, tartı sonra sırattan geçen uzun bir yolun yolcusuyuz. Rabbim yolda azıksız bırakmasın;Kabirde ihtiyacımız olacak azığımızı, dünyadan toplayıp; Son nefeste, günahlarımız bağışlanmış olarak, En önemli durak olan kabre, gülerek girenlerden, Cennette Cemalullah şerefine erenlerden eylesin Rabbim Biz Senden Razıyız; Ya Rab, Sen de bizden Razı ol, Amin❤️
@relaxreal Год назад
@virgilioborlotti1057 Год назад
@gursheenkaurgill4479 Год назад
I can see the spots on the wings How many hours more? Its midnight 12 here Happy Birthday Swallowtail 🥺 tomorrow?🥳
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
Yes, maybe tomorrow but it is not sure.
@gursheenkaurgill4479 Год назад
@@danieledellamattia6275 okay thanks ☺️ can't wait
@gursheenkaurgill4479 Год назад
I have a soon to bloom first ever chrysalis on the way! Now im way more excited after watching this damn detailed video. Marvelous 💝
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
Thank you!
@tanealb1429 Год назад
Stop using robot voices please. It’s awful.
@kurtsicily Год назад
Tutto molto bello, peccato che mi mangino piante intere li mortacci loro!
@27kjz005 Год назад
Con la vespa 50 non ce la fanno🛵🛵🛵
@saragriffindor5615 Год назад
Bellissimo e molto istruttivo... Ottimo lavoro!
@gionnyc6913 Год назад
Bellissimo video. Complimenti!
@danieledellamattia6275 Год назад
@vincecono4598 2 года назад
Meravigliosa natura, bellissimo video, ti ritrovo come supporter al mio sito, il mio approccio è più da passatempo quando capitano certe occasioni purtroppo non complete del tutto ma l'impegno c'è, migliorero'. Grazie a te, vince cono.
@claudiacivica608 2 года назад
Che meraviglia!!
@janetr7022 2 года назад
This was a phenomenally photographed video, so sharp and clear! Beautiful colors. I would prefer to hear a human voice.
@danieledellamattia6275 2 года назад
Dear Janet, I am Italian and my English pronunciation is not perfect, so I turned to a "synthetic" voice.
@queensweep5339 11 месяцев назад
@@danieledellamattia6275 I love the video. But the nasty robot voice is horrible to listen to. We would have preferred to hear your nice Italian accent, I am sure.
@hakanandhingisinEngland 2 года назад
like 312, brilliant video, its amazing, thanks for sharing this footage, the beauty of the nature❤️❤️
@dinlendiricidrtv Год назад
Very nice a comment 👍💯❤️👏
@beyondtheeye4884 2 года назад
Wonderful 💚 Please visit our channel to watch butterfly videos 🦋
@samuele9869 2 года назад
@francescabertozzi8121 2 года назад
E' uno spettacolo commovente per perfezione e bellezza!!!!!
@angeladibuagiancarro1954 2 года назад
Molto bello
@franz390xphusqvarna6 2 года назад
Ho sempre osservato da vicino questi enormi e affascinanti bruchi. Talvolta gli animali più piccoli ci regalano forme e colori egualmente incantevoli e forse superiori in eleganza e bellezza a quelle dei grandi animali.
@tasnim8981 2 года назад
Bellissima la natura🌲🌸⛰️🐛🐛🐛🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
@marziomasi2122 2 года назад
Bravissimi pezzo eccezionale
@zPxeru 2 года назад
@yeseniaramos7172 2 года назад
I found the state butterfly today of that picture on them
@peterviragphoto 2 года назад
@dinlendiricidrtv Год назад
Very nice a comment 👍❤️💯👏👍💯❤️Tırtıl 🐛 yaprağı yiyecek,Kozasını örecek, bakalım nasıl bir kelebeğe🦋 dönüşecek, Subhanallah ❤️💯👍 Emir geldiği zaman Tırtıl 🐛 kelebek 🦋 yolculuğuna devam edecek,, Yumurtadan çıktı; Tırtıl 🐛oldu; şimdi kozaya girmeye hazırlanıyor,; pupa olacak; değişip kelebek 🦋 olacak; Subhanallah; Hepimiz yolcuyuz; Ruhlar aleminden, anne rahmine, oradan dünyaya, bebeklik,çocukluk, gençlik, yetişkinlik, yaşlılık derken, kabir, berzah, haşir, hesap, tartı sonra sırattan geçen uzun bir yolun yolcusuyuz. Rabbim yolda azıksız bırakmasın;Kabirde ihtiyacımız olacak azığımızı, dünyadan toplayıp; Son nefeste, günahlarımız bağışlanmış olarak, En önemli durak olan kabre, gülerek girenlerden, Cennette Cemalullah şerefine erenlerden eylesin Rabbim Biz Senden Razıyız; Ya Rab, Sen de bizden Razı ol, Amin❤️
@iamnan7223 2 года назад
I have recently rescued this marvelous creature, the yellow swallowtail. It’s seems to be thriving. I just find it amazing on how God has created it so precise and accurate to its beautiful design 🙌🏻
@Altermerea 2 года назад
No god was involved. Only natural selection and the beautiful science of evolution :)
@JenFlutterby 11 месяцев назад
Yes, God has created such beauty for us to enjoy! ❤ The sure are amazing little beauties!
@analyticalhabitrails9857 9 месяцев назад
I get chills!! 😨😨🐛🐝 Surgical blade accurate!! Down all the way to the molecular level!!😱💀