Simon Jacobson
Simon Jacobson
Simon Jacobson
The Meaningful Life Center, founded by Simon Jacobson, is dedicated to helping everyone to lead a more meaningful life. Unlock yourself. Discover the tools to find YOUR mission in life
What is a Soul - Rabbi Simon Jacobson
14 часов назад
@fleur2571 6 часов назад
Thank You
@danielboomers 8 часов назад
i cant see any war... only in media and tv... IAM
@jonerlandson1956 10 часов назад
you people left 5 million people homeless in your wake of greed... freedom is within segregation.... -->> insane (adj.) 1550s, of persons, "mentally damaged," from Latin insanus "mad, insane, of unsound mind; outrageous, excessive, extravagant," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + sanus "well, healthy, sane" (see sane). In reference to actions, "irrational, evidencing madness," from 1842 in English. The noun meaning "insane person" is attested from 1786. For the notion of insanity as sickness, compare lunatic; and Italian pazzo "insane," originally a euphemism, from Latin patiens "suffering." German verrückt, literally past participle of verrücken "to displace," "applied to the brain as to a clock that is 'out of order' " [Buck]. -->> Alvin Goldstein (January 10, 1936 - December 19, 2013) was an American pornographer. He is known for helping normalize hardcore pornography in the United States .. ->> The following countries have the highest estimated World War II casualties: the Soviet Union (20 to 27 million), China (15 to 20 million), Germany (6 to 7.4 million), Poland (5.9 to 6 million), Dutch East Indies/Indonesia (3 to 4 million), Japan (2.5 to 3.1 million), India (2.2 to 3 million), Yugoslavia (1 to 1.7 million), French Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, part of Vietnam) (1 to 2.2 million), and France (600,000).... > The United States is home to the largest number of prisoners worldwide. Roughly 1.8 million people were incarcerated in the U.S. at the end of 2023. In China, the estimated prison population totaled to 1.69 million people that year. Other nations had far fewer prisoners. Jan 8, 2024 > Mental illnesses are common in the United States, affecting more than one in five adults... In 2021, 57.8 million adults in the United States lived with a mental illness. The most common mental illnesses include: Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Dementia... > 65% of the people in the United States... have one form or another of a chronic degenerative disease... 45% have two or more of those debilitating diseases.... we have children under the age of 2 developing diabetes.... kids under the age of 12 with fatty liver disease.... > Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States.. On average, there are 129 suicides per day. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for Americans aged 15 to 24... > The United States has one of the largest homeless populations in the world,.. with over half a million people experiencing homelessness each night... However, the true number of homeless people in the United States could be 2.5 to 10.2 times greater... > Top 10 U.S. Literacy Rate Statistics... 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022... 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level... 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022. Low literacy rates end up costing Americans up to $2.2 trillion every year... > The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates... The U.S. has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average. Jan 31, 2023
@BakerDeirdre-v4z 15 часов назад
Wilson Dorothy Thomas Angela Jones Lisa
@eldansambatyon 20 часов назад
why many rabbis love kabbalah! Pharisees were always fascinated with mystical experience/ mystical encounters.... Exactly why YHWH stopped talking to them, for breaking the covenant .... So being a self absorbed rebellious bunch, leading pharisees and psychedelic sages, doubled down, abandoned yahudism and replaced it with judaism.... (They even blot out YHWH's name) Anyway, they see all these wandering spirits they connect with as superior beings which they can get all sorts of insights and enlightenment to replace real wisdom from YHWH..... Neglecting the facts that their source of knowledge and enlightenment, these wandering sprits are CURSED SPIRITS of dead nephilims.... worthless DEMONS FOR SHORT!
@AlcottVerna-j1c 23 часа назад
Gonzalez Joseph Clark Joseph Smith Jennifer
@AlcottVerna-j1c День назад
Hernandez Kenneth Davis Kevin Anderson Eric
@dogrudiyosun День назад
Then take this .Î.
@StoweMarico-n7p День назад
Robinson Richard Martin Gary Jackson Paul
@cs6113 День назад
Thank you Rabbi Simon Jacobson Timely
@stefanfink2012 День назад
You focus that, so it comes. You focus the conflict and you get. Do you not see? Your thought's create. You take the thoughts of Jakob and make it to yours. That doesn't have to be the case. You can have your own believingsystem without an enemy. God is + and -. You don't need to be a Pol. You don't need an opposite. But you have to be discharged. Empty, liky Buddhismus say. You can have both sides in you. Or is this the problem? Can you not hold both sides in you or emty you?
@DorotheaJacob-c5s День назад
Johnson Charles Harris Steven Jones Laura
@DoreenBellDotan День назад
The height of Jewish Wisdom is not offering comfort after tragedy comes into the world. It's knowing how to learn Torah so that misery doesn't come into the Creation. Chabad is all about emotional buttons-pushing. Enough with that. It doesn't cut it. And you know it.
@enigma7791 День назад
I salute you Sir for your efforts to get the knowledge out there. Sadly some are not on that journey or ready for that knowledge but it is very noble to offer the knowledge regardless.
@doring4579 День назад
@HumansAreKind День назад
Rabbi, I’m one of your followers, I’ve read your books and watched pretty much every online video. Can you please answer this? It’s a genuine question coming from the heart. Why is it that I see such a contrast between Your teaching and the Corporate Jewish culture in America? Example #1: Jewish Music Production companies creating Pornographic songs. Example #2 Jewish Production Companies creating War mongering or Overly sexual Movies. WHY is it that there’s such a contrast between what I hear from your teachings and what I actually see from Corporate Owned Jewish entities. I love you and thank you for everything you do ❤
@ashokwadhawan1 День назад
Thank you for your wisdom connection with us ❤
@stephenwilson9872 День назад
I can not. Stop it. But I can stop one from not going to hell or heaven. Then and send to my choosing. Overriding the fucking features
@stephenwilson9872 День назад
You with my god
@enigma7791 2 дня назад
I subbed as soon as I heard you scientifically talking about how spirit and material operate in the same world. Yes you don't have to pick a side!
@ChantiWassermann 2 дня назад
@mikeking7841 2 дня назад
Let's Talk about YAHUAH's Realms. Which Realm are we in? Where is Sion? And what is above and below our Realm?. What are the 4 pillars that hold this Realm and make up its boundaries. Hint you touched upon it in your intro. Shalom in Yahushua Prince Michael III (999) of Russia.
@micheldisclafani2343 2 дня назад
At 86 I say : Reality & Eternity. I was the sky and I was the sea. I was the wind and I was the tree. This is why I know that I was, that I am. Through the quantic atoms of my body, when I die I will join millions of bodies for millions of years. Our mysterious God is hidden in every atom of everything, for the duration of life and for eternity. All religions and sacred books are, because of naivity, blind to reality and eternity. P.S. On earth and In the universe there is no such a thing as spirituality, including God that is materially real in each and every quantic atom of everybody and everything. Michel Di Sclafani, PEACE !
@LassieSgr 2 дня назад
So you allow only compliments. I was hoping you would address my concerns. My comments were real, sincere. Ignored.
@thomascorbett2936 2 дня назад
I don't blame capitalism, capitalism is natural and normal , its people who are bad .
@NeterRafi77 2 дня назад
Were the indigenous people of Earth capitalist?
@FormVoltron 2 дня назад
No person is good! Only God!! And those that do not personally belong to Him….remain in darkness. The Ark was never built for the whole world 🌎 to fit in period. Noah found favor with God along with his family. Why??? Something that he personally did or decided??? No!! But too many people believe that!! It is God Who had made the difference in Noah’s and every single person’s life from the beginning of the world until it’s SOON arriving END!! Which is exactly why King David said…. Psalm 65:4 KJV Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. The flood narrative is a symbol of realities ultimate truth!! God and His Personal CHOICE!! Hence……. Exodus 33:17-19 KJV [17] And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. [18] And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. [19] And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. Think 💭 about it!!
@stefanfink2012 2 дня назад
I coul'd not say better. That is the point. For me i see so many people without light and fire. And they are looking for that. But they have no connection to God. In Germany also. In Germany educationsystems speak from "Urvertrauen". This is the most important trust children must have first. And they say you get this only by parents. But they are mostly not religious. They don't have the connection to God. So many people looking for this things by other people. But other people are not God. They are not perfect. No one can replace God. And he is the first who fill us up with fire and all we need. In Germany and everywere people need. The Devil don't want that they get this, because he has also not. So he will try, that we think the people without light is our enemy, revival whatever. (Devil for me is not a person, it is a frequency, we can turn on or out, our decision). So when we give our light to another person without light and with fear, so the darkness disapears for the other person and the fear also. The Devil has no Chance to give us an enemy. On the battlefield it is for advanced, so we have to do in a save place.
@stefanfink2012 3 дня назад
There are laws God give us. We cannot negotiate these. When you now have this: 👏❤️🌿💎🫒🔥🫒💎🌿❤️🙏 and when you take this what you said for your self, then talk with Hasan Imam again. Show him the flame. That is the only thing you have to do for peace. Turn the Light on. Every person need Light.
@Unexpectedperspectivesnow 3 дня назад
I'm 45 and I fundamentally hate this life, the things you have to put up with in this life, of which the worst is other people. I fundamentally hate other people. I've always felt this way. Can't wait to die and be off from here. This life in this world absolutely sucks.
@LassieSgr 3 дня назад
I understand fully. I am 72. I am alone, the only synagogue here is one big click. In my experience Chabad doesn't care about older single women unless they have money. That might not be true in NY etc. My experience. I am extremely successful even though I can't afford the Chabad classes. I do the free things. I no longer judge myself by the standards of others. From where I came, I have become a person I am pleased to know. I have had times of being suicidal, but I have sought out anything to help myself. I am sure people think I'm cheap, a loser. However, They can't handle even hearing about what I've been through. Thus their opinion means less than nothing. However, others (nobodies) are thankful I am alive. We don't have many homeless in my area. Either the cops run them off or they get eaten by alligators. But I always carry bag lunches to hand out. The last two days and tomorrow spent helping neighbour. Tomorrow is my birthday. I paid $36. 4 hours pay, to go to Chabad lady's activity. I had mentioned it being my birthday but no one took notice. Not even the Rubbizin. I can't afford it. It went on the credit card and I'll make payments. But if I go I'll be around good people and won't think out my son lying paralyzed from recent stroke. Please contact me if I can be of encouragement. Most hete were born on 3rd base and were told they made a home run by running those few yards.
@tonybirks4956 3 дня назад
Just old Jewish mystersism .
@danielboomers 3 дня назад
what is a soul? another concept the human cancer is creating?
@maryw4609 3 дня назад
Thank you very positive ❤you always speak to the heart ❤️
@user-yl5jr3cg2l 3 дня назад
@junerm21 4 дня назад
Rabbi Jacobson, I am so happy to see you here. I do keep you in my prayers from time to time, since I first met you over three years ago, online.
@stefanfink2012 4 дня назад
🙏💎 ❤️brillant❤️💎🙏
@thelastaustralian7583 5 дней назад
Any human that Claims knowledge of were the Soul goes after death . Is explaining psychologically that the Individual who is making that claim . Has in Early Years been conditioned mostly generationally to believe in fairytales . Without any evidence you have no Case ! Nice Story though Simon ...shalom
@tesfamikael7486 5 дней назад
Dearest Rabbi Love and dedication
@tesfamikael7486 5 дней назад
A legal narrasist uses institutional bias preferences and concerns that insurance companies have part in knowingly or unknowingly
@jotabarberaIV 5 дней назад
Shabbat Shalom
@HavingFunYet-zc8wb 5 дней назад
why/...to give you the greatest gift of all ..free will , aware of your world ... consider a basket ball place in Toronto ..represents size of a of atom ...next closes one is in Montreal ..you are empty space ..but roam the stars .. those who try and squeeze the one and only in to a 'text " with limits expressed in such text are just lost sheep
@stefanfink2012 5 дней назад
Very very good. Thank you. When Sun shine, water is drawn through a tree to heaven, also against gravity. I brought this in connection with your other Podcast about and with trees. I think you can have peace also when you are alive.
@cs6113 6 дней назад
Thank you Rabbi Simon Jacobson....
@jonerlandson1956 6 дней назад
Freedom is within segregation...
@stefanfink2012 6 дней назад
No matter what we do. God is greater. So we can do great things. Absolutely. We can do it a hole life. But God is Alpha and Omega. Israel's journey was very important for us. But everyone has is journey to do.
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
Not Everyone Wants to Put In The Long Private Hours With Hashem, Clearly This is the Main Focus We All Must Have. To Face Holy, Live Holy
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
Thank You Please Say Regards to All Chabad You Are All Part of Eloheinu
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
Please Have All Rabbi Close To Your Heart, The Enemy Tries To Divide, All the Rebbe’s Rabbi’s are Chosen for Reaching Moschiach’s Palace
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
Please Stay Positive Holy Chabad House Of The World, Hashem Travels and Accompany All Of The Homes. He Feels At Home With The Sons That Are Obedient and Holy. The Rebbe Has a GPS With All Rabbi
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
Please know The Great Suffering We Witnessed and Premature Death Of Holy Innocent, Shall Be All Brought to a Holy Divine Judicial Court, No One Has Gotten Away With Any Murder, Ever Committed. Hashem Knows All
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
It is Very Clear that Chabad is the Lighthouse During the Darkest Tempests and Dangerous Moments, Hashem Has His Loving Children on His Private Very Accurate CCT
@Themis333-r1y 6 дней назад
The Words are Powerful, Let Hashem Help Us Choose The Divine Wisdom to Be Shared, Not Of Our Own, But His Words of Compassion to All. Many Blessings of Eloheinu to Jerusalem and the World for Peace & Unity