Carnegie Endowment
Carnegie Endowment
Carnegie Endowment
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and advance peace.

War in Sudan: The Pain of Displacement
4 часа назад
The Lessons of Gujarat Under Modi
21 час назад
How India's Economy Can Break the Mold
21 день назад
What Rahul Gandhi Wants
Месяц назад
Ukraine Aid : Will It Be Enough?
Месяц назад
Inside the BJP Campaign
Месяц назад
India in Modi’s Third Term
Месяц назад
Is India Ready to Launch?
Месяц назад
@annjoyce579 День назад
Thanks for Your time, all of You: You encourage us all.
@tilakmahto8179 День назад
Why didn't he stop AQ Khan in nuclear proliferation? Smuggling centrifuge blueprints to Libya, North Korea, Iran and Iraq
@TheContrariann День назад
Propaganda Hitwork
@kalipotmeng 2 дня назад
Prof. Tooze is eloquent and knowledgeable, but failed to mention the incredible story of china with ASEAN countries when saying that china "talks" about multipolarity. He only mentions that the south china sea is rough, but why doesn't he mention that the economic zone between china and ASEAN is the largest in the world, larger than the US - EU. Isn't this an evidence that china walks the multipolarity talk? But i need to acknowledge that prof. Tooze is one of the rare western thinkers to recognize multipolarity. Most American elite prefer to talk about the cold war II.
@sukritkumar17 2 дня назад
Need atleast English caption for understanding other languages
@rajendradangi2585 2 дня назад
RSS part.... There is story in the print by Sanya dhingra which says there is hurtburn in local RSS activist in UP for various reason one is ignoring RSS workers and bringing candidate from outside (Congress) and giving them tickets... Also not consulting RSS on ticket distribution in UP.... Many RSS activist stay away from campaigning for BJP in UP.
@mohdbilalabbasi 2 дня назад
Anthony Gonsalves from Golmaal also here
@muditjain8784 3 дня назад
It was a vote against Modi rather than for the India alliance. And similar was the case in 2014 when it was a vote against the Congress than fir the BJP
@jovianjollity5244 3 дня назад
An interesting discussion. One significant topic that wasn't addressed was the contrast in terms of party structure and its influence on building grass-roots networks: dynastic parties ( the main parties of the INDI Alliance, like the Congress Party, Samajwadi Party and the DMK) vs. the BJP, with its egalitarian party structure ( all members are workers or ''karya kartas'), no family privilege (everyone starts as a 'karya karta'). The Trinamool Congress (TMC) in Bengal is also dynastic in structure, although it did not join forces with the INDI Alliance in the recent elections. Such a paradox that the so-called leftist/'secular' parties, are dynastic in nature. Another significant topic not discussed in much detail was identity/caste politics, particularly in states like Uttar Pradesh, as Rahul Varma mentioned. Obviously, both the Congress Party and Samajwadi Party have exploited it to their advantage in U.P. The DMK ( part of the INDI Alliance) did the same in Tamil Nadu. Media reports also mention that the INDI Alliance used the fear factor, alleging that the BJP wanted to win 400+ parliamentary seats in order to change the Constitution and remove government reservations/quotas for the underprivileged. Rahul Gandhi's electoral message of a caste census and doing a deep probe or "x-ray" of the wealth of the privileged and redistributing it, was rather disingenuous, coming as it did from the scion of one of the most privileged families ( with a lot of undisclosed wealth- ref. the 'National Herald' scam), as well as that of his alliance partners like the DMK 'First Family'- M.K. Stalin and family (that's right, even the Russians were reportedly in disbelief when they saw his passport during his visit there) and AAP leader, Kejriwal. One more significant factor was the giving of 'freebies' by the INDI Alliance partners. Reports mention that the Congress Party promised cash payments of Rs. 100,000 ( 1 lakh)/ 'Guarantee card' per 'minority' woman-voter in Uttar Pradesh. The Congress Party handed out similar 'spending cards' to 'minority' women-voters in Karnataka during the State Assembly elections, more than a year ago. When the recipients of the 'spending cards' (supposedly worth Rs. 5000 each) tried to use them in shopping malls, they found that it had a zero credit. The DMK party is reported to have actually handed out free cash ( Rs. 100,000) per voter in the state of Tamil Nadu. In fact, this has long been their practice. A lot of free cash in Tamil Nadu is believed to have originated from narco-traffic and the liquor trade, which many top DMK party members have laundered through real estate and commercial film production. This is leading to a corruption of democracy ( particularly with the INDI Alliance partners) and the influence of drug money into Indian politics. Host, Milan Vaishnav, mentioned that the Congress Party's funds were frozen, perhaps to pre-empt foreign money like the Soros funds from influencing India's electoral outcome. In fact, Modi's post-election speech contained an emphatic mention of doubling down on "corruption". One does not know if the uniform civil code-UCC (on marriage, divorce and succession) will be put on the back-burner under the new NDA coalition. It may be moved to state governments to implement, particularly in BJP-ruled states. INDI Alliance parties and states ruled by them talk about 'secularism' but pander to the Muslim 'minority' ( of 200 million and growing) that wants to continue with sharia marriage laws, particularly polygamy, while all the other communities, including Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Zoroastrians and Jews, follow marriage laws based on mongamy. In fact, the Constitution of India recommends a uniform civil code, as has the Supreme Court of India, repeatedly. It's only in India that the left and Muslim voting blocs can demand constitutional 'secularism' but refuse to allow the implementation of a secular uniform civil code. The role of social media and the role of AI (specifically OpenAI) used by the Congress Party, with short fake 'bot' videos against the BJP, to influence voters is reportedly being investigated and talked about in Indian media discussions.
@arunsar7893 3 дня назад
"One does not know if the uniform civil code-UCC" - There is no chance of UCC getting implemented now. " It's only in India that the left and Muslim voting blocs can demand 'secularism'" - Not true. The left is in bed with Islam through out the world. In UK for example the left supports sharia practices in the guise of "culture".
@rohiticku 3 дня назад
Great discussion. Lovely to see Sunetra too, she was one of better anchors on NDTV.
@kingrapid 3 дня назад
Beautiful ❤
@weneedcriticalthinking 3 дня назад
Looking forward to listening, what do think of the presented solutions of the documentary Common Ground and the follow-up to the Kiss the Ground? can you do podcast about it please?
@weneedcriticalthinking 3 дня назад
Well this was a succinct summation, godspeed to good for Mexico and the world Claudia Sheinbaum.
@XuechengLiu-re1zb 3 дня назад
An informative discussion with excellent analysis. Thank Milan, Sunetra and Rahul for your contributions.
@ExploringAngel 3 дня назад
Nice discussion
@puncakbharu5066 4 дня назад
dear all, please come to Sabah to attending Sabah International Blue Economy Conference 2024 (SIBEC 2024), .
@Georgio476 6 дней назад
As a Lebanese, although I don’t necessarily agree that the Lebanese popular opinion was particularly satisfied with the results of the maritime borders, I thank you for this insightful discussion. I hope that these small steps would lead to fair and just results for all parties involved.
@Pinuccia-rv2cc 6 дней назад
Nato 👉🤯🤯🤯😈😈😈
@michaelbolstad6108 7 дней назад
they just gonna keep begging for more money.... this is disgusting... I owe Ukraine nothing they are not my ally...
@someguy2707 8 дней назад
😂😂 Ayega to Modi hi… 💪🏾🥊
@franckyvo 8 дней назад
Very insightful debate !🎉
@dabasisdutta 8 дней назад
Who is the Audience for this Podcast. Is it people who understand India and want to understand further or People who do not understand at all. Confused as the Podcast is a rehash of all things negative, nothing different. I am putting this Channel on Notice
@jovianjollity5244 9 дней назад
Jaffrelot’s views on Modi and the Gujarat “pogrom” as he puts it, are so biased that he completely omits any mention of the horrific Godhra train carriage burning that occurred a few days before the riots in 2002, when 59 innocent Hindu women, children and the elderly, who were returning from the city of Ayodhya, were incinerated in their train carriage, at the Godhra station in Gujarat, by arsonists who poured kerosene on the carriage, set it on fire, and most heinous of all, would not let the trapped passengers escape the flames. Those 59 passengers were charred to death. That diabolical act sparked the riots in Gujarat. Surprising that even the host, Milan Vaishnav, did not raise this question with Jaffrelot! The 'cancel' culture of leftists seems all-pervasive: ignore events that don't suit their biased narrative, however important they may be to the facts on the case. Those arsonists were from that ‘minority’ whose tale of woe Jaffrelot weaves with the skill of a morally bankrupt leftist political analyst, with an allegiance only to his ideology. Not a word about the terrible deaths of those innocent train passengers! He does not mention that it was the Congress Party that initiated an inquiry by the Supreme Court of India, setting up a Special Investigation Team ( SIT), that conducted a thorough 10-year investigation into the riots and came to the conclusion that Modi neither caused the riots, nor abetted it. The victims of the riots were both Hindus and Muslims. One therefore wonders how it fits Jaffrelot’s sensationalized description as a “pogrom”. The SIT discarded a lot of false testimony made by false ‘victims’ who were paid by Congress Party-linked NGOs. In fact, it’s the Congress Party that has a record of such ‘pogroms’ against real minorities in India, like the Sikhs, who were subjected to a brutal ethnic cleansing in 1984 by Congress Party goons, following the assassination of former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi by her own Sikh bodyguards. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed in retribution. The Congress Party did not investigate that “pogrom”. It was unconscionably dusted off by the dynastic Congress Party scion, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ( Indira Gandhi’s son) who callously said, “When a big tree falls, the ground shakes”. But that terrible event doesn’t seem to have stirred Jaffrelot’s conscience, perhaps because it wasn’t the ‘minority’ that falsely claims victimhood. Neither did Jaffrelot express any horror over the brutal ethnic cleansing and forced exile of of 500,000 of the indigenous Hindu Kashmiri minority in Muslim-majority Kashmir, by Pakistan-backed Islamic terrorists in 1990, when the Congress Party was in power at the center. Had Sardar Vallabhai Patel prevailed over Nehru in 1948, the political blunder in the form of Article 370 could have been completely avoided and the entire former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, that acceded to India, would have been completely within Indian control. Jaffrelot also conveniently does not mention that the false bogey of “saffron terror” was raised by the Congress Party (in the words of Rahul Gandhi) to arrest innocent Hindus in 2008 ( in the state of Maharashtra) and subject them to severe police torture in an attempt to force a false confession from them that they were Hindu ‘terrorists’. A female Hindu ascetic, known as Sadhvi Pragya, who later became a Member of Parliament, described her torture in police custody that left her paralyzed in the legs and confined to a wheelchair thereafter. In fact the worst terrorist attack on India in 2008-the Mumbai 28/11 assault- plotted and perpetrated by the Pakistani intelligence wing-ISI- and its 'trained' terrorists, raised a lot of questions as to who provided them logistical support during their attack. There was also a cunning attempt to portray the gunmen as Hindu ‘terrorists’. The sole terrorist caught alive at the time, Ajmal Kasab ( the other 9 Pakistani terrorists were killed in the firefight with police and security personnel) was wearing an orange thread-bracelet that many pious Hindus wear ( as were the 9 other Islamic terrorists killed). Many indications have pointed to a shocking and shameful collusion with the attackers, by people in the Congress Party. Hopefully, the truth about 28/11 will be unraveled over time. It is the Congress Party that has tried to illegally use the reservations in government institutions and jobs for certain socially disadvantaged populations, including Other Backward Castes ( OBC’s), to be given to Muslims, instead. Faith-based reservations in India are unconstitutional, with the country having gone through a bloody partition based on religion, in 1947, after the subcontinent’s Muslims, during the colonial era, decided that they wanted their own Islamic country carved out of undivided India. Prime Minister Modi himself belongs to the OBC. Surprising that a leftist like Jaffrelot had a problem with Modi being the “high priest” at the new Ram temple inauguration, as a member of a less-privileged community. Jaffrelot seems to conveniently ignore the very close strategic relationship that India and France currently enjoy, particularly under the leadership of Modi, whose own personal relationship with Macron, has never been closer between the leaders of the two countries. One wonders if Jaffrelot would be so forthcoming with criticisms of his country's government (France), with regard to its own Muslim minority, that is certainly not as large as the Indian Muslim population of 200 million. Whether Islamist extremists beheaded a school teacher, murdered Catholic priests, or when riots broke out in Paris, sparked by the fatal police shooting of a minor Muslim driver of a car, France used its police force on the rioters to restore law and order. Why demonize Modi (or the RSS) when the situation happens in India? The RSS is a grass-roots voluntary organization that is often one of the first organizations to provide relief regardless of religion, during crises, such as natural disasters. They also keep a low profile, staying out of political issues and are not the sort of organization that deliberately stirs up trouble. Surely Jaffrelot knows that several RSS volunteers ( among many other Hindus ) have actually been victims of violence and murderous lynchings by Islamic extremist groups, particularly in southern India? Perhaps Jaffrelot’s compatriot, the long-time India-based journalist and writer, Francois Gautier is right: Jaffrelot misleads/ misinforms the French public about India. But to a large majority of Indians ( whether in India or the diaspora), leftist analysts like Jaffrelot completely lack credibility and spin conspiracy theories that are removed from reality, about Modi and the BJP.
@praveenkaurwar3188 9 дней назад
Read "The New BJP" by Nalin Mehta to find out why this man is a fraud. He doesn't even know that Jats have been classified as OBCs since 2000 in UP and publishes outright lies but surely will act as an expert on Indian Politics.
@antoninagarkalna1444 9 дней назад
NATO is the historical and ideological successor of the Third Reich. After World War II, the US and its allies left Nazi criminals and Nazi ideology in Europe to be used as a tool against the USSR. Former German Nazis and war criminals have served in the highest ranks of NATO for decades. The list of Nazi officers of Fascist Germany who led NATO and the UN from 1957 to 1983 and not only... Adolf Hoizinger, Hitler’s chief of staff, became chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964. - war criminal. Hans Speidel - Chief of Staff to General Otto von Stülpnagel, Commander-in-Chief of German Forces in France - Commander-in-Chief of NATO Ground Forces in Central Europe (CCE) 1957-1963. Johann Steinhof, who participated in operation “Barbarossa”, pilot, commander of squadron 4/JG 52, was invited to restore the Luftwaffe to NATO, became temporary commander of the NATO Air Force in Central Europe (1965-1966), rose to general - Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, 1971-1974. Johann von Kleymansegg - General Staff Officer of the Wehrmacht Supreme Command - Commander of NATO Europe CCE NATO, 1967-1968. Ernst Ferber - Chief Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, who served in the High Command Organization of the Ground Forces in February 1943, assumed command of the NATO Air Force in Central Europe, 1973-1975. Karl Schnell was Chief of Staff of the LXXVI Tank Corps, commanding 7 divisions of the Wehrmacht in 1944, and Commander-in-Chief of the NATO Central European Forces (CINCENT) from 1975 to 1977. Franz Josef Schulze was a decorated German Luftwaffe officer, commander of the NATO Central European Combined Forces, 1977-1979. Ferdinand von Zenger und Etterley was a Wehrmacht officer, commander of a tank squadron, commander of the NATO Central European Combined Forces, 1979-1983. NATO, built on the basis of former Nazis... it says a lot about the philosophy of this organization.
@davedelarond6383 10 дней назад
Robert Malley, Biden’s former Iran envoy, downloaded sensitive classified documents and might have shared them with individuals outside the U.S. government
@jadrankaprobert7496 11 дней назад
EU is like a big whale swallowing small fish! The countries within the UN lose their national Identities and are submerged into the big sea where they are drowned.
@swapnilshivhare31 11 дней назад
This book is a propoganda book. Writer has done selective interpretation of selective writings of savarkar. You will find more interpretations than actual writings from savarkar. She has tried to portray a savarkar in a bad light.
@TheContrariann День назад
True 👍
@purushottam4728 13 дней назад
@ja9.b73 13 дней назад
It is the ICJ, not the ICC. Please get your facts correct. It may seem like a minor point to you, but given that the US shows no respect for international law and institutions, it is in poor taste not even to get the name of the relevant court correct. Also, the continuation of social grants is not an election issue. None of the parties you mention contest their continuation.
@Ginger4789 14 дней назад
Don’t forget strong in corruption 😢😢😢😢
@oyaami1874 14 дней назад
Amerikkka is punching above its weight. Although one must admit that the weight of the average Amerikkkan is considerable.
@mixedtraveler3585 15 дней назад
We are not punching above our weight . South africa is moving forward and The U.S will not stop us
@lokkomotive8153 16 дней назад
Only rich Indians come to America so now everyone thinks Indians are rich and smart due to only the best leaving. Same thing with Asians. African immigrants would be viewed this way but they are genetically exactly the same as African Americans so they are lumped in but still have the same views on African American.
@Hitesh. 16 дней назад
I agree with your first two sentences, but I'm not sure about the last one. I think people of color in the United States often have "closeted" mindsets that are not willing to open, and it's hard to live each other's truths when our communities are so separated and individuals don't have the time to understand eachother's PoVs.
@PrettyGoodLookin 17 дней назад
Stop talking to crazy Hillary.
@mohamedawad4422 17 дней назад
اندهش من قولك ان هناك برامج في خصوص حماية الشواطيء ..! ربما هناك برامج ورقية ، آما الواقع فما يحدث علي الشاطيء الشمالي المصري ،يكشف عن قصور شديد في الإدراك البيئي ، فقضية النحر علي الشاطيء الشمالي التي تزحف من تجمع سكني الي تجمع تالي له ، هي خير دليل علي القصور العلمي والمعرفي في مواجهة الازمة..!! نموذج آخر ، هذا الزحف العمراني نحو الشواطيء وإقامة هذا العمران السكني ،هو خير دليل علي ضعف الدور البيئي في خطط التنمية الوطنية ، وان البحر المتوسط رويدا رويدا من خلال ضفتي شاطئيه سيصبح نموذج للعدوان البيئي ..!؟ م. محمد عوض رئيس حزب الخضر المصري
@lagrangewei 17 дней назад
US need to stop promoting genocide.
@user-bt9zs7wp2b 17 дней назад
Keep 😭
@user-bt9zs7wp2b 17 дней назад
Keep crying
@AKumar-co7oe 18 дней назад
i mean, this guy is so bad with this math and economic fundamentals that he's applying ppp growth rates to nominal gdp. India's nominal gdp per Capita growth trend is around 10-11 percent - i.e doubling every 7 years which leads you to a $25000 number in 2047. let's not even get into the fact that 'development' should be measured by PPP gdp per Capita not nominal. and in ppp 6 percent growth leads you to around 40,000 ppp per Capita in 2047 in today's prices, vs 10000 today. that's also ignoring that india's real gdp ppp is likely higher (~12000) since it's been over a decade since the last rebasing. how is one supposed to take the rest of the talk seriously when the premise is so mendacious? and note, I'm not a modi supporter, have never voted for bjp, yet i find this intellectually bankrupt As for the rest of the thesis, that Indian growth model will be more services heavy that China, is common knowledge/group wisdom amongst Indian elites already at this point - the author is describing what is already happening. We will steal some manufacturing, some tourism, some services and use construction to drive a mini version of the Chinese boom. What is the policy prescription? More spend on education and healthcare? More patents? come on. It's shows such a superficial understanding of the Indian ecosystem. The missing link in Indian education isn't the number of colleges - but the lack of industry-academia linkages - and the main reason for that in turn is the lack of world class industries to incubate talent - bringing in those sectors into india gives Indians an understanding about those sectors creates the space for them to build services and/or manufacturing businesses to solve problems in that space. Otherwise you will end up in a situation where the aerospace engineer from IIT Kanpur goes and does a phd in America or joins a bank after an MBA instead of joining the aerospace sector within india, understanding the unmet needs of that space and building something to address those needs. If there isn't a single chip manufacturing unit in India how does India figure out what services that sector need? Why should Indian consulting services be limited to law, medicine, accounting instead of specialized sectors like aerospace, electronics, biomedical or battery technology? Indians across the world have high tech consulting shops like this all over the world but you don't want them to do it within India where there is possibility to scale the business. This is in line with Ricardo Haussmann's economic complexity model - what's lacking in India today isn't college education, but it's lacking industrial incubators of the vast numbers of students graduating from colleges that can translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications. Can we stop using the bullshit term 'comparative advantage' for everything you like and pretend like it doesn't exist for everything else? As long as India has salaries 1/20th that of the US we have a potential *unrevealed* competitive advantage in practically everything - saying that we should do 'more chip design' after we've already captured the entire marketplace for designers is hardly adding anything anything of value - even Milan seems to recognize this.
@willengel-vs8ht 18 дней назад
the title should read: the empire's proxy, the Philippines raised tensions in South China Sea.
@MidnightRambler 19 дней назад
More BS pushing censorship and control
@Jack-es9xq 20 дней назад
I immediately and instinctively distrust this entity. Both of them. WTF are they saying and to whom? My guess - a disconnect between what they know to be true and what they are actually massaging into sentences. OR they're such Wonked out Media Wonks they can't think or speak outside their horribly insular Media Wonk silos
@user-ow5rs3bv8p 22 дня назад
Pretty good discussion guys! 👍
@hariomdas6633 22 дня назад
Indian americans are those who have ancestry to people from India in the subcontinent and not the native americans who are falsely identified as Indians by their white colonial masters from Europe.
@hariomdas6633 22 дня назад
Indian americans are those born in US as compared to naturalized citizens. They can detect racism far better than foreign born counterparts as they can understand the subtle nuances in how racism works with the kind of history that America has ever since it's founding.
@rakadus 23 дня назад
The migrant to Delhi is far more sensible than the migrant to the US of A.
@kwame176 23 дня назад
Who are these guys thinking they have the moral high ground? 😂
@rakadus 23 дня назад
The speaker is missing out the "Purchasing Power Parity" aspect. 900 million Indians might have a per capita of USD 1,000/-. However, in India, USD 1,000/- goes a long way by US standards, I would say as long as upto USD 5,000/-. Therefore, when defining 900 million in economics to a western audience, it's appropriate to introduce this segment as a "USD 5,000 per capita". A classic example will be coffee. Excellent coffee in India might cost USD 50 cents, max. Same in US or UK would be at least USD 3, if not more.
@PradeepVasudev 24 дня назад
At least get Trinh from Nataxis. When you get people like Rohit Lamba, you simply reinforce the idea that you're partisan - not a good look for an academic.