Carnegie Endowment
Carnegie Endowment
Carnegie Endowment
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and advance peace.

The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal
12 часов назад
India's 2024 Election-and its Aftermath
12 часов назад
Making 'Make In India' Come Alive
14 дней назад
Why Does Recognizing Palestine Matter?
14 дней назад
War in Sudan: The Pain of Displacement
21 день назад
The Politics of Biden's Latest Tariffs
Месяц назад
The Lessons of Gujarat Under Modi
Месяц назад
How India's Economy Can Break the Mold
Месяц назад
What Rahul Gandhi Wants
Месяц назад
Ukraine Aid : Will It Be Enough?
Месяц назад
Inside the BJP Campaign
Месяц назад
@feralmode 12 часов назад
hey mike, how about the russians have gained 100’s of kilometers of ground since the beginning of the year? how about the ukrainians are losing up to 2k killed and wounded every day? how about the russians have complete air superiority and can drop 2,000 to 3,000 kilogram fab bombs with total accuracy at will at any place along the front line whenever they want without any chance of being intercepted? how about russia is outgunning the ukrainians in artillery at a rate of at least 5:1. how about the ukrainians have to kidnap their citizens off the streets every day to combat the chronic shortage of troops? how about ukraine has less than 12 hours of electricity every day? how about russia is capturing new villages and towns every day and is increasing its territory in large urban areas every day? how about the ukrainian economy is on the verge of collapse and can only survive with foreign funding but still has a massive shortfall in its funding and is in a catastrophic situation? i get it you guys want to support ukraine but distorting the situation and presenting it as a stalemate does a disservice to the ukrainians who are dying every day in a war they can’t possibly win just to further the aims of the US and some crappy think tank that thinks they are ‘weakening putin’ deplorable. and before you rush to call me a bot, how about contradicting anything i’ve just said first.
@r-vinth7923 День назад
The problem with the desi American is his lack of awareness beyond his family needs and community. They need to understand that democrats are pretentious, virtue signalling hypocrites. Indians unfortunately are not known for original thinking as they come from a culture of conformity. Power is of consequence to their brahminical outlook. Where power exists, there they swing. Once republicans throw a biscuit bag of incentives, they will wag their tail. For now democrats appeal of woke struggle against racism gives the Indian Americans and their culture (on western lands) a feel of much needed anchor and support. The hypocrisy is yet to be noticed.
@user-wl8be5rx9l День назад
شكرا دكتورة . الحرب 8 سنوات دمرت البلاد والعباد .زعزعت المنطقة العربية من موريطانيا الى العراق وايران . شيء محزن .
@user-wl8be5rx9l День назад
تحية من تونس للشعب العراقي ولفريق هذا البرنامج . من تونس .
@belewwassie522 2 дня назад
Herman Cohen? The devil 🤘
@joannenunez7402 2 дня назад
This interview is a waste of time, just giving this ambassador a forum to justify the genocide in Gaza. It always amazes me how the Israelis believe their own lies.
@yonusa72 2 дня назад
You need a video editor, asap
@ChantayFlowers 3 дня назад
The level of mutual respect and support among us is truly heartening, demonstrating the power of sisterhood and solidarity.👄
@Posy-e5g 3 дня назад
The depth of understanding demonstrated by participants is humbling. It's like being in the presence of intellectual giants.😛
Peter Alexander priest good man to have in the Congo currently importing diamonds from the region Tim Stewart mate lol that's a joke BTW.
@harshpatel7250 3 дня назад
Liberals can’t be community oriented or people centric person , they want power control censorship that’s a TRUTH curse on religion divide folks on basis of caste .
@harshpatel7250 3 дня назад
😂 common sense is liberalism what a joke this Idoit said
@segunaiyetan8274 3 дня назад
It's curious that non of the speakers delved in to issues of slavery colonization and neocolonization that's disrupted the civilization of African peoples... aren't any of the speakers aware of the intents of the articles of the charter of imperialism and the Berlin conference mapping of indegenous African peoples into unworkable chattels called countries? I would have thought that like Asia...the first order of thoughtful consideration is the self determination and full sovereignty of indegenous African peoples into natural countries just like in Asia where they can develop based on their civilizational worldviews instead of this inert reluctance to embrace the civilization of African peoples prior to the trauma and humiliation of slavery colonization and neocolonization...this where to take off... naturally the westphalian model of civilization refuses to acknowledge the right of indegenous African peoples to their natural civilization and right to self determination and full sovereignty beyond their behest.... Small Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos will not subsume their self determination and full sovereignty to large countries like Japan, India or China... small European countries like Sweden, Bulgaria or Iceland won't subsume their self determination and full sovereignty to any euphemism or rhetorics of a herd.... it's disrespectful and the speakers need to go home and do some inflection... Julius Malema was rudely shocked at the polls to disabuse his ideas.
@HarshPatel-yh7cq 3 дня назад
Why do these people find the government guilty with out evidence and the verdict from courts??
@Seevawonderloaf 3 дня назад
I’m a leftist lib who doesn’t like modi or the bjp but there are better arguments than ‘he is popular therefore fascism’. ‘Academics’ like this give lowkey colonialism vibes. And how do you become a professor when you don’t even have your basic facts right? Lord if i behaved like this in my field, they’d take my phd away but that’s probably bc it’s an actual science that’s often challenged
@muditjain8784 3 дня назад
All our political leaders are are cut from the cloth when it comes to the economy. All do nothing
@sanjaydutta1736 4 дня назад
I'm BJP supporter. And in my view they make significant loss of seats bcz of 5 reasons - Arrogance, too much use of communal line, domestic churning on price rise & unemployment, lackluster interest in ground label by cadres including RSS, above all 400 paar narrative.
@mohameds2799 4 дня назад
I’ve heard pro-Israeli intellectuals who voiced better arguments with barely any biases. This guy is a fraud.
@jarrettbobbett5230 4 дня назад
These command structures could use some improvements/reorganization in my opinion.
@missulad 4 дня назад
Excellent conversation
@dienerism 4 дня назад
Mr Satterfield - I respect you. Please use a conversation about population control for long-term conflict control.
@c4tcampaign4truth 4 дня назад
Beg to differ on aid. It is unprecedented that an invaded country has to first feed the enemy before it can defend its citizens. War is about winning. Had Israel been able to implement a siege this war would have been over in weeks and fewer people would be dead. It’s surprising that so called experts can’t see that. Biden has flip flopped in his commitment to Israel which has further extended the agony of this war.
@evelynophir387 6 дней назад
May all Palestinians be able to experience the freedom to access their holy sites in Jerusalem.
@masterblaster848 6 дней назад
This dude is dumb. He even cant spell Kosovo&Metohija correctly. Stupid guy!
@JellyDonat 7 дней назад
first question to any pro-war experts on the panel, especially ukranian experts, should be "are your children and other family fighting in the war?"
@hollyylloh515 10 дней назад
What if they don't want to live there 🤔
@donnyhand 10 дней назад
Aaron, I fundamentally disagree with your perspective. David is correct in his assessment of Hamas having zero interest in a deal, but my conclusion differs. The Gilad Shalit deal was an excellent example for why Israel can-not make a deal with Hamas. Because it resulted in incentivizing terrorist organizations to commit more abductions and to increase their attacks to the point we are in now. The next example is when the Hadar Goldin family demanded that Israel apply as much international pressure it can to make Hamas return Hadar & Oron's bodies after 9 years. During this time they were accused by Israeli mainstream media as being crazy, assuming the family wanted to make another deal akin to the Gilad Shalit deal which they agreed would be a disaster. The family said that they opposed the Gilad Shalit deal AND the current abandonment of our people in Gaza because it will further incentivize another abduction attempt at a wider scale. And they were correct - given the 7th of October massacre. Now during this war, the Israeli mainstream media is pushing to commit a Gilad Shalit deal a thousand-fold, ignoring their previous statements. And ignoring the fact that the current head of Hamas in Gaza - Sinwar - is one of the terrorists released from the initial Gilad Shalit deal. This isn't irony. It's cause and effect: Reward terrorists for committing terror, and more terror will follow. And let me point out that the last deal for the release of 40 hostages was a failure. Hamas did not return all 40 hostages and broke every single condition in the deal at a daily basis. Yet Biden held Israel accountable and ignored Hamas' typically bad behavior. Biden essentially backed Hamas on the deal, and further negotiations, further incentivizing them to radicalize and act as bad faith actors. Why would Hamas go for a deal when Biden has been applying pressure only-on Israel (Have you forgotten that Biden is delaying arms shipments to Israel for months now (in contempt of congress bi-partisan decisions)? And that the Dem party has been publicly denouncing Bibi for months as well and calling for elections in Israel during the war?)? Why would Israel trust Hamas to commit to any deal when they have broken their word at EVERY single opportunity? In regards to the crises of the Gazan people: The only people who want control of Gaza is Hamas. And every single survey amongst the Gazans and the PA shows that the Palestinians will only accept Hamas as their governing body (including their ideals to eradicate Israel). So how does Israel relinquish control of Gaza this time, while ensuring an end to terrorism from Gaza? And how do we ensure the Gazans receive the humanitarian aid from the entire world when they refuse to fight for the aid when Hamas takes it from them (and Biden pressured the IDF to back out and let this happen)? And it is public knowledge that many of the hostages were taken by Gazans officially unaffiliated with Hamas. Hamas admitted this, and the 3 latest rescued hostages were held captive by a UN doctor. So who can Israel trust in Gaza?
@Siqinnaatchiaq 11 дней назад
Victoria Nuland criminal of war in EU.
@jarrettbobbett5230 11 дней назад
How far is 1000 miles? Now I have to pause to go on to Google.
@user-fy3oh9lp9j 11 дней назад
لا الہ الا اللہ و اللہ اکبر _ لا الہ الا اللہ و اللہ اکبر _ لا الہ الا اللہ و اللہ اکبر _ ---------____________________________________------------------------------------- -___---_
@c4tcampaign4truth 4 дня назад
Rubbish. No god should underpin evil
@Ninoblack88 12 дней назад
Satterfields intellect and arguments collapse under the weight of his obvious israely bias.
@masternorbus 12 дней назад
So out of touch. America prevented an early coñclusion. Politics. Great Satan is next.
@nicotremblay1180 12 дней назад
Any future with the UN at its helm has a very bleak and dark future. What hypocrisy. The UN IS the crisis.
@mojojojo999 12 дней назад
Just a bunch of Zionist apologists trying impress the horror of October 7th without owning up to the horror and their role in it, visited on Palestinians since 1948. This is without merit, just talking in an echo chamber.
@user-cv7qm1ip7z 12 дней назад
R u thinking, this is an American end era... Is it not preplanned honey trap by communist to destroy america...
@CesareMarioSodi 12 дней назад
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 🏝️ Island nations in the Pacific face severe climate challenges like sea level rise, impacting livelihoods and infrastructure. 🌍 Climate change is viewed as an existential threat by Pacific leaders, linking directly to national security concerns. 🚨 The intersection of climate change and national security is increasingly recognized globally, including within the UN discussions. 💡 Initiatives like the Blue Pacific Strategy highlight regional efforts to address climate security and adaptation. 🌊 Small island states advocate for metrics beyond GDP to assess vulnerability and secure international support. 🌀 Extreme weather events exacerbate economic vulnerabilities and disrupt social stability in Pacific island nations. 💬 Advocacy efforts aim to elevate climate insecurity as a key issue in global diplomacy and peacekeeping. 🛡️ Infrastructure resilience and community relocation emerge as critical responses to climate-induced threats in the Pacific. 🏝️ Small island nations face challenges relocating populations due to climate impacts, potentially triggering conflicts if not managed well. ⚖️ There's a push for reforming the UN Security Council to better address climate security, as current structures are seen as outdated. 🌍 Ambassadors advocate for elevating climate issues within the UN Security Council, highlighting challenges like Russia's veto on climate-related resolutions. 🛡️ Calls for establishing a new council for non-military issues could provide a platform to address climate change without veto constraints. 🌱 Ambassadors stress urgency in international responses to climate change, including accessing funds for adaptation and resilience. 🤝 Proposals include appointing a special envoy on climate to the Security Council to enhance focus and action on climate security issues. 🚫 Current UN systems face criticism for not adequately addressing emerging global challenges like climate change impacts on security. 🌊 Plastic pollution in oceans is a pressing concern for Pacific Island nations, impacting marine resources crucial for their economies and sustenance. 🌏 Emphasis on aligning strategic documents: Ambassadors stress the importance of linking existing Pacific strategic frameworks like the Indo-Pacific strategy with newer challenges such as climate change. 🔄 Need for innovation and reinvention: There's a call for governments and societies to innovate and reform in response to evolving geopolitical dynamics and digital age opportunities. 🤝 Collaboration for SDGs: Achieving sustainable development goals requires strong partnerships across governments, private sectors, and NGOs, as highlighted by the ambassadors. 🌱 Integration of digital education: Digitalization and education are seen as crucial for capitalizing on strengths and opportunities in the Pacific region. 🌊 Addressing climate as a new threat: Climate change is identified as a significant new challenge requiring innovative approaches and alignment of strategies. 🔗 Importance of geopolitical alignment: Geopolitical shifts in the Pacific region necessitate aligned efforts and strategies to address emerging threats effectively. 📈 Role of private sector and NGOs: Engagement with private sectors and NGOs is essential for effective governance and achieving sustainable development goals in the Pacific. 🌐 Digital age opportunities: Leveraging digital technologies is crucial for growth and development across Pacific societies and economies. Made with HARPA AI
@luckyluciano6939 12 дней назад
Great talk
@yanivreif7379 12 дней назад
You guys actually think leaving Hamas in power will help to yield any good long term results for any of the sides!? It only ensures more death and destruction down the road… SMH
@jayoush 13 дней назад
These two Israel apologists spent their entire career leading American policy in the Middle East and what do we have to show for? An American enabled and armed genocide Honestly I’d shut up and stay quite if was one of you two. Alas you have no shame tho
@bikerd12 13 дней назад
Israel holds millions under occupation and this is normal?
@bikerd12 13 дней назад
A couple of days ago, the IDF gunned down two fishermen. This was witnessed by a unicef spokesperson. This is terrorism.
@rafirauther3006 13 дней назад
Didn’t Hamas accept the deal? I saw a video of Hamas leader saying that he accepted the deal. It was Israel that rejected it. Please be honest in your presentation.
@johnstewart7025 13 дней назад
Israel wants phased withdrawal of their troops. Hamas does not. Israel should tell Hamas that 10,000 of them have to get on Iranian ships.
@practice4523 12 дней назад
@@johnstewart7025 Israel should go back to Europe where Herzl came from
@meravl9951 12 дней назад
@@practice4523 That's the ignorant response. Jews are indigenous to Israel and the Middle East and arrived to Europe after the Romans destroyed the second temple and where forced out of Judea, Samaria (West Bank, for you) and the Kingdom of Israel in Israel came to an end, but there were always small communities of Jews that stayed. Its a sham so much misinformation and hate is in the world today.
@meravl9951 12 дней назад
The short answer is "no. They didn't accept the latest deal Biden introduced. they are constantly hardening their demands.
@practice4523 12 дней назад
@@meravl9951 You should also give a similar lecture to @johnstewart7025 telling him that Palestinians belong to Palestine and should not be put on ships sending them to Iran
@user-cg5yz7iy1r 13 дней назад
Depending on the geopolitical data now available, Amos (עמוס) will try to offer Lebanon a generous request. Stop the war in the south and we will give you the right to develop gas fields and maybe fair solution for some borders issue. But what the Amos(עמוס) do not understand is that in the south lebanon there is a person who is governed by principles before interests. The solution start in stoping the war in Gaza ..
@user-dg1ho4tj2g 16 дней назад
No to a palestinian state This is a legal precedence for mainland China to legally own, control, and exploit the south China sea because of the name China in it in the fashion of pales statehood because Romans name it Palestina to taunt the revolting Jews. establishing a pales state invalidates all post-war partitions - Gibraltar goes back to Spain, Northern Ireland goes back to Ireland, Singapore back to Malaysia, Ukraine and the Baltics back to the defunct USSR, etc., etc. Might as well Denmark gets Norway and Sweden to its fold if that's the case. this Pales folly has rejected a handful of opportunities to have a state of its own but they lost it to terrorists. this pales dream is inviting ww3. New nations are getting ready to defend their own nations no matter what.
@svetlanachervonnaya7369 16 дней назад
For a state to be recognized, it, first, needs the necessary prerequisites for statehood. Neither the Palestinian Autonomy, nor Gaza have these internationally recognized prerequisites. The discourse should be not about recognition of corrupted and/or terrorist-run territories, but working on a road map to build at least some of the nationhood prerequisites. To begin with, changing the hatred-breeding narrative taught at school in Gaza and in the Palestinian autonomy. Not an easy and quick fix.
@doolittlegeorge 17 дней назад
*"I got the guns you give me the dollars!"*
@henriikkak2091 17 дней назад
58:05 Fiona Hill on Finland, Europe's new security order, and the United States's role in it. Everyone says that Finland and Sweden joining NATO was a reaction to the full-scale war in Ukraine but that's only half the truth. It was actually a reaction to the collapse of the post-Cold War security order in Europe, of which the escalation of Russian aggression was an indication of. Albeit more optimistic, the situation was similar in the 1990s when the communist bloc collapsed. It was understood that it was a pivotal moment. Europe was entering a new era and Finns wanted to be present at the table where the decisions regarding the future of the continent were made. You know, we may be small but we take our national security and geopolitics very seriously. We're not going to allow major players to discuss over our heads without taking our interests into consideration. We've been fairly successful in that aspect too. Finland constantly punches above its weight diplomatically. So, the nation has long been a proponent of defence cooperation within the EU framework. If the United States continues to be isolationist or an unreliable partner -- which, let's be honest, it has been for more than just the past eight or so months -- Finland and like-minded allies are going to push European interests more strongly within the NATO framework as well. We simply cannot leave European security up to the American electorate. Waiting for Trump, Putin, or Xi to choke on a grape is not a sufficient strategy. Where that leaves the USA is not clear. It's possible that something happens and it gets sucked back in (more) or something happens and Europe needs to start paying closer attention to Asia. That, or there will be a European NATO.
@proselytizingorthodoxpente8304 17 дней назад
Do we really want Hamas and Hezbollah sitting in the UN? I think not.
@svetlanachervonnaya7369 16 дней назад
Definitely not.
@max_skim-pontoon-cough 18 дней назад
The drones caused gas prices to go up globally. It’s simple supply and demand
@maxsmart99 18 дней назад
Guess what? If they had elections, they would vote for Hamas.