Matt Pocius on Tesla Stock & Money
Matt Pocius on Tesla Stock & Money
Matt Pocius on Tesla Stock & Money
This is the daily news channel. I also have a clips channel where you can see short clips from this channel: ru-vid.com/show-UCwuVBIS0NXJ-1Qjg1QWpXiA
Finally! (News For Tesla Investors)
28 дней назад
"Tesla Stock To Soon Reach $280"
Месяц назад
@vinodvenkatesan1432 Час назад
A simpler way to test if Saturday Night Live is actually live is to just show your mobile screen with the present date and time (to the second) or just state the current date and time to the second. Viewers can differentiate the shown (or mentioned) time with the time when they are watching the show. 💁 But I am guessing Elon Musk was trying to be funny?
@howarddavis2193 Час назад
do not own a tesla But common sens shows that a majority of accidents are caused by a driver getting distracted and When a Computer given a task it does not get distracted Are they there yet ? not completly but improving daily
@angelgreen2602 6 часов назад
My GOD you are sexy😉😮
@angelgreen2602 6 часов назад
Elon sing me a lullaby 😉 where is the tent. I can't remember where I seen the fans I have the addition of 15 but I'm looking for 12
@angelgreen2602 6 часов назад
@angelgreen2602 7 часов назад
48 million to be precise
@tbudde 7 часов назад
I've never seen Elon Musk participate in an open forum for more than 20 minutes. This video clip is over an hour in length. I find it therapeutic listening to him speak about the current political and social issues of the day from a position of commonsense & logic. His thoughts and conclusions must be soothing to most civilians across the globe because his words help to bring us back on track. Because the media dominates 90% of what we hear, even the most informed of us might get knocked off track by beginning to give up hope of turning this ship around during our lifetime. Worse than just giving up hope, some citizens might begin to believe that bits and pieces of the propaganda (lies) represent the truth. The boldest example of these lies is that the 2020 election wasn't stolen and that those American Patriots who went to the Capitol to peacefully protest deserve to be put on trial and sent to prison!?? The true facts for anyone willing to dig for the facts are a) The DEMS had to cheat in only 6 swing states to illegally win the election. To further simplify the task, that means only 6 counties (the largest county in each of those states) needed to be brought into the theft. b) The evidence that proved the cheating did occur was rock solid but was never allowed in any courtroom. Mike, the "Pillow Guy", who is a patriot through and through, put his livelihood at risk by helping to fund and eventually air the mountain of evidence for all to see. However, unless you were hungry for the facts and willing to sit through the boring parts in order to get to the jaw dropping facts of how the cheating was done, you likely missed the evidence. I wish he had carved out and presented by itself the evidence presented by a team of information technology forensic analysts who had been hired in 2015 to investigate the voting machines that were used again in 2020. Back in 2015, they concluded that those machines were, without a doubt, machines built to steal elections. They were hired in the 2020 elections to be logged into the network and monitor every transaction that these machines were connected to before, during, and after the election. Their presentation, which was in the middle of Mike's evidence, showed details of the transactions taking place throughout the election. They pinpointed on a chart exactly where the modifications were taking place. They showed us the IP addresses where these hacks originated. An example was in Arizona where it was shown how they took 30,000 votes from Trump and gave them to Biden. That is a 60,000 vote cheat right there! c) With regard to the Patriots who went to the Capitol to peacefully protest, it is a fact that evidence was illegally hidden from the attorneys and from the judge. The evidence proves their innocence. m The federal government purposely hid over 4,000 hours of video that would have proven the innocence of the Patriots when they went to the Capitol that day. How is it that these innocent Patriots are still in prison? Stealing an election and putting innocent citizens in prison for exercising the First Amendment are clear examples of communist type of rule at play. So, for those of you who feel communism could never take root here in America, it already has! There are many more examples of communist rule, including weaponizing agencies to defeat Trump and attempt to put him in prison. As far as I know, those cheating voting machines will still be used in 2024.
@ravencroftgraphics3d 8 часов назад
awwwww no Lada's for you!
@paolah1828 8 часов назад
Elon for president
@babakmoradi3791 9 часов назад
This 🆓 speech that costs billions and gives away blue ticks for money is like the GNU and and open source software, free as in not in jail but not as promoting the arguments of the subscribers who pay the platform for promoting themselves among free riders
@erikfischer5636 10 часов назад
Thanks for doing the time stamps! Big improvement to your channel
@roger_is_red 11 часов назад
WOW you need to move to North Korea if trump doesn't win because his twin is in power there.
@erikrosvold4994 13 часов назад
I have FSD 12.5.4. It drives well but did run through a couple of red lights. It seems like this happens often when a new version comes out. Other than that it’s pretty good. ASS worked for me one time out of the three times I tried it. I couldn’t get it to drive through an open gate.
@jaydubalyu986 13 часов назад
Fun number FACTS- 1 million seconds=11 days 1 billion seconds =32 years and now the kicker 1 trillion seconds =31,600 YEARS. People don’t understand how big these numbers are. OUR ENTIRE government is responsible and on board with perpetuating this madness. Combine that with an uneducated, naive, apathetic etc population and disaster is unavoidable. Stop watching all mainstream media propaganda channels,
@K1assh 16 часов назад
Yeah jaws dropped. No kidding :O
@zeecee9479 16 часов назад
Tesla CyberCab Robotaxi could be HUGE in the Phillippines... No need for ownership of a vehicle
@tom19482001 17 часов назад
Outstanding video Matt. Thank you. Can't wait for October 10th.
@petertran5419 18 часов назад
Go Messi, go Maradonna, go Argentina.... don't cry for me argentina...
@petertran5419 18 часов назад
mid autom (moon) festival just like the spring festival (new year) are based on the lunar calendar. It's very consistent in lunar calendar and not consistent in solar calendar. Lunar is per month, solar is per day. The Bai Yue people of Southern China and Northern Vietnam came up with this calendar system to plan their rice crop agriculture. In Vietnam many of the traditional days are based on the Lunar calendar. BTW, in the traditional Vietnamese culture, when the baby is born s/he is 1 year old. I guess the forefathers consider live at conception, when the soul start. That pretty much say if the tradtional Vietnamese are pro life or pro choice. It ain't about any one's body, it's about murdering or not.
@petertran5419 18 часов назад
actually trump publicly said he would close the Mexico loophole. Elon just took that serious enough and Tesla is efficient enough to quickly divert resources and hold off Mexico development. There's no insider or advanced knowledge that Elon got from Trump, I don't think.
@MichaelMonaghan-q4s 18 часов назад
naive to think this guy Elon is special, sending love and peace to everyone...
@AshleyMillsTube 19 часов назад
The debt is ridiculous. How can we possibly pay it? It isn't possible is it? And to whom do we owe it?
@MicheleMorris-k5t 21 час назад
He's GREAT! I could listen to him all day...I wish I knew him!! :)
@Heidenryk 22 часа назад
💪👍 love your channel Matt!
@jacqueshowell6874 22 часа назад
Wooohooo im finally @ my average $261
@GregoryHuffjesusdiedforall 22 часа назад
Definitely think you are a genius🤓💯
@GregoryHuffjesusdiedforall 22 часа назад
If you replace a lot of people with robots then how are people actually going to make money , your claiming that it would be a better economy how does that worku out?
@michaelDsherman 23 часа назад
Anybody that doesn't like Elon Musk, I don't like them!
@isaiasjusto5399 23 часа назад
What about NAFTA - Free Trade Agreement..?
@Premanandhan-t6g День назад
@Premanandhan-t6g День назад
@davidevans3227 День назад
awful man
@avtuh-com День назад
When people will get to Mars, remember that Marsians will be ready to fight for independence from earthsians :)))
@trampfossil День назад
Congress includes the house and the senate.
@LIGHTvs. День назад
And, I thought you were intelligent.
@Mrkevino77 День назад
Dems corruption is so deep that no other party will ever win until civil war!
@DoloresGenaille День назад
Is Pavel still in jail ?
@DoloresGenaille День назад
Elon please share this in Canada !;our country is in serious trouble !
@rahotep789 День назад
Elon's friend on the couch interrupting to tell Elon's story is a bit annoying.
@shannon6876 День назад
I was pretty happy with It drove me 99% of my 2,039 mile vacation road trip with very, very few issues, even in windy mountain roads without guard rails and multi-hundred foot drops if the car screwed up. Just got this morning. I used it for about 6 hours. It has been more interventions in those 6 hours than I have had in the last 1.5 months with I'm done using it. It's like babysitting an idiot. It might actually be worse than 12.3.2 was. If 12.5.4 is 5-10x better than 12.5.2, then we might as well have stayed with For me, is BAD. Not only does it not fix most of the issues had, it re-introduces multiple issues that 12.3.6 had and worse, new issues that never existed before. I think it is the least safe version I have ever used, and I will be taking a pass on using it until I get the next version. I am shocked that something so bad would be released, never mind pushed wide, and severely disappointed in not just going backward, but having it be genuinely unsafe to use now. I hope they update me soon.
@feedvid День назад
Tariffs on 47% and 35% of Ford and GM products would destroy them and means the tariff will NEVER happen.
@feedvid День назад
Great video, Matt. Informative and entertaining! 👍
@isaacbuziba7085 День назад
Elon will mess everything up with his behavior. You will hear that a federal investigation against him has been opened and stock tanks
@chopstix3 День назад
got back late but commenting!!!!!!!!!!
@jackiejune1993 День назад
Late reply How about the lady in Canada put in jail for praying in front of an abortion clinic. Elon has put up 44 billion for us the people NO ONE HAS DONE THIS.
@toekneedaman1112 День назад
Holy Joke!!! What a farce this is!! Save an hour of your life and just go stare at the sky it would be more entertaining then this click bait!! Also amaze on the fake comments for this!! But when you have $$ what do you expect!
@ravencroftgraphics3d День назад
everyone knows trump has been and will be pro-american made, he did it in 2016, so it should be expected in 2024 as well.
@peterzz4266 День назад
I wish i knew piper had a stock sooner PIPR
@richarda3659 День назад
That sounds like complete nonsense to me ($TSLA rises due to proposed Trump tariffs on Mexican imports). Trump has as much of a chance of becoming President again as he does of becoming dog catcher. Trump himself signed the USMCA treaty that specifically prohibits these kinds of tariffs. Plus, only Congress can impose tariffs, not the President, unless (s)he somehow twists the law to falsely claim it is a national security issue. How could you possibly support this grifting, lying, demented insurrectionist and misogynist who will destroy our Constitution and our Democracy? Oh yeah, a Russian. добрый день, Pocius.
@bubaks2 День назад
When was this recorded?
@Itsallmeagain День назад
For FSD, I suspect that Tesla will add cameras at each corners of the vehicle. This will likely eliminate the creep up when stop at a corner and the view is obstructed. Especially true for unprotected left turn. This alone should help with some cases of disengagements.
@jjamespacbell День назад
Buying a car without FSD in the near future will be like buying a car without AC in Arizona. You may have to do it but you will not be happy.
@richarda3659 День назад
Yes, if FSD can be achieved only with inexpensive cameras (some doubt this) and can run on a built-in sub $1000 computer, it will basically become standard equipment after a while. To me Musk's removal of radar is nearly criminal, as doing so means an FSD-enabled vehicle will happily drive straight into a multi-car freeway pileup in the fog that otherwise could easily have been avoided. Why not make FSD's road awareness better than a human instead of merely equal, since it is already so easy to do for just a few dollars more? This removal means some Tesla owners and their families will die needlessly in the name of profit.
@feedvid День назад
@@richarda3659 I see your point but if a car is traveling faster than it can safely stop, based on what it can see ahead (human eyes, or, camera vision), then it is going too fast. Human drivers drive too fast in fog but FSD will not be so dumb.