Sheen's Wisdom
Sheen's Wisdom
Sheen's Wisdom
Welcome to "Sheen's Wisdom" - a RU-vid channel dedicated to honoring and sharing the sermons and legacy of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Here, you will find profound sermons, inspiring writings, and philosophical insights on faith, life, and the philosophy of one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. Subscribe to our channel to never miss any valuable content from the treasure trove of Fulton Sheen's wisdom.
Fulton Sheen Sermons - The Power of Word
16 часов назад
@tasuntalan7868 День назад
Thank you for the spiritual enlightenment -.
@annhill6378 День назад
Pray for our governments please Rev Sheen🙏. For Our leaders throughout the world, as greed and corruption is rife among many who lead. Not all, but too too many. 😢
@ccbarr58 День назад
It's distracting to have that back ground blinking.
@elisabethcoughlin8042 День назад
I want to know what happened to the husband who beat her and poisoned her.
@aloneveatufunga4976 2 дня назад
Amen 🙏❤️
@aloneveatufunga4976 2 дня назад
Amen 🙏❤️
@NewnewSD 3 дня назад
@annafarago6527 4 дня назад
I still remember the little one I lost almost 40 yrs ago.
5 дней назад
Are you?
@PDXDiamond 5 дней назад
Chilling how relevant this is today…
@NilsaBurgos-yb4ek 5 дней назад
I love him so much, Let his soul rest in peace. What an outstanding Cristian! He did so much to defend our faith. We need much more devout Catholics like him.
@marymartinez765 5 дней назад
Catholic gold ❤
@fredricos9468 6 дней назад
The RCC is run by Satan. 😮
@dallasbrat81 6 дней назад
I don't need a Bishops to tell me the obvious your heart will harden you should always been happy to go to confession and communion
@cliffbarber1642 7 дней назад
I come back to this talk over and over. So many spiritual insights packed into one.
@cliffbarber1642 7 дней назад
“Sometimes - not all the time - we can cover-up our want of individual justice for a great love of social justice”. So true!
@MM22272 7 дней назад
No problem. When sinners with suppressed guilt visit their psychiatrists who give them medications, the pharmaceutical industry makes a killing and everyone stays happily deluded. Come on up, Macbeth, we've got your medication.
@mawi1172 7 дней назад
You are not his Little Children. Are you? Isn't the world Christ's little children? Aren't we ALL God's Children? We are not this man's anything. And saying so dedicates you to whatever he says. Words matter, people. You're not going to allow your child to call their aunt an uncle. We are children of God. And this man (the Catholic Church) puts himself in the place of God, receiving God's Glory, calling us his instead of ALL OF US being God's children, him included. Catholicism is everything Martin Luther said it was. And more. MLK was Messenger.❤❤❤✝️🙏🇺🇲✝️🙏🇺🇲🇺🇲✝️🇺🇲🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲✝️
@maryannmcrae5392 8 дней назад
Beautiful sermon
@nyoxray 9 дней назад
So witty 😂!
@sallylane1993 9 дней назад
@francesbernard2445 9 дней назад
If someone diagnoses us as a [cold and hard] Diamond or with some other only a label to describe our living brain then they cannot stop us out west here in freedom from watching and listening to Sheen's Wisdom instead of theirs. Sometimes the hatred of what is called the cross is covert. For example when people say they hate the rosary instead of the cross while only pretending to carry their own cross in perfection in comparison to other communities.
@deweygarrick2857 10 дней назад
About some of the comments,once saved always saved…Romans 8:38-39..
@marthashilshi3410 10 дней назад
Loving you bishop.
@marthashilshi3410 10 дней назад
How marvelous are your understanding about the scriptures and Christ bishop.Pray for us that we too understand well to be worthy to be with him when we leave this word.
@JuliaNeubauer 10 дней назад
God DREW the thief on the right to Jesus; God did NOT draw the thief on the left to Jesus. In John 6:44, Jesus tells us that NO man can come Him (to Jesus) unless God, the Father, DRAWS him (man). To be saved a merciful God must first DRAW us to Jesus. God first convicts our deceitful/wicked hearts (Jeremiah 17:9) to bring us to our knees. HE gifts to us: HIS faith to believe in Christ and prostrates our repentant souls at the feet of HIS son. Jesus sees the WORK OF THE FATHER in us and accepts us into His Father’s kingdom-He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
@AnnabelSanchez-oo8ko 10 дней назад
Thank you Fr.Sheen for least did I know that Confession is a Sacrament.
@_Breakdown 10 дней назад
THANK YOU - - this is EXCELLENT public speaking wisdom + advice 😊👍🏼👍🏼👼🏼🤍👼🏽🔅🔆🕊️
@charlottebarnes6761 11 дней назад
Pray for schools to put Jesus there to educate the children to know Jesus and teach them to pray. We need more religion and public schools aren't supporting to teach and know Jesus.
@bobkorzeniowski 11 дней назад
The image and the content are two different things. Image says about the huge power that laypeople have. The content is not about that.
@mariannemitchell4801 11 дней назад
6:15 pm Y brother and I In the fifties and sixties always watched Bishop Sheen with my mom Dad who was not Catholic at that time, later converted. I am sure my mom prayed for his conversion I am now 80. I am listening to him him once more He he for told our current world situation Please world. This is just what he had told us about!!! Go to confession and do the right thing It is like a breath of fresh air And the results. IF. It soul searching It is cleansing and instant releaf I know because that was me
@MirasolCardenas 11 дней назад
I like the virtual presentation and the intro music is great!😆🙌🏽❤️‍🔥
@von_2.0 11 дней назад
Most blessed Archbishop Fulton Sheen ❤ pray for us. You predicted all of this degeneracy.
@vava8545 11 дней назад
Thank you for posting!
@jjt9201 12 дней назад
Well, inequality? God made Eva responsible for the original sin???? Please don t Let me laught. Islam? Christianity? Judaism? What did they (mostly monotheism ) sold for centuries? -> The god of the bible? Let's have a look. 6000 years ago God made the earth. A flat earth. He made the sun, a bright golden disk that roses in the morning, a silver disk that rose at night, as well as a few shining spots in the sky. He made a few rivers and mountains, a few animals, a man and a woman (see Sistine Chapel's ceiling) . After that, a bit tired, he took a day off. The Earth was the center of the world. The sky. Say up to the clouds for when men built a tower, a tiny tower, it disturbed him. In fact: a theater stage. When? According to bishoip James usher, in 1650, the world was created in October, 23rd, 40O4 BC..... THe man at least made kind of effort. I remember a TV program, in the 70s. A young American girl 14 was upset because she had been told at church during all her life that god created the world 4000, 6000 years ago, but now she was studying geology, and the world became suddenly billions of years older? She looked very very upset. NOw this is what the church imposed upon people for centuries, In case of discrepency -> death. From XVI, XVII century? Ideas take a new turn. Amongst men that believed what they did not see, rose men that believed what they saw. I'll made it short. Galileo, Newton, Cavendish.... Satellites of Jupiter are observed, laws of motion, ... THe earth is no more flat, it is a sphere. The earth is no more the center of the world, But revolves round the sun, stars become planets... The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. Later on? Howen, Huxley, Owen, Cuviers, Mantell. and more. Fossiles won the game. Here comes astronomy, geology particularly paleontology, chemistry, physics, etc. Big vertebrae appear in Europe and the States. The world is far older than expected. Many scientists are upset. But the men that believe what they see cant help it: THe age of the world, the size of the world increases every year. The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. From XVIII, XIX century and on? Come LLegan Darwin, Planck, Wallace, Einstein, Schrodinger, Von Neumann, Feynman, Le Maître)… Hubble, Humason…. Lambda-CDM (Refered to as Big Bang) model comes up. From an already existing "small bubble" 1,616 × 10-35 in diameter that decided to expend 13 800 000 000 years ago, something pops up. A new, another universe? The world is now more than 10 billions years old and billions of ligth years wide. THis is what science knows today. Data does 'nt tell more than what they tell. The church? No move. Keeps telling the same bible. Believes what it does not see still. But: Suddenly the old "has been" god of the bible mutates. Superman, Lady Bug, Bat Man, and the likes all at once. And suggests that the creation of the god of the bible is an allegory. Where do all these people stand? Easy, today, monotheism wisely gets rid of its old god of the bible, to sell a brand new one. But to get rid of the genesis or to state that it is an allegory is equal to get rid of the laws of Newton in classical mechanics: the whole theory crambles. Old habits and procedures go on: since the world is so sophisticated and "nobody knows where we come from still"l: back to square one -> god. Now here is a brand new god, culminating on a no start no end world I described before. No wonder Einstein wrote in 1953 to Gurkind: " The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. These subtilised interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them. (and more)". When Einstein said "God does not play dices". He did not mean the god of the bible. He meant kind of "watchmaker". He was very careful. When he was asked "Do you believe in god?" . He answered "Tell me which god? And I'll tell you". Clearly Einstein rejected the god of the bible. 100%. So what? False premises: The bible. There is no such thing as a god of the bible-> no bible -> no virgin mary -> no son of god -> no resurrection, No judaism, no islam. An allegory. When does it start to be true? If ever. Maybe a few historical facts, locations, as it happens in all legends. If you get rid of genesis, or say it's an allegory, it is like gettng rid of Newtons laws in classical mechanics: the whole thing crumbles. It is noticeable that nowadays, the catholic church teaches god, jc and dinosaurs altogether to children from 3, 4 years old. Surprise. I dont buy buy any of the gods of believers: neither the old fashion one, nor the new one. No need for god. Forget the product of religions: sin, paradise, hell, ..... Forget fear. Cause: fear, effect: religion. NO. I stick to the fact that there is no explaination to "where do we come from" yet. I regret that many people behave like primitive beings still: fear of lightnings. No explaination -> god. Today: fear of complexity. No explaination -> god. The wheel rolls and rolls again.... Believers need non believers to intend to reassure themselves. To no avail. Bear in mind that non believers never waged war against themselves contrarily to what believers did and do: catholics, protestants, muslims, shiites, sunnites and the likes. Non believers are not a source of wars or genocides. I did not add a chapter regarding the catholic church crimes, and others religions crimes .....
@DuhanJohn 12 дней назад
A powerful sermon. We need priests like this today, but where are they.
@WindyBritches 12 дней назад
Incredible. He nailed it. Today 1/4 women are on antidepressants (not including all the other psychological medications) and our culture is more sexualized than ever.
@winall9 12 дней назад
Our Lord Jesus suffered and died for us who are worthless. I pray that i will not waste His gift and condemn myself to hell by continuing to sin
@CarolineGlennon-bh5kh 12 дней назад
An amazing orator who has left such an impact on me especially with discernment and holy spirit fruits.and being so grateful ❤. May more and more of our priests have this spirit
@reynaldocasumpang8702 12 дней назад
❤ Amen 💖 Thanks God Amen Ave Maria Amen Vivat Jesus Maria Jose Amen 💖💖💖 Thanks po Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen and pray for us Amen 💖 Salamat sa Diyos Amen 💖💖💖 Vivat Sr Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno Amen Deo Gracias Amen 💖💖💖🙏
@openplz3000 12 дней назад
I knew that man was an alcoholic, I now go to church and say the rosary, not every day but often
@marcoosses1846 12 дней назад
great man
@my4angelsSweden 13 дней назад
Amen ❤🙏
@NewnewSD 13 дней назад
@NewnewSD 13 дней назад
Father Fulton please pray for our Country and for justice for ALL victims. Thank u and Love u 🥷💜✝️⚖️
@LucyGebhardt 13 дней назад
Fulton Sheen, was ahead of his time. Even today his lectures are applicable today's society problems. God, spoke through him. Amen.
@NewnewSD 13 дней назад
@LourdesBarajas-cn6vu 13 дней назад
Amen 🙏
@lisajimenez3760 13 дней назад
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
@RickieBarbie 14 дней назад
Thank you❤