Romica Jones
Romica Jones
Romica Jones
Hi, I'm Romica, a freelance illustrator and designer based in Manchester. This channel will feature videos about my journey as a freelance illustrator, graphic design, illustration, tech reviews for freelancers and designers, freelancing and vlogs.

I believe that we should do work we love, feel passionate about and that has purpose. I want to encourage and inspire you to re-discover your creative self and as an "everyday adventurer" I want to invite all of you Creative Adventurers out there to share this creative journey with me.

For Business enquiries: hello at romicajones.com

I offer gouache online classes for beginners

visit my website www.romicajones.com for more

Cheers, Romica :)

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Connect with me
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* Instagram @romica_s instagram.com/romica_s/
* website romicajones.com
@hannahlevy6074 4 дня назад
My first was also born with his hand up and caused 2nd degree tearing. It was also a natural birth. You have a lovely story.
@romicajones 4 дня назад
Thank you, Hannah 🩷 I guess they wanted to emerge superman style
@jerisharpe906 23 дня назад
What a beautiful baby girl. Thank you for the video.
@romicajones 21 день назад
Thank you ☺️ and I’m glad it was helpful
@mariibredard6889 Месяц назад
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you, Marii ❤️
@user-qb6of8st4x Месяц назад
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you 🙂
@drendelous Месяц назад
i hope youtube algorithm will help you find the answers you are looking for 🧡
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you 😁
@ArkkyAnindita Месяц назад
Rooting for you, Romica 😊
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my last video. This is another chatty podcast style video that you can listen to while doing other things. I’m showing some of my work at 17:50 in case you don’t want to miss seeing that. How have you been and how do you deal with critical comments on your art?
@estelacardoso6442 Месяц назад
Hi, Romica! I've stumbled upon your video quite randomly and it resonated a lot with my own experiences lately. There's a story that I've been trying to get published for a while now too and can't seem to get it anywhere even though I've received some really positive feedback from agents (but not a yes) and I just can't seem to find the strength to edit/work on it again anymore even though I LOVE that story more than anything.(It's been a year now) What worked for me (and please feel free to ignore it if it's not for you): I first joined a PB creating class and was able to have some feedback from a fellow PB author that really put things into perspective for me. It's really EASY to feel like you're the problem, your art sucks and your story isn't that great, we tend to take the blame entirely towards ourselves when it might be just a question of having a bit of luck. Basically what that author told me, is that sometimes it's just happens that the agent that looked at your project was in a bad mood, maybe you even sent your project just when they decided that they would not accept new projects anymore or your story didn't personally resonate with THEM etc etc. There are so many invisible factors that count when getting a yes from a publisher/agent that are never discussed or mentioned. Plus, I think the whole process of sending query letters to agents and such is exhausting and after months of reaching out to them it can feel quite isolating and easy to start doubting your skills and sanity ... The second thing that helped me and you mentioned it yourself, is that I printed the dummy for myself and showed it to family and friends. Yes their feedback is never objective because they love you and enjoy your art, but it felt so good to have people reading it and love the story as much as I do. It helped me put things into perspective and even consider to self-publish that story in the meantime! Lastly, I moved on to something else. It was HARD but it worked. I am now currently working on a new PB project that I want to present for dPICTUS (check them out if you don't know them, you could try it!) and then reach again to agents and publishers. I feel like working and something else and actually finishing it helped with all the doubts and confidence in my skills enough to see that my first story isn't that bad, I just haven't find the right person to champion it YET. Anyways, all of this to say: Don't give up and you're doing well! I hope my comment helps a little and I'm very happy to have discovered your work and channel. Also: I don't think your art is outdated at all (THE CUTENESS!!). While it's true that now more and more artists work digitally and seem to aim for a more generic broad or minimalist style, there's also room for more unique and traditional styles out there AND in these times of AI art, I think we'll see more and more people going back to traditional art and artists! Good luck out there!!
@princessthyemis Месяц назад
*sends love and support* I love picture books! I believe in you!!!!!!
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your kind message <3
@DQ_ArtGroupie Месяц назад
I think you're WAY too much in your head about this now, and you probably DO need some professional feedback. Maybe you also need some peer group feedback, and should invest in both avenues. An editor, and that society both sound like good things to pursue, just to get past the question of what to do next. Hopefully you'll find a children's book editor specializing in your genre within that huge category, who'll give you an objective, reliable two-cents' worth that'll help you out of your current quandary.
@romicajones Месяц назад
Absolutely, this was mostly a getting out of my head chat haha. I've pretty much decided to attend the next society of children's book writers and illustrators critique group meeting. And then I'll go from there. I've also found an editor for picture books that I can afford. So there has been progress as a result of simply saying things out loud :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts, have a nice day.
@cringeypopsicle589 Месяц назад
well, life is tough lol. In the same boat rn
@romicajones Месяц назад
Good luck for your journey. Thank you for watching :)
@kthxbi Месяц назад
I would say as an children's book editor (of a publisher that does not take submissions so I can't help you there) the story is much more important to us than the art style. Not to say art doesn't matter, but the story has to be the core of why a book exists and therefore why adults and children want to engage with it. Good Story is the medicine and good art is the spoonful of sugar that helps it go down. I would take a look at what it is your story is trying to say - what is the message or concept you are trying to get kids to engage with? Make sure that comes across really clearly in the simplest language possible. You should have that manuscript written out fully, each artwork roughly planned, and then only a couple of artworks done fully. Too much complete art may turn people off because it sends the message that you're essentially just looking for a printer, not a publishing team who are going to want to change certain ideas and concepts to hone your book for the market. I would also agree with other comments about putting too much pressure on this book to signify your professional success. Sometimes no matter how good it is, a book doesn't make it to publication. That doesn't mean its a bad book or that you're a bad artist, it's just that publishing is a business, and the market is maybe moving a different way right now. Maybe step away from this title and try submitting some other things that you are not as emotionally invested in, or even submitting your portfolio to an illustration agency and getting yourself out there that way? Not saying any of this is guaranteed to work and feel free to ignore, but I thought I'd offer some advice from an editors side of things.
@romicajones Месяц назад
Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to write and share some advice. It's great to get an industry perspective. I'm sure it is helpful for people reading the comments too. Thank you for clarifying the focus on story and thinking about the core message. Just out of curiosity, how much developmental editing do you tend to do once a story has been acquired? Fortunately, I have 2 finished dummies + manuscripts (Bim and the Brass Band on Silent Island - the book I'm currently talking about, and another one) with sketches and only a few coloured spreads. I took a course with an art agent and art director so I did learn a lot when it comes to NOT entirely finishing a book if the hope is to get it traditionally published. However, I have met countless people not knowing this, so I'm really glad you mention these points. I will also keep in mind what you shared about some books simply never making it to publication. I know the book has to fit a publishers list and market trends - in the end it's a business. If you ever open to submissions, I'd love to send my work over if picture books are also published by your publishing house <3 have a nice day
@RamonaofJersey 20 дней назад
I love your words: Good Story is the medicine and good art is the spoonful of sugar that helps it go down.🥰
@isa-qi2zg Месяц назад
I can fully relate! Im also drawing out a story and get major judgemental/stressed moments when thinking about if it will ever be something..especially when I see basically any other actually published story and start: 'oh no but mine isnt like this'! I guess the beauty is that u are doing your style, nobody else can do that one just like you. For me it helps to think about it a bit like this : Even if the comic never gets published or doesnt become a big succes, i will always feel such great joy about the fact that I ACTUALLY DID THAT!! I finished it! thats what keeps me working because ow lord im still not there yet haha. Also i'm dedicating my story to my best friend, who i keep telling that 'im drawing it i'm juuust not finished yet' but i do actually want to be able to show her the result one day and if she loves it, which lets be fair if someone draws a book and ur in it..she will, and i love it: than my initial setup for the comic is achieved and in the end its a succes. Idk how u relate to my little comment but i fully 100% relate to your video of just going in circles in your mind. As long as the actually drawing of it for you is still fun, dont throw it away!
@romicajones Месяц назад
Hello, thank you for sharing your hopes and struggles with your comic. I love that you dedicated it to your friend. My first book was also dedicated to my dad and I specifically made it for his birthday. It never was publicly shared but I also felt so proud and happy when it was done. You can do it, keep going :)
@heminhimdad Месяц назад
Nothing hurts more than seeing underrated artists!
@romicajones Месяц назад
Thank you for watching ❤️
@TheArtkaw 2 месяца назад
I really hope your book gets published. Not quite the same experience, but I dabbled in illustration for ten years. In the end it felt like I wasted all that time with nothing to show for it. But as time went on, I really learned to not be so precious with things and just enjoy the process, and hoped to work harder in the future to get the results I want.
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you ❤️ I’m glad you find joy in the process. I’ve come to really struggle with that part. Something I need to re-learn. What area of illustration were you hoping to work in?
@DanniTheL 2 месяца назад
I hope this doesn't come off sounding like unwanted advice. It's just my opinion. It sounds to me like you may be putting a bit too much expectation on this book. You love this book, which is important and wonderful. But that love is becoming a detriment because it will never be perfect. I think it's good to reach out to someone who's opinion you can trust to give you some feedback, but honesly I think you will learn 1000 times more from finishing it, and publishing than from over thinking. I have very similar issues with my paintings where one will sit half finished for months at a time. Deadlines are the only thing that helped me get over that. If it has to be done by a specific time, I have no choice but to finish it. I learn so much from these finished projects that make me better every day. Also, after so much time working on this project, it's going to be incredibly difficult to feel excited to work on it. That's just a normal part of any art making. If you can push yourself to work even when you don't want to, it might help you get out of this rut and find some joy with the book again. The publishing industry is rougher than ever, please try not to take rejections so personally. It's difficult for publishers to take risks on a debut author. That doesn't reflect on you or your project at all. Keep Submitting! It's clear you are full of passion for this project. I'm happy you shared this struggle, its so relatable for any creative.
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your pep talk, it was very helpful to hear your perspective. One of the things that makes it overly precious is that if I’d publish it myself it would be my debut and if it isn’t good I’m afraid that it would make people not want to buy any of my following books. I think that’s one of the underlying fears. But I agree with you, waiting around doesn’t make it any easier. I have 2 other stories, well actually even more half finished books. While I was working full time I didn’t want to really invest into it and then I had 2 kids so it really has been a LONG time. I love what you said about the things you learned from simply finishing projects. Maybe that’s what I need to keep at the forefront. Thank you for your comment ❤️
@mariibredard6889 2 месяца назад
🌟 Hi Romica ! I don't think you need to change your art style, especially if you don't feel attracted to a different style ! There are so many styles out there, and it's great if everything doesn't look the same :) When I go to look at picture books at book stores I see a lot of line work as well. I think your style is super charming! 💗 I can relate to wanting to get something done but then not doing it haha. I've also been working on a picture book for a long time and I'm wondering why i don't feel the motivation to find more time for it. Doing a creative "side project" (magnets, pins) has been a revelation to me, it's brought so much joy back into creating things. Maybe sometimes we first just need to find the simple joy of creating something, in doing something that has less "pressure" attached to it (or that we attach to it...)
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Hi Marii, so nice to hear from you. So cool that you have been working on magnets and pins. Thank you for the feedback on what styles you see in stores currently. After filming this video I realised it’s also that the way I’m working now is very different to the way I was working back in 2017. So maybe it was also me trying to figure out how I can move forward with this project. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I’ve been playing around a bit since filming that video and I think I found a good compromise and it makes me excited again to work on this book ☺️
@mariibredard6889 2 месяца назад
@@romicajones Yay! ❤️🌟😄
@EllenTheArtist 2 месяца назад
I'm trying to publish my book too. Mine is a combination of a coloring book/picture book and been trying to find a book agent. But I will stay positive, because we struggle as illustrators/artists. I AM NOT GIVING UP!! And you shouldn't either. Love from Greece 💗
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Hi Ellen, a picture book colouring book combo sounds really cool. All the best for finding an agent ❤️ And thank you very much for your encouragement. Sometimes we need to hear that ☀️
@drendelous 2 месяца назад
absolutely, it is important. i think we should finally stop enlarging that bubble of sucessful success, and talk about ordinary struggles. we are letting others know what to expect (I still want to become an illustrator, in my next life at least, though I see how complicated the way is and how naive I look at it). As for your book.. Have you considered using some ai chat to revise the text? It might give you some weird ideas but it might refresh the current state. Style wise, are there any books similar to your style which have been recently published? Is it worth talking to those publishing houses? As for brushes and digital drawing overall, I struggled so much to learn drawing in Procreate. And no matter how amazing the app is I was so much more at ease grabbing pencils and real water brushes and actylic markers.. Emulating textures in Procreate felt so clumsy to me all the time.
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Haha I think successful success as you put it is successful because we want to believe it’s possible. That actually motivated me along the way and since I’ve met people that have made the jump to commercial illustrators. But like you said maybe there is a lack of “in progress” stories. Thank you for your suggestions. When it comes to digital art I think it takes lots and lots of playing around. In the past I always at least scanned in my pencil sketches because I didn’t like starting on a blank screen. As for textures, it depends what you like right? If you love traditional media it is hard to let that feeling go. Do you have an online presence for your art? I’d like to see it. What type of illustration do you feel drawn to? I have to say the Make Art that sells courses were very insightful for me on what it takes to make it in commercial illustration. Thank you very much for watching and taking the time to leave a comment ❤
@user-qb6of8st4x 2 месяца назад
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you for watching
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
This is a postcast style video - so you can do your own thing and simply listen. Thank you for watching :) I did play around with the style of the book in the upcoming video - subscribe to follow along 💖
@user-qb6of8st4x 2 месяца назад
⭐ 🦎
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you for watching ☺️
@ayamijohnson1249 2 месяца назад
I always enjoy your life sharing ⭐ Looking forward to ordering the next child room drawing ☺️
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much Ayami ☺️❤️
@Randomona 2 месяца назад
I always appreciate your honesty and relatability :)⭐Being a great mother takes a lot of time and energy and you don't need to feel pressure to make art if it doesn't feel right. I also don't like creating when it just feels like a chore. Art should be something we enjoy :)
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Thank you Mona 🥰 sometimes we just need a break
@SailorJupiter2xD 2 месяца назад
Schön dich wieder zu sehen und hören, liebe Romica.🤗 Stay well and who you are :)🌼🥀
@romicajones 2 месяца назад
Herzlichen Dank ❤️☺️
@carolm.d.6967 3 месяца назад
I feel you, Romica 💛 I send you a big virtual hug and I'll wait for new content, when you'll be ready to share something ⭐
@romicajones 3 месяца назад
Thank you for watching, Carol ❤️ and for your words of encouragement. It means a lot
@romicajones 3 месяца назад
Thank you for watching ❤
@createartwithus2009 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! I’m a toddler Mom and it’s been so difficult for me to get back to what I love. Creating.
@romicajones 6 месяцев назад
Hi there, I know it is hard for so many reasons. 2 toddlers here full-time at home. 2023 was the same for me, mostly due to health issues and having to focus on the things that keep the ball rolling. I also felt a bit disheartened and disappointed in things not coming to fruition as I hoped for, with a feeling of "what's the point" settling in. I think for me it's finding out what underlying beliefs I have that keep me from drawing. Because when I do have some little time to myself I don't seem to want to draw these days. What is it you would like to work on? :)
@createartwithus2009 6 месяцев назад
@@romicajones I pray all is well and you’re healing.❤️ 2 toddlers, you are SuperMom! Oh wow I feel what you’re saying! Especially after days and weeks have passed of me wanting every day to find the time and it didn’t happen. I remain hopeful because like you said, even if it’s taking 15 mins of something I love to do. I’ve been wanting to create more art tutorials and just paint like I use to do and get lost in the time lol😅
@romicajones 6 месяцев назад
​@createartwithus2009 Thank you, I am finally well again and so happy and grateful. I want to believe that this time of creative energy will come again. I heard an interesting quote but don't remember where from saying that we can have it all, but not all at the same time. Coming to peace with the fact that right now my babies are my priority has given me a lot more peace. Also being off social media and deleting my instagram and facebook apps off my phone has done so much for me (time and mental space and clarity). Creative work is work, it takes physical and mental and spiritual energy to bring something to life. And sometimes we need that energy for other things. Actually stepping away and accepting where I am at right now made me realise that my books and creating sellable items is actually not what I want to do right now. I think I will want these things again, but they are not my priority right now. I hope that with patience you will find this time of painting and filming and sharing again. Maybe you need time to rest and that is okay. Or maybe soon you will find that you are ready to start working on these things again. You can do this :)
@createartwithus2009 6 месяцев назад
@@romicajones That sounds amazing! Off those platforms and realizing where you are in this journey, and giving yourself grace.❤️ I know that one day I will find it and it will be a great time for it. 🙏🏾 Thank you for replying to me and sharing.
@EmmaCarpenterIllustration 8 месяцев назад
Very relaxing video, looks like you had fun too, I'll have to give pastels another go! 😄
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Emma <3 Maybe not for a picture book but I'd definitely try them again for a fun exercise :D
@italahill 8 месяцев назад
This gives me some hope, thank you! I have 2 boys (5mo and 4yo) and although I’ve written a few books while my youngest was sleeping, finding time to illustrate has been much more challenging!
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
It's amazing that you wrote a few books. Illustrating and planning takes a lot of brain power. I've been taking a break this year and it feels good. It is definitely possible but remember there are seasons in life and not everything has to happen all at the same time :) Take care and if you share your work online somewhere I'd love to see it
@Randomona 8 месяцев назад
I should try this technique! Really like the bold colors and lines Relaxing to watch as well :)
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
Thank you :) it is fun
@rikajones9038 8 месяцев назад
Weirdly enough, I just bought oil pastels today for the first time in years! ❤
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
Oh that’s so cool, I had these since before I moved to the UK and use them much more often because of the kids. I think they find them more satisfying than the “kiddie crayons”. I like how I draw more freely and immediately care less than when I draw with a pencil ✏️ Looking forward to seeing what you’ll draw
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
What’s your favourite drawing tip to get out of a creative funk?
@rikajones9038 8 месяцев назад
Honestly, copying from another artwork/image I like?
@romicajones 8 месяцев назад
Good idea, taking inspiration from something you love
@Randomona 9 месяцев назад
It was nice to see a little studio tour. I like the orb thing and the lights ^^ And it's cool how much more motivated we are to draw because of a simple challenge 😊
@romicajones 9 месяцев назад
Yay they are really cool. Although the lights were partially destroyed by the kiddos since. I’m learning not to hang onto things too much.
@Randomona 9 месяцев назад
@romicajones oh no! 🙈 I guess it's tricky to keep the kids away from nice things :/
@mariibredard6889 9 месяцев назад
Your new drawing is super cute and cozy 😍
@romicajones 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, Marii 😀 so lovely to hear from you
@romicajones 11 месяцев назад
Time stamps 0:00 How our journey started 2:40 Early Challenges and Mistakes 10:00 What helped me and Resources I recommend 13:07 Tandem feeding and our experience 14:55 What I did with our 2nd baby 16:00 Undermining opinions about Breastfeeding 18:36 Why I chose to wean 19:57 How we weaned our toddler at night 27:00 thoughts on sleeping through and breastfeeding 28:43 siblings sharing a room
@user-qb6of8st4x Год назад
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you 😊
@Hinz2005 Год назад
I could listen to you reading the directions for using a household appliance. So pleasant!
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you for the compliment ☺️
@Randomona Год назад
Seems like you're really enjoying gardening 😊 Nice to see. The purple flowers looked so nice!
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you ❤️ It feels very rewarding to grow something from seed :) like a new creative outlet that teaches me to let go of the outcome and enjoy the process. I hope this experience will help me enjoy to drawing more again as well
@Randomona Год назад
@@romicajones ❤️😊
@Randomona Год назад
Nice to hear that you could see positive things in these challenges. I found a lot of things relatable even though I don't have kiddos 😆
@romicajones Год назад
It is definitely easier to see things in a more positive light after they happened. During the time it was often hard to appreciate. But I’m trying to use this new viewpoint of God watching out for me and entrust my current fears or uncertainties and it really helps
@Randomona Год назад
@romicajones that is very true ^^ good to hear!
@scarletchaffins2369 Год назад
I can definitely relate two of my kiddos have chickenpox’s.
@romicajones Год назад
It’s hard when they are unwell 🤒 hope they’ll feel better soon.
@mariibredard6889 Год назад
Thank you for sharing 🤗! Looking forward to hearing more about the packaging illustrations ❤️
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you for watching. I think I will wait until they are released but I'm looking forward to sharing about this project :D
@nicholasjones7491 Год назад
A lot of lessons in just 22 minutes
@romicajones Год назад
Indeed 🥰
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you for watching. How have you been?
@CoolioBee Год назад
Amazing illustration! Already sub to you!^^
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you 😊
@Randomona Год назад
@romicajones Год назад
@nicholasjones7491 Год назад
Stille nacht, nice
@romicajones Год назад
@Randomona Год назад
Love this guy!
@romicajones Год назад
Thank you ❤
@Randomona Год назад
"Still und starrrruht der See" 😁
@romicajones Год назад
Weihnachtlich glänzender Waaaald
@Randomona Год назад
Aww the angel mouse! 😍
@romicajones Год назад