Tejinder Singh, a veteran multimedia political and business journalist, is the founder and editor of India America Today (on the web at www.indiaamericatoday.com), an independent media organization and news provider based in Washington, DC.

India America Today strives to empower and unlock the potential of the Indian American community through the teamwork of professionals who are dedicated to truth, quality, and the highest ethical standards to produce a compendium of news, objective coverage of events and eclectic professional view points.
Hari Eppanapally
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@moirangthemvishalsingh 8 лет назад
great interview!
@VictorTalhaOfficial 9 лет назад
What a great interview! Thnx so much Mr. TEJINDER SINGH for giving us younger, Indian New Money Entrepreneurs, someone to look up to. God knows, our family came here with nothing, however, with help from Saints like Mr. +Vin Gupta, I know we will be the next "up and coming" serial entrepreneurs. I will certainly learn, earn, and return! ,-)
@NarendraKumar-ku1zd 10 лет назад
U turn maar gayi BjP.
@TEJINDERSINGH 10 лет назад
As President Obama headed to Mexico, here is a video event: Hosted by Tejinder Singh at the Newsmaker Event: The presidential candidate for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the former governor of the State of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto at the National Press Club on November 15, 2011
@bemar8 11 лет назад
jai jai ma!!!
@RayHuong 11 лет назад
Barack Obama: "Victoria, I want you to emphasize to the press that this administration respects the rights of all Americans to express their ideas freely as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, as the framers intended. And that America stands as a beacon for the protection of liberty to people throughout the world. Oh, and while I'm thinking about it let's get Jay Leno on the phone and tell him to cut that shit out."
@oerunekoi 11 лет назад
This is a Shame, i don't blame his accent or lack of clarity in the answers, i feel sorry how this guy is being manipulated to become the president. As mexican this is not our president because they simply bought the people and promise magical things to poor people.
@khryz37 12 лет назад
Nice accent
@TEJINDERSINGH 12 лет назад
Sunday July 1, 2012 night --- Enrique Pena Nieto is the projected winner of Mexico's presidential election, according to election officials. Representative samples from polling stations throughout the country gave Pena Nieto the lead, with between 37.93% and 38.55% of votes, the Federal Election Institute said.
@ovarbb 12 лет назад
Al principio dice el negrito "Sorry for the delay and for the candidate" jajajajaja
@59summerset 12 лет назад
It's obvious that the United States is playing by the rules. Sorry she got her feelings hurt, but just goes to show she isn't above the law.
@Niranjan_Desai 12 лет назад
The essential part is difference between murder charge and email charge? any difference there? Latest news, 1, Greg Kelly Rape Charges Dropped: No Criminal Charges Against NYPD Boss' Son. 2. Zimmerman was not charged for cold murder! Million signed petition needed before they can do any justice.
@marlenpaco1 12 лет назад
televisa esta comprado por pena nieto
@ransilige 12 лет назад
Don't see anything wrong in inquiring about it but not as a resolution as US resolution have a very dark end like Libya Afghanistan any every other they interfere
@MelMenji 12 лет назад
Despues de haber visto esta conferencia, No tengo mas que decir AMLOVE 2012.
@superlaloize 12 лет назад
dise que salinas le metio un palecion por el assecion por eso dice que le duelencio
@outspeaker 12 лет назад
@bustyn you are not the only to suggest that.It's easy to preach to others when you are not the one offended.Would u still give the same advice if Jay Leno had made fun of the victims of 911 or groud zero?The golden temple is not just a temple where sikhs worship.They were massacared there on several occasions.My point is why is it ok to make fun something which is sentimental to others?Sikhs are all aways struggling to educate people of their identity & Leno didn't help with this joke for sure.
@TheToxicity70 12 лет назад
as far as i understood this joke, it was only about the presidential candidates' money and their appearance. is there anything else i overlooked?
@jacasforever 12 лет назад
@websoldier3000 ja ja ja ja ja
@GAURAV1140 12 лет назад
It was all an election stunt.Unncessary sensationalism!!
@leaprod1 12 лет назад
it's a comedy show ?????
@wcresponder 12 лет назад
the US govnerment stand is that was damn funny.
@bustyn 12 лет назад
Her remarks translated "Jay Leno is an American Comedian. He made a joke. Grow up and learn how to laugh. The American government is not going to censor free speech simply because your sensitive superstitious soul had its feelings hurt. Put your big boy pants on and deal with it".
@jay1970 12 лет назад
With all the problems we have in US, this trivial matter is being discussed. What a shame? And it was not even racism.
@u2ooby 12 лет назад
not a big deal...
@Nusrat5791 12 лет назад
all this protest over a jay leno joke is embarrassing. if it's not the muslims, it's the sikhs or the hindus who are offended. when we kill each other that's not offensive but an american makes a joke - all hell breaks loose. if only we indians would get outraged by the wholesale corruption that is our system we would be on the right path.
@GSDDesi 12 лет назад
Interviewer didn't get the insinuation right at all. And Ravi is pussyfooting around.
@mundaserious2 12 лет назад
This is right but what is Indian government doing are they sleeping
@sukhinijjar 12 лет назад
Learn from Americans how to answer your questions and how to tackels one who try to show u down. Humanity is only good for talk now days, how to respect Other religon and culture are only talk here, look around you who gets respect? Only stronger, educated, and powerfull gets it. Thats it. Learn All sikhs..
@sukhinijjar 12 лет назад
Question was not asked properly, and as us government will not ask or answer this In Any right manner either. So there is a say if want something you go and get it, sikhs are not getting together and making their way into politics In the US, we should educate ourself like Jews and get into the system if we want to take the full benefit Of so called our US constitutes rights.. Learn from this and be smart.
@Monix139 12 лет назад
Qué complicado, estar en una posición que te exige más de lo que en el momento tienes, en cualquier aspecto. En lo personal, ninguno de los precandidatos a la presidencia de México de ningún partido me gusta; pero este video me hace pensar en lo difícil de llegar a la parte de tu vida en la que necesitas ciertas habilidades, o recursos, y no los tienes.
@ajegv 12 лет назад
@TheFlaviocerna 12 лет назад
continuechon cagandeichon thaaa hijeichon thaaa chingadeichon!! :) #peñanietohablandoingles
@DIGINERATION 12 лет назад
@chicospawn 12 лет назад
@eliblanca466 Las Drogas hacen daño, y también el fanatismo a la religión.Jajaja
@chicospawn 12 лет назад
@NNJ007 12 лет назад
Si no lo hablas mejor pide traductores. Por cierto, AMLO tampoco habla Ingles, pero habla Francés
@oxiiGeenoo 12 лет назад
¿Cómo se dice festejar?.. ¡CELEBRATE! JAJAJA
@TheAhndy 12 лет назад
01:46 uyyyy! se enojó.... -Tráeme una pluma
@SHSATNewYork 13 лет назад
Krithika Biswas has sued the New York City for $1.5 million. Solution: Give some $10,000 or $50,000 (at the most) and close the deal behind the doors. Hey that's very big in Indian rupees. Why do I need to believe that they will not do this?
@dipilpatel 13 лет назад
good job....
@sumittechkgp 13 лет назад
@SilkRouteTrader Do you think we need to be that unfriendly, heinous and obnoxious to take revenge ?
@sumittechkgp 13 лет назад
@Geraumezeit This is a good point. I cannot make head and tail of this from Vienna convention. Let us wait and see what happens next. Die Dokumente sind sehr contradictory.On Im Gegenteil, es scheint viele legale "loop holes". Scheint eine juristische Person kann nur entschlüsseln, dass.
@Geraumezeit 13 лет назад
@sumittechkgp The essential question is whether Consular Staff is a diplomatic agent or not. To understand what offices are entitled to the benefits of Art 37(1), it is necessary to consider the definition of a diplomatic agent. Article 1(e) of the VCDR provides: A “diplomatic agent” is the head of the mission or a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission. Diplomatic immunities do not apply to FAMILY MEMBERS of Consular Officers, whereas they do apply to Embassy staff.
@sumittechkgp 13 лет назад
From Vienna Convention 1961, Article 29 The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity.
@sumittechkgp 13 лет назад
From Vienna Convention 1961, Article 37 1.The members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall, if they are not nationals of the receiving State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 29 to 36.
@apezak 13 лет назад
The American Domestic scene is simply falling apart. Every other image are lies.
@apezak 13 лет назад
President Obama needs Pakistan so that he can take over that country economically, push all Pakistani's to the poor side of the balance and save his own economy with Pakistani resources. Any other reason are lies.
@apezak 13 лет назад
America wishes it was friends with India, just because otherwise India would become a great friend of China and America wouldn't mean anything in any world we know. It is better for India to not be friends with the biggest loser of the world.