International Association for Political Science Students
International Association for Political Science Students
International Association for Political Science Students
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The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) is the worldwide representation of students of political science and related studies. Here you will find student lecture series, webinars, interviews, and more!

We publish new videos every Friday!
Alex Marland on Canadian Politics
Год назад
@oskarjohankoefoed1633 6 дней назад
Someone give this man an award. His ability to speek so i can actually understand is unparalleled. Thanks for saving my midterms sir:)))
@magnaviator Месяц назад
Disappointed by the shallow repeating of US propaganda, especially the lies about Xinjiang and Hong Kong. It's absurd to tell China to remain unarmed when the US encircles it a mile from it's coast. Very easy to call China a authoritarian but this is a false category. There is more democracy in China than in the US.
@bosnjodobri8260 2 месяца назад
Constructivism is the only relevant IR theory
@davecampbellknowledgeleader 2 месяца назад
Neorealism in this explanation is upgraded by taking David Jeffrey Campbell’s Global Leadership Challenge which poses Regenerative Reality and Public Trust as the primary or central or foundational Vision and Mission statement for all commerce, governance and academia. I base my challenge on the construct of three points of reference vs four points of reality. For example in the US constitution We the People is excluded from the three branches of US government and yet the underlying consent of the governed authority appears in the preamble as a title. The highest creed of any governing system is a regenerative authority, power, responsibility and accountability so providing systemic transparency and balance recognizing humanity as an emerging reality where common reference is the basis of all public trust and resulting gross domestic product. So my 28th Amendment draft reconciles the flaw in that we the people is positioned as the first of four branches as the highest branch, to precede executive legislative and judicial. Because I recognize and so does the global population of 8 billion are passing the word quickly, leadership that is global leadership will adapt this high branch as global common law. I demand leaders recognize my contribution as a matter of saving face as quickly as possible. Best way is acknowledging my candidacy as a major contributing factor to 2024 US elections and forthcoming changes in global policy. 🇺🇸DAVE’24
@douyu1971 2 месяца назад
getting people willing to submit power that works against their interests
@4HeimatLiebe 3 месяца назад
<3 Jesus loves you and invites you to speak with Him in yer Heart at anytime as you would to a good Friend, He never denies anyone who trusts Him.
@shironiron321 3 месяца назад
I'm an Indian, thankful to you❤
@annebfaith6373 3 месяца назад
Gender Identity is a state created, state coerced same-sex false religion that accepts lies as truth knowing it is an affront to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It also causes irreparable harm to women and children. Gender identity is the foundation of faith for the same sex false religion with LBGTQ+ as tenets of faith. This is the mark of the beast. Male and female are not interchangeable but binary. The reason is that God's word does not return to Him void. It accomplishes His will. Jesus warned this generation to 'not allow yourself to be deceived.' The mark of the beast can be proven using the guidance and calculation Jesus provided. Calculating the mark of the beast takes understanding who God is, what the divine scriptures teach, and the analyses must be the truth. When the Scripture says 'calculate the number of the beast' it means to analyze and understand its mark using the information provided. Jesus warned many times over not to allow yourself to be deceived, because the very elect could be deceived if it were possible. Revelation 13 talks about the beast spiritually and its effect on the physical, how it offends God and His people, and accepting its mark has eternal consequences. Those who accept it as righteous and equal to God’s image do not have their names written in the Book of Life. Revelation 13:18 says "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666." I believe God has given me insight of this calculation. Here it goes: The gender identity, same sex religion, is the mark of the beast and not some "cultural shift" that people are deceived to believe. Here is the key to understanding the gender identity false religion that mocks God and offends His people. In Genesis 1 and 2, we learn about God's Image. If God puts His own Image and likeness on something, He is the only one who can change it. God created man in His Image -- in His Image created He him, male and female created He them. This is very specific and a very big deal, and it isn't possible to confuse God's Image because He only said it one time. This fact cannot be minimized. No person or government has authority to change God's Image or add to it to create LBGTQ+. Nor can any person or government force acceptance of LBGTQ+ as righteous and equal to God's creation of binary male and female. At the end of Genesis 1, God looked upon His creation and saw that it was not only good, but very good, and sealed it with the Sabath where He rested from all that He created and made. Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is His. Creation belongs to God. If an ideology comes along and declares male and female are not binary but fluid on a spectrum or "transgender" is a possibility, then it is a counterfeit and a lie. Don't believe it because that ideology is all about deception. Jesus said the devil is the father of lies, has been a liar from the beginning, and there is no truth in him. In adhering to Jesus' guidance on how to recognize the mark of the beast, we see in Genesis 1 that man was created on the 6th day and the counterfeit man represents the first 6 in the mark. Jesus said the number is in its name. So, if you look at LBGTQ+ you count six characters, all of them represent sin and lies. Also, on June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court overstepped its bounds when it illegally ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that states must license and recognize same-sex marriage which is a religious act that accelerated it on a collision course with Christianity and the persecution of Christians. When the Supreme Court did this, it also sponsored and empowered the state humanistic, Gender Identity, Same Sex false religion. The US Supreme Court does not have authority over marriage to change it at all nor can they force acceptance of same sex marriage since marriage is religious (created and instituted in the Bible) which is why it's also referred to as Holy Matrimony. When you look at that day, June 26, 2015, it was on a Friday, the morning being the latter part of the 6th day of the week of the 6th month, and the evening is the beginning of the Sabath. The Sabath is from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. I'm almost certain that the justices had no idea of the significance of this day, but the Bible says in Eph. 6. "[12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Those do understand the significance. Same Sex Marriage rejects God's holy order for male with female to be fruitful and multiply and for man and wife as one for the foundation of the family. The falsehoods of Gender Identity, LBGTQ+ and same sex marriage deny the Image of God and is represented by the second 6. The third 6 is the LBGTQ+ "rainbow" symbol that hijacked God's rainbow symbol of His covenant with Noah. They wave the flag proudly proclaiming falsely that "love is love," when the Scriptures say God is love! Most of them are non-believers and call God all kinds of insulting and blasphemous names. God is completely disrespected and rejected by the Gender Identity false religion. It falsified the rainbow symbol to represent LBGTQ+ Pride in their sin. The final iteration of the LBGTQ+ rainbow flag has 6 stripes to represent each "gender identity." Sadly, when a person sees a rainbow flag or symbol, they immediately associate it with gay pride and not the symbol of God's Covenant with Noah. God just revealed to me today, on this Ash Wednesday, 2024 that the rainbow mockery goes beyond the Covenant with Noah and mocks the very Throne of God. Revelation 4:3 says: "3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald." And because of this mockery and the fact that LBGTQ+ celebrates and takes pride in sin and lies, instead of repenting of them as Christianity demands, it is impossible for a person who supports LBGTQ+ to be a Christian. The Gender Identity false religion says a person can be LBGTQ+ and be a Christian, but just like everything else about it, this too is false -- don't believe it. Jesus already said a Kingdom divided against itself won't stand. This is thousands of years old Scripture that has foretold what is happening in this generation, and we should all say thanks be to God that He has told us ahead of time. Now we know His word is the Truth and the calculation of the mark of the beast, 666, is accurate and true. Receiving the mark is how you think and what you do according to scripture. If you accept LBGTQ+ as righteous and equal to binary male and female, then you have denied the Image of God and received the mark of the beast. Pastors and teachers of Christian doctrine must speak and stand boldly on the Word of God because now you know what you are dealing with. There is power in the name of Jesus! The "equality" lies codified for "LBGTQ+" have collided with Christianity and forced many believers out of business and tortured some like Jack Phillips for years. Gender Identity demands adherence in laws and in all aspects of business, including policing, while rejecting Christianity. It wants boys to share private spaces with girls, and men want to compete against women in sports, only to steal their rewards. It wants to deny biology and indoctrinate preschoolers via the "genderbread" person. Just who do LBGTQ+ people think they are that if their sins and lies aren’t celebrated then they will be offended, and will summons the government to cast Christianity to the wayside and pronounce us Christians guilty of discrimination? Christians must recognize what this is and understand that no person or government can tell you that you must accept "LBGTQ+" as righteous or you are a hateful monstrous bigot who uses religion to discriminate, because you refuse to denounce your faith by accepting theirs. Nor can they censor what you say about your faith and love for Jesus. There is no middle ground here. You're either with God or you're not. People who straddle issues pertaining to God, He says, are lukewarm and make Him want to vomit. Many homosexuals are leaving the same sex religion and beginning to recognize their sin as sin, rather than something to be celebrated. They are returning to God with a repentant heart. This is real and it is happening now. It is critical that people understand because it does have eternal consequences. Jesus is coming back, and He said to be prepared because we do not know what day or hour that He's returning. But just like He gave us the calculation for the mark of the beast, He also gave us the signs of the times to look for just prior to His return, and those signs are happening now.
@elijahmarie77444 3 месяца назад
Male or female is determined by gender located in the soul not sex characteristics. I am Elijah, the forerunner to the return of Jesus. I have the final say on truth and anyone that doesn't listen to me will eventually be taken with the wicked. The soul enters the body at birth when a baby takes its first breath. Gender has no DNA marker. Transgender people are born that way. Matthew 19:12 says God prefers same-sex marriage and confirms transgender people are born that way and anyone saying otherwise will soon be taken with the wicked. Matthew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in gender. JESUS was TRANSGENDER. Jesus was a man that was female in gender. Jesus will return as a woman still female in gender. Jesus will marry a woman that is male in gender. Jesus will be in a LESBIAN relationship. The wedding is already paid for and will be broadcasted all over the world. Fake ministers all over the world already know this just like they all know Malachi 3:8-12 is telling THEM to return the money they were never supposed to take. Anyone that doesn't stay out of the fake buildings and stop supporting anyone at all using the name of God to take money for anything at all will soon be taken with the wicked. World peace is coming for those that remain and God's real people will never pass on again.
@Nomilinom 4 месяца назад
3rd dimension power is hidden, but you must have evidence. ok.
@okparaprecious9395 5 месяцев назад
What is then the difference between tribalism and neopatrimony in Africa
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
neorealism explains best if China can rise peacefully
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
limitations it pays little attention to domestic politics, it sometimes really matters. 6:48
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
3:51 subfield is international security
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
why we need theory to understand how the world works. policymakers and all try to make sense and know what are the organizing forces that drive reality. theories are simplifications of reality help to make sense of the world. what are the right and wrong policies that a state should design
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
they will compete with each other for power as power is indispensable for survival. power is a goal as per neorealism. you make yourself as powerful as you can, you aspire to become a godzilla. two terms like the architecture or international system. we need theory to learn how the world works
@Hassan_Rajput_PAS 7 месяцев назад
state behaves according to the architecture of international systems. Anarchy - there is no higher authority that sits above them. that can protect state if they get in trouble they will compete with each other for power as power is indispensable for survival. power is a goal as per neorealism. you make yourself as powerful as you can, you aspire to become a godzilla. two terms like the architecture or international system. we need theory to learn how the world works
@mangyangerlongkumer7961 7 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot for this interview!
@arsh...7007 8 месяцев назад
Love from India. Very insightful
@Ryanandboys 8 месяцев назад
Realisim is just objectively true, i am always amazed how many people think its different in the modern world 😂. No hard power is still as important as ever.
@Albert-me1oe 9 месяцев назад
Fckyou with your compulsory voting.
@davidparris7167 9 месяцев назад
Voting in Australia is NOT compulsory. What is compulsory is on voting day you must attend a voting place and have your name recorded as attending. No one can make you actually vote, and you can lodge a blank ballot which you can also do with a postal ballot. Australia invented the secret ballot as we use throughout the world today. Australia was the first country that gave women the vote and at the same time allowed women to stand as a candidate for election.
@clavichord 9 месяцев назад
What about if you attend, are recorded as attending, but then refuse to cast a ballot and leave again? Is it compulsory to cast a ballot (irrespective of it being spoilt or blank or for a candidate)?
@davidparris7167 9 месяцев назад
@@clavichord I have only not voted once and at that time I could not refuse to take a ballot, even though I protested I didn't intend to vote and at the same time I couldn't leave with the blank ballot and had to just place it unmarked into the ballot box. The walk of shame. The vibe was that I was not doing my duty by not voting. This is how ingrained it is to ''do the right thing'' and vote. Fun Facts: In a Federal election you vote for candidates in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The ballot paper for Reps measures about 10cms x 20cms and contains 4-6 names which you mark 1-6 in order of preference while Senate paper is about 50cms x 1metre and contains up to 150 names for only 6 Senate positions which you can mark 1-150 in your order of preference or as a rare recognition of reality you need only mark for 12 candidates if you wish to make it a valid vote. It is a Preferential Voting System which means if your first preference is only a small percentage of the overall vote your second or perhaps third choice is countered so that the winning candidate gets, with preferences, 51% of the vote. Voting in Australia is an event. Outside the polling stations, decked with bunting and steamers and party volunteers standing beside large poster displaying a photograph of their candidate and party affiliations trying one last pitch for your vote. Local charities set up food stalls and the whole place takes on a fun atmosphere. Why wouldn't you want to vote? Oh, that's right, those pesky, annoying politicians which had got the best of me when I decided that time not to vote.
@clavichord 9 месяцев назад
@@davidparris7167 Oh, I definately think it's the right of a citizen not to vote, after all there may not be a party or candidate you wish to vote for. I believe in Belgium you have to turn up but don't have to vote, if you don't want to, unless you are handicapped or have a good reason to be exempt. I'm not in favour of compulsory voting. In Egypt its just used to legitimise a dictator... so I don't agree with what the lady in this video claims
@davidparris7167 9 месяцев назад
@@clavichord The irony of what you say is that if everyone felt as you, democracy would die, and your precious ''rights of a citizen'' would be at the whim of a dictator perhaps or at best a benevolent philosopher king or maybe a cruel idealogue. Of course, I am being absurd. Never in history have such leaders appeared because one person failed to do their duty...........
@clavichord 9 месяцев назад
@@davidparris7167 Well, I seriously doubt democracy actually exists anywhere. Whatever ideology people believe in, wether it be parliament, Chuch, monarchy, communism etc... people who want power, weath and influence will hide behind your ideology and pull the strings, manipulate it... and the gullable will then think they have power as voters... while they watch the parliamentary puppet theatre unfold...
@cristinacyoutube 11 месяцев назад
y sale un anuncio de VOX...de publicidad, madre mía
@naoufeljaouada 11 месяцев назад
Blabla bla. La renommée de ce Keohane est exagérée.
@naoufeljaouada 11 месяцев назад
@jaredandrews5806 Год назад
This man is just talking out of his ass. Are Newton's ideas about gravitation wrong 75% of the time?
@udaybhadoriya8397 Год назад
@01leahjoan Год назад
Lukes explained it so well you can see that he really knows his craft. I won't be seeing the world in the same way now 😏
@CC-dx6bc Год назад
Responsiblity before sleifish rights
@musictomyears8 Год назад
Can you interview scholars outside the established US universities who have said something original? Say something from the Ivory Tower of Harvard (taken from European scholarship) and people will talk about your work for a few years ahead regardless of originality... Most of these ideas were already present in European scholarship, which US 'elite professors' pillage without giving recognition to that scholarship.
@jacintocanekportillo8960 Год назад
Conflict isn't Conflicto Conflict is Discrepancia.
@Ozzy-vd7lc Год назад
@naomicambridge3942 Год назад
Phenomenal explanation Thank you!
@kyawzayyarlwin8003 Год назад
@strodevleti9273 Год назад
Our bloodbrothers literally getting tortured by china and most of the world seeing Uyghur turks as terrorist because they are muslim and doesn't even care about the genocide 😭😢
@tucker9658 Год назад
🤭 p̴r̴o̴m̴o̴s̴m̴
@natalyamunro8316 Год назад
this man is single handedly saving my IR finals. Thank you
@AryanSawant-ji5pq 9 месяцев назад
he is also the reason you have the IR final in the first place😔😔
@elieh1249 4 месяца назад
hire me with u plz
@sleepymario9657 2 месяца назад
he wrote your exam mr/mrs donkey
@michaelutech4786 Год назад
Okay, Hobbs' book is available on Gutenberg, now that I peeked into it, I have the impression Mearsheimer used it to promote his own book. Hobbs is definitely too far from our contemporary mind set to qualify as easy reading ;-)
@michaelutech4786 Год назад
Also, it's quite funny to promote a book published in 1651 as reading for 'NEO'-anything.
@JohnParavantis Год назад
Is offensive realism and neorealism the same thing?
@valeantigot6390 Год назад
hey there, really enjoyed the video - would love to get these as audio only, are you on audea?
John Mearsheimer is a liberal hegemon whithout a peer competitor, with no security threat in the region - no others to roam into the backyard. ... Stay well. Peace. Eleonora Formato née Szczepanowski South Australia
9:14 min ... book list.
@MakeBetterStuff Год назад
Theories are useful, yes, and neorealism is a useful theory to contemplate. But, theories also limit our thinking as much as they support it.
@olivergilpin 2 года назад
@sjh4789 2 года назад
There is only one truth, but there may be more than one aspect.
@pingouin125 2 года назад
4 books to read :Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan; Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics (1959), Man, the State and War (1979); Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics.
@fjordhellas4077 2 года назад
Professor Mearsheimer, you are monumental! The first time I came across your work on neorealism was during my study abroad year at the American University of Beirut ( Lebanon)about nine years ago. Your scholarship and vision are highly respected among the dept of political science and the Lebanese seem to be more in tune with your work than us in Norway, a NATO member country and blind allies of the US. I brought with me back to the U of Oslo, one of your brilliant books’ The Israel Lobby ‘ written by you and your colleague and equally brilliant scholar Professor Stephen Walt. As always, it was an eye opener. The best thing that happened to me was to hear our former and beloved Prime Minister Kåre Willoch praising it and praising both of you for your erudition, courage and brilliance.
@fatimamahdi5431 11 дней назад
I love this comment so much
@Didmasela 2 года назад
I read Professor John Mearsheimer's book "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics", and other articles for my Bachelors degree in Political Science and International Relations, and in some of my first and second year Masters course modules in International Relations/Global Political Economy. I am a realist /marxist academic..🤩
@coolersnoipah173 Год назад
kys commie
@Didmasela 2 года назад
A state wants to be a Godzilla in the International System in order to survive. This is phenomenal of Professor John Mearsheimer as he simplified the complex understanding of an anarchic international system.
@davidqin7033 2 года назад
This is the classic realism and nothing new really.
@azhanali1448 2 года назад
I studied International Politics in 1990. Prof Mearsheimer rekindles the fond memories of my University life.