I upload music I like/concerts I like. I upload things that fascinates me around my neigbourhood in Gjøvik, Norway, where I live. Big things and small things. Everyday things etc.
Trombone solos and Bærum Big Band, Norway.
10 месяцев назад
26. juni 2021
3 года назад
Bærum Big Band 17. mai 2021
3 года назад
Kroatia 2014
4 года назад
Training session November 9, 2019.
4 года назад
@DianaVickersUK 3 месяца назад
Did she ever release this?
@oyvind1962 7 месяцев назад
Hi Jim Griffin. Thanks for your compliments about my brother, Torbjørn Sunde. The guitar player is Norwegian, his name is Jon Eberson. He has made several records, also as a part of different Norwegian bands.
@donniecastleman5701 9 месяцев назад
Bass player is killer on this song! I read his bass parts every year at a church in Las Vegas and it's a musical workout every time!
@Elizabeth-ce8vl 10 месяцев назад
Where are lyrics
@sitarnut 10 месяцев назад
How about a shout out for the way competent Guitarist... great single line and chord comping with interesting, different to my ear chords. Reminds me of Ed Bickert. Kudos.
@oyvind1962 10 месяцев назад
Hi. The trombone player is my brother. He says he likes your comment. He says the guitar player's name is Jon Eberson, a Norwegian.
@sitarnut 10 месяцев назад
Many thanks.. I will check out Jon.. please tell your brother that I think he's got the best Tone and individualistic phrasing I've heard in over 5 decades of playing Jazz. Do you guys remember the splendid guitarist Wim Hoff? @@oyvind1962
@johnkreuger8748 Год назад
Great tune, this sunday on my radioshow
@MortenKvalsvikAndersen Год назад
Kan du kontakte meg Oyvind?😊🎶
@梁龍哲 Год назад
I form Taiwan I love Norway
@bertillabaker Год назад
I had the honor of singing with the Broadway Inspirational Voices Choir for 15 years. This song was nominated for a Grammy for best arrangemet
@oyvind1962 Год назад
Fantastic to hear!
@JayShayyy Год назад
Beautiful. Truly breath taking. 😢
@JayShayyy Год назад
Glory to the lord!
@justsayin644 Год назад
great song!
@bjrnaadny7786 2 года назад
Fantasiska musiker! Jag älskade LAVA som ung gutt i Norge och detta håller måttet fortfarande!
@ekkimdeh8567 2 года назад
This is good sh ........awesome
@ЮрійРибаченко-р5ч 2 года назад
Круто очень здорово.! Twin peaks. Melodi.👍👍👍👍👍
@ifeelcod4557 2 года назад
Fantastic rendition
@williamfrancis1719 2 года назад
The whole album was recorded at OCEAN WAY 1 in Hollywood CA.
@williamfrancis1719 2 года назад
I was the librarian on this whole album. That's Jeremy playing the keyboard and I was turning pages for him. The great Randy Waldman played the synth harmonica part.
@mimaal9103 2 года назад
Hi there, thanks for sharing. It's salsa inspired, great tune! Any chance you could share the audio of your recording of Chicago is Norway 1977? Thanks again.
@dexterwimbush1532 2 года назад
So good
@suprememusicmaster 3 года назад
Ole Borud "Resting Day" from the "Keep Movin'" album...'Nuff said...
@27flyergirl 3 года назад
Wish Spotify would release this version!
@27flyergirl 2 года назад
me too been trying forever to get...think it has to do with all the artists.
@oyvind1962 3 года назад
Adam Douglas, originally from Oklahoma, USA, having a great consert in Gjøvik, Norway.
@noHOPEof 3 года назад
-- an *8* years passed comment( noticed that vid postings have occurred in past months ) .sUUch ~ Snoqualmie ~ splend0r. information( effortlessly deleted )concerning a movie length fan Film -- that *by autumn 2O21* will(certainly)be free on YT. *@queen_Peaks* title is : : *Queen of Hearts -- A Twin Peaks fan Film* (of course season3 left us all in a certain out0F place . . . UnderstooD. ~ !) This fan Film has cast more than t h e s e characters : : *Garland , Windom , Caroline , SenoritaDido , Laura , Harry , Dale , Annie* youtuber *Obnoxious and Anonymous* - and humble community mates - raised via indiegogo an amount of 25 , 000. ( ( Cameron Cloutier has made several 'trailers' available on his( never pressures to subscribe )YT channel ) ) ~ please decide ALL for yourself(he SURELY does agree that this is *not* an attempt to .be. David Lynch) !apologies for intrusi0n
@guleri 3 года назад
Fantastisk trombonist, vokalist, låtskriver og arrangør. Har hatt gleden av å spille med ham i flere år i storband. Trivelig fyr med et oppkomme av historier fra et liv som musiker :-)
@oyvind1962 3 года назад
Hyggelig å høre at du oppfatter min bror slik!
@trondvetleseter8626 3 года назад
A masterpiece...!
@torgerjohannessen 3 года назад
i was there awesome
@nobu9784 3 года назад
Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let heaven and earth receive her king. 喜びを世界中に伝えよう、主が来られる。天と地を挙げて王を迎よう。 Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing こころに王を受け入れる準備しましょう。生きとし生けるものは喜び歌え、喜び歌え、 And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing 生きとし生けるものは喜び歌え。 Sing great joy, He rules the world with truth and grace 大いなる喜びを歌え、主は真理と恵みをもって世を治められ、 And makes of the nations prove the glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love そしてあらゆる国の人々に神の義の栄光と神の愛の驚きを証しさせる。 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns. Let everyone their songs employ. 喜びを世界中に伝えよう、救い主が治められる。一人一人、喜びの歌を広めよう。 Will fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy repeat the sounding joy 陸と海、岩山、台地そして平地は、鳴り響く喜びを繰り返せ、鳴り響く喜びが繰り返せ、 Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. 鳴り響く喜びを繰り返せ。 Joy, God joy, and everybody sings joy to the world. 喜べ、神の喜び、すべての人は喜びの歌を世界に向かって歌え。 Joy, joy, Sing joy, God joy, great joy, joy, and everybody sings joy to the world. 喜べ、喜べ、喜び歌え、神の喜び、大いなる喜び、喜びの歌を世界に向かって歌え。 And heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven, and heaven and nature sing joy, Song of great Joy. 生きとし生けるものは喜びの歌を、大いなる喜びの歌を歌え。 「Joy To The World」は、復活し天の聖所で父なる神の右の座につかれたキリストの地上への再臨、天と地の王としての再臨を待ち望む歌のように感じます。Let every heart prepare Him roomは、一人一人のこころに王を受け入れる準備をしましょうという呼びかけです。「 生きとし生けるもの」( heaven and nature ) は、主が王として来られる喜びを世界中に伝えましょうと歌っています。イエスは今も父なる神が約束された聖霊 ( Holy spiritまたは Holy Ghost ) を天から一人一人のこころに注いでくださっています。こころに聖霊を受け入れて主イエスの再臨を喜び歌いましょうという感じです。 イエスは今現在も天から「真理と恵み」( truth and grace ) によって、私たちを治め、あらゆる国の人々に「神の義の栄光」と「神の愛への驚き」を証しさせると歌は続いています。マルコによる福音書(10:42-45)において、イエスは十字架の意味を語り、あなたがたの間すなわち来たるべき世界での統治の仕方を次のように述べられています。『そこで、イエスは一同を呼び寄せて言われた。「あなたがたも知っているように、異邦人の間では、支配者と見なされている人々が民を支配し、偉い人たちが権力を振るっている。しかし、あなたがたの間では、そうではない。あなたがたの中で偉くなりたい者は、皆に仕える者になり、いちばん上になりたい者は、すべての人の僕(しもべ)になりなさい。人の子は仕えられるためではなく仕えるために、また、多くの人の身代金として自分の命を献げるために来たのである。」』イエスが私たちを治める「真理と恵み」とは、一人一人のこころに天から遣わされた「聖霊」であり、「イエスの生き方」、「イエスの信仰」のことだと思います。「神の義」( His righteousness ) とは、イエスが限りあるご自分の命を身代金として悪魔に与えて、悪魔の誘惑に私たちの兄弟として勝利したことであり、ひとり子を世に与えた下さった父なる神の愛のことだと思います。真理と恵みである聖霊をいただいた人たちが証しする「神の義の栄光」( the glories of His righteousness ) とは、解放されて、聖霊なる神の働きにより神の子供たちの栄光に輝く自由にあずかれるようになるということであり、その先駆けとしてキリストの永遠の命への復活と昇天があるのだと思います。「神の愛への驚き」( the wonders of His love ) とは、そのような常識では到底、理解不能な神(父、子、聖霊なる=三位一体)の不思議な愛を、驚きをもって感謝することだと思います。Let everyone their songs employとは、一人一人が父なる神から頂いた才能を生かして自分の言葉で人生において喜びを表現しましょうということです。その全地球規模で展開される喜びは、 生きとし生けるものだけでなく、陸と海、岩山、台地、平地などの生き物でない被造物にも伝わり、天地を挙げて壮大なスケールで大合唱することになります。その喜びはまた、父、子、聖霊なる神の喜びでもあるというのです。その喜びを世界中に向けて伝えていこうと歌いあげていきエンディングを迎えます。「Joy To The World」は、イエスの勝利と復活を讃える歌、こころを開いて聖霊を受け入れる一人一人が滅びへの隷属から解放されて神の子供たちの栄光に輝く自由にあずかれるという勝利の喜びのクリスマスソングなのです。
@michaelscott7462 4 года назад
One word: CHURCH! The most underrated songs ever.!
@andyroper1613 4 года назад
This lived on my Thorens back then. You just travel back. The other hot Summer (1977)
@Moshavnik7272 4 года назад
McDonald elevated DB to a class act. Without him they were just another teeny bopper pop group!
@suesturges6022 4 года назад
oyvind1962, please contact me. You spoke to me 5 years ago and I wrote you back. No return answer from you! Please tell me how you found me!!! Want to know more! This is from my channel Sue Sturges .....There’s two, one you wrote on and the one I am finally using or adding videos. Contact me because you said you live 5 miles from Sissel. Do you still live there. Are you protecting you and your family from CORVID19? I hear your government is not doing it’s best for the Norway citizens!!!! I’m am American. We are all told to stay home!!!! Many people are being given government to survive. Many businesses will close! This pandemic is horrible!!!! Talk to me about Norway and Sissel!!!! Thank you, Sue Sturges
@jaysemdiu5026 4 года назад
I'm not sure but she's wearing expensive panties
@carloalbertomagni 5 лет назад
Excellent musician
@donaway6 5 лет назад
I love this one.. Ray Brandy and Charlie got it going on...65 and loving it
@supachaloopa3611 5 лет назад
Both versions are very good. BUT how many out there know the story behind the song?.... It's a hilarious one.
@kevmequet3310 5 лет назад
I was 17. Totally agree!
@fionaphillips3458 5 лет назад
Great lyrics
@jamierodriguez9072 5 лет назад
Följer smhi radar från Sverige o ser att norge har ett kraftfullt oväder..
@Ahnakin67 5 лет назад
Har du en link til smhi raderen fra Sverige ?
@jamierodriguez9072 5 лет назад
@@Ahnakin67 sök på Google efter " smhi radar " så kommer det upp där det står på radarn , 5 minuter Sverige och 15 minuter norden. Kan skicka en länk om det funkar för dig o kopiera den ?
@jamierodriguez9072 5 лет назад
@@Ahnakin67 www.smhi.se/vadret/nederbord-molnighet/radar-blixt#colorblind=false,layerselected=15min
@jamierodriguez9072 5 лет назад
@@Ahnakin67 symbolen ( + ) är blixtar :)
@jamierodriguez9072 5 лет назад
@@Ahnakin67 skickade ett långt meddelande men det försvann från RU-vid 🤔 hoppas du fick länken m.m 😊
@ragazko 5 лет назад
Here is a great AOR song!I would like to listen all the songs from that album,partuculary if there is the first version of the bulgarian cover below?Thanks in advance! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CL9_fKpBlis.html
@oyvind1962 5 лет назад
I agree! Sounds like you have a very goid stereo set up too! Those were the days!!
@3wsportfishing311 5 лет назад
Ahh..the 70s , Jr High, Girls, The Doobie brothers on my Dual Turntable , Marantz 2238B receiver powering a second hand pair of AR a3 speakers ...what a special time ! Still have all my albums and the stereo system , sounds as good now as it did then.
@matthewmasternak3555 5 лет назад
Is Laura wearing tight jeans, or is she wearing leather pants? It's hard to tell.
@oyvind1962 5 лет назад
I recorded this. Probably tight, elastic jeans. Not leather.
@CryMeARiver63 2 года назад
Stretch jeans .
@Gazoline1000 5 лет назад
Big thougts.......
@jsguitargeek1432 5 лет назад
Unbelievable tune - thank you for posting the vinyl rendition !
@margaretjefton8842 5 лет назад
sleep. peacefuly. mikael. sad. you. pass. you. died. went to. heaven. patrick. the. co. founder.
@brendajones5707 5 лет назад
@Doobie1975 5 лет назад
Totally forgotten all about this song, used to hear it on the Satellite Feed at my old job back in the early 2000's
@oliviaturner7794 5 лет назад
Is there a performance track to this song available anywhere?
@oyvind1962 5 лет назад
I really don't know.
@mortonsoft2001 5 лет назад
Yes: www.halleonard.com/product/viewproduct.action?itemid=8744290&lid=3&keywords=great%20joy&subsiteid=1&
@JayShayyy Год назад
@brendajones5707 6 лет назад
The live version of this song is even better!
@johnledington6242 6 лет назад
This song just sends me