Cardiff University
Cardiff University
Cardiff University
We are an ambitious and innovative university with a bold and strategic vision located in a beautiful and thriving capital city. Our research is world-leading and we provide an educationally outstanding experience for our students.

Driven by creativity and curiosity, we strive to fulfil our social, cultural and economic obligations to Cardiff, Wales, and the world.
Developing a self-cleaning period product
19 часов назад
Casgliad Shirley Jones
3 месяца назад
Shirley Jones Collection
3 месяца назад
Y Lle: Welsh language hub opens its doors
3 месяца назад
@MrBazzabee 5 дней назад
4cking Shite.
@richardevans560 10 дней назад
What a load of Marxist nonsense. You're linking a song written in 1983 with the Miners' strike that didn't start until 1984, Thatcher gets a mention but Tony Benn (who closed far more pits and threw more miners out of work in Wales than Thatcher). No mention as to why heavy industry had a hard time in the 1970s - We'd joined the EU so couldn't protect our markets anymore. As for the Welsh who "have abandonned their native language" most never had it to abandon. In the 1980s less than 10% of Wales could speak Welsh fluently, many had never had an ancestor who spoke Welsh because they'd migrated in for work from England, Scotland and Ireland in the 1800s. Maybe Marion didn't know this?
@TheHare-rv3hj 12 дней назад
Absolutely meaningless.
@earlofsandwich7884 12 дней назад
Tip: if you are a public speak like this guy then try and not to use phrases like um and err. If you get stuck on what to say, just stop, think what you want to say and then say it.
@sharadvibhute3030 22 дня назад
Hi, Is this University conducting any courses ya training in Shooting ( Sport)?
@vigneshraj3360 29 дней назад
Why is the warm hole near the Saturn and not near earth?
@stayhumble6092 Месяц назад
I am 44 with 5 kids and have been told I have brain volume loss the wait to see a neurologist in Cardiff is 63 weeks it’s very very long time to wait to know what is going on
@Teddys_lifestyle Месяц назад
Is Cardiff university city based or campus based
@krisofamerica Месяц назад
Eugenics is a narcissistic and pathetic thing.
@baldurmoizisch6905 Месяц назад
Already i presented my theory to hold wormholes open. Now, a little bit more detail: In the internet i found this: New York (USA) - US-Physiker haben eine neue Theorie aufgestellt, wonach akustische Phononen negative Masse besitzen und auf diese Weise dann auch der Gravitation entgegen wirken könnten. Bislang handelt es sich dabei allerdings um noch nicht fachliterarisch publizierte und rein theoretische Überlegungen, die das Physiker-Trio allerdings mit umfangreichen Berechnungen stützt. Bislang gehen die meisten physikalischen Theorien davon aus, dass Schall- und Klangwellen keine Masse besitzen oder mit sich führen. Vielmehr soll es sich eher um eine Bewegung von Molekülen und damit einhergehende Kollisionen handeln. Auf diese Weise kann Klang aber auch nicht von der Schwerkraft beeinflusst werden. Wie Angelo Esposito, Rafael Krichevsky und Alberto Nicolis von der Columbia University vorab via ArXiv.org erläutern, erklären eben diese bisherigen Theorien aber nicht vollständig sämtliche bislang gemachten Beobachtungen. In den vergangenen Jahren haben Physiker deshalb versucht, das Verhalten von Schallwellen anhand deren kleinstem Bestandteil, dem sogenannten Phonon, zu beschreiben, in dem Schallvibrationen komplizierte Wechselwirkungen mit Molekülen auslösen, durch die es dem Schall möglich ist, sich auszubreiten. Auf diese Weise ist es Physikern möglich, Prinzipien auch auf Schall anzuwenden, die bislang nur auf wirkliche Teilchen angewandt werden konnten. Bislang ging aber noch kein Physiker soweit wie Nicolis, Esposito und Krichervsky und behaupteten, dass es sich bei den auch als Schallquanten bezeichneten Phononen tatsächlich um Teilchen handelt, die dann auch Masse und somit auch negative Gravitation besitzen könnten. Um ihre Theorie bildhaft zu beschreiben, verwenden die Wissenschaftler das Bild eines mit einer Flüssigkeit gefüllten Containers: In einer mit Wasser gefüllten Tasse sind die Wasserpartikel am Boden der Tasse dichter als an der Oberkannte. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Teilchen von der Schwerkraft nach unten gezogen werden. Allgemein ist zugleich bekannt, dass sich Klang schneller fortbewegt, wenn er dichteres Material durchdringt. Das Physiker-Trio fragt nun, was mit den Phononen passiert, wenn diese auf die beschriebenen Unterschiede treffen. Als Antwort schlagen sie vor, dass ein Phonon, nach oben abgelenkt und auf diese Weise tatsächlich Eigenschaften negativer Gravitation aufweisen würde. Doch die Forscher gehen noch einen Schritt weiter: Gleiches könnte eben nicht nur innerhalb von Flüssigkeiten passieren, sondern auch, wenn Klang sich durch die Luft um uns herum fortsetzt. Auf diese Weise würden die Phononen die Luft minimalst anheben. Während die Physiker abschließend eingestehen, dass dieser Effekt zu gering wäre, als dass er mit bisheriger Technologie überhaupt gemessen werden könnte, erhoffen sie sich zugleich von der stets fortschreitenden Entwicklung, dass der Effekt vielleicht schon bald nachweisbar sein und ihre Theorie damit überprüfbar werden wird. If this is right, we have to find another planet with a similat atmosphere than earth´s where sound waves a possible. With the starshot breakthroug or breakthrough starshot projekt (not even in person), we get there, establish one end of the wormhole while the other is on earth so soundwaves can travel through the wormhole. If acoustic phonons are really antigravitational and therefore have the characteristics of negative matter, they could pevent the whormhole from collapsing and keep it open. If we find them in the quantum foam, succeed in making them big and learn to bring (the singularities of) the ends together, we can go to every planet wich has an atmosphere that carries acoustic phonons. Of course, strarshot breakthrough must content thechnology that can create and open one side of the channel. Or could we send it? However. Let´s have visions and shape the the future!
@qow2427 Месяц назад
Lenny's V@ccine promo is well worth watching and will be remembered by many for years to come. 😵
@glorious-victory 2 месяца назад
23:02 Black Hole
@user-iv3gd2lu9i 2 месяца назад
Cymru am byth cymraeg yn byw!
@aronik291 2 месяца назад
How can you kill cancer stem cells if you havent found them ? Jesus...
@Blackbird58 2 месяца назад
The GW Events App is still going if anyone is interested, I've just loaded it and can't wait for my first chirp! Life is amazing!
@randy3482 3 месяца назад
These trees were of the pre flood or Antediluvian world and like plants and animals in mass all over the Earth, none being transitional I might add, these trees fossilized rapidly under the incredible and intense pressure that only a global cataclysm of water could produce, scientifically speaking of course. These fossils are not millions or billions of years old nor could anything last that long keeping resemblance of itself and to think things could is a ridiculous notion for thinking people not looking for government grants and funding.
@VINTERIUM..EXPLORIUM.1 3 месяца назад
@claudenormandeau9211 3 месяца назад
I may have missed it, but what polarity was this 390 million year old forest back then? Perhaps the planet experienced several polarization shifts over the millenia.
@einsteinsantos3804 3 месяца назад
That's great idea and additional information
@user-kw2py8ix1k 3 месяца назад
Shirley is my Gran, and I couldn't be more proud and happy to see her wonderful artwork being talked about with such admiration. Thank you for making this video, and thank you Gran for donating your brilliant lifes work and for all the lovely memories (:
@marcwilliams4256 3 месяца назад
Da iawn!
@brendalandes1813 4 месяца назад
Born in Cardiff in 1940 now live in Israel. My family came from Russia and Lithuania before World War Two. Today only one Synagogue left. This one is Reform not orthodox I still wear a daffodil or leek on St David’s day.and remember quite a lot of my O Level Welsh,
@nathanfrazer7991 4 месяца назад
thank you for the work you do
@jinghuixu2478 4 месяца назад
@devot2013 4 месяца назад
What exactly does the phrase mean ? How is Scotland doing ? How things have been in Scotland ? How things are in Scotland now ( versus before ) ?
@xm3405 5 месяцев назад
Simpler times...
@elionsy1252 5 месяцев назад
respect to everyone there
@user-vb5pw6hl1m 5 месяцев назад
I think people are just born schizophrenic..... I believe there's no triggers yet again I can be mistaken... I
@MrAsimomytis 5 месяцев назад
can you also upload 1998 ceremony. I was there , as a young Graduate!
@miteshjain3561 5 месяцев назад
3 years have passed..what happened to this treatment? Still no progress or again hidden by the pharma mafia who dont want to bring a cure for cancer and keep selling the poisonous chemotherapies.
@chrisbourne3543 5 месяцев назад
UCLA killer T cells cancer in mice google it then go to off the shelf
@TheIkaraCult 5 месяцев назад
Great lad.
@daidavies6210 6 месяцев назад
@daidavies6210 6 месяцев назад
@daidavies6210 6 месяцев назад
Be very careful This University Let’s Men in the Girls Toilets … They have even given them Permission to do so. As Transgender… This is a University that’s supposed to Teach FACTS yet tells its students that there are more than Two Genders. Allows Men to Identify as a Girls and use Girls facility’s. University’s are supposed to teach FACTs . But those days are long gone , Don’t waste Your Money Here . Its a Liberal Hive-mind nothing more to indoctrinate the Gullible Young.. As a Business owner i will not employ anyone from Cardiff University.. PERIOD
@jamforlife2010 6 месяцев назад
The sad part about it is that big Pharma won’t let this happen because they have to make sure they get their money. I remember back in the late 90s there was a scientist that came up with a cure for HIV and then magically he got killed in a hit-and-run accident. It’s so weird how scientist just magically die when they come out with a miracle
@lordofthegames6601 6 месяцев назад
Absolutely fantastic, now it’s time for grandmas medicine
@leenallahham258 6 месяцев назад
I hope I'll be one of the graduates of Cardiff University in the upcoming year insha'Allah 😍😍😍😍
@ChadHavoc 6 месяцев назад
So four things I'm not at all smart, I like to try my best at learning things, so I am right in saying gravitational waves are faster than speed of light? And I said ages ago to someone who said I was wrong but from the look of the black hole I said it must have a north and south, is that correct? And with frequency, I was told one of the frequencies either radiation or microwaves shows heat the more you see expand means it's producing heat (not sure if true) but it just popped into my head if we can then see heat in frequency does that mean the emptiness around that frequency mean it's cold? And finally, so far that I know noise can create light called sonoluminescence, but is it possible the light/aura whatever it is that we see around a black hole is sonoluminescence?
@Learn_Quranwithme 6 месяцев назад
Abu Umamah al-Bahili said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: “Read Surat al-Baqarah, for reciting it regularly is a blessing and forsaking it is a cause of regret, and the magicians cannot withstand it.” Narrated by Muslim (804).
@Learn_Quranwithme 6 месяцев назад
Abu Umamah al-Bahili said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: “Read Surat al-Baqarah, for reciting it regularly is a blessing and forsaking it is a cause of regret, and the magicians cannot withstand it.” Narrated by Muslim (804).
@RhyfelwrOlaf 6 месяцев назад
More left wing properganda hate of Welsh people. 😮