Gaming channel - Mythiel
Divine Wood Spirit | SaGa Emerald Beyond Demo
5 месяцев назад
10FS Saruin | Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song
9 месяцев назад
Lords of the Fallen PVP
10 месяцев назад
Lords of the Fallen | Invasions
10 месяцев назад
Lords of bad netcode
10 месяцев назад
Lords of bad netcode
10 месяцев назад
Lords of bad netcode | PVP Invasions
10 месяцев назад
Lords of the Fallen | PVP Invasions
10 месяцев назад
Wo Long | Gonggong Build | Showcase
11 месяцев назад
Elden Ring Invasion | RL 80 #3
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Elden Ring Invasion | LV 80 #2
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 20 #5
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 60-80
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 60 #5
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 20 #4
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 60 #4
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 60 #3
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 20 #2
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Elden Ring Invasion | LVL 60
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Elden Ring invasion | LV 20
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Elden Ring invasion  | Monk #3
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Elden Ring PVP | Monk #2
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Elden Ring PVP | Monk
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@sanguinecalamus191 2 месяца назад
It’s hilarious seeing a cat using an attack called “GET BENT, CHUMP!”
@SilverHairedFreak25 3 месяца назад
Do you know what it takes to get to this ending? Are multiple playthroughs required?
@mythiel507 3 месяца назад
According to the JP Wiki it is indeed required to play the side stories of Pulchra with other protagonists and complete their stories with Amaya in your retinue.
@valhalla3566 3 месяца назад
Holy heck! I've played through the game 3 times (once with Mido, B+F, and Diva), and I'm not doing anywhere close to this amount of damage, have these stats, or equipment. What am I doing wrong?
@mythiel507 3 месяца назад
I have in total like 9 completions, and everytime I passed on stats. So yeah Ameya easily hits 99 INT. Her metal power was around 23 I believe? Then its just a matter of combo percentage adding to the total damage in the Rising Power formation. Your not doing anything wrong, its just a matter of time and hunting for the best gear out there. Good luck and thanks for watching
@rufure9294 3 месяца назад
Hi sorry to bother you but i have issues with the game : I'm at Avalon with Inspector Spear. They said to go to the hospital if you have 4 Avalon triangle which I have but when I go there nothing happens and they force me to continue without letting me go the cemetery. Is this a bug ?
@mythiel507 3 месяца назад
Its also an requirment to have no LP lost when you arrive there. Good luck!
@rufure9294 3 месяца назад
I surprised she has an evil ending. Kind of disappointed that she doesn't have at least a CG showing how much evil she becames
@mythiel507 3 месяца назад
Yeah i mean the endings in the game are kinda lazy overall. Mido has the best ones arguably. The rest are just idk 10 second endings and your like.. cool, next playthrough xd
@fivefive9514 3 месяца назад
its left open so players can decide what happens next. the player is Ameya so the player has agency to decide what to do with their power, and what is their definition of good and evil.
@fivefive9514 3 месяца назад
@@mythiel507 its left open so players can decide what happens next. the player is Ameya so the player has agency to decide what to do with their power, and what is their definition of good and evil. technically, with this route Ameya becomes the most powerful character in SaGa multiverse. this route has infinite potential
@mythiel507 3 месяца назад
@@fivefive9514 I understand your perspective, I guess it's a matter of taste how you feel about an open ending like this. Glad you like it !
@zalden2565 Месяц назад
SaGa has never really been known for fantastic endings. Usually just a quick wrap-up. Maybe a montage like in the early years. Sometimes even less, like Blue in SF
@SeiferTan 3 месяца назад
@rufure9294 4 месяца назад
Oh oh nice ending. I didn't get the vacation mention in my first run. Formina wanted to become president while Bonnie promised to be the first minister of security
@mythiel507 4 месяца назад
Yeah I got your ending on my first run :) This one is more chill I guess !
@rufure9294 4 месяца назад
So this is the ending you get if you do her route twice ? I was kind of disappointed that first was extremely short
@mythiel507 4 месяца назад
Yeah, idk. This one did not feel that different from my first run. According to the JPN Wiki Diva has 2 endings.
@mythiel507 4 месяца назад
I checked my previous video and yea this one is the second ending. Its just a duet with Emily lol. Different variation of the final fight too.
@SilverHairedFreak25 Месяц назад
​@@mythiel507The sad part is? The epilogue has nothing to do with Diva's story whatsoever. In order to unlock that scene, you have to see Emily Byrant's concert in Capitol City at least once. This can be done in any playthrough.
@ryzen5570 4 месяца назад
I really only want the helm for this armor, the grind for the rest is just unreal
@JackaL278 Месяц назад
You can do crucibles for over 1k of each currency
@FabiV4 8 месяцев назад
Bro, why do you cause so much damage?
@mythiel507 8 месяцев назад
Heey bro, Well its a sum of things. You can get perks by defeating challenges. I always look for multiple Amplify Damage perks that stack and can increase your HP damage to quite an amount. Im also using the Grace of Chiyou in this video. All debuffs applied from this grace makes you deal 30% more damage. SO overall, the amount is pretty good and I did manage to beat the whole 1000 mile with this setup rather easily.
@frenisi 8 месяцев назад
Is this armor set droppable?
@mythiel507 8 месяцев назад
Im not 100% sure but I dont think it is. I can confirm however if you have unlocked this armor in one file, it passes on other files. So if you managed to get this armor on char 1 file, you have this armor in your inventory in your new char file.
@lylaannabel8649 9 месяцев назад
👏 *PromoSM*
@Invaders_Unite 10 месяцев назад
Good fights man. I've killed a few guys using that halberd it looks like a decent weapon. I'm trying out pure agility with the rejects blade pretty fun.
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
Thanks man ! Its a great weapon, but i do notice how easy it is to parry. AGI build sounds like a great idea, I had my eyes on a dual Jeffrey dagger build for a while. I kinda stopped playing because of other games. Good luck destroying ganks 💪💪
@Invaders_Unite 10 месяцев назад
@@mythiel507 yeah man you too. I'll see you on the battlefield.
@RangerAce1290 10 месяцев назад
The only piece I want is the helmet. Even then I still need to fight 4 disconnects, 2 lag-based deaths, and one overleveled co-op spamming spells before I get a good connection that might just get me 9 out of the 400 hands I need.
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
Hey, there is a reason i call this game Lords of the bad Netcode haha. Been there bro! Wishing you good luck getting the helm, one piece is manageable..1600 hands is so overkill.
@plaguedoctormorphious 10 месяцев назад
So you say it wasn’t worth getting it, what made it feel like that?
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
The bad pvp expercience overall. Game has a terrible netcode and alot of fights were just a shitshow. People are teleporting, your getting stuck in combo's because the game cant register your rolling.. 🤣
@vecseiszilveszter4672 10 месяцев назад
the set is not that strong, it's an average vs fire armor
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
​@@vecseiszilveszter4672 yeah its average, heavy too. Its not a good pick for the meta either. Since majority goes Radience oriented, and this armor has crap holy defence. Considering the amount of hours needed to get the full set..its just not worth it.
@vecseiszilveszter4672 10 месяцев назад
@@mythiel507 yeah, and the other ones are crap as well for pvp, the dark vader one is vs radiant but is weak and ugly compared to this one, it’s more of a show of anyway that you tortured yourself to get it.
@constantinesoldatos 10 месяцев назад
@@vecseiszilveszter4672 Eh to be fair resistances don't matter all that much to begin with specially with how strong spells are, even after yesterday's patch I'm still 2 shotting people with Severing Blades the moment when I roll catch them. Just wear what looks cool to you
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
The goblin at 2m be like do you have any games on your phone
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
Glorious victory
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
Havent played wo long in a while, so the gameplay felt pretty bad xd. The mission is a nice Nioh referece!
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
There can only be 1 tryhard
@_-The_Boss-_ 10 месяцев назад
Muy buen video amigo. Jugabilidad top
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
Even if the pvp is poo poo youre still a pro Pvpr
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
O I see what you mean now
@mgr_raiden4588 10 месяцев назад
Congrats on the Armor set Myth!!
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
I like the way you’re doing the new vids👍
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
The way you’re kinda talking I like that more than just game play
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
Best PVP Player⚔️
@mythiel507 10 месяцев назад
Next video I will show the armor, managed to get the whole set..pvp in this game is so shit
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 10 месяцев назад
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
PvP pro⚔️
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
Soz i missed you live I was asleep:(
@siccens6168 11 месяцев назад
GongGong is the way!
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
The jump at the end perfect👌
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
Hay sorry for not responding in the stream I fall asleep it’s not because ur stream is boring or anything like that it’s just I was really tired
@mythiel507 11 месяцев назад
Hey its all good please dont worry !! Hope you enjoyed the footage !
@killerb255 11 месяцев назад
1:56:00 You got Irene! Woot!
@killerb255 11 месяцев назад
2:45:00 Yeah...unfortunately you messed up one of the steps for recruiting Nemain and saved after the failure condition happened. :(
@killerb255 11 месяцев назад
Looks like you ran out of rumors in Bicyniro in Chapter 3 Scarlet Shards. You needed to *not* talk to the townfolk in either Anchiano, Caprese, or Pescara in order to have a rumor chain left to get a Scarlet Shard. Of course you need the Caprese rumor set for Chapter 2 Sigfrei in order to get Aslana, which you did. I generally tend to avoid Pescara, but some people will farm the standard rumor in Chapter 1 and get treasure out of the sky--if you choose to do that, then avoid Anchiano in Chapter 2 Sigfrei and save that for Chapter 3 Scarlet Shards. Once you get the Bicyniro shard as well as the other six (Gradion, Megdasse, Numadica, Normi, Cerenaif, and Jusitania), Hibernia will be available to visit again for an additional Shard event.
@killerb255 11 месяцев назад
I couldn't win this battle without spamming Hypergravity either.
@killerb255 11 месяцев назад
Congrats and kudos! You did it without Hypergravity spam, Stun/pray to RNGesus, or Millionaire/United Attack blitz! I like that you put him in Frenzy for one turn to force him to Defend, and the Hell's Fury to Interrupt Galactic Rift to remove one of his lives.
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
Don’t worry i’ll watch The next one🙂
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
Sorry I missed u live I was away
@georgiahearn-jr4iv 11 месяцев назад
Sorry I missed u live I was away
@Suikojunkie Год назад
Dope game
@jesse7090 2 года назад
😃 𝓅𝓇o𝓂o𝓈𝓂
@hydraulxturtle2767 2 года назад
Thanks for some DFFOO vids, it's been awhile.
@zhilong 2 года назад
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
These new Lufenia is great to be honest, makes me use other characters that are benched for a long time like Penelo and Beatrix for example.
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
I also found out that this is the first Lufenia without an orb which is the most unique out of all of the Lufenia fights which is very interesting.
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
Some helpful guide, if you have someone like Arciela, Kefka, or El Nacho, this became such a cakewalk and I did that so good with Arciela, Queen, and Exdaddy.
@mythiel507 3 года назад
Oh yea my first run was with a tidus and i ended up with 20 turn victory lol this lufenia is easy with these kind of setups. Just wanted to challenge myself a bit and use Raijin :)
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
@@mythiel507 Ah Raijin, I remember using him alot alongside Lightning to destroy Early Lufenia after Lightning's BT release.
@demetriusfairley9274 3 года назад
Sound like god of war ( BOY) lol maybe this is were it came from
@demetriusfairley9274 3 года назад
I never heard of this one before so many old schools classics interesting one right here
@mythiel507 3 года назад
Probably one of my favorites of the sweet ps2 classics. Was a underrated game sadly, also because it dindt release in NA if i recall?
@demetriusfairley9274 3 года назад
@@mythiel507 so it not USA release wow mmm it got caught under the radar
@demetriusfairley9274 3 года назад
Good stream
@mythiel507 3 года назад
Hey sorry man, i read your live chat reply at the end. Im not used to get viewers on my ps2 classig rpg games streams. I`ll make sure to be there next time in chat ^^ glad u enjoyed it
@demetriusfairley9274 3 года назад
@@mythiel507 you good 👍 and your welcome
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
Also from the Gladiolus boss Jack in his LD always has an attached instant break even in his LD call and also Caius can instabreak too, I mainly used them against the Aqua Power spamming bosses in Transcendence which gave them huge brave gain as well as huge brave damage reduction but I don't know why some instabreak calls didn't work there.
@hydraulxturtle2767 3 года назад
There's a glitch on the brave gain phase of this boss, my instabreak call doesn't break them like Jack and Caius so I do the alternative and use Cor or Edward LD call to reduce them to 0, I also main Exdeath when doing this and it worked wonders but it takes alot of turns.
@mythiel507 3 года назад
Im not sure how Jack can insta break them? Care to explain? I tried Caius too and it failed, but I think its because they dindt get the Doom debuff because to much debuffs presents lol. Ami and Bartz had succes 100% of the time, So I just sticked with them. Yeah Exdeath can defo work here too! Cant wait for his future update, his assist will be great to have :)