The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel
The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel
The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and commentator provides compelling story telling, archive interviews & show content covering US foreign policy, economic realities and civil liberties in American society.

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Chris Hedges: The Necessity of Revolution
19 часов назад
Chris Hedges: The Cost of Resistance
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Atef Abu Saif: Why I Stay in Gaza
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What He Saw in Gaza Will Shock You
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Is Project 2025 Overblown?
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@mozartsbumbumsrus7750 Минуту назад
Israel simply and clearly is an illegitimate pariah settler occupying group of people called Israel should not and will not exist.
@johndoe-zz1nr 4 минуты назад
Sadly Isreal is playing with Palestians mind. Camp David agreement started with Carter’s good intentions and may have been a way out of the war between PLO and Isreal but after few years it didn’t work and 2 states solution became a myth
@mozartsbumbumsrus7750 5 минут назад
Palestine will always have an equal place with jews as they did before Israel.
@pauloteixeira8230 5 минут назад
'At the end of this war, we will be in a worse position than we are now' - that's the most poignant conclusion of Levy's testimony. Cant be clearer.
@gerhard7323 5 минут назад
Inevitable perhaps, but a cruel cosmic irony that the tormented and oppressed have become some of human history's biggest tormentors and oppressors.
@Jean-rg4sp 7 минут назад
*I do not understand the criticism of "woke" in this video. The only people promoting the rights of the most oppressed people in society are those accused of being woke in the same vein as those who criticise the Zionists are dismissed as being antisemitic. Chris has got this one wrong.*
@mozartsbumbumsrus7750 7 минут назад
Zionism is why the two-state "solution" always, since 1882, a no starter. "A land without a land without a people for a people without a land". Manifest Destiny for a greater Israel from the land to the sea. There will be only one state: Palestine, not Israel. Israel cannot survive or exist. It's clearly obvious.
@TariqRahman-dt3hn 22 минуты назад
Brilliant mind and insight of Gideon Levy and such a profound interview by Chris Hedges, thank you. Humanity, do listen!
@antifazisbonifaz6964 27 минут назад
So when the US is on the brink of losing his democracy trough excessive polarization and the right-wingers throwing democracy over the window to embrace authoritarianism you think a Democratic solution would work in the holy land? Democracy only can work where there is consensus in peace and not violence. That's utterrly unachievable in Israel if you sum to the equation the Palestinian side. Look the US Repubs are not for a pacific transition of power if the lose. Look like Democracies die once that in power (the deep always right-wing state) sense they are loosing his grip of power. They kill Demoracy prior (first) to losing control. And you think a Democratic system could work with the Palestinians inside? The best they could ever achieve is being like black Americans (second or third class citicens) always prone to be treted like George Floyd was treated. That would be his best case scenario. So the only solution iis expell the Israelli colonizers and make room for a Palestinian state. Of course this only can be done through a forceful ONU or perhaps when the USA is not anymore a superpower and the new superpower is another country or a group of countries. But peace can never be achieve from inside the holy land. Peace need to be imposed forcefully from outside of the region. People there are too deep in hate and are totally blind to another thing that thirst of revenge. The world need to separate the two condentents and impose them a solution (the two state solution) Thete is no other way for peace in the region. And i think that if the Us fails to imolement this solution another superpower (his heir and succesor) will implement it. Only force from outside can solve this entanglement
@Himmelhauser 48 минут назад
It is as if the US were arming and funding Hitler’s conquest of Europe.
@JohnBeerschoten 49 минут назад
The Arabs are getting stronger and stronger and now they are backed by Iran, Russia, China, North Korea and BRICS. The powerplay by Israel will change.
@JohnBeerschoten 58 минут назад
Gideon Levy is a fool and a defeatist.
@beniluv3250 Час назад
Only thing worrying gideon is loosing that qatari al jazeera money. Especially now when the last qatari base in the middle east finally closed.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
Resolution 181 29 Novenber 1947 has never been implemented. What is the consequence? It is clear.
@ZenaAlireza Час назад
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
An American doctor who worked in Palestine and is now back in the US, recently stated in the first week of September 2024, that every day he saw children shot in the head by American/Israeli snipers in Palestine. So not by accident. Let that sink in.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
Palestinians and all Arabs have to arm themselves to take back all the territory that the white Western IDF took from them.
@ghamouda Час назад
Israel can't break the people of Gaza. Palestinians will amaze the world.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
RU-vid will not survive its own censorship policies.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
Analists: Jeffrey Sachs - Scott Ritter - Larry Johnson - Ralph Wilde - Rami Khouri - Dr. Gilbert Doctorow - Colin Clark - Ilan Pappe - Norman Finkelstein - Col. Lawrence Wilkerson - Richard Wolff - Pepe Escobar -Theodore Postol - Mark Sleboda.- Dmitry Orlov - Col. Jacques Baud - Amb. Chas Freeman - Prof. Mohammad Marandi - Andrei Martyanov - Dee Knight - Tariq Ali - Andrei Martyanov -Rami Khouri - Charles Freeman - Phil Giraldi - Ehsan Safarnejad - Michael Hudson -Richard Falk - Daniel Patrick Welch, and others.
@jasonbenafre Час назад
With the utter carnage of 2024 almost behind me, I realize one thing. We are all raging inside, keeping the lid locked tightly on the pressure cooker, whether we know it or not. I can feel it in every wonderfully designed cell in my meat suit. A computing flesh puppet, as the new atheists would have you believe. There is a complete split in the human species. What I mean by split is better coined by Bret and Heather in their Darkhorse podcast as a collective maladaptation to hyper novelty. It is still within space-time; however, it is improbable that this is the baseline reality. So, we are dealing with the issue of a faulty virtual reality headset that is impossible to remove while you are alive. How do you fix it? Software patches have failed, and the lines of code within us cannot be bargained with by language. However much you may protest, the purity of math is our benchmark in the four dimensions of space-time. It is pure math that should guide every thought of the human experience. It's the cryptocurrency for your mind. While I write this, the killing of innocent children is, and will be, justified by those who participated in it. And to a degree, you and I are complicit in their deaths because we decided to say nothing at all-a soft kill for most of us. Hardly even noticing our complicity. A psychological defect in a higher functioning society. And to what cost? If we cannot ensure the complete protection of our children, then what have we become? If people are not having sleepless nights, may the Lord have mercy on your souls. Cos I haven't adequately slept for a while. It is for this reason the split in our species occurs. It is a them and us type of deal. Because if you can't feel this collective suffering of innocent humans, I mean it moves you to tears, well then, those of us who do feel this have a problem-a problem of coherence. Politics should concede to coherence. Yet with every letter I type, another atrocity occurs before the next, thus rendering me facile, without the ability to get ahead of the loop. We must watch on in horror or deny the reality while watering down our souls every time we look away. Most of us know we are being lied to by numerous high-ranking officials, some of whom hold the highest rank in their nations. The lies are bold now. Lies so fierce and open that it is difficult to call it deceitful. Moloch, the matrix, crony capitalism, the elites, or whatever you call it, is telling the proles precisely what they want and are setting out to do. You have to hand it to David Icke, who got a lot right. You can tell David has a soul; look in his eyes. All of us have an inbuilt bullshit detector through the eyes; It's like when your skin crawls when you look into the eyes of Alan Dershowitz; This is why David is so valuable to us when attempting change. He cares so passionately about exposing the rats behind the walls of power that he can absorb excessive documentation, upon which most mortals glaze over halfway through the first page. Remember that this is a fraction of the information deemed worth knowing by the breakaway civilization. God forbid what we don't know. And so we are forced to wrestle back what is rightly ours from the smallest elite of greedy cunts, and take back the keys to a padlock that opens the doors of our mind, our energy, and the conservative use of our materials. If you can hate the lies and the gaming of utterly everything, if you can hate the corruption and collusion and genocide and gaslighting, if you can hate the rot, then you can hate the people most responsible for it. As I've said, we should hate ourselves, too. Only rarely, yet at times, it will be the emotion most likely to cause the shift, to have the courage to fight against all odds. Yet we are told that there is no place for hate in our societies, yet hate exists where crimes of a magnitude unacceptable to society are increasing exponentially. The psychopaths in positions of power know this. Censorship of any kind is sub-optimal, however much you attempt to put the lipstick of control on the pig of free speech, and who gets to decide what is hate, and if hate, at times, is a necessary response, like disgust or retribution-a reaction to the sheer magnitude of lies, misery, and global bio-psycho-social-devastation occurring at the beginning of 2024. Remember the pain and torture of the innocents killed and maimed as you drink your oat milk latte, or wash or commute to work, or when you are shopping for food, or giving berth, or doing anything that you are fortunate enough to do. Shame on us all.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
Read: Jimmy Carter: Palestine, Peace not Apartheid; Shlomo Sand: The Invention of The Jewish People, How I Stopped Being a Jew, and The Invention of the Land of Israel; Rashid Khalidi: The Hundred Year's War on Palestine; Yahya Sinwar, The Thorn and The Carnation; Ilan Pappe: The History of Modern Palestine; Ilan Pappe: Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic. (June 2024); Noam Chomsky: On Palestine; Ilan Pappe: The Biggest Proson on Earth; Dries van Agt: Palestine in Agony, and also A Cry for Justice.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
This is a foolish conversation. Gideon Levy is another jewish liar. He says: "There is talk of a free Palestine between the Jordan and the sea. One that has no place for jews." That's not untrue and false. There is talk of a free Palestine for people of all walks of life, as it was before 1948. Gideon Levy is an impostor, a lying jew.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
Too much nonsense. Israel is not a state because resolution 181 has never been implemented. Gideon Levy is a zionist.
@beng2729 Час назад
All you haters better hide. Looks like the Jews are tired of being persecuted. The works of revisionists are of no interest to me. I will give just one book that discredits all of your recommendations. The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism Book by Andrew G. Bostom When you finish it, let me know. I will recommend another. Hopefully, you will come out of the brainwashed state you currently are in.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
It is about to happen again and you know why.
@beng2729 Час назад
@JohnBeerschoten It's not going to happen.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
@@beng2729 Read your silly bible.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
May I ask you what your expertise is?
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
You are barking like a dog.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
One state solution of course, a Palestinian state. Because the jews, with their funny, illusory religion, have nothing to do with other people's lands. There is no Muslim state, no Buddhist state, no Shinto state, no Catholic state, no Christian state. A jewish state is an illusion.
@moraymac2922 2 часа назад
I’m so done with ALL Abrahamic faiths - and I speak as someone brought up in a religious environment
@velocirshtr3756 2 часа назад
90% of Native Americans eradicated by 1890 is one of the most chilling facts I’ve heard. Anglos really are a evil death cult…
@mrbourke8301 3 часа назад
Thanks Chris and Gideon ❤❤❤
@HTownCharlieBrown 3 часа назад
The Two State Solution Was Always A Lie.
@stuarthdoblin 3 часа назад
If it matters. the Kabbalists within the Jewish stream of concentrated awareness on I Am have moved on from Temple Worship to the Inner Alter within the Mind of the Individual . The Third Temple reference is not a building at all , but a unique set of values and considerations that emigrate one to unitive overwhelming.bliss. What is important now is the Chalice of Atonement placed upon the Alter.
@occdoc8423 4 часа назад
Not all Christians (myself included) subscribe to the false teachings of Christian Zionism, because we know they are rooted in the writings of Cyrus Scofield, the originator of the Scofield Reference Bible, which popularized the doctrine of Dispensationalism (which falsely teaches that the modern-day Zionist State of Israel will play an active role in end-time prophecy). Unfortunately, far too many Christians in the U.S. have been brainwashed into believing that these false teachings are true. Even fewer are willing to learn the truth about the real origins of modern-day Israel, and the fact that this criminal Zionist regime is notbing but a false construct which has been cleverly disguised to mimic the real historical and spiritual Israel ss described in the Bible.
@lordlorian81 4 часа назад
Hypocracy 100 years israel and jews before are getting slutered Persecuted Pogromebed Killed By people like this .,,?!! He is selebrating death of jews at any event One of the beggest hypocrats of all time There were jews that collaborated in consentraition camps Those did it because of fear But not this one He is doung it for money He is even worse that those
@LouieAndrew-b6x 4 часа назад
0953 Grant Tunnel
@maryioannucci9874 4 часа назад
The Palestinian spirit will never be Broken. Never
@billappledorf 5 часов назад
The U.S. -- assuming it has not long since been killed by its interminable monstrous crimes and destruction of a shared reality grounded in verifiable truth -- is also being killed by its refusal to stop arming its proxy in this genocide. For all the talk about the Israeli tail wagging the U.S. dog, there is no way on Earth that the U.S. would refuse to stop arming the Zionist murder machine unless the U,S. also wanted the Palestinian people exterminated, most obviously to "send a message" to the free peoples of West Asia that "this will happen to you, too, unless you submit to U.S. military, economic, political, and ideological domination," a message whose meaning to ancient civilizations outside of the West is "resist," which is precisely what civilized cultures do when confronted by the barbarity of the U.S.-centralized empire.
@maryioannucci9874 5 часов назад
The pager explosions in Lebanon were clearly a terrorist attack by the Government. A Government with endless resources. It is not true that Palestinians only have terrorism to fight with. Palestinians fight with honour, unlike the Israelis who don’t seem to have any honour at all. WHO THEN IS THE REAL TERRORIST?
@anntahhan8930 5 часов назад
USA is a dangerous joke .
@dryan6793 5 часов назад
Anti-life equals strife.
@krugmeister7301 5 часов назад
Much Respect to Mr.Gideon Levy..💯💯💯💯🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜💜💜🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸😑😪😪😑
@davidhunternyc1 6 часов назад
... and immediately after the bombing in Beirut, CNN & MSNBC came out in defense of the bombing !!! The U.S. media are monsters !!! Let's leave aside the "war games," fought by political elites at all levels, for just a moment. A child's life, living in Beirut, was snuffed out, murdered, never to cry or breathe again. Multiply the horror over and over and over again. Can you imagine this monstrosity? How is this acceptable? Why isn't our whole country rioting? Why are we buying the bullsh*t coming out of Washington and our media? The U.S. has already normalized domestic gun deaths. Soon we will be turning on each other and no one will care. We are brainwashed.
@davidhunternyc1 6 часов назад
... and immediately after the bombing in Beirut, CNN & MSNBC came out in defense of the bombing !!! The U.S. media are monsters !!! Let's leave aside the "war games," fought by political elites at all levels, for just a moment. A child's life, living in Beirut, was snuffed out, murdered, never to cry or breathe again. Multiply the horror over and over and over again. Can you imagine this monstrosity? How is this acceptable? Why isn't our whole country rioting? Why are we buying the bullsh*t coming out of Washington and our media? The U.S. has already normalized domestic gun deaths. Soon we will be turning on each other and no one will care. We are brainwashed.
@skeptic_scientist 6 часов назад
The two state must be the solution. It is impossible for two nations to live in one country in peace, if one of them has a Nazi mentality. Look at Ukraine! Yes, it is possible to get the 700,000 settlers out of Palestine. They did it to Palestinians in 1948. They are colonizers. They have another country to return to.
@JohnBeerschoten Час назад
You're right. Read Shlomo Sand: The Invention of the Land of Israel. This is a scientific masterpiece. It takes some time to digest and it gives you in-depth knowledge.
@cardanotony1097 6 часов назад
Thanks Chris 👍👍👍 The Bravehearts of the Real Jews 💚Gideon LEVY❤️💚
@valeriewedel2775 7 часов назад
Jill Stein can win. Here are some stats: 60% of all registered voters want a third choice and are disgusted by both trump and Harris. 30% of registered voters did not vote in 2020 because they were disgusted by dems and gop then too. If 60% of registered voters vote for Jill stein she will win. She is on most of the state ballots and a write in candidate in the few she is not. The youth vote, Muslim vote, people of color vote, progressives standing against genocide, and formerly incarcerated people all want her in Office but we are not the groups routinely polled, are we? When a poll was done asking do you want Jill stein or dem or gop? Stein led Harris by 18 points. We can actually do this!! Bring it home - let’s put Jill Stein in the White House in 2024!!
@valeriewedel2775 7 часов назад
Vote Jill Stein President 2024!!! And how do we convince Harris fans to switch to Stein? So many people I know are afraid of trump and voting for Harris out of fear. Yet they seem to get angry and upset when I say there is a third Choice who will win… how do we reach the Harris suckers!
@cranny1321 7 часов назад
I call it forced resistance not terrorism
@MaxxminMI 8 часов назад
Thank you Mr levy
@verygoodfreelancer 8 часов назад
as a jewish israeli american, i’ve looked to gideon levy for years to not feel totally crazy. a national treasure.
@DemonstrateEveryDay 9 часов назад
If Palestine had an army equipped like Israel's, you would have seen a different type of negotiation happening instead of a genocide, in fact you would have a Palestinian state by now