Tristin Bailey
Tristin Bailey
Tristin Bailey
What am I even doing...

Canadian amateur composer, percussionist, and music theorist. I like rhythm and micro/macrotones, and understand how to use neither.

I have not done anything related to virtual piano for years. Stop asking me.
Go ask the Virtual Piano Discord server instead. Or just do it yourself with the sheet creator.
The community developed actual tools, you do not need me to do this for you anymore.
Listen to the Wood by: Tristin Bailey [19edo]
6 месяцев назад
Hi-hat Concerto No. 1 by: Tristin Bailey
10 месяцев назад
Short microtonal progression
10 месяцев назад
Stagnation by: Tristin Bailey
2 года назад
Generic Circus by: Tristin Bailey
2 года назад
@nev5593 День назад
wow the production quality is astounding
@TristinBailey День назад
To my credit, there isn't a bandicam banner running across the screen.
@nev5593 День назад
@@TristinBailey unregistered hypercam 2.0
@nev5593 4 дня назад
Very good, as per usual, but i feel like the piece doesn't have much of a story to tell an as such doesn't reach much of a dramatic climax, and unlike many of your other pieces doesn't seem like a connection of various ideas, more like one idea without enough build to add intrigue, but still very good
@nev5593 4 дня назад
I feel like this needs an engine (see 12 tone drum (i know this isn't a drum piece ( i only clarify incase this isn't a theoretical term) )) to really give it a sense of build later in the piece
@henry_hehehehehe 4 дня назад
Echoing Dr. Hinger's thoughts that this feels very polished and fully realized (despite the time crunch, impressively). 10/10 would not stroke a beard again
@TristinBailey 4 дня назад
If you look closely and analyze the piece you'll find that it's 3 chords and a bunch of sequences. Regardless, glad you like it.
@henry_hehehehehe 4 дня назад
@@TristinBailey if you boil down the absurdity of the universe into its base components it's just 3 chords and a bunch of sequences. always has been 🔫
@henry_hehehehehe 4 дня назад
> sees "edited and improved" > checks the clarinet part I played a few months ago > the only difference is some beaming and adding "light" to the vibrato I gueeeeess that's still a correct statement. I'll take your word for it on the other instruments too. T̶h̶a̶t̶ o̶r̶ y̶o̶u̶ c̶a̶n̶'t̶ i̶m̶p̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ o̶n̶ p̶e̶r̶f̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶?̶?̶?̶ re: your program notes: 632,069 words, angst, whump, slow burn (literally), hurt no comfort, lovers to enemies, unhappy ending, no beta we die like this marriage
@TristinBailey 4 дня назад
The accordion line had tritones in the bass because I forgot I went to the phrygian mode, so it incredibly difficult/impossible to play due to the massive leaps.
@henry_hehehehehe 4 дня назад
@@TristinBailey The impossible tritone leaps represented the impossibility of restoring this hypothetical barely relevant marriage!!
@AdmirallZ 5 дней назад
@TristinBailey 4 дня назад
@xflarexx 5 дней назад
Really good job! This helped me a lot trying to play this song
@smilysharma 7 дней назад
So cool 🎉
@nose73 10 дней назад
@Rafael-marquess 12 дней назад
tem partes mais graves, isso dificulta a entender a muica kk
@UCHIHAMATHEO 13 дней назад
Yo bro i got you an sheets [4qg] h j [qetj] g [30f] G H [WH0r] f [6el] j l [0etj] f j [18f] s f [0etj] p s [4qg] h j [qetl] j g [30a] f H [W0rk] [6ej] [0etf] [6ej] [0et] f [4qgj] [hk] [jl] [qethk] [gj] [H30f] [Gj] [Hk] [WH0rk] [Hf] [6elx] [jl] [lx] [0etjl] [fj] [jl] [18fj] [sf] [fj] [0etps] j [4qgj] [hk] [jl] [qetlx] [jl] [gj] [30af] [Hf] [Hk] [W0rkx] [60etfj] [80etsf] [60etps] [4qg] [qetg] [30f] [W0rf] [6ep] [0ets] p [18] [0etp] [4qg] g [qet] [30f] [W0rf] [6ep] [0et] [6e] [0et] [4qg] [qetg] [30f] [W0rf] [6ep] [0ets] [18p] [0et] [4qs] [qetd] [30a] [W0rs] [60etp] [80et] [60et] [4qgc] [qetgc] [30fx] [W0rfx] [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18] [0et] [4qg] [qetg] [30f] [W0rf] [6ep] [0et] [6e] [0etfx] [4qgc] [qetgc] [30fx] [fx] [W0r] [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18] [0etp] p [4qs] [qetd] [30a] [W0rs] [60etp] [80et] [60et] [18f] [0wtg] [18f] [0wtg] [7h] [9wrj] h 7 [9wrg] [6f] [0etg] [6f] [0etd] s 4 [Wqt] 4 [Wqt] s [29d] [Q9ef] [29d] [Q9ef] [^g] [E9qh] g ^ [E9q] s [7d] [79qf] [7g] [79qj] [H30] [W370] [W370] [fx] [4qgc] [qetgc] [30fx] [W0rfx] [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18] [0etp] [4qg] [qetg] [30f] f [W0r] [6ep] [0et] [6e] [0etfx] [4qgc] [qetgc] [30fx] [W0rfx] [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18] [0etp] [4qs] [qetd] [30a] [W0rs] [60etp] [80et] [60et] [^EJ] l z [Eyiz] J [6ej] k L [TLeu] j [9yc] z c [eyiz] j z [4qj] g j [eyiz] d g [^EJ] l z [Eyic] z J [6ef] j L [Teux] [9yz] [eyij] [9yz] [eyi] j [4qgj] [hk] [jl] [qethk] [gj] [H30f] [Gj] [Hk] [WH0rk] [Hf] [6elx] [jl] [lx] [0etjl] [fj] [jl] [18fj] [sf] [fj] [0etps] j [4qgj] [hk] [jl] [qetlx] [jl] [gj] [30af] [Hf] [Hk] [W0rkx] [60etfj] [80etsf] [60etps] [18f] [0wtg] [18f] [0wtg] [7h] [9wrj] h 7 [9wrg] [6sf] [0etdg] [6sf] [0etpd] [Os] 4 [Wqt] 4 [Wqt] s [29d] [Q9ef] [29d] [Q9eof] [^Og] [Ph] [E9q] [Og] ^ [E9qf] [7d] f [79q] [7g] [79qj] H [30] [W370] [W370] [4qgc] [qetgc] [30fx] [W0rfx] [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18] [0etp] [4qg] g [qet] [30f] [W0rf] [6ep] [0et] [6e] [0etfx] [4qgc] [qethv] [30fx] [W0rfx] [6epj] [0etsl] [18pj] [0etp] [4qs] [qetd] [30a] [W0rs] [60etp] [80et] [60et] [4qegc] [qetgc] [30efx] [W0rfx] e [6epj] [0etsl] [18tpj] [0etp] r [4qrg] [qetg] [30ef] [W0rf] [6ep] [0et] [6e] [0et] [4qegc] [qetgc] [30efx] [W0rfx] e [6epj] [0etsl] [pj] [18t] [0etpj] r [4qrsl] [qet] [4qdz] [qet] [30eak] [W0r] [30sl] [W0r] [60etpj] [80et] [60et] [4qsg] h j [qetj] g [30af] G H [WH0r] f [6epl] j l [0etj] f j [18f] s f [0etj] p s [4qsg] h j [qetl] j g [30a] f H [W0rk] s a [6epj] [0etf] [6ej] [0et] j [D4qsgj] [hk] [jl] [qethk] [gj] [H30adf] [Gj] [Hk] [WH0rk] [Hf] [6epslx] [jl] [lx] [0etjl] [fj] [jl] [18fj] [sf] [fj] [0etps] j [D4qsgj] [hk] [jl] [qetlx] [jl] [gj] [30adf] [Hf] [Hk] [W0rkx] [Ds] [ad] [60etpsfj] [80etsf] [60etps]
@butterfly_coffeeyt Месяц назад
sheet: [0u] r [wu] r [0u] r [wu] r [9y] r [wy] r [9y] r [wy] r [9y] r [Qy] r [9y] r [Qy] r [9y] e [Qy] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0u] [ro]I[wuo] [ra]s[0ua] r [wu] r [9y] [rI]o[wyI] [ro]p[9yo] r [wy] r [9y] [rI]u[yQI] [ra]s[9ya] r [Qy] r [9y] [eI]u[yQI] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0u] [ro]I[wuo] [ra]s[0ua] r [wu] r [9y] [rI]o[wyI] [ro]p[9yo] r [wy] r [9y] [rI]u[yQI] [ra]s[9ya] r [Qy] r [9y] [eI]u[yQI] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0uf] r [wu] [ra] [0u] r [wu] r [9yd] r [wy] [ra] [9y] r [wy] r [9yG] r [Qy] [ra] [9y] r [Qy] r [9yG] e [Qy] [ep] [9y] e [Qy] e [0uah] r [wu] [rof] [0u] r [wu] r [9yah] r [wy] [rod] [9y] r [wy] r [9yaG] r [Qy] [Ird] [9y] r [Qy] r [9ypG] e [Qy] [Ied] [9y] e [Qy] e [0ua]f[rk]a[wuf]k[ra]f[0uk]a[rf]k[wua]f[rs]f[9ya]d[rk]a[wyd]k[ra]d[9yk]a[rd]k[wya]d[rp]d[9yI]a[rG]I[Qya]G[rI]a[9yG]I[ra]G[yQI]a[ro]a[9yp]d[ej]p[Qyd]j[ep]d[9yj]p[ed]j[Qyp]d[eo]d[0ua]f[rk]a[wuf]k[ra]f[0uk]a[rf]k[wua]f[rs]f[9ya]d[rk]a[wyd]k[ra]d[9yk]a[rd]k[wya]d[rp]d[9yI]a[rG]I[Qya]G[rI]a[9yG]I[ra]G[yQI]a[ro]a[9yp]d[ej]p[Qyd]j[ep]d[9yj]p[ed]j[Qyp]d[ej] [0u] [rh]G[wuh] [rk]l[0uk] r [wu] r [9y] [rG]h[wyG] [rh]j[9yh] r [wy] r [9y] [rG]f[yQG] [rk]l[9yk] r [Qy] r [9y] [eG]f[yQG] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0u] [rh]G[wuh] [rk]l[0uk] r [wu] r [9y] [rG]h[wyG] [rh]j[9yh] r [wy] r [9y] [rG]f[yQG] [rk]l[9yk] r [Qy] r [9y] [eG]f[yQG] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0ux] r [wu] [rk] [0u] r [wu] [rx]k[9yz] r [wy] [rk] [9y] r [wy] r [9yC] r [Qy] [rk] [9y] r [Qy] [rz]x[9yC] e [Qy] [ej] [9y] e [Qy] e [0ukv] r [wu] [rhx] [0u] r [wu] r [9ykv] r [wy] [rhz] [9y] r [wy] r [9ykC] r [Qy] [Grz] [9y] r [Qy] [rv] [9yjC] e [Qy] [Gez] [9y] e [Qy] e [0uk]x[rn]k[wux]n[rk]x[0un]k[rx]n[wuk]x[rl]x[9yk]z[rn]k[wyz]n[rk]z[9yn]k[rz]n[wyk]z[rj]z[9yG]k[rC]G[Qyk]C[rG]k[9yC]G[rk]C[yQG]k[rh]k[9yj]z[eb]j[Qyz]b[ej]z[9yb]j[ez]b[Qyj]z[eh]z[0uk]x[rn]k[wux]n[rk]x[0un]k[rx]n[wuk]x[rl]x[9yk]z[rn]k[wyz]n[rk]z[9yn]k[rz]n[wyk]z[rj]z[9yG]k[rC]G[Qyk]C[rG]k[9yC]G[rk]C[yQG]k[rh]k[9yj]z[eb]j[Qyz]b[ej]z[9yb]j[ez]b[Qyj]z[eh]z[0uv]h[rk]x[wuh]k[rv]h[0uk]x[rh]k[wuv]k[rb]k[9yv]h[rk]z[wyh]k[rv]h[9yk]z[rh]k[wyv]k[rC]k[9yC]G[rk]z[yQG]k[rC]G[9yk]z[rG]k[yQC]k[rv]k[9yC]G[ej]z[yQG]j[eC]G[9yj]z[eG]j[yQC]j[ev]j[0uv]h[rk]x[wuh]k[rv]h[0uk]x[rh]k[wuv]k[rC]k[9yv]h[rk]z[wyh]k[rv]h[9yk]z[rh]k[wyv]k[rx]k[9yC]G[rk]z[yQG]k[rC]G[9yk]z[rG]k[yQC]k[rx]k[9yC]G[ej]z[yQG]j[eC]G[9yj]z[eG]j[yQC]j[ez]j[0ux]f[rh]k[wuf]h[rx]f[0uh]k[rf]h[wux]h[rk]h[9yz]d[rh]k[wyd]h[rz]d[9yh]k[rd]h[wyz]h[rk]h[9yC]G[rk]z[yQG]k[rC]G[9yk]z[rG]k[yQC]k[rx]k[9yC]G[ej]z[yQG]j[eC]G[9yj]z[eG]j[yQC]j[ez]j[0ux]f[rh]k[wuf]h[rx]f[0uh]k[rf]h[wux]h[rk]h[9yz]d[rh]k[wyd]h[rz]d[9yh]k[rd]h[wyz]h[rk]h[9yz]d[rG]k[Qyd]G[rz]d[9yG]k[rd]G[Qyz]G[rk]G[9yz]d[eG]j[Qyd]G[ez]d[9yG]j[ed]G[Qyz]G[ej]G[0uk]a[rf]h[wua]f[rk]a[0uf]h[ra]f[wuk]f[rl]f[9yk]a[rd]h[wya]d[rk]a[9yd]h[ra]d[wyk] [rj]h[9yG]I[ra]d[yQI]a[rG]I[9ya]d[rI]a[yQG]a[rh]a[9yG]I[ep]d[yQI]p[eG]I[9yp]d[eI]p[yQG]p[ed]p[0ufk] r[fh][wu] [rfk] [0u][fh]r [wufk] [rfl] [9ydk] r[dh][wy] [rdk] [9y][dh]r [wydk] [rdj] [9ydG] r[dG][Qy] [rdG] [9y][dG]r [ydQG] [rdh] [9ydj] e[dj][Qy] [edj] [9y][dj]e [Qydj] [edk] [0ufk] r[fh][wu] [rfk] [0u][fh]r [wufk] [rfl] [9ydk] r[dh][wy] [rdk] [9y][dh]r [wydk] [rdj] d[9ydG] r[dG][Qy] [rdG] [9y][dG]r [ydQG] [rdh] [9ydj] e[dj][Qy] [edj] [9y][dj]e [Qydj] [edh] [0u] [roaf] [wu][afh]r [0ufhk] r[hkx][wu] r [9y] [rkzv] [wy][hkz]r [9ydhk] r[adh][wy] [road] [9y] [Irad] [Qy][adG]r [G9ydk] r[Gkz][Qy] r [9y] [ejzC] [Qy][Gjz]e [G9ydj] e[pdG][Qy] e [0u] [roaf] [wu][afh]r [0ufhk] r[hkx][wu] r [9y] [rkzv] [wy][hkz]r [9ydhk] r[adh][wy] [road] [9y] [Irad] [Qy][adG]r [G9ydk] r[Gkz][Qy] r [9y] [ejzC] [Qy][Gjz]e [G9ydj] e[pdG][Qy] [Iepd] [0u] [ro]I[wuo] [ra]s[0ua] r [wu] r [9y] [rI]o[wyI] [ro]p[9yo] r [wy] r [9y] [rI]u[yQI] [ra]s[9ya] r [Qy] [ry]u[9yI]u[Ie] [Qy] e [9y] e [Qy] e [0uoaf]
@TotallyNotQFQNR Месяц назад
Easy version for those who cant play this: jfdk jfdk lkxz lkjh
@youtubechannelgrowthplace1474 Месяц назад
Good job
@Imapersonwithnothing Месяц назад
thx im am rlly good at piano now because of you
@TristinBailey Месяц назад
I didn't do anything, you're the one that practiced.
@Imapersonwithnothing Месяц назад
@@TristinBailey yeah i needed the sheet thats why i said thx
@XxGamerlordquackycheezxX Месяц назад
Very nice!
@DamianVarnum Месяц назад
What an awesome piece man! The pure scale and structure of the piece is insane, and I especially loved the B and C sections. Is 19edo a tuning system? I like how detuned it sounds at times. Those large quintal chord chains sound incredible and that fiery ending is kickass!
@TristinBailey Месяц назад
Glad you like it. I'm under the impression most people don't listen due to the long runtime. Yes, 19edo is a tuning system. "edo" is Equal Divisions of the Octave, so there are 19 pitches per octave instead of 12. That's why the notation can get really, really wonky. C# and Db are different pitches, and there's pitches between E/F and B/C. If you're interested in playing with 19edo yourself, try xenpaper or Scale Workshop 3. This piece barely scratches the surface of how 19edo can sound. The fifths are noticeably flat, but the minor third is really accurate (as in its partials more closely match a 5:6 ratio than in 12edo). The D section is full of intervals that don't really exist in 12edo, so it'll sound especially detuned. Thanks for listening.
@Polskosada Месяц назад
Strefa hajsowników gimpera 🇵🇱💰
@PartingCuzHoursIsCool 2 месяца назад
"The eleventh hour has started"
@1234ggsl 2 месяца назад
What is the game called
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
It's probably some variation on "Piano Cafe". I vaguely remember Fumei being part of the creator's name. I haven't touched the game in awhile and don't have it on hand.
@05degrees 2 месяца назад
Solid themes. (This is in isolation, I don’t know anything about the game.)
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
@05degrees 2 месяца назад
4:41 I hope you and MuseScore are okay with me taking a sample of the phrase right after this. It just asks for it. No clue where I’d use it though. EDIT: Oh, the piece even ends with it as well! 👏 Badum-ts. EDIT 2: Sounds magnificient at 0.054x speed (with corresponding pitch lowering).
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
Do what you wish with it as long as you tag me in the piece you use it in.
@camerongames5491 2 месяца назад
pov auto
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
This sheet is not difficult. The only two things I can even imagine someone having trouble with is the 5 note chord, [59wry] and [60etu]. They both have the exact same shape and move one key to the right. On your right hand: index on 5, middle on r, ring on w. On your left hand: index on u, ring on 0. Or, the eighth notes after [48qs]. As in: [60eu] s s [48qs]-d-s a aWhich also isn't that difficult, it just requires a bit of speed to move your index finger from 4 to d in time. The shift key doesn't get used, there are no significant challenges in the sheet. It should take someone who isn't brand new to the virtual piano layout ten minutes at most to figure this song out.
@yhfhdcf 2 месяца назад
Two hands One piano
@yuanmalikuy5629 2 месяца назад
omg 7 years?
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
Yep, I'm old.
@pibawww 2 месяца назад
can you make the notes more beginner friendly?
@TristinBailey 2 месяца назад
There's a virtual piano community discord server linked at the bottom of the video description, someone there might be able to help you.
@yuzuki_seo5209 2 месяца назад
@mikhailkalasguvorovo 3 месяца назад
[9ty] [wryol [oruo] [19ypla|8uoslplwyoa): [I9ypla|8tus] [9yoal [8tuplo[9eypl [wryo] -- (9eyl [wryo] [Oruo] [19ypla[8uos]p[7yoal: [i9yplaļ8uos] |Syoal [8tuplo[ı9yplt(wryo] -- [i9yaļs[woad] - [8osf] |9oad] [Qlps] lwyoa): [I9ypla|8uos] [5yoa] [6tup] [6tuo] [19yp] -- [8etyl [5ryo]i|8tuolp[l7yal [8tup] - [Oruo] [9ey] [Qeyl [8wtul[7ryo] [8tuo] (9eyll [5wro]
@TristinBailey 3 месяца назад
What the hell is this? Did you take a picture of the description and have an AI translate the image into text?
@mikhailkalasguvorovo 6 дней назад
​@@TristinBaileyI was tryna copy the description using my mobile but I cant, so I decrypted it using AI. forgot to delete this comment
@rezendeloco9169 3 месяца назад
i think it's better {IP} O YT. for me is more clean for the firsts notes
@TristinBailey 3 месяца назад
Nothing's stopping you from editing the sheet and saving your own custom copy.
@garikdark2_0 3 месяца назад
ur so pro at piano tbh
@Myszak__ 3 месяца назад
im just here for sheets so rlly thx
@TristinBailey 3 месяца назад
That's all these videos are here for.
@Jk5beroedits 3 месяца назад
* T W-w-Q 0*0Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T WTeTrW Q WO ::%T% T5T6Y:[!*] T W-w-Q0*0Q ::7TWQ0 (0(*7% :66TWTeTrWQWO ::% T% T5T6Y: [!*] T W-w-Q [10]*0Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q WO :: % [*T] % [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [!*] [!T] [!W]! w! [!Q] [!0][!*][!0]Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q WO :: % [*T]% [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [!*] [!T] [!W]! w! [!Q] [!0][!*][!0]Q 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q W 0 :: % [*T]% [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [*T] S O-o-1 [Ou]T[Qu]I :: [(r] SOI [*u] YuYTrW :: [30e]eS O SpSaO I Ou :: [%W] SW S [30w] Se D: [$QT] S 0-0[$Q] I [%Wu] Tul :: [@(r] SOI [!*u] YuYT[!*r]W :: [30e]eS O SpSaO [301] [300]u :: [%W] S [%W] S [30w] S [30] [30D]: L-V-v-C x L x C :: [pj]j-V-b nV C Vx :: k-V C x ZxZLKH :: [OH]-H-[oh]-[pil Z:
@Jk5beroedits 3 месяца назад
* T W-w-Q 0*0Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T WTeTrW Q WO :: %T% T5T6Y: [!*] T W-w-Q 0*0Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q WO :: % T% T5T6Y: [!*] T W-w-Q [10]*0Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q WO :: % [*T] % [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [!*] [!T] [!W]! w! [!Q] [!0][!*][!0]Q :: 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q WO :: % [*T]% [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [!*] [!T] [!W]! w! [!Q] [!0][!*][!0]Q 7TWQ0 (0(*7% :: 66T W TeTrW Q W 0 :: % [*T]% [*T] 5 [*T] 6 [(Y]: [*T] S O-o-1 [Ou]T[Qu]I :: [(r] SOI [*u] YuYTrW :: [30e]eS O SpSaO I Ou :: [%W] SW S [30w] Se D: [$QT] S 0-0[$Q] I [%Wu] Tul :: [@(r] SOI [!*u] YuYT[!*r]W :: [30e]eS O SpSaO [301] [300]u :: [%W] S [%W] S [30w] S [30] [30D]: L-V-v-C x L x C :: [pj]j-V-b nV C Vx :: k-V C x ZxZLKH :: [OH]-H-[oh]-[pil Z:
@green-909 3 месяца назад
im gonna play this on roblox got talent
@TristinBailey 3 месяца назад
Go nuts.
@green-909 3 месяца назад
@@TristinBailey I will
@green-909 3 месяца назад
@@TristinBailey Update: They instantly recognized what I was playing and killed me lmao
@GregHarradineComposer 4 месяца назад
A fascinating piece, Tristin!
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
@MostlyGaming2038 4 месяца назад
f g h z l l k h g g g f s g f d s f d f g h z l l k h g g g f s g f d s f d s s f h h f d f d f h h f d f f h h f d f d f h h f d f f h h f d f d f h h f d f f h h f d f d g f s g f d f f f f d f f f f d f f f f d d s a s d h f f f f d f f f f d f f f f d d f g h z l l k h g g g f s g f d s f d f g h z l l k h g g g f s g f d s f g d f g f d d s s d f f g f d d s s h d f g f d d s s d f f g f d d s s h d
@Sukuna_OilyToes 4 месяца назад
made a fixed version [qes] [qed] s[qep] [qep] [qep] o[qep] P[qep] [qe] [qwP] [qwo] s[qep] [qe] [wri] [wry] o[0wt] [0w] [80o] [80] [80]-d-s-P [8qp]-o-p-P-[8qp] [8q] [8eu] p [0rp] O a [etf] [et] [qy]-d-S-d [Eo]-[tp]-[yP] [qe]-p-i-d [8qes] ] -i-t-P [80wp] o [qei]tyuiopP [qes] [qed] s[qep] [qep] [qep] o[qep] P[qep] [qe] [qwP] [qwo] s[qep] [qe] [wri] [wry] o[0wt] [0w] [80o] [80] [80]-d-s-P [8qp]-o-p-P [8qp] [8q] [8eu] p [0rp] O a [etf] [et] [qy]-d-S-d [Eo]-[tp]-[yP] [qe]-p-i-d [8qes] -i-t-P [80wp] o [qei] - [4qpsg]
@iminexcruciatingpain 4 месяца назад
freddy five bear
@leonidascarpenter6214 4 месяца назад
@momh_a 4 месяца назад
does this work for auto hot key?
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
I have no idea.
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
I love the dissonance and intentional chaos! Your melody lines definitely represent the 3 "hags" very well. Would you be open to an arrangement being made of this piece?
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
Arrange the piece however you'd like.
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
@@TristinBailey Awesome thanks! :)
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
Really cool and eerie vibes! Would make a really cool movie theme, if you ever decide to try and extend it.
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
Ms 213 and 214 scratch my brain in such a good way
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
Arto/Tendo split chords are fun.
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
Wow that's amazing for not having listened to it! It would probably sound really good as an orchestral arrangement too. :)
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
One of my colleagues is working on an orchestral arrangement and it does sound pretty nice. I won't be orchestrating it myself as I have other projects.
@kgirleerulez 4 месяца назад
@@TristinBailey Do you know if your colleague is going to post it anywhere? I'd love to listen to it!
@TristinBailey 4 месяца назад
@@kgirleerulez If it does go public I'll send you a link, but I don't know if it will be posted online.
@TristinBailey 3 месяца назад
@@kgirleerulez I've been conned. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Hk1n1An59IU.html
@kgirleerulez 3 месяца назад
@@TristinBailey oops 😇
@bennett_gaming7039 5 месяцев назад
har har har har
@Requiem694 5 месяцев назад
How do u even click all those buttons its pretty hard to
@TristinBailey 5 месяцев назад
Just get as many as you can and make sure you hit the highest and lowest note.
@DamianVarnum 5 месяцев назад
Very pretty piece! Its really interesting hearing you write a piece in this style, it's very tame compared to your usual style but I like it! The primary theme is super calming and poignant, and I really loved when it returns with octaves in the LH and when it re-iterates the melody an octave higher. I also thought it was fun how the B section is offset by a beat. What was the intention behind the low thirds? Is it to keep the pattern going of the double stops? Beautiful piece man, love hearing your stuff!
@TristinBailey 5 месяцев назад
I tried to tone it back a lot since I was using my inner ear to write the piece. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the low thirds, so I'm just assuming you're referring to the entire accompaniment of the B section. They're just to fill out the harmony a bit, since the A section is very thin. It also plays into/establishes the double stop pattern, yes. I wrote the B section front to back without returning to edit, so there's a handful of things I didn't consider and that I would change if I were to rework the piece. The muddy low register of the B section being one of those things. Sorry for the late reply, RU-vid marked your comment as spam for some reason.
@DamianVarnum 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful arrangement man! I'll have to go check out the original. I love how you balanced the different textures, with the strings highlighting that beautiful haunting harmony and the extra instrumentation joining it for certain parts of the phrase. Super neatly transcribed too!
@TristinBailey 5 месяцев назад
@hahhey1372 5 месяцев назад
This is awesome!!!!!! Makes me want to finish the other two pieces in the set… I didn’t know what to expect, but this is great!
@TristinBailey 5 месяцев назад
I'm glad you like it.
@papago5 5 месяцев назад
@Whatismusic123 5 месяцев назад
does an ear infection cause you to confuse the first beat with an anacrusis?
@TristinBailey 5 месяцев назад
No, the ear infection causes me to hear two different pitches in each of my ears, creating an incredibly dissonant interval each time I hear what would normally be a single pitch. Are you suggesting I shift the entire piece over an eighth note so the D# at the beginning is on-beat?
@RUFFYIwagon-vm4jb 5 месяцев назад
here are easier sheets [le] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wl] y o [zy]l[k0] [rj] [uh] [rk] [le] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [zy]l[wk] [yc] [xo] [wk] [le] [uj] [pl] [vu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [yl]k[vtso]|[xroa] z [le] [uf] [pj] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [zy]l[wk] [oc] [xu] [rk] [le] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wl] y o [zy]l[k0] [rj] [uh] [rk] [le] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [zy]l[wk] [yc] [xr] [yk] [le] [uj] [pl] [vu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [yl]k[vtso]|[xroa] z [le] [uf] [pj] [xu] [zq] t i [tl]k[wk] y o [zy]l[wk] [oc] [xu] [rk] [lfe]|[ul]|[plf] u [tk] u [sqj]|[tj]|[lig] t [ke] [tl] [zwh] y [zr]|[yxh]|[yc] r [xth] o [xu]|[zwh] y [zr] [wl] [lfe]|[ul]|[plf] u [zt] u [sqj]|[tjc]|[xji] t [ze] [tl] [xwh] y [zr]|[vha]|[yc] [xr] [xth] o [uc] x [zwh] [yx] [zr] [wl] [sqj] i [tj] [pc] [xj] t [li] [zq] [zwh] o y [ka]|[zy] [xo] [rc] [xje] u p [sl] [kh] p [ul] [ze] [zh0] r u [zo] [zh] [ul] [rk] [l0] [sqj] i t [pj] [jc] [xt] [zi] [ql] [zwh] o y [ka]|[yl] [zo] [xr] [xje] p s [lf] k s [pl] [zu] [x0] r [zu] O [uc]Oaf x|3%70WruOafHkx|[lfe] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wlh] y o [zy]l[kf0] [rj] [uh] [rk] [lfe] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wkd] y o [zy]l[wkh] [yc] [xo] [wk] [lfe] [uj] [pl] [vu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wkh] y o [yl]k[vtsol]|[xroa] z [lfe] [uf] [pj] [xu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wkd] y o [zy]l[wkh] [oc] [xu] [rk] [lfe6] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wlh] y o [zy]l[kf0] [rj] [uh] [rk] [lfe6] [uj] [pl] [xu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wkd] y o [zy]l[wkh] [yc] [xo] [wk] [lfe6] [uj] [pl] [vu] [zqg] t i [tl]k[wkh] y o [yl]k[vtl8]|[xr7] z [lf6] [uf] [pj] [xu] [zg4] t i [tl]k[kd5] y o [zy]l[kh5] [oc] [xu] [rk] [ze] [xu] [pl] s|l|k e u p [xs] x [zp] [zu] l [zq] [xi] [pl] s|l|k q t i p|[ql] [tl] x [x8] [zt] [zu] [sl] l l l x [x8] [zu] [zs] [lf] l [zu] x k [wk] o a [kd] k j [kd] l w [ok] a d|[wk] [yj] [rk] [le] u [pl]|[sl] u [pk] t [qj] t [ji]|[pl] t [ki] [le] [zw] y [zo]|[xa] y [oc] r [xt] o [xs]|[zw] y [zo] [wl] [le] u [pl]|[sl] u [zp] t [qj] t [ic]|[xp] t [zi] [le] [xw] y [zo]|[va] y [oc] [xr] [xt8]|c x [zw5] x||[qj4] i [tj] [pc] x t [ql] [z8] [zw5] o y [ka]|[zy] [xw] [c9] [xe6] p u [sl] k u [le] [z0] [z30] u r [zo] z [rl] [wk] [l0] [qj4] i t [pj] c [xt] [zq] [l8] [zw5] o y [ka] k [yl] [zw] [x9] [xe6] p u [sl] k u [le] [z0] [x30] r [zu] O [ca] O [xu] r [30]ruOafHkfHkx check my description if you want more I guess, I got a bunch of them in a google doc