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Practical Insights for Navigating iOS Upgrades
5 месяцев назад
Let's Get Physical: Optimizing Big Data
10 месяцев назад
@HAAAAAA614 16 часов назад
LOL WHAT? 6 Did he really say putting types in code is pointless because we only care about the runtime? Spoken like someone that has never had to work on a software written by dozens of people over a span of 20 years. I should not have to do any mental gymnastics to know what a type of something is when the type can ideally be shown right there. Why add more cognitive load? He called the language designers lazy? Seems like he's the lazy one for not taking the time to write code that'll be understandable to people that are not him A lot of computer science theory is appealing on paper and to talk about, but in real life software, in actually implementing it, the simpler and straightforward something is, the better it is to integrate with other people. Recursive decent parsers are probably the most widely used parsers, but from a theoretical point of view, there are better and faster parsers. But recursive decent is easier to reason about. The fact that functional bros always take a jab at OOP or non functional languages is always funny to me. It's even more funnier when they don't understand why functional programming isn't more main stream. If you guys took your non math/computer sciences courses seriously, you'd see why, easily. It's easy to shit talk about non functional languages because not enough people use functional languages to make noise about its shitty features lol 10/10 talk though. Just shit opinions
@gofudgeyourselves9024 Месяц назад
35 years remaining
@conundrum2u 2 месяца назад
"why can't it *just* be this way" well you see.... there's over 40 years of history behind that reason and many architectures in-between. I look forward to new programming languages in 20 years where a young language designer goes "why didn't they *just* do it this way in the 2020's??!?!?!?" Zig is interesting. We'll see how it goes.
@hyperbolee1060 2 месяца назад
So little information in this drag of a talk
@joshuaclayton6940 2 месяца назад
I love the involuntary case study of the slideshow breaking just as Andrew was making a joke about software being broken.
@roozbehvalavi8700 2 месяца назад
The worst start of a presentation ever!! and too biased! although I really enjoyed the Rust part!
@youganon 3 месяца назад
But how does FP fulfil that game programmer's idea of "Design software based on hardware, so that it runs fast"?
@kyleschlicht4800 3 месяца назад
Disruption to the lMAX!!!
@ciCCapROSTi 3 месяца назад
What a long and unnecessary intro. This woman is annoying as hell.
@ciCCapROSTi 3 месяца назад
I really want to know what Zig brings to the table over a feature-restricted C++. You can do most, if not all of these things in C++, and you don't HAVE TO use the nasty stuff.
@capability-snob 3 месяца назад
David built a capability system? I mean, I think that Digital Key app would make Marc Steigler proud.
@BloodnutXcom 3 месяца назад
I'm not sure, aside from compiling to wasm, what this language innovates on? All these features existed in Scala for example for absolute ages, especially the "I haven't seen it anywhere" Backpassing, which existed in Scala for years and is called for-comprehension. The syntax is just identical.
@marcosissler 4 месяца назад
Oh my God! What a great talk and presentation. My knowledge of Go has now expanded with two more releases! I am surprised at how powerful the interface is. Thank you for sharing this. I will spread this at the Brazilian community here. Hope see more soon and for sure I will take a look at your book. Bests, Marcos. Ow! How do you do your presentation with the run button? I will see if I can figure out at your presentation link, if there is one. :)
@suma_riya 4 месяца назад
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@josephs1732 4 месяца назад
the laughing lady definitely likes Stuart lol
@adanjsuarez 5 месяцев назад
Zig is a monster!... in a very good way.
@edgeeffect 5 месяцев назад
I'm SO pleased that there's finally someone out there among the "movers and shakers" throwing a little shade at the C preprocessor... I've been quietly hating it for about 25 years now.
@anushaakkerapu848 5 месяцев назад
🎉🎉 thank you this tutorial
@saschadibbern339 5 месяцев назад
Found out about htmx two months ago. Building a htmx app after not touching webdev for over 10 years. I am happy not to have wasted so much time on SPA frameworks. I feel so productive 😊
5 месяцев назад
Can there be something like a Virtual Dom for htmx? So you do react-like Dom manipulation on the server and that automatically gets transmitted to the browser.
@Leeway4434 3 месяца назад
you dont need a virtual dom with htmx. you change the real dom using the hypermedia returned from the web server. dom manipulation on the server is templating/embedding data from your db into html
@lockbert99 5 месяцев назад
What are the 6 of 10 most popular programming languages (3 years ago) that are either C++ or a descendant of C++? Does being a descendant just mean that it has curly braces for block delimiters and variable type before variable name? That makes it a descendant of C. So it has that plus classes?
@SV-tc8cu 6 месяцев назад
it is helpful but could be better. a lot of areas to improve and clarify for go beginners
@charlesuneze4920 6 месяцев назад
Top-notch content
@JohnMatthew1 6 месяцев назад
@blacky7801 6 месяцев назад
so this language has tag unions, which are not to be confused with tagged unions. Except they also can be tagged unions, because the tags may have associated types. got it
@achrefab3142 6 месяцев назад
Man, you saved my day! 🫡
@Estereos 7 месяцев назад
eliminate also "error handling" and maybe then we will talk about how good your language is... only idiotic program "handles" errors, uses asserts, prints out the stack trace. Good program deal with errors, there should NOT be a condition when program doesn't know what to do. even f*cking "division by zero"
@deadmarshal 7 месяцев назад
Add more buzzwords lol
@0LoneTech 7 месяцев назад
Why are arguments comma separated in function definition? It seems painfully different from function application.
@fifty6737 7 месяцев назад
many people in the comment doesn't really get how awesome a language like this means i remember React.js introduction, nobody wanted it, now react & js framework that came to improve upon it run the web C is so horribly bad and weird that it's impossible to maintain, easier to make buggy and unsafe code with it Zig is a language with big balls, it's doing the obvious things that nobody did for decades - Why have build systems that are in another obscure language when you can use the language itself to handle the building - Macros are weird, why not program the compile time stuff with the same language - Generics are compile time stuff, again why create weird syntax for generic typing when you can just program that type in compile time with the same language - allocation and cleanup should always be next to each other - why have some elaborate typing system for exceptions, when an enum for the different kind of errors is much easier to deal with - unit tests are boring and complicated because they are always an afterthought and not made from the get go to be with language, zig does unit testing better than 100% of the languages - std = @import("std") makes so much fucking sense - and zig acknowledge that C have huge codebase, so they built a better tooling for c than c itself has, and you can import header files natively i like Rust, but now i love Zig more, zig have the balls to create a proper language that is not complex like Rust, and doesn't hold your hand and force some set of rules upon you like Rust Borrow Checker But zig has a long way to be mature enough and feature rich
@belsheikh 7 месяцев назад
@16:25 I think what Dan meant when he said: "we had the OPPORTUNITY.." is that rebuilding the application again was something easily done by oop not easily done in other applications written in previous paradigms making it experimental a good thing not a bad thing.
@terragame5836 7 месяцев назад
My problem with non-native UIs is that they often lack some behaviours and capabilities of native ones. For example, the Java UI file selection dialog doesn't let me perform a right-click action on a folder before selecting it, as well as a lot of other things I would've been able to do with a native equivalent. Some cross-platform multi-windows come with a horrible drag lag due to not issuing a redraw update every tick. They also often don't support half-screen docking by dragging the window to the side. Qt scrollbar, if I recall correctly, misses the feature of the native one that if you drag too far in the perpendicular direction, it wouldn't move at all, preventing an accidental mistake in scroll direction. There's a billion little things like this that just cannot be accounted for by a single ultimate cross-platform UI framework. BUT webpage-based UI seem to have become a nice compromise. A browser provides a sort of 'frontend' (as in 'compiler fronted', i.e. a 'common representation -> native result' transformation), which more often than not relies on native UI components, or at least mimics their behaviour well enough for every platform individually. And the developers get a relatively uniform target representation. So, as much as I dislike javascript and the tendencies it has caused in webapps, I think webpage-based cross-platform UI is a step forward from whatever Java, Qt & etc. tried to do
@ms77grz 7 месяцев назад
@theodorosgeorgitsis5600 7 месяцев назад
This was one chochsky too much fr me. Did not get shit :D
@theodorosgeorgitsis5600 7 месяцев назад
Did work. sorry
@arjunkandaswamy1532 7 месяцев назад
how RUST is better than ZIG in language design
@kahnfatman 7 месяцев назад
The dialectics goes on: Thesis -> Antithesis -> Synthesis (which itself becomes a new Thesis)
@klirmio21 7 месяцев назад
No offense but. I like Richard Feldman, he is very good presenter. He had been working for a long time with Elm, now he decided to create his own functional programming language. How is Roc different than Elm?
@jpenneymrcoin6851 7 месяцев назад
"the software must not harm or fail" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I so wish the industry operated with this viewpoint. Whoo. How about : "the software must not cost anything and all errors must be hidden from upper management"?
@lockbert99 8 месяцев назад
11:27 Looks like a bare "greeting" should be info.greeting
@aftalavera 8 месяцев назад
Keep repeating it! Someone may believe it!
@davidlewis4683 8 месяцев назад
Literally just dropped in to add a like.
@BStack 8 месяцев назад
Great talk it definitely leveled my understanding of interfaces. And +1 for any talk that shows how the subject can be used when testing.
@BryanChance 8 месяцев назад
Awesome talk..i'm in!!!
@julianavar3836 9 месяцев назад
Also, remember that in Unity (11:00) you, the developer, must pay per user install :D So convenient
@elenagavrilova3109 9 месяцев назад
70% of speech could be left for your psy. therapist, this reflection has to do a lot w poor communication skills and toxic env at your office and does not answer the question how would you test it.
@gJonii 9 месяцев назад
I got unnecessarily distracted wondering why all these people refer to themselves with third person pronouns.
@Karakatiza666 9 месяцев назад
Great talk. LiveScript (untyped, transpiled into JS) has backpassing (called backcall)
@drew7537 9 месяцев назад
Great talk. I'm completely htmx-pilled, and excited to see where things go for the framework.
@trustingod0 9 месяцев назад
Great Job. I learned so much from your presentation.
@KManAbout 9 месяцев назад
okay i am a little confused why you would use react native with clojurescript rather than just clojure. since that can run natively on andriod is it because this is a crossplatform app ?
@David-iq1kd 7 месяцев назад
I don't believe Clojure runs natively on Android - if it does how do you go about it?
@KManAbout 7 месяцев назад
@@David-iq1kd Clojure can run natively since it uses the jvm