Salazar Center for North American Conservation
Salazar Center for North American Conservation
Salazar Center for North American Conservation
The CSU Salazar Center for North American Conservation supports and advances the health and connectivity of the natural systems and landscapes of North America. We know that healthy natural systems support climate adaptation and resilience, protect biodiversity, and support long-term human health.
Transformative Change in the Private Sector
9 месяцев назад
Final reflections and closing remarks
9 месяцев назад
Conservation has a housing problem
9 месяцев назад
Cambio transformador en el sector privado
9 месяцев назад
Reflexiones finales y palabras de cierre
9 месяцев назад
Conservative Voices in Climate Change
9 месяцев назад
Thursday Morning Graphic Recording Time Lapse
10 месяцев назад
Wednesday Afternoon Graphic Recording Time Lapse
10 месяцев назад
Wednesday Morning Graphic Recording Time Lapse
10 месяцев назад
@lizkeith1356 3 месяца назад
regenerative ag is where it's at. do it.
@jackson8085 3 месяца назад
This isnt regenerative
@lizkeith1356 3 месяца назад
@@jackson8085 didn't say it was. read again
@lizkeith1356 3 месяца назад
@abookpaintsalot7049 3 месяца назад
I understand making and showing the film for farmers, but boy... Everyone needs to see this. You have future farmers out there, hobby farms who want to adapt these methods to a smaller scale, and people who need to rethink the "science" of climate solutions.
@lauraw.7008 День назад
And the “science” of nutrition; stop believing big Ag, owned and run by the cigarette guys, that ultra-processed foods on consolidated farms are as good for you as individual farms. Let’s also acknowledge the value the indigenous communities could have taught us long ago if the Europeans in power had been willing to listen. One of my concerns is big ag taking the value & knowledge & still pushing the small farmers out.
@capnjan9835 3 месяца назад
All good info but volume control is a big issue. I turned it off after 10 minutes. You need presentation skills.
@jackson8085 3 месяца назад
Complete greenwashing. There is no regenerative grazing. It's a myth, but people love to hear good news about their bad habits. In this case, consuming the world's most inefficient carb to protein converter the cow. Beef is only 2% of our calories and uses 80% of all agricultural land, that number only increases when you switch the cows diet to grass from grain.
@zaphodbeeblebrox3967 3 месяца назад
Nope. 44% of farmland in the U.S. is used for cattle, and most of that is classed as marginal, meaning unsuitable for growing food crops. (USDA, web, 2019). You don't even have the basic info correct; stop getting your facts and figures from idiots with a flawed agenda.
@AnarchyEnsues 3 месяца назад
Problem is, cows work on ground that is incapable of modern grain production. You can grow cows and sheep on steep hills or northern facing hills that won't grow great crops that aren't accessible to machinery. Grass requires no other inputs, chicken farming requires intensive barns and questionable ethical farming practices to produce protein at scale of national consumption. As well as high chemical intensity grain production. Cows also produce many other products as well, not just meat, leather, gelatin, to name a few of the other uses. Hundreds of millions of ruminants were roaming America pre European settlement, they are apart of the eco system. And needed to break down decomposing grass into rich soil.
@TCS86 3 месяца назад
@andrewbarker8631 4 месяца назад
The cool thing about farmers is theyre passionate about the craft and are highly likely to listen about this stuff even if they wont change
@brianevans2377 4 месяца назад
Is your documentary available on DVD ?
@bonitabeach3127 4 месяца назад
I like the analogy of the US Bison to the cattle.
@chrisstanford3652 6 месяцев назад
@Thefivemilebeef 7 месяцев назад
Great work guys !
@lauraw.7008 7 месяцев назад
Another good point with dryer summers, draw-down of moisture decreases risk of forest fire as well.
@lauraw.7008 7 месяцев назад
18:51 I cannot understand a word of the person you showed after this point. What did he say?
@koltoncrane3099 7 месяцев назад
Idk about regenerative grazing. Normal grazing like pasture rotation and simply grazing grass down and moving them seems fine. I look at Redmond, Utah, state bird refugee. The state took land for a bird refugee and guess what? Most of the birds never go there. You see them on farm land that’s used or pasture that’s grazed. They used to graze a 1000 head of yearlings and now that land is a bird refugee and just weeds. It’s impressive cause the weeds are as tall as a deer’s head. Back when it was grazed there was grass and still cover for wildlife cause there’s tamerack by the river. Today it just needs to be burned or sold back to a rancher to graze. In reality they should have just done a hunting easement cause ranchers probably don’t care as long as people shut the gate and are mature about it. Leaving gates open and letting cattle escape a pasture or even mountain allotment is definitely frustrating.
@leelindsay5618 7 месяцев назад
With regenerative grazing, its Adaptive, Multi-Paddock or AMP grazing. Rotational is better than set stocking, but it plateaus after a short time and the diversity of plants is limited, the forage height is limited if the rotations are too slow and/or if the land does not have enough rest. Longer rest periods and different paddock shapes change how the animals graze and which grasses and forbs are stimulated. Someone can start with moving animals every 2 or 3 days, and break it up so the areas get a minimum of 30 days of rest in an area with an average of 30 inches of more per year of rain.
@kevinedwards7079 7 месяцев назад
There are ways to get what you want and obeying the law is only one of infinite kinds of revenge you can take its a matter of morality versus business ethics words matter but actions change reality defend yourself or look at the ant or I came I saw I conquered the police are not the law
@DocSiders 7 месяцев назад
The amount of CO2 the Earth's land and oceans cycles annually DWARFS the CO2 Emissions. To wit... during the Pandemic Emissions were reduced ~25%. The Mona Loa CO2 Observatory data...DID NOT SHOW THAT HUGE 25% REDUCTION....At All. A 25% reduction should have been easily seen....IF THE ANNUAL INCREASES in the data were MOSTLY FROM HUMAN EMISSIONS. Well.... the data showed ZERO deviation from the decades long trend. Therefore... the human emissions are LOST in the rounding errors of the Biomass cycling every year. That biomass has increased DUE TO THE rise in CO2... IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL.... To all the Vegetation in North America. That CO2 SINK Amplitude is HUGE.... It DOES SWAMP the mass of Emissions. Near Trillions of tons of NEW Carbon Cycled Naturally...A whole Continent's worth of Vegetation.
@shannonmaris3011 7 месяцев назад
I wish the sound was better in the interviews. This is fantastic information. So hopeful Ren Ag. can turn the tide - soon!! The numbers really speak for themselves.
@cjlinde79 7 месяцев назад
@SolarSolaceFarms 7 месяцев назад
Wonder how well the CEO of McDonalds actually get the information you speak of. I would imagine that is as hard to be sure of as a consumer who buys “grass fed” proteins. Lot of trust that in a few cases I know of doesn’t pan out.
@billgoodwin8013 7 месяцев назад
What recognized peer reviewed scientific journal is this work published in?
@acebilbo 2 месяца назад
You actually trust journals after how they just resisted some seriously intelligent studies? Not all, but it appeared the big ones were bought.
@markpiersall9815 7 месяцев назад
Consider installing a Screech Owl nest box. Owls eat rodents which host ticks and attract pit vipers.
@earthflute2248 7 месяцев назад
It gets easier and easier to refute the climate zealots that ruminants ARE NOT the problem of rising co2 and methane (10 year cycle returns co2 to the soil). They are in fact the best uses for nature if they are sustainably grazed. No more NPK, so saving natural resources of natural gas. No more pesticides or herbicides contaminating our food supply and destroying the environment. No more sub soil contamination from chemical leeching. Endless benefits for the environment. Why then is the WEF Gates Rutte The Greens et al trying to kill sustainable farming?
@diamondbackecological 7 месяцев назад
Getting someone with a southern accent to think in ecologocal terms is like getting an elephant to do algebra.
@andrewwhittmore196 7 месяцев назад
Except almost all the leaders in sustainable agriculture that are farmers are people with southern accents
@diamondbackecological 7 месяцев назад
@@andrewwhittmore196 aside from Dr Allen Williams none come to mind. Could you elaborate?
@andrewwhittmore196 7 месяцев назад
@@diamondbackecological Allan nation of Mississippi , joel salatin in Virginia . Greg Judy and jim gerrish in Missouri the top leaders and heifer international is one of the best institutions for this based on Little Rock Arkansas please read books from all of these people
@sookibeulah9331 6 месяцев назад
⁠@@diamondbackecologicalWill Harris. He has a full on Georgia drawl. There’s a few from Texas I can’t think of right now. Then there’s Joel Salatin - Virgina and Greg Judy from Missouri but I suppose that’s southern Midwest.
@diamondbackecological 6 месяцев назад
@@sookibeulah9331 Ill accept the nomination of Will Harris. Good point.
@lenayeagle9650 7 месяцев назад
I love the spreading of this movement! Grow grow grow!
@janlabuschagne4759 7 месяцев назад
Ek boer in Namibia en is nou 15 jaar op my Namib plaas hiermee besig. My reenval is 250 mm reen. Ek het vanjaar nogg net 100 mm reen gekry en het genoeg weiding vir die volle bestokking. As jy 7 jaar dit doen ,hey jou veld verdubbel.
@SecondLineNews 7 месяцев назад
I understand the first speaker said it as a rhetorical device, but the fact is the bison aren't gone. Neither are the indigenous Tribes whose relationship with the Bison was/is also important.
@AlleyCat-1 7 месяцев назад
The bison are gone, in the sense that they no longer roam free across the west & Midwest like they use to. They are now reduced to a small section of Yellowstone, a park in Nebraska, South Dakota, etc. So, in a sense he is right ... the bison are gone compared to how they were in west back in the day.
@lafondawilliams 3 месяца назад
​@@AlleyCat-1ecologically extinct is what google returns
@melissasueferrin3409 7 месяцев назад
Just making a comment to try to get this more views!
@viking722nj 7 месяцев назад
can't hear any of the conversation
@rhondamontiel3827 7 месяцев назад
I really appreciate this work. I just wish I could have heard a lot of what was being said
@trinsit 7 месяцев назад
12:30 changing minds takes a sales team. WE have to convince you or else you'll keep doing the same thing and fight everything along the way. It's not science. It's sales. I'm trying to find where I can jump in somewhere. This is a product I believe in and will sell.
@jerrywatercutter9551 6 месяцев назад
Education is the first step.We need to educate people on the concept of how to convert to this system.
@chrisretterath4818 8 месяцев назад
Sound quality is very poor in places
@tckingfish 8 месяцев назад
What a bunch of gobbledygook. The woman spoke for 53 minutes and said nothing of value.
@ctsmith580 8 месяцев назад
With the carbon sink description (slide image) it looks like the pasture is collecting carbon from the atmosphere. Is that really what's happening though? I think the increase in soil carbon levels has more to do with tramppled forage being decomposed by earthworms and such.
@magnuseriksson5547 8 месяцев назад
That is indeed what is happening. Plants "suck" carbon out of the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. A surprisingly large portion of that carbon is exuded (called root exudates) into the soil to attract microbes. This microbial community serves many important functions for the plant. They make nutrients available to the plant that otherwise would be unavailable. So yes... it is atmospheric carbon that builds soil carbon. Even if soil carbon came from trampled forage, its origin would still be from the atmosphere since that's what plants use to build their bodies.
@yrp237 8 месяцев назад
The other thing that is glaringly obvious to me is when it's time to sell the farm (if/when that occurs in the future) the AMP farmers will be able to get a huge premium over the conventional farmers. They have the proof & data that their farm is healthy. Bitcoiners in the future will pay serious amounts of bitcoin for an AMP farm but they will not part with near the same amount for conventional when they know they have 15 years or so of work to get it in tip top shape. (If you are not aware, a lot of OG bitcoiners are into regenerative farming, better food, etc. They are the new money coming in to the space. Also, I'm guessing the 1st Gen farmers took classes, learned new techniques and conventional farmers didn't. I have zero farming background but I erroneously thought all farmers were fixated on their soil (some movie where the dad shows the kid the soil & explained the importance) so I stupidly thought all farmers obsessed over the health of their soil. Obviously I didn't realize with mono crops they don't. So thankful AMP farming/ranching is being shared. It's so obvious even to a non farmer that soil health is #1 and everything else comes from that.
@Marilou-g5t 7 месяцев назад
Farmers gave been going to classes run by the state's land grant universities, county conservation districts,...Funding for these classes is through govt grants, BIG business donations,... Multi-generation farmers are following the advice of the instruction given. The interests pushing the agenda are not what they should be. People want cheap food, cheap food policy subsidizes bad methods. See 100,000 Beating Hearts-about Will Harris. Look up Steve Kenyon's youtube videos for a chart he shows of ag financial wellness and look when farmers began loosing money and BIG business began raking in the profits. Cheap food and health discussed on Mark Hyman, MD with Gabe Brown or Allen Williams. There are many pieces to this complex puzzle. This merely touches the surface. Lots to relearn that our great- great- great- generations past ancestors may have known about stewarding the earth.
@kuliatv 8 месяцев назад
This is incredibly important work and needs to be shared far and wide. Looking forward to seeing the film and the published research.
@johngault8688 8 месяцев назад
Yes, it would be profitable for the farmers, but not for the fossil fuel industry.
@trinsit 7 месяцев назад
It WOULD be profitable for them too. Their only downfall is that it's destroying the planet throwing carbon in the atmosphere. If farmers everywhere were sequestering the carbon, then no one would be freaking out about climate change and they can keep doing their business uninterrupted. Their actual competition is far more efficient electric tech. Which is where the company Locoal comes in. Lol.
@lauraw.7008 День назад
Perhaps, if fossil fuel controllers were more willing to share benefits instead of trying to keep all the power & money in the hands of a few.
@sammybayer 9 месяцев назад
promo sm
@mreu4558 Год назад
༼༽ Riveting ༄
@jaketornatzky4728 2 года назад
Great presentation!
@icometotalkstory6185 3 года назад
Thank you! You share a lot of good info! May I suggest cooperative groups fro changing state statues for more understanding so all agencys on same page working for ecological sustaining healthy working communities! Taking ideas form the indigenous and then equate into your science verbiage so they too learn common sense of conversing it themselves! Also I feel people need to understand why you are conserving species, and I suggest going down to the microcosms of complex life as in w/www.ifm.org w/Functional Medicine knows well we as Humans require as one did in ancient times the feast and famine mood, knowing wel how good fasting is!knowing Western Medicine needs to change curriculum and many Dr's are learning from the Institute! They feel our gut reguires this balance of microbes, in order to have good mental function making good choices, learning why we require as Humans the wild species as they serve down the chain! Vs leave people fragmented, as many have no clue of how we as humans must balance the ecology for it is not naturally balanced!! Now being creative w/natural building and doing one's part self reflecting w/the many in patches doing agroecology, is something we want people to see! As all message boards link! Thank you again and we are transitioning our site; www.ictts.org to scale agrorecology as Emeritus Professor Miguel Altieri's work fuels us to continue to do our part networking, prioritizing trans boundary migration of large browsers, as we prioritize what communities to start local plans w/locals as all join into rid toxic! As well having this understanding is a good peace platform w/neighbors as well good tourism as students get involved focus directing w/communities using them as extended or only classrooms to make this right! So all share and then take home means to rethink what each can do? Addressing time sensitive issues on earth_space, realizing we cannot just live local. We can hold self and others accountable locally and afar as earthlings! Many lessons to share! As then all do one's local plans! Peace be with you, kara speaking for our combined `effect...
@colorizedenhanced-timeless9105 4 года назад
Good afternoon, Salazar Center for North American Conservation. surprisingly appealing video. thanks. :)
@robertcallaghan4029 4 года назад
*Academic circle jerk auto asphyxia is the leading cause of male extinction* Weather = flash floods + flash fires + flash droughts + flash mobs Climate = 30 years of weather + you don't got time to worry about climate *4% of mammals are wildlife -- 60% have been wiped out in 50 years* Humans & livestock caused 80% of extinctions, climate change is just getting started 1 million species of plants and animals at risk of extinction ( Nat Geo 2019 ) 97% of great fresh water species gone since 1970 ( Guardian 2019 ) 96% of mammals are livestock and human ( Ecowatch 2018 ) 96% of tigers gone in 100 years ( IFL Science 2019 ) 90% of elephants gone in 100 years ( Hurriet 2019 ) 90% of lions gone in 100 years ( African Impact 2019 ) 90% of Leatherback sea turtles gone since 1980 ( Earth Watch undated ) 90% of Monarch Butterflies gone in 20 years ( Inhabitat 2014 ) 80% of Antarctic Krill gone in 30 years ( Research Gate 2005 ) 77% of Eastern lowland gorillas gone since 1996 ( Treehugger 2020 ) 60% of world’s wildlife has been wiped out since 1970 ( CBC 2018 ) 50% of Marine vertebrates gone since 1970 ( WWF 2015 ) 50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985 ( Live Science 2012 ) 40% of Giraffes gone since 1990 ( NRDC 2019 ) 40% less insects in next 30 years ( PNAS 2019 ) 4% of mammals are wildlife ( Vegan News 2020 ) 700 Marine Species Might Go Extinct Because of Plastic ( Green Planet 2019 ) 500 vertebrate species of less than 1,000 individuals ( PNAS 2020 ) 500 species of animal have gone extinct since 1900 ( RD 2019 ) *Sources* lokisrevengeblog.wordpress.com/2020/09/04/by-the-numbers/ With 23 billion chickens on earth, if one sneezes we all get the flu, covids et al are here to stay Livestock use 80% of antibiotics, and the age of effective antibiotics is nearly over Plastic harms the plankton that produce 10% of earth's oxygen *Green Energy Sources & Numbers* 2020 : 2% of global energy is solar and wind -- after 20 yrs trying www.iea.org/data-and-statistics 2020 : CO2 up 60% in 30 yrs : up 30% in 15 yrs lokisrevengeblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/c02-human.png 2030 : 50% of world will be short of water lokisrevengeblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/water-wri.png 2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable lokisrevengeblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/2040-energy.png 2050 : 28% of global energy will be renewable, at best -- assuming no snags or snafus lokisrevengeblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/2050.png 2050 : 600 ppm CO2 BAU = 2X safe limit of 300 ppm set by James Hansen lokisrevengeblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/rcp8.5.png?w=1024 Vaclav Smil says energy transformations take a minimum of 75 years This is because electricity is a little over 20% of global energy use Cascading tipping point collapse starts at 1.5 °C lokisrevengeblog.wordpress.com/tipping-point-fraud/ Humans burn fuel at 3 Hiroshima bombs every 5 seconds Ice is melting at 1 million tons per minute per year We have to stop burning 50% of fuel in 10 years to stop runaway hothouse mass extinction Runaway hothouse mass extinction cannot be stopped or reversed once started *REAL CLIMATE JUSTICE = 100% PRIVATE GLOBAL CARBON UBI = 0% FOR GOVERNMENTS* lokisrevengeblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/16/the-book-of-knowledge-witless-wonders/ Private dividends were first proposed by James Hansen and several economists 10 years ago He said they would unite left and right to reduce emissions faster than any other way The reason you don't know what private carbon dividends are is because your head is filled with nonsense Male Extinction Affects All Vertebrate Classes lokisrevengeblog.wordpress.com/toxic-half-life/ zxzxzxz jkjk
@carriefrickman2035 4 года назад
Thanks very much for this great opportunity! You can contact me with any questions about the graphic recording at www.heartwoodvisuals.com
@wildthing3112 4 года назад
If we cut subsidies to oil & gas and agriculture industries... voila! Lots of funds available for conservation!
@wildthing3112 4 года назад
Will/has the decline of economies due to the coronavirus pandemic hinder efforts to raise the funds for the 30 X 30 initiative?