📌Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
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@qodksk 17 дней назад
홈페이지 들어가면 600유로라고 뜨는데 가격이 오른 건가요??
@shinnerz4047 17 дней назад
네 그정도 할겁니다. 요즘 보훔도 많이 올랐어요...
@JimNicholls Месяц назад
I'm glad the weather was good for your trip, John. It's been rubbish most of the time since you left.
@Eeeeesmit Месяц назад
Can you please add english subtitles...
@shinnerz4047 Месяц назад
Hi mate, thanks for watching. There’s actually nothing much to translate from those subtitles, since I wrote them for my guests from Korea. The video pretty much explains everything 👌🏼
@JimNicholls 2 месяца назад
A lovely place, John - a lot more scenic than Ferrymead! Maybe they'll let you drive a train next time.
@shinnerz4047 2 месяца назад
Yes, and also much cheaper than Ferrymead. Only 3 euros for students. In fact, Ferrymead Township is currently closed until end of September for major maintenance and upgrades. I hope they won't increase the entry fee with the reopening.
@shinnerz4047 2 месяца назад
- excuse the typo in the captions. I know... -
@JimNicholls 2 месяца назад
A very busy time, John!
@JimNicholls 2 месяца назад
Those trams are rather different to the ones you were driving here, John! I guess they are a bit more comfortable to ride in, too.
@shinnerz4047 2 месяца назад
Definetely a lot smoother and quieter, but it's a little cramped inside due to the narrow-gauge tracks we have in our area. Larger cities like Cologne and Frankfurt have trams with a wider body running on standard 1.4m gauge (same width as Christchurch Trams)
@JimNicholls 2 месяца назад
Your current home city looks a lot livelier than your previous one, John, even though Christchurch has a much larger population (and area). Will you be attending any of the matches?
@shinnerz4047 2 месяца назад
Yes, but mainly around the station and the main square. Other parts of this town are very much like the New Brighton shopping street today. And no, unfortunately the tickets are long sold out...
@JimNicholls 3 месяца назад
Ferrymead doesn't seem to get many visitors these days, John. I hope things are busier in the summer or they might close down. The council doesn't want to give them any more money, so they rely on ticket sales a lot now.
@shinnerz4047 3 месяца назад
That's right Jim, the park is very quiet these days partly because the trains and trolley buses arn't running during winter, which are the main attractions at Ferrymead. And I believe the Park has been having money issues for many years now. Fortunately, the Tramway Society Inc. down at Bridle Path Rd end is still very busy. In fact, with CTB trams arriving from city center for maintenance works and repairs, they are running out of storage space for trams and most importantly, workforce!
@zigzzagkiwi 3 месяца назад
I was the camera man!
@shinnerz4047 3 месяца назад
Yes !
@JimNicholls 3 месяца назад
Great, John. I much prefer the horizontal format!
@JimNicholls 3 месяца назад
Well done, John! I hope you get a chance to drive a tram in Germany now after having that experience.
@shinnerz4047 3 месяца назад
Thanks Jim ! There are more videos coming soon 🙌🏼
@JimNicholls 3 месяца назад
I'm glad you had such a good day to do it, John. It must have been a great experience.
@JimNicholls 3 месяца назад
Looked great, John! I wish I'd been there.
@shinnerz4047 3 месяца назад
Thanks Jim! There will be more coming up once I get back to Germany.
@JimNicholls 4 месяца назад
That looked like a good transformation, John (and no doubt an expensive one!) Here in Christchurch it would probably take three weeks and not be done half as well.
@shinnerz4047 4 месяца назад
Thanks, Jim. Believe it or not, it took us almost 4 months just to get the permission for dropping the kerb from the City. And yes, it was an expensive project indeed. But as you can tell by the amount of earthworks required, it wasn't something I could tackle with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. Luckily, we had the right guys to do the job for us👍The video is actually from last February and the garden looks a lot greener now.
@singhcafe6622 Год назад
Lisbon nice city
@silvievoss4020 Год назад
Daneben war die Berufsschule
@slartibartfoss Год назад
Die ist immer noch da, direkt daneben war aber die alte Polizeiwache, dann kommt die Musikschule und dann erst die Metallberufsschule.
@dabinkim2824 2 года назад
Studienkolleg Bochum 어학코스 8월부터 듣게되었습니다 친구와 함께 집구하고 있는데 1년전에는 신청했어야했군요.. 기숙사 구하기가 쉽지않네요 ㅠㅠ
@shinnerz4047 2 года назад
가격부담만 괜찮으시다면 Seven Stones Quartier Bochum도 추천드립니다. 2인실 WG도 있어요~~ 여기 독일얘들은 Akafoe방 나올때까지 거기서 지내더라고요..
@mauriceu79duisburg57 2 года назад
Ich habe mich selbst gefunden 🤣
@hyojungseo7829 2 года назад
안녕하세요! 영상 잘 보고 갑니다 :) 이런 곳은 보훔대학교 학생들만 받아주나요? 혹시 어학생도 가능할까요?
@shinnerz4047 2 года назад
안녕하세요 시청감사드립니다~~ 사설기숙사라 다른도시 (에센, 도르트문트등..) 대학생들도 지원가능하다네요. 학생신붕증만 있으시면 가능할거같네요 :D
@thevinhnguyen5233 2 года назад
what a lovely city you live in bro
@thevinhnguyen5233 2 года назад
wow danke dir für das Video. Das ist ein sehr gutes Apartment. mach bitte mehrere solche Videos ^^ Ich warte auf deine neue Videos
@soyeonpark7314 3 года назад
안녕하세요! 로자파크 기숙사 알아보다가 영상 보게 되었는데요. 혹시 마틴루터킹 기숙사에 대해서도 아시나요? 같은 재단에서 운영하는 걸로 아는데 로자파크보다 내부나 이런저런 정보가 많이 없어서 궁금하더라구요:)
@shinnerz4047 3 года назад
일단 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 :D. 마틴루터하우스는 아는사람이 없어서 저도 아직 못들어가봤네요... 듣기론 방 개수는 로자파크보다 적은대신 평수가 조금크다고하네요. Markstr동네끝자락에 위치해서 전철역이랑은 좀 멀다는 단점이있죠 ㅎㅎ
@soyeonpark7314 3 года назад
@@shinnerz4047 답글감사합니다:) 전철역이 좀 멀군요! 교통권이 필요하겠네요😊
@s.h5247 3 года назад
대박! 유용한 현지 정보 감사합니다. 중간중간 자막들도 넘 재밌네요 :) 교회 운영 기숙사에 들어가려면 기독교인이어야 하나요?
@shinnerz4047 3 года назад
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다. 종교와 상관없이 누구나 들어갈수있어요.
@user-qz7nv2jm1o 3 года назад
기숙사 매우좋네요~
@s.h5247 3 года назад
영상 잘 보았습니다, 감사합니다^^ 혹시 이곳 들어가려면 몇개월 전에 대기리스트에 등록해야 할까요? 집때문에 너무 고생을 해서 꼭 이곳으로 들어가고 싶은데 신청을 언제쯤, 희망입주시점 6개월 전에는 해놓아야 할까요? 그리고 여기 Student Apartment 정확한 이름, 어디 Strasse인지도 알 수 있을까요? :)
@shinnerz4047 3 года назад
영상 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 제가 알기론 현재 1인실 Apartment는 웨이팅리스트도 거의 다 찬걸로 알고있습니다. 학기시작 1년전부터 신청하시는게 좋을거에요. 다른기숙사들도 사정은 비슷합니다. 보훔에 건물들이 적지않은데도 불구하고 입사경쟁률이 생각보다 꽤 높아요. 영상속 건물은 AKAFÖ Siepenfeld 라고 길 이름은 [Laerheidestr. 4-8 Bochum] 입니다.
@s.h5247 3 года назад
@@shinnerz4047 친절한 답변 감사드려요!
@jakovisce 3 года назад
와 존좋이네요
@sprinter1313 4 года назад
auf der Hardt , steht noch so ein drecksding
@Florian_Cz 4 года назад