The Retrospective Gamer
The Retrospective Gamer
The Retrospective Gamer
@gogosegaga 9 дней назад
I agree out of all the consoles the 3DO represents the vaporwave nostalgia of the late 80s and 90s the most. It’s made for aesthetic fans like none of the other 90s machines.
@WhiteFangofWar 17 дней назад
Really wish we could get a new release of this series that gets back to its tactical mech action roots. Even a new Gun Hazard would be welcome.
@KrGsMrNKusinagi0 23 дня назад
they are releasing assault suit valken on the switch physically soon, and assault suit leynos 2 physical. I really hope they release this game physically on the switch that would be awesome
@NightWolf4223 25 дней назад
Next to super metroid demon crest is my favorite game ever
@NekoSmash 29 дней назад
Great video :) I can’t get the English patch to work…seems no matter from where I download it, I just get a black screen (JP rom works by itself).
@migueldias8546 Месяц назад
Crusader of Centy is one of the best games on Genesis but it is not a great Action RPG. I had a good time playing it but my problem has always been that I feel like you play levels, one after the other without a journey. And it is very easy… I was playing RPGs on the Super NES at the same time, it was night and day… I still remember tons of sequences from Zelda III, I have a hard time remembering anything from Crusader of Centy, outside Sonic resting on a beach…
Месяц назад
So good.
@justinarreaga4731 Месяц назад
I actually played all the way through this game when I was home sick with covid. Amazing game.
@ftyean08 Месяц назад
12:45 There are actually 12 gunpods in total. 8 of them, you encounter normally throughout the course of the game. The other 4 requires specific things to be done to get them The 8 you encounter normally are Vulcan, Cannon, Wasp, Spreader, Grenade, Hedgehog, Riot, and Blade The other 4 are Juno, Flash, Python, and Mosquito Juno is available in 3 locations (Alternative 1st boss, the sub in the 4th level, and one of the fighters in the last level) Flash is available in 2 locations (Get the S.Bonus for clearing all the falling drones during the elevator section in level 3, S.Bonus when fighting the monkey robot) Python requires you to have a Wasp and destroying one of the background trucks in the military base Mosquito requires you to head down to the lowest level in the factory area and breaking one of the boxes (I don't remember if you need a weapon that shoots backwards)
@Ricky_Grade10 Месяц назад
I still remember saving all my money from cutting grass to buy a Sega CD. All my friends from my neighborhood use to bring everyone by just to watch the crappy Sewet Shark fmv. Looks bad now but then it was mind blowing technology. I miss those days.
@TheArcadeMonarch Месяц назад
TF3 is such a gem. Great music, nice stage variety, good controls and NO slowdown. Especially the 2 stages that scroll in all directions are so much fun. What I like less are the bosses, as most of these are such push overs (excluding the moving blocks boss, which is awesome btw). Quite a stark contrast to TF4 which has super tanky and intense boss fights. I do feel TF3 is a bit on the easy side, TF2 to me feals way nore difficult. While TF3 is a fantastic game, TF4 is legendary. Everytime is see or hear the intr, I am itching to play the game. Yes there is (a lot) slowdown, and difficulty is way higher, without a mean to practise the latter stages, but it plays, looks, and sounds so good. There are also a ton of hidden items and extends. My personal difficulty wall was stage 8. But that stage also has the best music ever (metal squad), which kept me trying again and again. Again great video. Never played the games after TF4, so very ninterested in your video on those.
@alexshadowfax1119 Месяц назад
Less than a 1,000 views on a video of this quality and on this topic is ridiculous. To think some of the crap out there that gets millions of views while this goes unnoticed.
@alexshadowfax1119 Месяц назад
Is this channel still active? I really dont want to find another channel I enjoy just to find out its dead, it really sucks lol
@darknessking2706 Месяц назад
I discovered this RPG recently, I'm playing the SNES version, I'm on mission 7
@pomponi0 Месяц назад
I didn't know until a few days ago that this game wasn't well known, it was one of my top 5 favorite SNES games. Though to be honest I don't think I showed it to my friends
@reesemartin3285 Месяц назад
You kinda need a walkthrough for this game. Alot of back tracking. i still enjoy this game. Really tricky
@TheNonusVomica Месяц назад
Loved that game! Too short, too easy, but tons of fun!
@jirikrajnak9047 Месяц назад
I played this game so much that I became an expert in it and have been running through it without losing a life on the hardest difficulty.
@misteralias2850 Месяц назад
Yes. That is all.
@bluedistortions Месяц назад
I can almost guarantee you the reason this didnt sell, and had such a high return rate, was the high amount of demonic and horror based imagry, combined with you playing as a demon, which I think was completely unqiue for the SNES. Im watching it boot up, with the bizarre opening scene talking about a world of demons, then the first boss has its flesh decaying off its bones.. no way in hell my mom would have allowed that. We forget how innocent things were back in the 90s. Nowadays people are jaded due to the internet. In Japanese culture, it wasnt taboo to explore the mythology of demons. They werent see as pure evil. In america, for many people to show any sympathy for a demon is to allign yourself with satanists. Its two very different religious mindsets.
@NinjaRunningWild Месяц назад
I’d argue Demon’s Crest is the worst in the series. The best graphics, sure, but doesn’t make good use of Firebrand’s capabilities in level design. The first two games do a much better job at that.
@LeetTron5000 Месяц назад
damn that title screen gave me goosebumps when the cloak spread out.
@delphidelion Месяц назад
This is the perfect game for modern souls gamers that want to jump into something older. The menu system will not be an issue for them and the ambiguous shape of the world and exploration would scratch those itches.
@dapperghastmeowregard Месяц назад
Remember hearing about this in Nintendo Power, came across it at a used game store for 15 bucks and snapped it the fuck up. It may not be 24/7, but I think Fujiwara achieved his dream of a game you buy once and want to play for life.
@cellohm Месяц назад
Eveyone playing roms knew about this game
@nikkat79 Месяц назад
Sure, one of the best snes games. But it needed some more games on this fantastic lore!
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 Месяц назад
That game intro reminded me a lot of darkstalkers
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 Месяц назад
It wasn't a gargoyles thing it was a Gothic Victorian thing gargles just happened to be a part of it is my opinion
@Blazemoth Месяц назад
DC Rocks, this game was ahead of its time. Would've done better on the PS1
@evilweenie5743 Месяц назад
So basically the infinity stones.
@Dragonangel426 2 месяца назад
I don't remember how I got this game. Birthday? Christmas? Maybe even Easter. I still have this game, it survived the unfortunate event that led to the loss of all my SNES, NES, and N64 games. When I found this game in a different box I was pretty happy, played the hell out of it that day. I'm glad I still have it, way too hard to find nowadays.
@Rolfhn 2 месяца назад
I love Demon's Crest and I still play a full run at least once a year, I think the only game which comes close to it is Blaphemous.
@fusionspace175 2 месяца назад
Well there's the problem then, they made it confusing and misdirecting all right, so much so that I never made it past the first level on my rental, took it back, and never thought about the game again. Given the time period I simply assumed the level design was bad on accident, I wouldn't have guessed they did it on purpose. I don't blame anyone else for passing it by, either. Doesn't matter how much fun stuff you plan in later, if enpugh players don't make it into the game to begin with, your game doesn't exist.
@targuscinco 2 месяца назад
But what button to push cause I'm stuck on the stage and it know it's not y button but maybe ok.
@galacticwarlock2271 2 месяца назад
I liked it but I still don't love it. I do like the red devil.
@jiggilowjow 2 месяца назад
i freaking loved this game. i was playing way back when and no one was really playing it back then either.... off topic i wish someone would remake wizards and warriors. also bionic commando , blaster master... man we had the best games... haha
@ian.swift.31614 2 месяца назад
they remade bionic commando in 2009
@carndawg 2 месяца назад
You didn't mention the true final boss!
@Bandersnatch786 2 месяца назад
Possibly the most underrated SNES action platformer.
@jaodasilva7993 2 месяца назад
Firebrand also appears on SNK VS Capcom
@DrProfessorMD 2 месяца назад
I put dozens of hours into Demon's Crest when it released. I miss those days. :( Adulting sucks.
@fnnnn5986 2 месяца назад
The negative sales is very very very likely to be true. I had a similar story with SNES Frankenstein, which is very similar to Demon Crest. Back in the 90s game consoles were for really young kids and associated with mascots like Mario or Sonic From my younger self perspective the game was ugly and violent, and I got stuck early on because it required reading which is unintuitive for young kids. Kids didn't get complex commands like pressing up to speak to an NPC or even using the shoulder buttons. The demon theme was bad given the 90s were very Christian, add SNES games being expensive for parents. So yes It's entirely possible.
@songsan807 2 месяца назад
Played it during my first year of college in the mid 90s and loved it. Gameplay, graphics, story all amazing. Truely a hidden gem.
@GriffyBoiii 2 месяца назад
The way the ground moves is so cool
@navi-charlotte 2 месяца назад
i was lucky my uncle got this, we enjoyed the hell out of it, played the snes one over couple of years, discovering everything by ourselved. i have awesome childhood memories of this game <3
@AKOverkill 2 месяца назад
Loved it, a remake would be sick
@Keblash 2 месяца назад
This is one of the games i stumbled upon by chance while trying out random snes roms with the newly (for me) discovered technology known as emulation in mid 2000's. Never got aroumd to beating it but played the first 1/3 or so about 20 times haha loved it though!
@sethdouglas2765 2 месяца назад
Thank God my dad bought this game. Idk why he did but I am super glad he did. I still remember the ultimate gargoyle code to this day. QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ
@Sithalos 2 месяца назад
This was one of my favorite games when I was a kid.
@ArthurFeitosa-s5p 2 месяца назад
Best enjoyed at 1.5x
@JustinDeep-op1ix 2 месяца назад
Spoiler alert! Man DAMN!!!