Matt J. Dave
Matt J. Dave
Matt J. Dave
Former youtube pooper, former fanfic writer, nowadays I'm writing actual books.

A new big video has just been uploaded, and you can expect more long-form content on whatever takes my fancy in the future.

Here's a link to my book series:

9 лет назад
@BWF6_Official День назад
As someone who also did an all shot ranking (but still hasn't made a video about it), I'd like to put in my two cents. While you did the ranking based on how much you liked the shot, my list is more about how good a shot is to get an easy clear in its respective game. While HRtP doesn't have a traditional shot type, it does have two routes. Makai has easier bosses while Jigoku has easier stages and more opportunities to get lives from score. I still don't know which is easier but I'd say Jigoku. SoEW ReimuB is actually the best shot in the game as her bullets are quite good, the speed is perfect and like you said, Full Power is a beast. She makes the Extra Stage completely trivial if you do a cheese strat of dying 2 times at the start to get 3 bombs and because of homing bullets you only need to spend one before the boss. In the main game (and we're talking Lunatic here) she's also great, as ReimuA is a bit too fast for my liking and Yellow Power has a bad range which doesn't hit anything and ReimuC decimates bosses but suffers on Stage 4 and actually requires a gameplan route. Yumemi is ranked a bit too low as she's capable of really messing with the AI by using her charge attacks making her one of the easier characters to beat the game as. EoSD Marisa suffers from the surprisingly uncontrollable high speed and very narrow spread which makes her difficult to play as and this isn't the case in other games. However I fully agree with the ranking. ReimuB still the best. I'd say IN Marisa was the best of all as she felt the strongest and completely decimated the entire game with her high power. Master Spark was also still a good bomb. In her modern incarnation not only did she lose her piercing lasers but Master Spark really stopped dealing good damage. It is now completely outclassed by every other bomb. The only thing going for it now is it's length. Yukari is also much better than expected, with high damage and usefulness. I accidentaly did a No Miss Hard 1cc with her. If we take the shot out of the game it's in, then LoLK Reimu is the best Reimu. She basically stayed the same from 2015 up until now except with one major difference: since HSiFS all shots have the same hitbox size. Reimu, how she is now, is able to completely destroy stage portions with homing and obliterate bosses with needles while still having an impressive range. She's easy unlike every other shot. With a smaller hitbox it's even easier to dodge all the bullets. While we're talking about LoLK & difficulty, there's a major change in usefulness between Sanae & Reisen. Reisen is more suited for Easy & Normal as there's not that many bullets and her shield makes getting graze easier while Sanae exceeds on Hard & Lunatic where you can just bombspam and earn infinite lives with grazebombing while also having better damage and range. With Reisen you actually have to dodge on higher difficulties while the reverse is true for Sanae. I fully agree that Youmu Wolf is peak. It's the strongest shot ever and it obliterates everything with ease. I never understood the love for Otter. I played Youmu Otter once and it was the worst Otter shot of them all. Your Touhou 19 verdicts might be outdated as you're clearly playing v1.00a when v1.10c came out a while age and solved most of the problems. To quickly summarise: Reimu got nerfed to oblivion, Marisa was and still is one of the strongest with a new C2, Sanae is even better, Ran stayed the same, Aunn is even better, Nazrin is now semi-competent (definitely better), Seiran has better C2, Orin now deals damage, got a new C2 and is actually competent, Tsukasa got her spell fixed, Mamizou is still bad, Yachie is OP, Saki is still useless (should be in the WHY? Tier), Yuuma is even more OP than before, Suika still obliterates everything, Biten got buffed, Enoko stayed almost the same, Chiyari got nerfed but she's still very dangerous, Hisami is the worst shot in the game, can't hit anything and has terrible enemies in the Story and Zanmu is even more OP than she was. All in all, while I don't agree with every placement here, I respect your ranking and the video was entertaining. Mima is still the best shot ever and HRtP Reimu can solo all of them with the touch of a finger.
@MattJDave День назад
Yeah, I'll admit I wasn't factoring stuff like scaling with difficulty into account, and didn't realise 19 had a balance patch... that still made Saki suck. Man, feels bad for the Keiga Clan. Thanks for taking the time to watch my video and leave such thoughtful remarks. We clearly differ on a lot of things, but that's what makes touhou great; it's a simple series that encourages many different playstyles and preferences.
@BWF6_Official День назад
@@MattJDave Difficulty doesn't really matter in most cases because if a shot is good on Easy, it will be good on Lunatic. It's just a few distinct cases that really matter. I haven't even really formed an opinion on PoDD's shots except Mima & Yumemi as they all play and feel the same and the game is really RNG with winning ald losing. Sometimes a worse shot forces you to play better in order to just beat the game, leading to a much more high quality run than let's say MoF MarisaB at 3.00 Power.
@MattJDave День назад
@BWF6_Official Can certainly vouch for that last point. MoF Marisa B isn't fun because the game just isn't a game any more. But MoF Reimu C, despite not... particularly being good, is very fun because of the unconventional strats you have to pull. Similarly, my only DDC Sakuya B Normal 1CC feels like the most beautiful run I ever pulled despite it being a dreadful shot lol.
@avery3748 5 дней назад
i think you might be sleeping on UM Sanae - the only Hard Mode 1CC I've gotten. Her shots are super-powered up by Saki, but I think the biggest thing is what Byakuren's card does to your Bomb. It like triples the duration and power of Sanae's bomb, highly recommend giving it a try. IIrc I usually combined it with Sakuya's Ricochet Knives and Miko's C card.
@avery3748 5 дней назад
Also really enjoyable video :>
@MattJDave 5 дней назад
Oh, I generally sleep on Byakuren's bomb buff, and figured it'd probably be redundant on Sanae, but hey, one of the beautiful things about UM is that it'd take years to do every potential run with every potential item combo. I'll definitely have to give Saki/Byakuren Sanae a go some time.
@MattJDave 5 дней назад
So, I just 1CC'd Sanae with a run that started with Saki passive, Byaku bombs and Marisa Hakkero. Then I went Magatama, Centipede, Yuyuko Passive, Kanako Snek, and Haniwa Clear, a build I shall christen 'Protecc to Attacc'. The goal is simple; use all the clearing and Sanae's general reliability to go no-hit as long as possible, snowballing Saki's passive and the Hakkero laser with centipede passive. But for when I inevitably face a skill issue, at least the centipede reset will be worth it seeing as... if you bomb just before a spell start with the Byaku-bombs as Sanae, you can basically get a free capture just from the sheer bomb duration. Legitimately nutty. Thanks for the build idea!
@avery3748 5 дней назад
@MattJDave hahaha thanks for giving it a try
@mfchomper999 6 дней назад
this video is such an amazing labor of love for Touhou, like once I saw the first few minutes I knew I was gonna have to sit down and watch the whole vid. I loved how you talked about the games and your opinions and actually explained the shot types in depth with jokes and shit intertwined with the reviews (+ its really helpful since I haven't played most shots after a certain point cuz I started using only marisa in recent games 🙏🙏)
@MattJDave 6 дней назад
I'm so glad you enjoyed! This was months of work in the evenings after my day job so it's great to see folk like you are getting something out of it. I appreciate you spending a little of your time to watch this vid.
@terrenceswiff 6 дней назад
I enjoyed the video
@uboa8060 7 дней назад
1:11:03 BASED SUPER DIMENTIO CAMEO, I wish i could subscribe twice
@GarryDumblowski 7 дней назад
So, uhh, UFO Sanae B does actually shoot four frogs straight forward, not just two. In fact, she shoots six frogs in total, making her shotgun attack *insane.* If you pause a gameplay video (or even THIS video), you can actually count all six frogs.
@MattJDave 7 дней назад
Oh damn, you're right, I always failed to see them amidst the chaos and Sanae's regular shots, but there they are! You'd think I'd have picked it up in editing, but there we are. Cheers for the insight.
@theonerandomguy4580 7 дней назад
Absolutely underrated and kino minus PCB sakuya A not getting peak
@MattJDave 7 дней назад
Ah, I see we have a PCB Sakuya A war crime apologist here :P
@thegitgudneighborhood 7 дней назад
A hundred minutes? Matt, I'm not watching all that. But, I'm sorry that happened to you. 🫂 Or: ✨ Congratulations ✨
@AwsmChimera 7 дней назад
Yeah, you tell him. I never even seen none of these fairies in a Godzilla movie.
@MattJDave 7 дней назад
@@AwsmChimera Are you talking to yourself (again)?
@thegitgudneighborhood 7 дней назад
@@MattJDave I'm bumping up the retention statistics on this video. Get dunked.
@MattJDave 7 дней назад
@@thegitgudneighborhood The horror.
@Pepsi_8798 8 дней назад
Ayo really really good video, master spark eosd will always be number 1 in my heart Love when the algorithm blesses me with a channel that clearly deserves more views keep it up, praying for you success bro
@MattJDave 8 дней назад
Really means a lot to read this, dude. Thanks for the support!
@bluejacketergazu2447 9 дней назад
you actually 1cc all these shottypes?
@MattJDave 9 дней назад
All but LoLK Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae (and of course PoFV Merlin and Lunasa don't actually have a story mode to 1CC). Otherwise yes, I've 1CC'd all of them on at least Normal; 121/124 ain't bad. I ain't an exceptional hitless lunatic player but I've played the games for a while.
@notlol1 4 месяца назад
A tip for youkai shots: make sure to wait a bit before killing the enemies so you can get more time orbs.
@MattJDave 4 месяца назад
Yup, it's a frustrating thing to curb the instinct to just instashoot down, especially in the early game. Yuyuko in particular needs you to outright release z just to spare certain enemies long enough.
@thegitgudneighborhood 4 месяца назад
Bitch, play Glover. - Awsm Chimera
@MattJDave 4 месяца назад
Don't test me, I have all manner of retro emulators on this machine and I'm not afraid to use them.
@samyb4566 6 лет назад
What is the name of the theme of this boss ?
@Jake-yy7bl 7 лет назад
drowning, anyone?
@bluepikmin6363 7 лет назад
Second comment lol
@bluepikmin6363 7 лет назад
when Lucas ate the magic tart Sob SOB nom nom Sob
@bluepikmin6363 7 лет назад
Kumatora! not Kumatira! I still love your videos though.
@bluepikmin6363 7 лет назад
Umm, i wouldn't say hurray just yet...
@gamersinacontainer 8 лет назад
welcome to the salty spittoon how tough are ya? I beat the fierce pork trooper In mother 3. so? WITHOUT THE DCMC PAMPHLET. uhhhhh move along
@pinhead6764 8 лет назад
what if i destoyed miss marshmillow did i got bad ending?
@MattJDave 8 лет назад
Lil Miss Marshmellow's death/survival does not affect the ending in any way.
@liamcammarata3723 8 лет назад
This video as terrible sound
@roman_gee1367 8 лет назад
i love porkys/pokeys battle theme
@thewhitesnowone1744 8 лет назад
One time, we had a school project for Health. We had to give a presentation on what kept us motivated in life. I simply walked up to the board, said "Carlton Banks memes", and sat down. I got an A+.
@MattJDave 8 лет назад
And thus, you are a Healthy man. Good job, mah boi.
@lucasmota3651 8 лет назад
*looks at description* "offence" what the f#ck?
@FunkoLolcat 8 лет назад
if you use a saltwater gun when he's charging it breaks him.
@salvador6182 9 лет назад
What happens if you listen to the music?
@DiligenceOfSurprise 9 лет назад
one of the few good themes in the entire mother series
@chedenders3424 9 лет назад
when is this boss?
@MattJDave 9 лет назад
+Ched Enders It's in Thunder Tower, in a playroom prior to the generator rooms. Check the yo-yo in a fancy box and she'll attack you.
@chedenders3424 9 лет назад
Oh, so it's optional?
@MattJDave 9 лет назад
Ched Enders Yeah, it's an optional boss, gets you a super-high-selling 30-damage weapon.
@simplerouge2343 9 лет назад
that moment your fighting a giant Dinosaur Robot Chimera, and your teammate is concerned about lower back pain. GG
@swankstablook 9 лет назад
I will never forget the trouble I ran through to get past him.
@gabriel128508 9 лет назад
Thats why makes me so angry for beating up this boss, Porky Deserved to die because he was a Coward faggot that hided on his stupid Safety Capsule away... I HATE THIS GUY
@DiligenceOfSurprise 9 лет назад
Isn't he Pokey from Mother 2/Earthbound?
@MattJDave 9 лет назад
B Miller Yes, one and the same. He's come a long way but also been downgraded, depending on what you think counts as an upgrade/downgrade.
@DiligenceOfSurprise 9 лет назад
***** I can't believe you responded on such an old video. Thank you!
@DiligenceOfSurprise 9 лет назад
***** Ik the playlist doesn't have your own videos, but I'm happy you assembled it.
@MattJDave 9 лет назад
B Miller Actually, these are my videos (if you'll look, the party's names are all weird and named after greek letters), it's just other people beat me to making Mother 3 boss videos.
@DiligenceOfSurprise 9 лет назад
***** okay. c:
@datboi5115 9 лет назад
its fits so well
@xboxconvertz5176 9 лет назад
+Pheno Yoshimizu i know right
@Death22059 9 лет назад
Nice theme he has
@trevorBbracket 9 лет назад
Am I the only one that had trouble with this guy?
@kekkley 9 лет назад
No of course your not 70% of people who fought this guy probably lost atleast once!
@swankstablook 9 лет назад
After all the times I ran through this game, I've lost to him AT LEAST twice. He was a pain in the neck.
@monsterstab3173 9 лет назад
No you are not the only one at all
@shugafoo7457 8 лет назад
i barely got him first time
@GourmetSubZee 9 лет назад
Swimming in Satan's lake of eternal hellfire, anyone?
@MattJDave 9 лет назад
W̛͔͉̰͇̣̪̻͉ͨ̅͗̌᷾͏Ṙ̮̳͈᷊̻͖ͥ̅ͧ̋᷃͘ͅͅI̼̦᷅̏ͥ̐̉ͪͧ̓̈͂ͭ͟͝Ģ̛̯͍̋͒̀ͨ̓̄ͮͥ͢͡͞H̶̷͇̬̼̦͕̃ͤ᷀̑ͧ̋̓͡T̸̶̗͓̠͔̱͚̐͒͆ͧͯ̓͡Ö̴̥̼͙̙́᷃̑̔̊̋̐ͤ͜͠ ̧̰̲͎̗̗̯̬̰͒̾᷃᷉́᷅M̴̧̡̧̬͍ͫ͗᷁ͣ᷃͌᷆ͯ̅Y̸̙̼͕̝͎͍͛̌ͣ̅̎̆͢͡ ̵̪̹̝͎᷁ͣ̏̎ͫͨ᷈͜͟͜B̲̤͈͙᷿̬᷃̍̌̅͐͗͜͞͞O̵̵᷂̬̼᷉̓᷈̇̌̓̚͘͞͠Y̪̭͚͈͚ͤ̄́̏᷇ͮ̅̎͆͌.᷃̐͏̷̬͙̲ͪ̂̇͂́͘͝! ̷̢̻̯̺̹͒̇̐̋̎᷁̅̇͠Ş̶̖̥̟̍᷈͒̽᷉͋ͨ̓͢͠W̶̡̢᷂̜̬̲̼͖̻᷾̓ͪ̾᷄I̧͙̖̬̼̙̳̠᷿͚̱᷃᷅̔᷇M̷̡̢̨̦̮̺̎͑̈́̅ͤ͗ͧͧ ̡̧͕̹̦̭ͭ̎͌̇͛ͬ᷇͜ͅM̧̛͔᷊̭̥̙̹͕ͮ᷉ͤ᷾᷆͌Ǘ̧̟̞̙̬͎̤̽ͨ̊᷾̿̂ͧC̷̫᷊̃ͩ̌͏̺͔̦͓͒᷾᷆᷁H̯̻̪᷊̳̓ͬͣ͛ͥ̎͜͜͢͡?̸̮͇̺͕̼̻͖ͮ̃᷉̾ͯ͢͏
@Ene-Chan 10 лет назад
This is freaking genius
@oathbearerhotocate3835 11 лет назад
this boss took me five tries to at least beat it
@porygonlover322 12 лет назад
@bgsonicgt 12 лет назад
this is freakin awesome
@psycoteck0808 12 лет назад
y isnt this a well known internet meme yet?
@darksinji 12 лет назад
Look at Will Smith 1:03 lol
@TheSuperSubwayBros 12 лет назад
THANK YOU!! xD I had requested this a long time ago!
@supersonicmario56 12 лет назад
@Digitalsp33r glad u did if only i knew how. . . .
@supersonicmario56 12 лет назад
laughed at it liked it laughed at some more favored it laughed at it again and still laughing
@8FLAREBAT8 13 лет назад
@Digitalsp33r Yeah lol true, but thnx for the vid, i beat him on my next attempt after seeing it, keep up the good work ^-^ xD
@8FLAREBAT8 13 лет назад
You make it look easy -_-
@yusukeelric 13 лет назад
Best way to fight masked man, buy lightning pendants back in new saturn valley... That makes the game a LOT easier. Then Lucas raises defense and use psi shield Omega when Kumatora reduces offense and use PK Lightning. Then boney and Duster attacks... When you can't Buff the team you can use Lucas to heal, or make things faster and use a PK love... But remember that abusing that PK can let you without PP.
@Catdramaticstatic 13 лет назад
@Digitalsp33r 53 isn't horribly overleveled for this fight.Actually,it's about right.Its a pretty tough fight.And PSI Counter Omega really isn't all that much PP.Not much more then Healing Omega or Lifeup Omega,and less then PK Love Gamma.But yeah,Shield Killer really does make this fight tough.Kinda kills the point of using shields at all.And I stand by making him cry,it really does make things easier.