Debbie Roberts
Debbie Roberts
Debbie Roberts
Sharing the goodness of God

I believe the bible is the true word of God and wondered why I wasn't seeing people miraculously healed in my life like in the bible. So I learned how to pray for people and see miraculous healing. Though I don't see everyone I pray for healed, I continue to believe God and encourage others to do the same. I share as the Lord shows me insights from His word and share healing testimonies. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged to trust God for your healing and learn how to pray for others. I don't have a gift of healing. I am just a lay person and it's up to you to ask for wisdom from God to seek medical attention, take medicine etc...

Be blessed and encouraged.
For prayer email
I'm no saint!  Or am I?
9 часов назад
Glory that  you know God
16 часов назад
flip what you say and trust God
День назад
But God
14 дней назад
Abba Father
21 день назад
This is what got me back to church.
28 дней назад
Transform your mind.
Месяц назад
Believe God for Healing
Месяц назад
Develop a good Habit...
2 месяца назад
Develop God Inside me minded
2 месяца назад
With God all things are possible.
2 месяца назад
Flourish in old age
2 месяца назад
Jesus's Compassion to Heal
2 месяца назад
Be persuaded to keep your healing.
3 месяца назад
Prayer for subscribers of Debbie Roberts
4 месяца назад
Christians are saints and light.
4 месяца назад
Maintain healing by the armor of God
4 месяца назад
Let's encourage one another in the Lord.
5 месяцев назад
Healing is for you with Knieshia and Debbie
5 месяцев назад
Soften your heart and receive your healing
5 месяцев назад
Have a Good Friday!  Thank You Jesus!
5 месяцев назад
Is God allowing sicknes to teach me something?
6 месяцев назад
God's Love for You
6 месяцев назад
@MariaOrtiz-t3c 2 дня назад
@shelleybox1118 2 дня назад
Thank you Debbie for this encouragement
@debbieroberts9216 2 дня назад
You're welcome
@lizavaz3042 3 дня назад
Heavenly Father I pray for my healing skin and physical scars heavenly Father you cured job please heal my skin diesses
@debbieroberts9216 3 дня назад
"In the name if Jesus, skin be healed. Thank you Lord for smooth skin."
@kerrykaatz7343 4 дня назад
Debbie. Once again, this was a wonderful teaching. God bless you. Psalm 16:2-4 (NKJV) 2 O my soul, you have said to the Lord, “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.” 3 As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another god; Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their names on my lips. Daniel 7:27 (NKJV) 27 Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.’ Romans 1:7 (NKJV) 7 To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 (NKJV) 12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. Ephesians 5:2-4 (NKJV) 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. 3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.
@EdgeofEternityBillCameron 4 дня назад
Praise Him for how He reveals Himself to us. Thank You Lord 👏
@karieleevisser9071 6 дней назад
To know Him - and His kindness, justice, and righteousness! And to become more like Him! 💜 Thank you for sharing this word, Debbie! 🕊️
@TeachYHWH 6 дней назад
Hey sister ❤❤❤ wow beautiful beautiful beautiful This God we serve is WONDERFUL!!
@debbieroberts9216 6 дней назад
Thank you Knieshia. Yes He is.
@texasstardust1 6 дней назад
Hallelujah, praise The Lord! God bless you Debbie!
@antoniavallario3058 7 дней назад
Awesome! We are so blessed to know our God! Thank you! 👍🏻💕
@debbieroberts9216 7 дней назад
You're welcome Toni.
@antoniavallario3058 7 дней назад
Hi, Debbie. This little message has really been encouraging me! God can use our “little” to do big things! Thank you so much. I wanted to share with you that Annette Capps (daughter of Charles Capps) has a RU-vid channel (Capps Ministries) which I have recently started watching. She has a great teaching called YAHWEH Who Heals Me. She really gets into the meat of Exodus 15:26. I think it would bless you. Again, thanks for everything you do for your RU-vid community! 💕 😊
@debbieroberts9216 6 дней назад
Thanks. I'll check it out.
@shalomkim1745 7 дней назад
Spiritual Mind vs Carnal Mind We have the mind of Christ Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
@TeachYHWH 8 дней назад
@nisadad6558 10 дней назад
@deborahmorton547 11 дней назад
You go girl. Keep up the good work.
@debbieroberts9216 10 дней назад
Thank you. I appreciate that.
@brianwoo8877 11 дней назад
Hypertension is a curse of the law however Jesus has became the curse of the law and he bore this Hypertension therefore by His stripes I am here.
@debbieroberts9216 11 дней назад
@brianwoo8877 11 дней назад
Amen. God is true. When we say something contraire, it is a lie.
@patrickstar1439 11 дней назад
Yes. Cute dog.
@debbieroberts9216 11 дней назад
Thank you. That's Lily.
@brianwoo8877 10 дней назад
Lily is a cutie 💓 pie.
@angellollar1083 11 дней назад
Amen and amen. But God
@antoniavallario3058 13 дней назад
Great message, Debbie. Such a powerful scripture. I don’t spend enough time in Ephesians, but starting today I plan to remedy that 😊. Thanks and God bless!
@mireillekwesele8270 15 дней назад
Beautiful posts as reminder. God bless you fir sharing 🙏
@tarameier6575 15 дней назад
Well done. Thank you
@debbieroberts9216 15 дней назад
Thanks Tara. You're welcome.
@saskiaverhulst2302 16 дней назад
I just love your posts so much, you are such a blessing, thank you. Did you make that yourself? Is’s beautiful, nice art with the Word, amazing. You get me inspired with this. Be blessed with Love, joy, shalom, you and your loved ones. Love from the Netherlands
@debbieroberts9216 15 дней назад
Thank you so much. Yes, I printed out the verses. It's so wonderful when God shows me things from His word. Thank you for your blessings.
@TeachYHWH 16 дней назад
Hallelujah Deb!!! I was JUST talking to a friend of mine and all we kept saying was "BUT God"
@debbieroberts9216 15 дней назад
So amazing!
@WorkingMomsCookandClean 16 дней назад
Love this
@lindawood6260 16 дней назад
It sure did bless me today…♥️
@WorkingMomsCookandClean 16 дней назад
Me to
@kerrykaatz7343 16 дней назад
I constantly ask God that He show me His love for me & that I know & understand His love for me. A lovely video Debbie.
@antoniavallario3058 19 дней назад
Hi, Debbie - just a follow-up (writing this on Sunday 9/1). During church today we sang a song I’d never heard before called “Only a Holy God.” The whole song is beautiful but I wanted to share the last verse here because I thought it was so timely, given your message: “Who else could rescue me from my failure, Who else would offer His only Son? Who else invites me to call Him Father? Only a Holy God, Only my Holy God.”
@debbieroberts9216 19 дней назад
Thank you. Only Him!
@TeachYHWH 21 день назад
I trust you Lord
@debbieroberts9216 6 дней назад
Yes I agree
@TeachYHWH 21 день назад
Interesting ❤ I lovvvvvvvvvve this!!!!
@TeachYHWH 21 день назад
There's my favorite lady! ❤ Abba!!!!!
@debbieroberts9216 6 дней назад
Awe. Thank you
@antoniavallario3058 21 день назад
Thank you, Debbie! The article is very interesting and enriched my understanding - as did your teaching. I always look forward to your videos. God bless you! 💕
@debbieroberts9216 21 день назад
I'm glad Toni. Thanks so much.
@debbieroberts9216 21 день назад
Thanks so much Toni. I'm glad.
@TeachYHWH 21 день назад
Abba father, I will obey you! ❤ I love this!!!
@kerrykaatz7343 21 день назад
A lovely video Debbie.
@debbieroberts9216 21 день назад
Thank you Kerry.
@TeachYHWH 21 день назад
Isn't it? Wow. I didn't know this. I love learning new things. How lovely
@julies570 22 дня назад
How can I receive His compassion and let it sink in…I feel I am stuck in self judgement and criticism and need to have on myself too?
@debbieroberts9216 21 день назад
Hi Julie, I have felt that way before. What helps me is to pray and ask God to show me His love for me and His goodness while reading the Bible. Whatever stands out to me, I write it, say it out loud and think about it throughout the day. I hope this helps. He paid the price to set you free from condemnation.
@gelapearson7051 27 дней назад
Thank you for this, Debbie!
@debbieroberts9216 25 дней назад
You're welcome Gela.
@lindaborschowa4410 27 дней назад
Thank you Debbie, such a powerful little message. Your little dog is so cute ❤
@debbieroberts9216 25 дней назад
Thank you Linda.
@michellemakayla3310 27 дней назад
Praise God 🙏🏻🩸
@mireillekwesele8270 27 дней назад
Thank you for sharing and encouragement!
@debbieroberts9216 25 дней назад
You're welcome Mereille.
@TeachYHWH 27 дней назад
Wow.. very intriguing. I love this Debbie ❤
@susanah7485 27 дней назад
Thank you Debbie!
@debbieroberts9216 27 дней назад
You're welcome Susanah.😊
@lizcooley5868 28 дней назад
Debbie THAT was a wonderful testimony!
@debbieroberts9216 27 дней назад
Thanks Liz. I'm so glad He brought me back.
@lindawood6260 28 дней назад
Thank you so much Debbie for that beautiful reminder. I will never put earrings in my ears without thinking of the stripes paid for my healing 🙌🏻🩷
@lindaborschowa4410 29 дней назад
I enjoyed this message. Thanks for posting it.
@oldharry09 Месяц назад
Plz everyone pray for my son sean only 11 brain tumour I believe in Jesus to heal him please pray for him ❤🙏
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
Yes, let's agree. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love for Sean. With the authority you give us, we command every bit of that tumor to leave now in the mighty name of Jesus!
@luzargueta6791 4 дня назад
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I curse the brain tumor and command leaves now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus is Healed, amen, amen
@antoniavallario3058 Месяц назад
You are blessed to be able to attend a church like this. Excellent message, thanks!
@antoniavallario3058 Месяц назад
Great message! Thanks for posting, Debbie! 💕
@grahamchown5439 Месяц назад
This is very topical, its a shame that the sound quality is slightly sub par
@debbieroberts9216 28 дней назад
@mireillekwesele8270 Месяц назад
Thank you Debbie for the work you're doing on behalf of Jesus Christ. May God protect you. I sent you an email...
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
I replied to your email. Maybe you didn't get it. If you have Whatsapp email your number and we can communicate that way. Hisdebbie@gmail.com
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
I sent you a regular text.
@gerrimiller3491 Месяц назад
Lovely Debbie, you're such a ray of sunshine 🌼🌷🌼!! When i say,"God Bless you", to people...i see a warm smile come upon their faces. God is good all the time🕯️✝️🕯️
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
Awe. Thank you so much.
@gerrimiller3491 Месяц назад
Sending an abundance of Blessings to you and your family❤ 🙏❤. I love Jesus with all my mind, body & soul🕯️✝️🕯️
@pattyphillips9421 Месяц назад
My sister. Could you please keep me in your prayers for my healing? I really could use someone to stand with me and know that someone is praying for me. Because I really don't have any one.
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
Yes Patty, be healed in the name of Jesus. You can email hisdebbie@gmail.com if you would like to set up a call.
@pattyphillips9421 Месяц назад
​@debbieroberts9216 I just had to let my phone go...it would have been nice to talk with you
@pattyphillips9421 Месяц назад
​@debbieroberts9216 Thank you so much sister.
@pattyphillips9421 Месяц назад
​@@debbieroberts9216 I hope these are going through
@debbieroberts9216 Месяц назад
Hi Patty, I just saw your replies. If you have a computer, we can set up a ZOOM call if you'd like. Either way, I agree with you in prayer.