Your Wingmam
Your Wingmam
Your Wingmam
Welcome to Just The Tip! I decode the mysterious world of female psychology, find your dream girl, and make her yours. Or level up your relationship for smoother sailing with your lady love. You'll understand women better, and become irresistible. Women can also learn a thing or two because it’s not all about what women want. ;) Let’s bridge the divide between the sexes!
Big hugs, xo Your Wingmam, Anna Jorgensen 🥰

Transform your dating life from "meh" to “mmhmm ;)” Get my WakeUP2Luv Program-called "life-changing" by guys like you: members.wingmam.com/get-women/

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Disclaimer: I'm not a therapist, lawyer, or doctor. Ultimately, you're in charge of your love journey. You got this!

Avoid Narcissistic Women By Doing This
21 день назад
#5 Endorphins That Create Instant Intimacy!
2 месяца назад
15 Savage Reasons WHY MEN ARE USED By Women!
3 месяца назад
How To ACTUALLY Text A Girl (And Get A Date)
4 месяца назад
Dealing With Her Insecure Attachment Style
5 месяцев назад
The Difference Between Why Women And Men Cheat
6 месяцев назад
@nathanmorgan3647 7 минут назад
The audacity of claiming that men are the ones with unrealistic expectations. No. Men are bowing out because women are no longer feminine. You have gone from helpmeets and positive forces in our lives to instead toxic Grendels mothers. No one wants a demon no matter how pretty.
@thebiologicalrealist 10 минут назад
I have not. I might if we were talking about a very small, subtle tattoo. I've always been of the impression that extensive tattooing was an indicator of self-loathing.
@LuisRamos-yz7qr 16 минут назад
Certainly not for men. Tattoos just turn a lot of men off. It's frowned upon and gives the impression the woman is loose with her values.
@stuartwilson3753 24 минуты назад
Well, you'll never know if you don't ask! Hello Anna 😊 I'm Stuart! Would you like to have a latte with me? Im an honest guy looking for a high value woman. Half way through my prison sentence. But allowed out on day release. My probation officer says its ok to meet up with a caveat, not in close proximity to any banks or dark corners. My hobbies include fast (getaway) cars, fast sprinting and camouflage disguises. When you accept my invitation, please be aware I'll need to be home, lights out by 10pm ....... So joking aside. I admire your style of delivery. You're so animated. Tells me you're passionate on the subject. You always look amazing and wonderful to listen to you. I think I read people quite well. I wondered how you know so much. Life experiences? Studies? My instincts sway towards the first. The level of insight you've acquired can't possibly come from a book. I believe you've experienced, from one end of the spectrum to the other end of emotions. I really like you. You're simply an inspiration for anyone. And you are very attractive 😮 too! If you can't make it for a coffee, please remember, visiting times 10-11am or 15.00 -16.00 hrs . Mon- Friday.
@johnballard6725 42 минуты назад
Ladies if you are not being approached by guys perhaps consider making the first move yourself ? Men are more cautious these days with good reason so you might do yourself a favour and step up to the (relationship) plate. I assure you we men love to be approached as it means if we make a move we won't be rejected. In the past was it really any better for women to wait to be approached ? I bet most times the approacher was someone you didn't want he was probably a cocky or over confident guy whereas the quiet guy you might have preferred wasn't confident enough himself to come forward ? Surely far better to go for the guy you might well be interested in and even if rejected you will have known you have been proactive rather than reactive.
@jasondouglas152 Час назад
It all stems from never getting told " no" , learning that throwing a tantrum will get you whatever you want, Then going all in on manipulation to fulfill your selfish needs. These particular women drag down their family , friends , men , women , their children and yet most people still agreee with them to avoid confrontation. Gross
@silversurfer4441 Час назад
Note that in each case, it's the man's fault. Right.
@imupowqk 2 часа назад
Did nothing of these. Still married 😂
@scottganser7787 2 часа назад
I'm surprised! This was mostly sane.
@richiexp2 2 часа назад
Nowadays, it's hard to find a woman without tattoos unfortunately 😞😞😞...
@JamesGrigg-c1i 2 часа назад
women in my experience never never never own up to a mistake they have made, they see themselves as perfect so how could they have made a mistake, it must by you the man !!!
@Watchmaker_Gereon-Schloesser 2 часа назад
I saw our red-head-catlady Anna's cat! Who else? xD . Thank you Anna. I've seen you (since 2017) even before I've found the red-pill (break-up with my tap dance teacher, she lied gross to me, 8. nov. 2022)... I've learned a very important thing from you: the brain difference! Men's brains are like file registers, Womens are like a dish of spaghetti. Helped me a lot to nail down the problem. I didn't found the video where you said that - do you still know where? Cordial greetings! (herzliche Grüße)! Géréon
@Wookinpanub235 2 часа назад
OMG. My Wife’s Sister has BPD , Borderline Personality disorder. When her bucket was empty she would feel inadequate and would have to fill it by acting on her impulses and would get manic and go out and do some really stupid things, bad things. Then she would dump on my wife and blame all of her problems on her childhood and then try to guilt shame my wife by demanding we give her money and say things like “You owe me “ or “Because I don’t have what you have.” She would go on dates with guys in this phase of her mania. Can you imagine being on a date with such a train wreck? This video made me wonder what that would be like. I can see it now….sh’s running her mouth 150 MPH , the guy , most likely a real dirt bag, because those are the types she likes- is nodding his head yeah, yeah, okay, yeah….and all he’s thinking is that eventually he’s going to get laid.
@harrygoatleaf4032 3 часа назад
They are not called tramp stamps for nothing
@Bubba-hl6wb 4 часа назад
Thanks kiddo. I’ve been tiptoeing around this beautiful lady for weeks now. I’m frustrated confused exhausted . Time to walk away.
@robertbrunson1685 4 часа назад
Just displaying there inadequacies
@jimsullivanyoutube 4 часа назад
Personally, I don't like tattoos. I find them to be a turnoff. A tattoo is a permanent mark on an evolving human being. The person who got the tattoo will change, but the tattoo won't -- except it won't age well. And then there's all the implications about the persons emotional health, temperament, and psychology. I'm old. I grew up in the 60's. When I was a kid I remember seeing ex greasers with faded tattoos on wrinkled skin. It wasn't pretty.
@PierrePinson-gf5xt 4 часа назад
Les tatouages ne sont pas jolis sur les hommes et les femmes et ils sont chers.
@marguskiis7711 5 часов назад
It happens 90% of marriages after ca 7 years. So 90% of marriages should be shut down after 7 years together.
@robertbruce1887 5 часов назад
Yes, but do women realize just how agonizing tedious it is to constantly listen to this?. Women ! save this ' emotional vomit ' for your female friends who understand this. Plus in my experience, if you listen to this you get stuck in the ' friend zone' while she has sex with a masculine man who man enough to know he won't get any thanks for listening to all this shit. From a stupid ' nice guy' who wasted so much time listening to this tedious shit with nothing to show for it but exasperation & disrespect.
@michaeljohns8817 6 часов назад
Stay away from the ALCOHOL !!!!!!!!!! nobody wants a drunk girlfriend !!!!!!!! it's not classy !!!!!!!!
@michaeljohns8817 6 часов назад
Don't be afraid of rejection, just move on to the next one !!!!!!!!!!!!
@alexaleshire2420 7 часов назад
There’s no “walking away” when the person moves into your house. And starts threatening you when you try to have a productive conversation about moving on
@hammerbro2125 8 часов назад
Sorry, i'm tired of "vomit"
@brianreed8271 7 часов назад
@@hammerbro2125 yep I've had enough , one smelly burp and I'm out of there.
@templar1060 8 часов назад
Heck , this is every woman I know
@dragonmaster1360 8 часов назад
It's not fear. It's self preservation, and lack of any worthwhile women. You can't even get it right in the first 10 seconds, I doubt the rest is gonna be any better.
@dragonmaster1360 8 часов назад
Scanned the video. Yup, practically all of it blames men, instead of blaming the real source of the problem: WOMEN.
@abhilash7381 8 часов назад
Issue is a covert narcissist never reveals most of this.
@Baltimoreed 8 часов назад
Don’t like them. I could live with a discrete butterfly or something small but tramp stamps or sleeves no way. Not a smoker either.
@buckkw5108 9 часов назад
I eanna bring you home and do things to you....🙋
@toofast0253 9 часов назад
How about making a video about women who harass men? What should men do? I'm blessed/cursed with being tall and muscular. Even though I'm pushing 70, women of ALL ages break their necks to get in my way. When I ignore them, they glare and mutter to themselves. One 'lady' I ignored yesterday at the grocery store drove dangerously close to me when I was returning my basket. All while glaring at me and saying shit. But men are the problem. Got it.
@big6316 9 часов назад
I have had the experiences of losing an 18, 12 and 13 year relationship. The best way to describe it is the loss feels like being suffocated and set on fire at the same time i.e. every minute feels like an eternity of suffering for many months on end. There's nothing that can be done to ease the pain and it's one of very few things in life that does not get easier with more experience, at least not for me. I can only say I survived but I don't notice that I'm any better for it.
@Wookinpanub235 10 часов назад
Women display these same traits also. It’s a good thing for a man to be stoic and content with himself. If a woman wants to get to know him then she can approach him too. Dudes don’t even try now because if they’re not 6’7” with a boat load of money then they don’t bother. Now of a woman keeps looking at you , studiously from across the room then by all means say Hello to her but if not don’t even bother.
@charles-iii6759 10 часов назад
You might be sincere and genuine in your advice but you're also naive. I can summarize everything into just one reason...women have become unapproachable. The dating pool is a cesspool not wort it of even looking at a woman. Fake hair, fake botox-lips, fake boobs, fake butt, fake eyelashes, entitlement behavior for just existing, unreasonable expectation, tattoos everywhere, piercing in places that makes no sense, the risk of being falsely accused of sexual assault and a funky attitude. Those are the real reasons why most men (the ones who still have their sanity) are walking away. We see how the game is played and we don't want any part of it. We're getting our passport and going oversea. Given the toxic social dynamic in the West, that's the wisest option.
@daviddrouillard3534 11 часов назад
Such good info.
@ericmckenny6748 11 часов назад
My takeaway: “Men, please don’t be how you’re built and fix anything. Women need to verbally vomit on you.” Anything else? Not here to fix your vid, 😂. But seriously, thank you for your many usual insights, Wingmam. Keep it up 👍
@HunterChristianDarkman 11 часов назад
Prenups should be revisited and confirmed yearly, otherwise, they lose enforcement value.
@wesleyaldridge2859 11 часов назад
She could be a loon
@BeautifuLakesStreamsBiologists 12 часов назад
Here is a big one to add: courage to speak her mind. It is a rare and extremely valued virtue.
@RokSkywalker 12 часов назад
Brothers we live one life, we ain’t got no time to be sitting here playing emotional mind games with women, so we gotta put all the effort & they do nothing ?. God put us here to reproduce, these girls are smashing on the 1st night no protection, live ur life.