@SPtv-NeverInsARTology 14 дней назад
What a sicko. Why r u so fooled people? Please listen to your smart self. Only someone dumb would want to trick u with his imagining’s. It’s a LIE. It’s a CULT!
@dabneyoffermein595 20 дней назад
was that Saint Hill property as old and moldy as it looks on that black-n-white photo of L.Ron Hubbard standing on the staircase (limestone steps)?
@noorspoke 9 дней назад
@dabneyoffermein595 9 дней назад
@@noorspoke Ah, that's right,, nice catch, lots of weathering, needs cleaned and sealed. I doubt LRH put the maintenance necessary into the sandstone facade & walkways (but he couldv'e), this picture could be right when he acquired the weather-beaten estate.
@Mortizul День назад
I visited Saint Hill Manor this summer and I was expecting it to look all black and weathered like in that photo but they'd totally cleaned it up and it looked great. They wouldn't let me into the garden to recreate the photo though!
@noorspoke День назад
@@Mortizul my local org told me of it literally yesterday! I want to visit
@jamespedder5171 21 день назад
“You be surprised how warm space is” around the Van Allen belt. I am surprised
@snakepit101 Месяц назад
Horse. Shit.
@snakepit101 Месяц назад
If one person could exteriorize or prove a past life they would immediately take the James Randi million dollar test to confirm the ability. And walk away with the money and become the most well known person on the earth. If Scientology auditing created this ablility, every human would be begging for the tech. It ain't never happened and ain't ever gonna happen people. You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time. Bob Marley via Bob Dylan via... Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen. Jesus.
@snakepit101 Месяц назад
Horse. Shit.
@user-in3uk5dx6g Месяц назад
Good old LRH ASMR. I'm surprised Scientology isn't already selling it.🤣
@OvaryThetanCluster 2 месяца назад
Is she single?
@trumanbentley9491 2 месяца назад
Of course. The Goozelum is the real problem. Remember, you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead. Clears get the message not the Karmis.
@christofl6523 3 месяца назад
Love listening to LRH lectures.
@LambsyLamb 2 месяца назад
Yes me too he was bat sh!t crazy!
@christofl6523 2 месяца назад
@@LambsyLamb A genius.
@jacklyttle7323 3 месяца назад
This man is literally known for having the most books published, all of which were science fiction books. Hubbard was a complete fraud, scientology, as Mike Rinder said, is a corporation masquerading as a religion, it seeks to make money off of you and considering they're worth over $3 billion, I'd say they've quite done well. its unfortunate to me that all of you are completely indoctrinated into this cult when you were young, it'd be quite difficult to come to the realisation that you are a member of a dangerous cult that completely controls your life, if a family member of yours says one bad thing about Hubbard, you are to completely disconnected with them, Miscavige wants your complete obedience so that you continue to spread Hubbards complete bullshit so that he can make more money.
@mohamad-ms2pb 3 месяца назад
Over the course of the last 7 months or so, it seems that the crew who operates that implant station are putting in some heavy overtime hours.
@stephenievee1126 3 месяца назад
Yeah, so who made it up first?
@srirachahero4679 3 месяца назад
How many people fell asleep with this dude just droning on and on about invader forces?
@Mortizul 3 месяца назад
It's quite common to feel sleepy when you come across words or concepts that you don't fully understand. If you start to feel that way, pause the video and consider what you don't understand and use the dictionary linked in the description to clear the words.
@aquarius76131 4 месяца назад
😃😃😃its good to hear it 很棒的演講!
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
Basically the galactic.confederation trapped billions of spiritual beings on Earth in order to conrol beings and check the over population of beings on this planetary system. This was a huge problem.... See the galactic cinfederation consists of only a hand full of free beings who run this system...but they refuse to rehibilitate beings up to their level cuz they fear losing control....they ask...if everyone is a free being...whos going to be the janitor...so they belive it threatens their whole system of meat body socieries on planetary systems. Enki/LRH had a different view to fix the problem....he told them that we should rehibilitate beings up to OT levels and it would fix all the problens of war and control. He told them that its only when you try to control free beings that you eventually get chaos. So LRH came up with Scientology to make beings free again...but this infuriated the galactic force....which in the bible btw you knoe as Yaweh or God...thats your God you worship...the galactic confederation...they rather you worship gods so yoi dont ever think about being one.... So they hated on Enki/LRH....lucifer doesnt refer to anything evil but since they comtrol the meanings of things they made you think that lucifer is evil...who you thinkbis the Serpent giving Eve the forbidden apple which was knowldge??yea lucifer aka enki aka lrh. Why do you think the knowledge was forbidden to mankind by God??? See rhey never tell you what the forbidden knowldge is do they? So they flipped the whole script...made you belive some God named Yaweh cares aout you unless you fuck up then you go to hell...tell me what god would use fear to comfrol your free will? Its all about keeping you the being who was once free im a vicious cycle of perpetual reincarnation with sporotual amnesia... And the most compassionate and benevolent extraterrestrial that actuall cares about the evolution of mankind and the spirit is Enki. All Scientolgy is, is 21st century Yoga usuing tech. Enki aka lrh first tried Yoga as a means to escape the spiritual trap of the galactic confederation. He was the Buddha of all Buddhas. Unfortunatley in the later years of Scientology, there were too many independent parts of the org all competing vs each other and LRH lost control. He advised some of the other OT8's to take their stuff and vacate the ORG as he was no longer in control
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
I belive LRH is of the Fifth Invader Force....which i believe to be the Annunaki as the Summerians calles them....LRH is an engineer...so is Enki. Enki bacame known as "The light bearer" which in latin it is said Luz Cipher or Lucifer.. In LRHs OT8....he admits to being the prince of darkness that the galactic confeseration made up to keep beings away from Enki aka LRH
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
The reincarnation centers were on Mars before the batallion came and blew the machines and implants to smitherings...then they moved the operarion to Venus
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
When he says a fifth.invader came on a saucer in a doll body to run census hes talking about a Grey alien that youve seen all over....the spirotual conscious being uses a doll body in space....human meat bodies are not ideal for space travel
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
Thats crazy he mentions the Kiber pass because we're about to go through it again
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
Fourth invader force is possibly the reptillians and the fith invaders being the Annunaki
@user-ck6ly4st3v 26 дней назад
Light bulb moment 💡 ✨️ 😍 💛 💖 😊😊
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
The batallion he talks about that came to Earth are known in the bible as fallen angels
@4everseekingwisdom690 4 месяца назад
Um no it's all made up nonsense from a red headed fool
@PerthScientologyAudit Месяц назад
Have you ever heard of confirmation bias?
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
He said space station 33 which is why the elites use the synbolic.number 33.
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
This is one of his best lectures.
@colquest 4 месяца назад
I’ll bet Hubbard is closer to the truth here than your standard normie.
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
So true...so much knowledge that is coming out now has validated LRH for me
@EternalSearcher 4 месяца назад
Lisan al Gaib!!!
@christofl6523 4 месяца назад
I love listening to Rey. Great stuff!
@christofl6523 4 месяца назад
I love these briefings.
@OceanRoadbyTonyBaker 5 месяцев назад
i appreciate hearing this. Thank you.
@oscargluja426 7 месяцев назад
The friendly dictator 😊
@rogerdelillo2394 8 месяцев назад
Thx for clearing that up.
@Ryansghost 8 месяцев назад
"This sounds like Science Fiction, but it isn't" lol. I'm not surprised Sci tries to keep this stuff hidden. Listening to this has definitely made Me happier.
@4everseekingwisdom690 5 месяцев назад
I know I laughed
@Mars-nv1el 4 месяца назад
People have no idea that most sci fi is actual truth....the sheep have been lied to for so long by the elites who control information on the planet.. Total recall was about the underground Mars civilizations there are still there today Predator was about big foot Terminator is actually about the tesla super soldier robots created on earth in order to invade other planetary civilizations...the Paladean system.
@vatodad 8 месяцев назад
It's not a "fairy tale" as it's actually a TOTAL NIGHTMARE that is presented as a Universal solution to all problems when in fact it is a TOTAL SCAM. Hubbard is A chronic liar, a con, a 2-time bigamist, a fraud, and self-proclaimed to be mentally ill. [He even claimed to be from another planet which is where he (Fraudulently) claims that he learned about the scam of Scientology...Right!] Nearly everything that he says about his past life is a total LIE. Dianetics was reported by psychology experts to be a TOTAL SCAM and a FRAUD. He was found GUILTY of FRAUD in France and other countries and was denied access to many European and mediterranean countries because of his deceptive and illegal activities.. The IRS was looking for Hubbard because he had engaged in TAX FRAUD!! He died while HIDING in an old motor home in San Louis Obispo county. He was no genius and certainly was but religious. He was simply a constant LIAR and an excellent CON MAN. He took EXTREMELY SIMPLISTIC, COMMON SENSE concepts and wrapped them into his insanity. BUT... Who would spend $3000 to sit in a sauna? Who would spend $5000 to run around the Pole? Who would spend over $500000 to remove non-existing "BODY THETANS" from their bodies?...WHO? Scientologists, that's who! It not only sounds insane it is insane and EXTREMELY DESTRUCTIVE to the individual and his family. [And it gets far worse when you are forced to adhere to his even more insane "policy requirements".]
@user-jm3ti1kg8n 8 месяцев назад
Great lecture great work true legendary man never forgot ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@mynameisnobodyz 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this . Amazing!
@rubinskyceliberti4444 8 месяцев назад
❤ thank you LRH, I'm better than ever, creating, flourishing and prospering. Rubén Celiberti
@rubinskyceliberti4444 8 месяцев назад
❤ thank you LRH, you are the ONE
@Katherine_Olson 9 месяцев назад
I hope people realize that all of the Scientology stuff is pure crap.
@splawnrobert 9 месяцев назад
I had to save this speech ! It's just too good !
@kurthubbard-beale5003 9 месяцев назад
L.R.H here sounds quite similar to William Cooper. Much more so than in all the other lectures I've listened to and that's a lot.🙏
@vatodad 9 месяцев назад
It's most unfortunate that LRH had to deal with such horrible mental illness. He had multiple, severe issues including multiple personality disorders as well as being delusional. All of his stories that he used to justify dianetics were FALSE. He was unable to pass any of his University science classes. He FLUNKED out immediately. The stories about his military service are all LIES... He was NOT a hero, was NEVER injured, and was judged to be INCOMPETENT as an officer. He never went all over the Earth to do research on 21 different types of people. Unfortunately it was ALL A FRAUD and, as a result, one can see that Scientology is a FRAUD that was constructed/Invented by a MENTALLY ILL person. LRH was a gifted speaker and had learned how to MANIPULATE and BRAIN-WASH people using hypnosis and other approaches that he learned from the satanist group in Pasadena. The stories, tech, and policies and apologies were all a FRAUD/LIES that were invented by an insane narcissist. DM Introduced a level of violence and abuse that LRH would have never allowed. LRH never stated that DM should take over Scientology...quite the contrary! [ DM has never presented any documentation because it does not exist. However he did destroy documentation from LRH fedex breasthat expressed his wishes...all of which were, again, destroyed. So we have a fake religion that was dreamed up by an INSANE SOCIOPATH Which is now run by an ABUSIVE LIAR and PSYCHOPATH... There is a reason that all of the orgs are empty and MOST of the executives have BLOWN!!! Once again TM is lying about the size of Scientology and the fact that the numbers are declining at an ever-increasing rate. Worse yez, he is LYING about OT9 and 10... They do NOT exist and NEVER have. LRH was too mentally ill to create them as his mind had deteriorated too far. Just consider all of the topic exacts that have left and are now speaking out about the abuse and fraud in Scientology! Scientology brainwashes people, destroys family's, Traffic humans, Abuses children, commits fraud and protects violent criminals from prosecution. In addition all of the tech is either simple common since or Fraudulent. The OT3 story is simply a LIE... No thetans, no body thetans, no xenu auditing is a lie ( Simple interrogation and brainwashing), the tech does NOT work at all... The numbers in the SO and staff have SEVERELY DECLINED to the point where they CANNOT even staff the or int properly. Most of the orgs cannot even afford to pay the electric bills! At this rate, Scientology will collapse within 5-10 years.
@msweatte1472 9 месяцев назад
I think OT 8 exists
@irchristo 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. Very clear and concise. Helpful refresher for current decision making. Centering.
@RobinRhyne 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this!
@jesusguzman291 10 месяцев назад
Yes, its a great briefing, thank you for sharing it.
@aScottGordon 10 месяцев назад
Phenomenal briefing. I've shared this and it's getting great reception. Thanks!
@Mortizul 10 месяцев назад
Thanks Scott.
@theinspector7882 Год назад
@theinspector7882 Год назад
@derrickmcadoo3804 Год назад
I have a hard time following. Seems more like 'word-salad'. With that said, if anyone knows of a practical explanation for what he's trying to say, feel free to respond with a link.
@Mortizul Год назад
The essence of what he saying is that when we die we have a compulsion to be somewhere and that somewhere is a brainwashing facility probably on Mars or Venus. After the procedure, we're sent back to Earth to be born into another body, in an apparently endless cycle. His explanation for why this is happening is that Earth is a Prison Planet and undesirable beings from nearby systems are dumped here. This is interesting for many reasons. For example, the main goal of Buddhists is an end to the birth-death-rebirth cycle. Also central to this is the basic tenet of Scientology, which is that we are spiritual beings who just happen to be occupying a body and in theory we can just leave and explore space and time whenever we want. However, very few people can. The main goal of Scientology is to bring about this state, which is called "exteriorisation".
@kuribojim3916 6 месяцев назад
It is word salad (and some degree of plagiarism); so your initial instincts are correct. I love how LRH makes throwaway statements like “I have the data for it” - no mate, you don’t. You’re a fraud who is telling sci fi stories to gullible folks whose money you are happy to take. Shame.
@thatpaulschofield Год назад
This nonsense is great around bedtime. It puts me right to sleep.
@Mortizul Год назад
Usually that is a symptom of a mis-understood word. I suggest using the dictionary mentioned above to clear the word.
@thatpaulschofield 10 месяцев назад
​@@Mortizulno thanks
@rubinskyceliberti4444 8 месяцев назад
Dictionary is very important, and you will be awake.
@adrianhempfing2042 5 месяцев назад
He is good with fanciful story telling
@adrianhempfing2042 5 месяцев назад
Either that or he knows more than anyone else
@DavidLouisLouis-qh9ni Год назад
♥️ Larry was a great teacher , rest in eternal peace , ♥️✝️♥️ , Blessed be the Sacred heart of Jesus Christ of Nazareth , via Scientology , 1950 , USA, Awesome intelligence 🙏‼️
@eagleeye604 11 месяцев назад
Get a grip
@PraisingWithFriends 9 месяцев назад
Have you lost your mind?
@DavidLouisLouis-qh9ni 9 месяцев назад
@@PraisingWithFriends HEY did you know L Ron Hubbard and can you read English, , probably not dip shit 💩, He changed the world with his knowledge of physics chemistry biology and religion, combined and the knowledge of Jesus, ♥️ , He was 50 years of ahead of his time , when he invaded Mexico as a captain onboard a Navy Destroyer, Mexico has infiltrated the United States government, and now the drug cartels rule the United States of America just like that third world s******* called Mexico, 10000 overdoses every year after year after year after year Fuck the Latino and negro culture, It's all about Dope and destruction, of the human Soul, So go get High, then ask yourself why you don't have a real job ❓❓❓🔥🇺🇸🔥 Trying times in a third world banana Republic called the United States of despair, and nobody in Washington DC swamp cares about U jerk 😎 FF ‼️ David Staudohar USMC USN SS USCG ret ‼️ including PhD MBA BA ‼️