Don't Let Dunstable Die
Don't Let Dunstable Die
Don't Let Dunstable Die
Don't Let Dunstable Die
13 лет назад
@xyzsimo7017 9 лет назад
I think 530 views since 2010 says it all. I always recall the Town Councillor's immortal words captured in the Evening Post newspaper when they sold off the Queensway Hall to Wall-Mart, "Having an ASDA in the centre of the town this will change the fortunes of Dunstable " .....well it certainly did ! The town council could start by restricting the nature and design of the signage used on the plethora of betting shops, pizza/kebab/curry outlets, charity shops, etc, etc to ensure a more sympathetic colour and aesthetically pleasing scheme i.e. more becoming to a market town. Other market towns manage to do it why can't we. Within a year this alone would transform the look and feel of Dunstable. Another is to limit the amount of similar small business before the entire high street looks like the east end of London (or parts of Luton) and perhaps offer incentives like commercial rate holidays for new and complimentary business. If there's the will it can be done but with a short sighted, bottom line focussed council like CBC who boast about keeping council tax charges unchanged but do so by ripping out policing and most other services and have no sense of value over cost, then I'm afraid we're dooooooooomed ! Love this vid though, very interesting. Shame the tourist information office (if its even still there) doesn't get some info like this printed up.