house's head & wilson's heart
4 месяца назад
@applejayz1987 17 часов назад
I loved Tennant and Smith, and even though I weaned off the show as he came around, Capaldi was undoubtedly THE Doctor. The perfect blend of the old and new, the grumpy detachment and the emotional whimsy, dramatic, well traveled, moraly complex, blunter than a hammer but sharper than a knife, wise, a teacher, a true Doctor.
@FlyingHeadbutt100 День назад
Capaldi brought the truly alien to the Doctor while reminding us of the best of humanity
@bluebat5533 6 дней назад
Tennant will always be my favorite, but Capaldi managed to make a run of terribly written stories into a run of greatness. He just kept getting better and better with every new episode he had and I was so depressed when his time was up because he quickly became my second favorite doctor
@mestopesto09 12 дней назад
I! AM! ACTING! 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@ramboads 14 дней назад
Always said I've hated pears
@joshy_bee7843 19 дней назад
12 is always my favorite doctor
@name8631 21 день назад
"This didn't happen by the way" shouldn't have followed by him saying he knew him. Dr Who time references should be few and far between
@name8631 21 день назад
"I went to a concert once" and he sighs because he's a complete narcissist. They really nailed the character there
@iainhammond5288 27 дней назад
The last good doctor
@kevinjekyll1521 28 дней назад
His passion for the part was always evident, he was what the Doctor stood for, he carry the touch so well, and what followed is a disgrace... Thank God we can look back and enjoy when Doctor Who was mostly about entertainment, rather than The Message!
@viv-i-vangoesforth Месяц назад
And when you see the power in this portrayal by Capaldi, it shows what an absolute travasty and 💩show Gatwa's effort is. Wish he was back but not with RTD being anything to do with the franchise EVER again because he betrayed everything that Doctor who was and is in persuit of his own political agenda.
@T57Custodian Месяц назад
Claras boyfriend... That man infuriates me sooo much. He is mad about the name of a species "time lord" because it makes him think of aristocracy due to his hate for leadership. Even though they were and are the Lords of time itself, who have kept his blood line safe for eternity. Man the fury he brings in me 😂
@Drethyr Месяц назад
Capaldi is one of the better modern Doctors. Probably he had passionate Doctor Who memories. Stop casting people that don't know what Doctor Who is.... grrrr..
@meatballg8655 Месяц назад
never seen the doctor as pissed as he was with danny. danny had no idea how badly calling the doctor an officer would cut after the time war and you can see how angry it made the doctor
@hi_im_ep1k187 Месяц назад
My favourite doctor. The most true to the character in my own head cannon.
@morgothable 2 месяца назад
I had a hard time with him at first. But now he is a serious contender for my favourite. Especially his speeches.
@MrPonytron 2 месяца назад
Peter Capaldi is my favorite New Who Doctor while Tom Baker is my favorite classic Doctor. They're both absolutely perfect for the role
@beeflowers1107 2 месяца назад
They gave him so much time to shine, even to the point where alot of his scenes have no music, just his speeches
@TexasTimeLord 2 месяца назад
I hate Danny Pink. Always have.
@anostarie 2 месяца назад
Way Underrated Doctor... the first season with him was badly written.
@jooie444 Месяц назад
The first season episodes were actually written for Matt Smith's Doctor.
@stevenelson3515 2 месяца назад
If Capaldi had the scripts that Tennant, Smith and Eccleston had, we would be talking about him as the best New Who Doctor. But he was given scripts that minimized The Doctor and played up Clara and, later Bill, as the main character on the show.
@jooie444 Месяц назад
But he IS the best New Who Doctor!
@JereWilkerson 2 месяца назад
I loved that Capaldi got the role of the 12th Doctor. I knew from the start he would nail it. Of the modern Era Doctors he is my Doctor.
@betelgeuseism 2 месяца назад
Capaldi was the best actor to play the Doctor, and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't.
@JulietMcAuliffe 2 месяца назад
Imagine his "I'm bored" and Sherlock's "I'm bored" combined
@wintersakiller 2 месяца назад
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" is perhaps one of the greatest lines ever spoken by the Doctor.
@wackywarrior001 2 месяца назад
What a great doctor, he really sold the end of the line of 3 , he really worked to become the doctor , something new but a spark of old . RIP doctor who , it was Amazing run .
@brendendowd3767 2 месяца назад
Can’t lie I hated Danny most of the time
@lexikate5529 2 месяца назад
I clicked on this thinking it would be Capaldi in his chaotic yelling moments he did before he was 12. I didn’t expect to be crying with how much this man puts into his role and how he can make you believe and feel it. I didn’t expect to be crying watching this, but it was beautiful. Thank you.
@ThunderBucketsComicsandG-pw5op 2 месяца назад
What I wouldn't give to have Capaldi as the Doctor during peak writing. At least we have the peak of Heaven Sent. The greatest episode ever - all time.
@razorclaus9898 2 месяца назад
What made Capaldi the greatest to me is that he was the best at conveying the history of the character. I feel like he was the best at portraying what the Doctor would be like after all he’s gone through in his previous incarnations and carrying the weight of being a wanderer in the fourth dimension for two-thousand years. I feel like his was the culmination of all the development that the character had been through, at least since the beginning of modern Doctor Who
@TheH1ghGround 2 месяца назад
Should have added aoem of his role in Childeren Of Earth. Other than that W compilation
@MEfe-de6in 3 месяца назад
the last doctor
@flightlesslord2688 3 месяца назад
the show around him was weaker, but he was spectacular. His speech against war is my personal philosophy now
@starlaser100 3 месяца назад
2:15 I forget his name but I don't like that dude
@actualteddybear891 3 месяца назад
Capaldi is my favorite doctor.
@Zestieee 3 месяца назад
The Caretaker is probably the most underrated episode of all time. It's got the funny, it's got the sad, it's got that little bit of action. But most importantly it's got that absolutely brilliant piece of character dynamics between the Doctor and Danny. I will never understand why people dislike Danny. He was very much like the Doctor if he were more fragile. A former soldier who regrets what he had seen and done. And the confrontations he had with the Doctor throughout Series 8 show that they weren't really upset at each other but more at themselves respectively.
@Zestieee 3 месяца назад
Peter will always be my favourite Doctor. I think it's gonna be very hard to topple his brilliant personality as the Doctor as well as his honestly unmatched acting.
@ChrisVillagomez 3 месяца назад
The Doctor's speech about being scared being a superpower is honestly one of the best moments in all of Doctor Who. Everyone wishes they knew how to comfort a child that's terrified of something, and Capaldi probably gave one of the best ideas for comfort I've ever heard
@Wolfencreek 3 месяца назад
Personally I think he's one hell of a bird!
@5hadow5talker 3 месяца назад
My favourite acting from him is when River's monologue of the doctor and unknowingly tearing him a new one during the Christmas special. The way he goes from action mode to guilty to inhibited to cheeky to tender to SMOULDERING and upping the cheeky, just acting with his eyes and a few words is exceptional.
@garywoolton1875 3 месяца назад
Whether you are a fan of his Dr or not, I am, he is by far the best actor to play the role. His face can give 5 pages of dialogue without saying anything.
@MrUtah1 3 месяца назад
I love the episode “Heaven Sent”. It’s an interesting way to portray grief
@MrUtah1 3 месяца назад
2:30 Clara’s seen worse of him than that
@Daikon_Micucci 3 месяца назад
I know this is about Capaldi's acting, but how can you include the Bootstrap Paradox and not the opening four notes to Beethoven's 5th?
@motomiya3310 3 месяца назад
Great edit and great choice of music (i love me some Pogo)
@thedoctor1466 3 месяца назад
I feel like Capaldi brought Doctor Who from the classic era to New Who. He acted as the grumpy grandfather that eventually learned to love and be kind. His portrayal reminded me so much of Hartnell’s time as the Doctor.
@Adrianstilley 3 месяца назад
Do you know what his job is? If you watch an episode he acts for like 46 minutes.
@aloyalspacemarine5761 3 месяца назад
Capaldi was my favorite
@nathanbohman9641 3 месяца назад
20:55 I forgot how much of a great actor Michelle Gomez is as well; the conflicted chaos that is the Mistress/the Master looking at her friend and wanting so much to have him back, but not sure who she is at the same time, and realizing if she can have him back, then there's a little stability, there's something to hang onto, and she puts all that into a few looks
@rohittopno31 3 месяца назад
5:01 "do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference". This line here and this scene here is why i will always remember when the Doctor was Capaldi. Beautiful.