Euskal Herriko Txistulari Elkartea
Euskal Herriko Txistulari Elkartea
Euskal Herriko Txistulari Elkartea
Euskal Herriko Txistulari Elkarteak antolatutako eta txistua protagonista den ekitaldietako irudiak biltzen ditu kanal honek. Bertan, kalejira, kontzertu eta alardeetako irudiez gain, omenaldi eta domina banaketetan hartutako irudiak partekatzen ditu Euskal Herriko Txistulari Elkarteak.
Txistu Eguna 2024 (Gasteiz): diaporama
4 месяца назад
Txistu Eguna 2023 (Legazpi): kronika
7 месяцев назад
Danboligenak 2023: Txistu Kontzertua
9 месяцев назад
Danboligenak 2023: Kronika
9 месяцев назад
Txistu Eguna 2022 - Bera - Kontzertua
2 года назад
Lesakako txistulari taldeko gazteak
3 года назад
"Leokadisti" txistu taldeko gazteak
3 года назад
Garikoitz Mendizabal masterclass
3 года назад
@eeekain 7 месяцев назад
@jarraitzendugu 8 месяцев назад
Zorionak, Patxi eta Joseba
@josejorgeencinosa3599 9 месяцев назад
@ehtxistularielkartea 7 месяцев назад
@marklammas2465 9 месяцев назад
Excellent. Good to see so many young players and dancers keeping your txistu tradition going. I liked the digital tablets on the silbotes. Tradition meets the 21st century! Some good camera work as well. I play the txistu myself... not many of us in Scotland, I reckon 😁 We could do with more of this in Scottish towns; lots of folks outside playing fiddles, whistles and whatever. It's the young who will keep the traditions alive. Bravo, you lot!
@marklammas2465 Год назад
Some odd sound dropouts during the recordings of the earlier pieces... I think I liked the later pieces best. The low txistu (bass?) and alto flute piece was intereresting! Also the bowed vibraphone!
@marklammas2465 2 года назад
Excellent music. Good to see all those txistu players taking part. I live in Scotland, and I think I must be the only person around here who plays a txistu. I've certainly never met anyone else in Scotland who plays. Who is the lucky lady who was given flowers, and why?
@marklammas2465 3 года назад
Oh yes! Beautiful!
@marklammas2465 3 года назад
I don't understand any of the Basque (I'm in Scotland), but I understand the musical examples when he plays. This man is the best! :)
@marklammas2465 3 года назад
Bravo! Brilliant playing! Able young musicians. I believe "idiarena" might be the appropriate word here 😃
@mikelb.r.697 3 года назад
Ikasgai ederra profesinalak ez garenontzako. Mila esker maisu¡¡¡¡
@aitoralava6666 4 года назад
@fevigor 4 года назад
Benetazko moldaketa ederra! Biba zuek!!