Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY is the only publicly funded graduate journalism school in the heart of the media capital; indeed, in the entire Northeast. Our mission is to serve the public interest - by training new journalists who will bring much-needed diversity to newsrooms, by helping mid-career journalists retool their skills, and by partnering with other media organizations to find new paths to excellence.
AI Journalism Lab Info Session
4 месяца назад
Masterclass: Wesley Lowery
Год назад
@danielbrigham3233 26 дней назад
what about the broken chair at the United Nations in Geneve, Switzerland ?
@danielbrigham3233 26 дней назад
the broken chair at the United Nations at Geneve, Switzerland.
@josebravo834 Месяц назад
Trying to understand how the universe works in a human perspective is ludicrous
@orlandourena-cordero5645 2 месяца назад
5/28/24. Mr. Smith, As I mentioned in my previous email, i want my voice to be heard. Thank you for your time.
@Reyhashlol 4 месяца назад
If a fruit fly eats fruit, what does a housefly eat?
@nestosauce 4 месяца назад
Alright not to worry guys there’s protein in the eggs at least 😋
@bonusman 4 месяца назад
Caked on heavy , would be better without the Tammy Faye Baker look though.
@JohnKelly-vn8bk 5 месяцев назад
Class woman
@Duggy62 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. Very informative, but the liberal bias is very concerning.
@leewilson1368 6 месяцев назад
I read Judds substack. He must be suffering from untreated syphilis. It attacks the brain tissue and CNS. Causes emotional and angry outbursts. I hope nobody looks to help this wretched soul.
@HopDavid 6 месяцев назад
Neil's hypocrisy is stunning. At 5:47 he misquotes the New Yorker article. Rebecca Meade's actual words "Tyson attended a Catholic church as a boy, but he began questioning the Church’s tenets before entering his teens." Oct 14, 2015? This rant was delivered about a year after Neil was busted for giving a false account of President Bush's 9-11 Speech. The Bush and Star Names story was a standard part of his routine for eight years. In all that time did he ever once take five minutes to fact check his story for accuracy? Not at all. President Bush's actual 9-11 speech was a call for tolerance and inclusion. Titled "Islam is Peace" is was delivered from the Islamic Center of Washington D.C. on September 17, 2001. It was exactly the opposite of "an attempt to distinguish we from they." as Tyson claimed. And the Bush and Star Names story isn't an anomaly. It is one of many histories Tyson has invented to support his talking points regarding politics and religion. And yet this drama queen is screaming and flailing his arms over the transgressions of his neighbors.
@johnlshilling1446 6 месяцев назад
The problem with scientists is that this field is overflowing with Science Fiction and Fantasy Communicators, such as NDT, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, and a host of Self-Appointed "Voices" of Science... They find audiences, ignorant in Science, in the general population, because they can't get any real Scientists to listen to them... Remember that Harvard advised NDT to abandon Physics and go into computer sales -- after he turned in his first thesis. They said he was much better suited for sales... And that's what he does today. He sells "stimulating" Science Fiction and Fantasy ideas, falsely presented as legitimate Science. Also remember his "Entrance" into "Stardom" by going to the Media with 6 Harbor Freight quality lasers, arranged in a hexagon, pointing at an adjacent laser beam... "Creating a vortex that sends photons into the future.." His evidence? He hadn't been able to build an effective detector sensitive enough to detect photons "from the past." (But he was "working on it") However! The scam was successful. He became an instant expert in all things Science... AND! He was always available to the Media! Yep. That's NDT's back story. He's a Con Artist. A modern-day snake-oil salesman... A BS artist. Mixing just enough Science into his Fiction and Fantasy that the general public believes his nonsense. Aaannnddd... that one of the reasons that common sense people don't trust "The Science"
@West_Coast 6 месяцев назад
@1:57 is how I feel right now. My electric fly swatter snapping like crazy.
@GrantSR 7 месяцев назад
Could you include links to these two "posts" that you keep mentioning in the description of the video?
@GrantSR 7 месяцев назад
39:53 - Wait! How do y'all, as journalists, not know how copyright and fair-use works? It works the same regardless of the site that someone posted something on. How do y'all not know how citations work? It works the same regardless of where you got the information. You just include a "perma-link" to the original post that you quoted, So that everyone can see that you aren't making stuff up. People may not like that you quote them. But, for journalistic purposes, that is not only allowed, it is almost required in a civil society. (The only good reason to not include a link to the original post, is to protect someone's privacy, if that is appropriate.) How are these even questions? The Mastodon developers May not implement a feature, like quotes, because they don't like what people might do with them. However, they have no legal means to prevent you from using an image or using a quote for education or journalistic purposes. Of course, as far as I know, copyright law does not have a Fair used carve out for karma whoring. Although, it would be very easy for anyone to try to say that their joke, meme is intended to be educational. That would be up for a court to decide. Copyright law prevents you from using that cat picture in an ad for cat food. As journalists, you should have been taught this on the very first day of journalism school. In a lot of cases, the only thing that is allowing people to repost other people's cat pictures for memes is the fact that no one has the money to file all those billions of lawsuits. However, with all that said, the issue is not going to be whether or not you have violated copyright. Or whether your use constituted "fair use." The issue is going to be: Is everybody going to block you if you do that? But then, does that really matter? You can use one account to read everything, and another account to post from. They may find out who you are, and block you from posting. But, as long as they don't find out who that anonymous (read only) account belongs to, You can still do your journalistic research and collect as many quotes as you need to. Every bit of this is Journalism 101.
@phil3924 7 месяцев назад
It's sad that journalism is dominated by Jewish leftists. It's like they live in a different world than normal people.
@joea.9969 7 месяцев назад
Lil effers…DIE!
@returo7297 7 месяцев назад
@PeteThePikachu 7 месяцев назад
Peak content
@leeFbeatz 8 месяцев назад
@lordjohnson48 8 месяцев назад
Coares is a low iq racebaiter.
@austJW 9 месяцев назад
Well the American lady got that completely and utterly wrong. Prigozhin is dead. Putin is not going anywhere. Its like the wishful thinking that permeates through academic circles - If we wish hard enough then Putin will lose power even though 65%-70% of the population support him??? I remember watching a whole EU/NATO academic forum about the war in Ukraine and all these globalists (mainly Europeans) were saying Putin needs to leave Crimea and they need a revolution in Russia before they can negotiate - It was mass delusion. Then they were talking about Ukraine entering NATIO again.... Thats what the whole war was about! why would the WINNER (Russia) agree to let Ukraine (the loser) into NATO ? As for Navalny, he couldn't even win the Moscow elections (sure a bit better than people thought 20% but just getting 27%) - so why would people vote for him say compared to Dmitry Medvedev ? IF (and thats a MASSIVE if) Putin decides to leaves?
@SonnyBurnett2012 9 месяцев назад
great masterclass!
@s.t.requardt 9 месяцев назад
It would only need the accessed Memories of one Brain, and a Snowball Avalanche will unstoppable conquer the whole Planet, out of the Dark, desecrating, and ruining the Efforts of Everything, and Everyone, to become the only Winner at the Sacrifice of the whole Planet, but transcranial magnetic Stimulation could help to wake up Coma Patients.
@ceeceeme1 9 месяцев назад
Just stop! Fruit flies are formed in darkness from bacteria they do not sneak in the house
@orllaa3320 9 месяцев назад
Gmo not harmful?? You lost me on this line. Thanks no thanks
@josereyes-go1pe 10 месяцев назад
we go to church together Pliz ❤
@wood4623 10 месяцев назад
Things still not has been resolved. my son’s education piece is be denied,He still can’t attend school, I need help.
@TinaHenderson-cl9mb 10 месяцев назад
What no comments? Hindsight is a great thing Love to listen to Masha insight
@bestsnowboarderuknow 10 месяцев назад
Welp... Never eating fruit again
@Ketofit62 11 месяцев назад
Wayback when email first came out I remember thinking that if we started using email nobody would talk to each other anymore on the phone! My family made sure of that for me!
@Ketofit62 11 месяцев назад
We’re not gonna have any community bulletin boards that encourage you to stay inside on your computer.
@hecquattro7817 11 месяцев назад
Just keep a cup of drinking alcohol out for a week
@ecogreenyes8784 Год назад
Irrespective of Craig's superficial humble demeanor, CL is an amateur platform that is rife with riff raff users. He remains a cheapskate miser to rake in the $'s @ miniscule cost. There's no legitimate customer service whatsoever. That's B.S ! His philanthropic entity is an income tax liability avoidance scheme. CL remains a nincompoops users & abusers website, with no other alternative on-line
@TricoliciSerghei Год назад
Wow, great video, thank you very much!
@Nerdalert417 Год назад
The same name I have.
@Perky143247 Год назад
How cute are those fruits.. I just wanna eat them 🥰
@ebenburger111 Год назад
1 year before covid the WHO ORGANIZED A CONFERENCE WITH OVER 200 SCOENTISTS present at the meeting in Singapore. Is this a coincidence? Accrording to the John Hopkins website, the Nipah virus could become a flobal threat if used as a Bioweapon. There's no way this virus could spread rapidly and globally UNLESS it is strategically Used to expose people world.wide, for example via Food, water, or Through Vaccines or inhalers.🥸
@LiamGoogle-vw9gl Год назад
30:00 How to follow Twitter accounts that have an alternative Mastodon address
@420sweettea Год назад
This makes sense as to why every time I leave a cocktail out I find a little gnat in it. 😒
@playsanuzoo Год назад
Fruit fly protien=semen and ovaries.
@solidorsharp3091 Год назад
Further study and research is needed in my strong opinion. The complexity is multilayered, theory alone wont fix the status quo mentality, Public trust is the best approach, without public trust everything else is nonsensical and counterproductive. A rethinking of anti-journalism as far as costs $ are concerned, let the taxpayers decide for themselves, will this apply equally to military journalism career development opportunities ? What about these new educators will they get more authority then education union reps and policymakers ? What is the ripple effect short long term ? will non traditional citizen journalism inclusive, example we do not have true protections for whistleblowers our pentagon and military policy is anti journalism same for the intelligence community. What about military grade cryptography or new code languages like prison tap code or ink cipher or street tagging new languages are emerging the news in front of your eyes you looked but did not see ! You are out of touch with how information is being misused or used like info drops pen pal exchanges messenger pigeons etc. Then you have emerging espionage tactics infiltration of new media organizations to share potential counterintel with our pubic citizens. National security and ethics what then ? Worse still many are not prepared for the ultimate sacrifice for the truth ! Are your future journalists cowards afraid to lose a press pass ? for asking critical questions will they bite their tongue and choose not to risk career ? My public expectations are higher we need to set a new bar or we dishonor the lives individuals that paid the ultimate price ! What color is this book ? class says blue, professor flips book shows red sided cover to class...This is psychological warfare not for the faint of heart ! We carry a graveyard when we make mistakes. Words and Perspectives can do more destruction then a (WMD) false wars etc. I'm writing my upcoming book, hope you read it someday ? Aspiring students ? This is real life, not desk work alone. Your own readership or audience lie to themselves that's a medical discussion for another time. Educators don't sugar coat the hard truths, scar the hell of them it might save their lives ! My truth. I have a love / hate relationship with investigative journalism. But it is worthwhile its a very personal choice dont rush into this profession unless you are truly prepared for the pain and suffering that lies ahead. The half truth wont suffice ! Don't lie to yourself ! Skills and tools are essential spycraft physical fitness etc. Self-care : Show them the true ugly side !
@Phdintheory Год назад
48:00 ..."on the right, the Republican party." Shut the f___ up lady!
@robertlancaster4538 Год назад
0:10-0:15 "For men, the purpose is clear. Orgasms are essential for making babies." Well, yes and NO, and much more NO. From a standpoint of evolutionary possibilities, we see that we can do things like spit, urinate, ect., whereby fluids can be expelled from the body without the sorts of arousal and muscular contractions associated with human (and many other species) ejaculation-with-orgasm. So, from the stand point of the possible ways that could have been developed to emit semen, it's just as appropriate to ask the 'purpose' of mens orgasms as it is to ask the same question of women's orgasms. [Even if we take as given that evolution has taken the path of a seminal vesical to store semen for expulsion, and muscular contractions to expel it from penis into the vagina, it's still not essential that this _had_ to involve arousal, spasmodic contractions, massive (vs. moderate) release of hedonic chemicals, tachycardia and general muscular mytonia -- again, its evident that evolution can lead to ways of expelling fluid without getting the organism so worked up). So orgasm, as tied in with ejaculation, is as much in need of explanation for the male human as for the female.
@notanemoprog Год назад
LMAO. This is the same churnalist who was part of the cabal suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop revelations in an attempt to boost Biden in 2020 Elections, saying “We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” said Terence Samuel, NPR's managing editor. “And quite frankly, that's where we ended up, this was … a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.”
@JDMHaze Год назад
Thanks so much… this question was killing me
@bentray1908 Год назад
Im colorblind. I see two idiots.
@kenharris8235 Год назад
The True Proghet on RU-vid, watch if you believe in GOD???
@JackOwens Год назад
I went to Mastodon because Big Tech was censoring Covid discussion. Not exactly the "vulnerable" people he speaks of but whatever.