Dr. Nicole Gruel
Dr. Nicole Gruel
Dr. Nicole Gruel
Dr. Nicole Gruel is a soul coach, speaker, and comes from a long line of samurai. Since a near-death experience as a teenager, she's dedicated her life to understanding human potential and extraordinary experiences.

She has a PhD in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, is a Board Member of IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies), Co-Founder of IANDS Sharing Groups Online, Mentor for Life Coaches at ACISTE (American Centre for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences), Gifts Compass™ Advisor and Training Facilitator, Past NSW/ACT President of the Australian Association of Psychological Type (AusAPT), certified Counsellor, and certified Life Coach with Strategic Intervention and ACISTE. She has trained in various healing, movement, and energy psychology modalities.
What does my best life even look like?
2 года назад
Inspiration vs  Inspired Action
2 года назад
"I don't trust my spiritual gifts"
2 года назад
Stillness vs stuckness
2 года назад
Remember who you are
2 года назад
When Following Your Bliss Can Be A Trap
2 года назад
Finding Purpose In Dark Times
2 года назад
dealing with bad vibes
2 года назад
What is a spiritual problem?
2 года назад
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Try this.
2 года назад
Are you in a lack or abundance mindset?
2 года назад
What frequency are you tuned into?
2 года назад
The Art of Imperfect Action
2 года назад
Is heaven on earth possible?
2 года назад
@Dominickq 25 дней назад
Wonderful interview, Dr Nicole. Thank you!
@DanielleG222 Месяц назад
Thank you both ❤ RIP Bonnie
@jowymer5934 Год назад
@kerrywynn1949 Год назад
Thank you Bonnie and Nicole for sharing. I can identify with so much of what you said in what I have been experiencing over the last many years.🙏
@sclark4614 Год назад
Thank you 😊 Very valuable information !
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
much love :)
@darkartsessions 2 года назад
Thank you so much for this. This has helped my research greatly!
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
I've always thought my life is a mixture of lost opportunities and grave mistakes. It's hard to change that mindset :(
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
Great podcast , l thought l might talk about how our vibe attract our tribe because this one can be tricky, back when l was in my 20s learning about Edgar Cayce, Reincarnation and opening my mind to infinite possibilities it wasn’t really something people talked about. Shirley MacLaine took a ton of flack for things now more easily accepted. Now we have Facebook groups, RU-vid videos and so many more places to discuss our far out ideas almost anything your into you can find others. I think we have incarnated in one of the most amazing times in human history. Yes bad shit happens but more importantly we are communicating more openly than ever before❤️🌈
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Right on Carol. There is SO much access to one another in so many ways now that I find discernment is important in order to sift through and find the real gems. 💎
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
So when l was younger l was so impatient and hyperactive, it was so hard for me to relax and go with the flow. When plans changed l learned to trust the process, l noticed if l had my car back by 10am as planned l wouldn’t have run into an old friend at the store. I learned about divine timing and learned to trust it. What l find irritating now is a lack of humility, if your on the path of spirituality and self discovery good on you. I just pull away if your idea about spirit doesn’t include everyone and make allowances for those a step behind or out in front. I live by the creed, to remember you are a child of god unique and irreplaceable just like everybody else.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
"unique and irreplaceable" 100% Carol 💛
@wholesomegirl2889 2 года назад
Awesome session. Thank you.💕☮️🙏🏻❤️🌿👍🇺🇦💗🌎🌈🌷
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You're most welcome Wholesome Girl! ☺
@robinpesek3657 2 года назад
I dread the life review. I do not dread a judgement coming from on high. I dread MY judgement of myself. No one can be harder on me than myself. Yikes
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Yes, we are often our own worst critiques! Thanks for sharing Robin. My sense is so long as we still have earth time, we can make peace within our hearts and minds if we truly want.
@robinpesek3657 2 года назад
@@DrNicoleGruel I agree. I try to attend to it every time it comes up.
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
Thank you 💙💚💛
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
most welcome Marcin!
@robinpesek3657 2 года назад
Thank you.
@kennyrumrill1860 2 года назад
That Still Small Voice within you is always right, and always there if we quiet our minds. Thanks , Nicole .
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Right on Kenny! You are most welcome.
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
I hope this channel grows so that more people get to listen to these wonderful conversations!
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Thank you Marcin! 🥰
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
You could be telling my story I had forgiven my father many times before I really released the last fragments of sadness. After his mother died I found a letter he wrote to her begging to come home for a boarding military school , he was so young he couldn't write a straight sentence. He spent his life pushing down the pain with booze and who could blame him growing up with strangers, abandoned by his mother after pleading to come home in so many letters. I finally realized I wanted my dad to build a family and he had no tools he was never shown any love or affection and I understand his drinking now. My forgiveness and empathy set us both free.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
To be set free - YES! Exactly Carol! And to finally see our parents as humans on their journey doing they best they could...definitely helped for me.
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
When I was around 40 I was really ready for a career change, so I quit my job, tightened my budget and took a summer off work as a single mom this was really big for me. Turns out I found a job unique for my talents and started teaching art to underprivileged children. After a few years I became unit director and was able to wave the fees for so many families, allowing a mother of 4 in a shelter to send their kids to an after school program for free, that felt so good. Then I found my less than perfect childhood prepared me to connect emotionally with these children. I did not have a degree I had providence and my guides helping me find my way. It was really messy but it is one of my most treasured experiences. To quote Joseph Campbell...As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It's not as wide as you think.”
@FaeRae-333 2 года назад
Awesome, Carol! Thanks for sharing this story.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Yes, yes, YES! LOVE this story Carol. Life experience...the most valuable thing. Thank you for sharing.☺
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
Thank you so much! I needed this!
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You are most welcome Marcin! ☺
@1234circle 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this wonderful truth.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
you are most welcome
@chrisschoedel7597 2 года назад
It’s seems like when I contemplate on patience, contentment, kindness and things like this ,it kind of sets up a sort of foundational mood which not only self perpetuates but also set me up for better external circumstances. Like you said though, it almost doesn’t matter if the externals happen so much.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
and what a great life experiment to test out!
@chrisschoedel7597 2 года назад
Of course you’re correct about this. This is a wonderful understanding of how to live your life. Thank you). I’m guessing a person can get into this state more effectively over time. This would be the practice. How fun , the means and the ends are so closely related! The practice can be enjoyable and good circumstances can be so called “ icing on the cake” I love it.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
100% Chris!
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
This was a really great conversation and it really struck a cord letting go of ego and the little me❤️🌈
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Yes, Bonnie was a gift to this world and has left so much wisdom for us all 💛
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
In the last year or so l have found myself drawn to information about ETs and learning about different dimensions. My question is as we tune in and develop out intuitive senses can this effect my hearing? My hearing has almost become super human, l spent 20 years working with kids in loud gymnasiums with no problem now my ears almost hurt. I have seen a doctor and my ears are fine. I can’t help but wonder if this is a symptom of the evolution to the new earth.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Now that's most interesting Carol. There are definitely many curious "symptoms" that can arise, that modern medicine cannot explain, that occur along with spiritual experiences or spiritual awakening. Maslow called these metapathologies and though they were a wonderful thing (though they may not feel so great as we go through them).
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
@@DrNicoleGruel thank you
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
I have often thought that feeling of first falling in love, the all consuming infatuation is just a glimpse of the love our souls experience in spirit. If only we could hold on to that euphoria as humans our lives would be so much more joyful❤️
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
I agree 100% Carol
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
As l am sewing l am listening to your messages and l think it explains why l am always making time for myself to be alone. We have 4 generations in one house so it’s a challenge. I think my art is my meditation and where l can tune out the world.❤️
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
4 generations! Wow, what a blessing Carol. And yes...all the more reason to steal some solo quiet time!😉
@JohnShearer9 2 года назад
Thank you Nicole! Be Mindful... Pause... Connect! 🙏💯💙
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Always a pleasure John ☺
@kennyrumrill1860 2 года назад
Precisely the message I needed to hear. Thank you.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Fabulous. You are most welcome Kenny!
@carinanicolosi 2 года назад
I really love your energy. I just saw that you replied to my comment on Jeff Mara’s podcast video with your interview 😊. Thank you for your energy and being an ambassador for planet earth 😄. When I was 10 year old, soon there after my aunt’s passing, something happened to me out of nowhere which has been happening ever since. I stated getting downloads of poems and writing. I still remember the day it happened to me and having just turned 10 thinking to myself how weird that was. This particular video of your reminds me of something else that I wrote. Since the day we were born, we are taught about who we are, and where we came from. We are taught about the world around us, and our place in it. We are taught about the events that occurred on this planet before we came into being, or at least the version of events that made into our history books. We are taught about how far we have come as a specie, and our many advancements. We are taught about who we can be only if we work hard enough, study enough, sacrifice enough, ambitions enough, and earn enough money - who we can eventually become only if we are enough. The irony is that in order to align ourselves with our true essence, thus tap into the intelligence and abundance inside all of us, we have to unlearn everything we were ever taught about ourselves and the world around us. Which leads me to wonder if a caterpillar has to unlearn everything about being a caterpillar before returning to its true essence - a butterfly. -Carina Nicolosi
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Oh I love that Carina! Thank you for sharing your writing. I especially love hearing about how gifts come through after profound experiences. Were you and your aunt close?
@carinanicolosi 2 года назад
@@DrNicoleGruel I wouldn’t say close, because I don’t remember meeting her up to the point I was 5 year old due to living in different cities. But from 5 to 10, I have very fond memories with her. She was my mom’s sister, and they were a big bunch - 11 kids in total. She was actually planning my 10th birthday party with my mom, but she died 1 week shy from my 10th birthday. But what I do know is that her death was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening. I began getting these “downloads” of poems to write, which of course I only started referring to as downloads very recently when I began diving into the spiritual space. At first these downloads of poems were of messages to console my mom. But then they never stopped. I do like to think that my writing comes through me as opposed to from me. I have had so many experiences with her. Upon her death, I feel extremely connected to her, to the point that as of very recently I wonder if we had a mother and daughter relationship in a past life. Her death was a very instrumental, impactful, meaningful event in my life. Because of her I know what it is to feel someone’s true essence by feeling their soul, I have had dreams with her where we sit and talk to each other and she has used very specific details and language to which at the time these words were not part of my everyday vocabulary. One of the last sit down dreams I had with her, she told me that “just because you die and leave this realm doesn’t mean you have all the answers. And as a matter of fact she still doesn’t have the answer to a question I asked her 5 years ago.” I have no idea what question I asked, or if I asked any. And is this dream, she made it know she was just passing by she was not here to stay in this realm. Me and her had to work together to get her soul back from where it come from Soviet wouldn’t get stuck here. It was a combination of me partying and her getting in this tank filled with water. As if this prayer combined with this tank and the water had the power to transport dimensions. It’s funny that you ask if we were close, because in this life I feel that I was closer to other aunt’s who have now passed away as well, but I don’t feel a strong connection with them as I do with this particular aunt. Another aunt who passed away 2 years ago, sent me this message in automatic writing (I think that is the term?) I had to translate to English being that the words actually came to me in Portuguese (I am Brazilian and moved to the U.S. also at the age of 10.) The interesting thing about this is that some of these words I know in English but not in Portuguese, but when this message came to me all the words came to me in Portuguese so seemly…. I shine so radiant So bright I shine from the inside out I'm free from form I live in the now Death transforms The truth liberates Of all the facts Concrete Abstract And exact Of all the theories And fantasies That we suspect of death Harmony Symphony Telepathy You don't have to believe When you get the goosebumps You will admit And also smile It's a decision Just call me And I will be there in the same instant No need to ask for permission Nor reason Just have to have the pure intention The mind is a tool Increase your power It will make a big difference Death is a portal Change channels I'm waiting Please don't take long.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
@@carinanicolosi thanks again for sharing. So, so beautiful. Jung thought that dreams where we have deceased loved ones come to us were actually visitations, not dreams. I've always loved this idea. As for the writing coming through as opposed to from, I can completely relate. This is a such a marvelous process. Personally speaking, it can also be pretty intense! It's one I often hear about from people who are brave enough to open and lean into this gift when it arises. Thank you again for sharing these amazing experiences and the poetry!
@lightloveandawake3114 2 года назад
💗😊💕Hi Nicole, I just watched you on Jeff’s channel. I too have and continue to have many spiritual experiences and messages--mostly through dreams…though I did have an NDE when I was 11. Being so similar to you, what I did take from your talk is “Process and Integrate” it’s exactly what I innately do, however, I struggled to find the terms to express them, so now I’m able to simply explain it in those these terms rather than giving detailed examples. Thank you for sharing. All the best💕😊💗
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You are most welcome LL&A. I wish you well on your path!
@carol-1-1-1-1 2 года назад
I love Joesph Campbell, my bliss is art, my grandchildren and my fascination with spirituality.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Love that Carol!
@marina_m11 2 года назад
Here from Jeff Mara. Thanks Dr. Nicole, this was very good!
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it Marina!
@robinpesek3657 2 года назад
Thank you.
@kennyrumrill1860 2 года назад
Very useful information. You are an excellent teacher. Thank you.
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it Kenny!
@MajICReiki 2 года назад
Yes I relate. Attempting to define my mastery service. Thank you for your videos Dr Gruel!
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You're most welcome Freyja!
@judithm.2399 2 года назад
You have hit on a fundamental, core aspect of the challenge of living.a life where everything matters AND nothing matters. The challenge of paradox. Not a transient, one-off challenge but a never-ending, core dynamic of Flow. For a person who has chosen Flow, paradox is the air one breathes, the ocean one swims in. It cannot be otherwise. It is walking on the razor's edge. There is no ultimate resolution of paradox as much as one may seek it for it is the very essence of non-duality, of Oneness, of Eternity. It is where unconditional Love resides. It's not a place; it is that which is. "Imagine there's no heaven..etc". ("Imagine" --lyrics by Yoko Ono)
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
beautifully said Judith 😊
@LoriMiller1111 2 года назад
Thank you so much! Perfect timing. Very very helpful! <3
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You are most welcome Lori!
@stevierusso3264 2 года назад
I shared it. THANK YOU SO MUCH ---be happy ❤. Grow your following with P R O M O S M!
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing Stevie!
@paulinethomson5164 2 года назад
Thank you, Nicole. This is most helpful. XXX
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
You are most welcome, Pauline! xx
@philwyatt2176 2 года назад
It landed like Mother Goose on a lapless lake during a serene sunset. 🙏
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
GOLD 🤣 Thanks Phil. Always such a way with words.
@philwyatt2176 2 года назад
Top talk - I infuse Heaven on Earth in the present by listening to wisdoms such as this. 🙏🙃
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Fabulous. Much love to you on the big wide road, dearest Phil!
@birgitburr1467 2 года назад
You know what you talk about😊. Thank you, Nicole. Yes, the only way is to infuse😘
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
My pleasure Birgit!
@TheJoyOfCreativeLiving 2 года назад
Oh, thank you so much ❤ yes, this was me who needed to hear that 😁
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Glad to hear it landed well Slavomira! 💛
@rudemotos137 2 года назад
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We live forever. After an NDE it's difficult to accept this knowledge and integrate back into society. The truth is profound, and difficult to accept. Remember, we're here to help one another on this journey of self realization. Kelly's message is to Love Care & Share. No matter who you are, or what you've done, You are loved beyond our comprehension, unconditionally. We are beautiful creatures ❤
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Indeed we are Rude Motos!
@TheSoulBlossom 2 года назад
@philwyatt2176 2 года назад
Great presentation/ conversation. Expressively exquisite as usual! How about Avatar, The Truman Show, Groundhog Day, The Wizard of Oz,... all being documentaries instead of movies also? 🙃🙏✌
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Absolutely Phil! Sure feels like it lately!!
@philwyatt2176 3 года назад
An educating, enlightened, expressive extravaganza once more. A greatly appreciated Sunday morning insight. Gratitude. ✌2✌
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it Phil!
@elizabethbramlett8698 3 года назад
Great discussion. Thanks so much for sharing this with us :)
@DrNicoleGruel 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it Elizabeth! You're most welcome.
@myreality8405 3 года назад
My awakening happened in my sleep. I was going through loss of a partner and my father . Instead of looking outwards I turned inwards looking for truth .
@elizabethbramlett8698 3 года назад
Great discussion! One the best that I have seen of yours Dr. Gruel :)
@DrNicoleGruel 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it, Elizabeth!