I can do better
I can do better
I can do better
My banner says it all and there is nothing I want to add ;)
I was mistaken
2 часа назад
Now it makes so much more sense
2 часа назад
Joe Blue loves ping abusers
12 часов назад
OMG... here we go again with miss Freeborne
19 часов назад
Aus_Freeborne gets another meltdown
19 часов назад
Blind React to Filth #11 and #12
19 часов назад
Blind Reaction to "Filth of Hunt #15"
День назад
Joe Blue reaching far and wide
День назад
Joe Blue is Fabricating evidence
14 дней назад
Joe and the Fritz Section - Part 2
14 дней назад
Joe and the Fritz Section - Part 1
14 дней назад
Mr. Freeborne proving he cannot read
14 дней назад
Joe The Professional Fallacy User
14 дней назад
Coincidence or The Real Deal ????
14 дней назад
Proving that Joe purposely lying
21 день назад
Joe Blue the biggest liar ever
21 день назад
110% PROVING Joe is lying about everything
21 день назад
Reacting to Joe's Filth of Hunt #14
21 день назад
Imagine cheating and preparing excuses
28 дней назад
@princesshildur 7 часов назад
I knew my polyglot skills would be worthy some day 😂 that guys vídeos are just blowing my mind. He is just like joe somehow 😂
@icandobetter6969 6 часов назад
He's somewhat worse than Joe😅 He is blatantly cheating while crying about cheaters😂 But Joe still loves him and his support, which means he loves cheaters🤣
@fritzflitz 20 часов назад
this is damn hilarious.
@icandobetter6969 16 часов назад
It sure is, especially thinking he wants to be the almighty "Anti Cheater" hero but are abusing his hero-powers to defend real cheaters😂
@Fearless_Beggar День назад
LMAO looks like it's the penultimate shot of that lemat fanning barrage that kills with that lag! (maybe even the bullet before that) PLEASE NOTE: I must start watching these videos in the correct order but i think some points i make in the comment on your other more recent video still stand... I hope. I should also get out of my bad habit of commenting before the video is finished but here we are... :D GG btw
@icandobetter6969 День назад
- I should also get out of my bad habit of commenting before the video is finished but here we are... :D Dont feel bad about that, cuz i'm eager to be doing that myself too and i need to sometimes restrain myself insanely much to not do that xD But yeah, THIS is what ping-abuse looks like, not the crap Joke Blerp is whining about xD
@Fearless_Beggar 23 часа назад
@@icandobetter6969 :D :D :D
@Fearless_Beggar День назад
Maybe they're just laughing and trolling him - like an actual cheater would love to see a "cheater hunter" put out dumb bullshit like Joe Blooper does because a) Funny. b) It reinforces their collective delusion of being smarter. OR... As evidence would suggest; Joe is putting out the bullshit to reinforce his own little group of gremlins' shared delusion that they are smarter than the average gamers/ YT audience... BUT... I think in Joe's case he's actually stupid. All the evidence stacking up against him equates to him being quite devious which would require a certain mass of brain cells... He's clever enough to figure out how to trick a bunch of sheeple but not actually clever enough to do it in a way that holds up to scrutiny. The dumbass shines out of him like a rising sun when his only retort is "nuh-uh!" His onion doesn't have enough layers of deception to pass for an apple...
@icandobetter6969 День назад
Can you please insult me in this way too xD <3 Like... your comment is a huge insult, but you're passing it as a comedy xD I'm loving it xD If you start streaming and are raging like that, i'll hands down bow to your mastery xD
@Fearless_Beggar 23 часа назад
@@icandobetter6969 I did consider streaming my last month of playing Hunt... I wish i was so articulate in realtime - If people watched me stream Hunt i'd be banned from the platform within hours! All of my eloquence goes down the pan - if/when i rage i'm usually quite offensive to anyone's ear! I have no reason to insult the guy who is actually smart and is on a mission to show the reality of Joe's and other's nonsense - you are lifting the slimy rock and shining light onto these creepy crawlies - and for that i commend you! Both you and your partner and also Fritz on his channel are doing great work. I do not expect anyone to compromise their posture to me. May you all be victorious in this war against deceit & lies.
@icandobetter6969 21 час назад
@@Fearless_Beggar that simply sounds like "Mature content"-flag and nothing else🤔 I mean, even i can be talking worse than a sailor and i have seen other streamers do the same, just needs to be flagged as +18 and "mature content" then there's nothing wrong there😂 But i do get what you mean😅 I like having you around, your way of writing is refreshing and i think the "insult" in your 1st comment here is more humorous than actually insulting😅
@Aus_Freeborne День назад
@ End of video. Wow, you can't help yourself can you. Just blatant lies and slander. My channel mostly contains videos of cheaters I've uploaded. If it's my gameplay, it says it's my gameplay. If it's not my gameplay, it says it's not my gameplay. READ THE DESCRIPTIONS. I sometimes go back and check the accounts from these videos because it can take months for closet cheaters to get banned. If I see they got banned I update the title with the date of the ban. You complain about the Holoscope video and claim it "does NOT indicate that it's YOUR evidence". The 2nd sentence in the description reads "Started recording after he killed my team". The video also finishes with the Team Details screen SHOWING MY NAME as I fill out a cheater report. You then go on and embarrass yourself further and say "Huntplayers" was banned by Crytek. False! Those websites collected match information from the attributes file that players uploaded. This allowed players to look at the match history of OTHER players. SOME people complained to Crytek that they didn't want this information being public. Crytek decided to cater to these crybabies. There was nothing about HuntPlayers that was against Crytek's TOS. You could upload your Attributes file separately, no 3rd party app was needed. It didn't give anyone an unfair advantage. It also wasn't breaching EU's privacy laws either. There was nothing illegal or against Crytek's TOS to use that site. I donated to that website because it was a great source for tracking down cheaters (that's my name at the top of the sponsor list). You're just clueless and spreading more misinformation.
@icandobetter6969 День назад
You are right, i cannot help myself prove liars wrong🤷 "My channel mostly contains videos of cheaters" = your channelnalso contains videos of people you call cheaters but are not + other random shit You're saying that yourself, not me🤷 You wanted to be a 5yo kindergartener crying about strangers on the internet purely because you cannot handle being blocked when you're rude to people I'm just exposing your lies for what they are😂 Again... Not reading your novelry of copium🤦
@Aus_Freeborne День назад
@@icandobetter6969 As usual, I prove how wrong you are, so you ignore what I say. Real mature.
@icandobetter6969 День назад
@@Aus_Freeborne Dude, saying you did something does not mean you actually did it xD That is the exact same thing as me saying: "I have proven you wrong and you ignore what i'm saying because you dont like it, Real mature" That in itself does not mean anything what so ever and is the same as saying: - I have no comeback to what was said, so i'll just ignore it and claim i was right all along because of how childish i am PLEASE DO NOT STOP... i'm loving your desperation🤣
@icandobetter6969 День назад
​@@Aus_Freeborne if you want to know why i ignore what you're saying, then at the risk of repeating myself and sounding like a broken record, then here is the answer: - When you start by blatantly lying, then you set a poor and lacking foundation for what comes next and when the initial part of the next section is ignorant, then i'm not gonna bother with it what so ever because of the way you started out IF you want me to read what you're saying, then STOP acting like a kindergartener "no you're wrong" and also... calling someone immature or referring to it literally is a defensive mechanisms by immature people (i love psychology and in psychology it's called Diversion Tactic = you change peoples focus away from your own immaturity and demands they need to find some immaturity in what i'm doing)
@Aus_Freeborne День назад
You keep repeating the same lies in every video. I'm getting sick of it. You repeatedly slander me and accuse me of "lying my ass off", while you mumble incoherent arguments as to why. @19:20. Yes, I play on US_West with 170ms ping. You call me a "ping abuser". Your point? Oceania is empty most of the day, so it's either Asia (160ms, but full of cheaters) or US_West. I have NEVER agreed with Joe Blue about "ping abusing". It's not "cheating" and it's not fun for me to play with a high ping. You repeatedly claim I "blindly agree with Joe Blue", yet you repeatedly show examples of where I disagree with him. Also, once again, you didn't read the DESCRIPTION in that video. It shows the date/time of that recording. It was taken at 10:52 AM on a Monday morning. Oceania is DEAD EMPTY at that time. I would have queued for 5+ minutes to end up in an empty lobby. Every time you try to attack me and slander me like this, you fail and embarrass yourself. Can you try to do better. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
@icandobetter6969 День назад
You're the one slandering me and lying your a$$ off about me, i'm simply exposing you for the actual liar you are😂 If you cannot handle it, then you shouldnt have started it😂
@Aus_Freeborne День назад
Responding to video description: I removed ONE video because I thought you were hiding two of my comments, but they were just hidden because of RU-vid's held-for-review feature, which I did not know about. I was clueless about that moderation feature. I apologized, issued a correction, and deleted the video at your request. Your second part is just more silly desperation. I am NOT arguing Joe Blue is cheating on another account, but of course he can create multiple accounts, as can anyone. I'm just arguing (and proving) that the dummy account YOU falsely accused Joe Blue of owning, does NOT belong to Joe Blue and that you are WRONG. Go back and look at the fake Joe Blue account. Notice the old comment belongs to someone called THEONEDREDD? In my first video, that account was called "Accept Defeat". Are you going to be easily fooled again, and claim "Accept Defeat" is really THEONEDREDD, or have you finally woken up to the reality that these accounts belong to cheating trolls that love to cause confusion and impersonate people. If so, than you owe Joe Blue and your community an apology for all these lies and mistakes you keep repeating. imgur.com/a/OPfeV4U
@icandobetter6969 День назад
Excuses excuses excuses.... The exact behavior 5yo kindergarteners are doing when they get caught but dont want to admit they were wrong😂 Not reading your worthless novelry of copium🤣
@icandobetter6969 День назад
1. You insulted me purely on the basis of what Joe Blue said 1.2. you insultee Fritz purely on the basis of what Joe Blue said 1.3. you then have the audacity to call me a low iq person for still keeping your mentally retarded comments up so the insults continues, even after knowing you were wrong😂 2. You're claiming you knew about RU-vid Comment restrictions which is why you called me a liar when it was between me and Joe, yet you are now claiming you dont know about it when it's happening to you😂 3. Your 1st video about me shows the exact thing i showed about the "dummy account" and yet you call me clueless when you're not adding anythinh extra 4. Your 3rd video have literally been proven wrong simply with math🤦 5. The more you're making exuses for your blatant lies, the more you're exposing yourself for a 100% liar and someone that should never be trusted😂 6. Please do not stop desperately trying, because i love how childish your attempts are🤣
@fritzflitz 2 дня назад
his cousin darksights you can see the 3rd person animation of him doing it and in darksight, the right hand is not lifted, the left one is. you cant HEAR darksight of his cousin. you can say its covered by that random explosion buuut still. you cant even hear it a BIT. which kinda proves he fucks up his audio. "you should be able to hear footsteps inside" yup and thats why joes audio is fucked. he cant hear the steps in that house and we cant hear it either in his own video. that again proves he fucked up his audio settings. i tested it in the shooting range. crouching on wood is audible up to around 18m. Joe died from 14m away LMAO. butcher is loud but its not in the same direction so it wont really cover those steps up completely. Joe just proved he fucks up his sound.
@Fearless_Beggar 2 дня назад
I bet they're making a ton of noise prior to what we see in the clip and the 2.5 star enemies set up camp for them. If his audio is messed up, either by ignorance or on purpose to mask details that undermine his bullshit, he probably goes around making lots of noise thinking he's being stealthy... Just goes to show that using a collector card farmer thing doesn't help you get better at the game huh. He really Joe Blue'd himself this time. Again. I laugh hard when a guy like Joke Bubu uses words like 'Echo' and 'Reverberate' to incorrectly describe sounds in Hunt when on his other videos he thinks he's a rapper and music producer. Joe Blue is such a Joe Blue.
@icandobetter6969 2 дня назад
The funny part is how Joe demands we must "trust" him simply because he says so... Who the fuck would blindly trust a stranger🤣 The one thing i love the most about that Filth #16 is that he obviously proved that he is messing up the sound quality, because if you pick #15 he can he darksight usage😂
@Fearless_Beggar 5 дней назад
I'm so curious about what the heck "Canal Joe" is...
@icandobetter6969 5 дней назад
Well, it's the river in South Liartown💪
@Aus_Freeborne 7 дней назад
@ 36:25. You going through my old videos now to try to make up more lies about me? You are really desperate. The cheater queued with me at the start of the video. They had the Infected Hunter with Dolche Precision and Lebel. That is the same player that killed me in the match. I started to say this person knew me as an anti-cheater and taunted me over chat (during the match), but then remembered I wasn't recording when that happened. So I changed what I was typing to just focus on what evidence I had collected, which was that the cheater made a bee-line to every XP poster (without using dark-sight to scan).
@icandobetter6969 7 дней назад
To make up "more lies" about you ? 1. Is it or is it not true that you said "the community id's are the same" ???? 2. Is it or is it not true that you wrote "knew me as an anti cheater" ??? The 2nd is the ONLY thing i have ever taken from "an old video", but it also shows the lack of sincerity and honesty in your videos, because you have even said yourself you're a small channel and people barely ever know small channels So this entire comment is another copium and desperate attempt to justify you spreading lies about others just because you cannot handle living in reality🤦
@icandobetter6969 7 дней назад
For that matter Another proof you cannoy be trusted: - In your video "i can do better really has no idea" you're attempting to make out the "fake Captain Blue" is from Australia after you have agreed it is possible to change country on a profile, simply because it got SOME australian friends, but majority of the friends are not even from australia which means YOU really have no idea and are AGAIN making up lies to because you're acting based on emotions and absolutely nothing else🤦 The 2 comments i have made here (under this 1 comment of yours) are exactly why i now will continue to prove you should not be trusted, because you are way too emotional and immature when posting anything on youtube simply because you cannot handle being wrong
@Aus_Freeborne 7 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 I do have a small channel and that's NOT why other Aussie Hunt players know me. Most probably know me from seeing me in the Oceania servers, or something I posted in Discord. Some know me because I played with WigWong who's a known Hunt streamer in Oceania. Whether it's Discord, Reddit, or chatting with WigWong, I'm very vocal about my hatred for cheaters. So if someone knows about me, they know me as anti-cheater. In the report I made, that random cheater said hello to me and asked if I had caught any cheaters lately. In other words HE knew ME as an anti-cheater. You are trying to twist this to make it sound like I think I'm famous and everyone knows me for my anti-cheating efforts. I've never said or claimed this anywhere. I only began to type that the cheater knew me as an anti-cheater. Maybe this will help explain it. I know you as a low-IQ individual. You can run to mummy and tell her I know you as a low-IQ individual, but that doesn't mean you are bragging to your mum how you are famous for being a low-IQ individual. It just means that's how I know you.
@icandobetter6969 7 дней назад
@@Aus_Freeborne that is absolutely no reason for them to know you😂 Even less reason for them to know you as "an anti cheater"🤣 Now you are just reaching far and wide to desperately hope you say something that sounds just 0.1% legit Kiddo, stop making excuses about everything and grow up🤣
@Aus_Freeborne 7 дней назад
@20:45: You have a whole channel full of mistakes and lies. You insult and defame people (mostly Joe Blue). You don't delete those videos or put corrections on those videos. Why are you still crying about a single video I made where I called you a hypocrite? I already issued a correction and apologized for making the wrong assumption. I asked you more than once if you wanted me to delete the video, and you ignored those comments. This is the first time you've indicated that you want me to delete the video, so I've now made it private so no-one can see it. That's more than you've ever done for any of your mistakes. FYI, RU-vid DOES allow insults. I'm not breaking any YT rules. You just have your comment moderation set to basic. I've set moderation to None on my recent videos. If anyone is trying to break YT rules it's YOU as you use profanity in your videos. It's also hypocritical when you insult me using vulgarity, but I can't even call you a f0ol without my comment being moderated.
@icandobetter6969 7 дней назад
You have a whole channel of others clips with absolutely nothing of your own doing while you stay silent and doesnt actually give evidence for anything at all, together with you directly lying about people and making up lies to fit your own selfish agenda and fragile ego You claim i am "clueless" while only showing the exact same thing i showed and adding nothing to it You claim i "really have no idea" but what you're showing does nothing to support that statement at all And then you're acting like a desperate child demanding you must be right based on your out-of-control emotions "You insult and defame people (most Joe Blue)" That is a claim, now burden of proof is on your shoulders to actually show that i'm insulting and defaming people (other than Joe Blue) together with actually defaming him and not simply showing his true colors YOU made the video about me YOU started that portion If YOU cannot handle be reacting to you lying, then YOU should probably not have lied to begin with🤦
@Aus_Freeborne 7 дней назад
You are 100% correct about the two community ID's being different. I was watching this video and getting frustrated with you because I had already admitted that mistake and apologized. I went to go find these comments and quote myself, but I can't find it. This is the problem arguing with you. You say things that are so ridiculous that I respond with a mean word and my comment is hidden, or deleted entirely by YT. At least two of my comments in the past 24 hours have vanished completely. I can't find them in my own YT comment history. I'm positive one of them didn't even contain any insults or mean words, but it included a link. Those comments admitted this silly mistake I made about the two community ID's being the same. I was watching your video at 720P and could not see the numbers clearly. It was still a silly mistake of mine. Anyway, my latest video is to show the two different accounts that belong to SkyeLarry. The screenshots from Oceania's Discord, as well as the shared friends, should give you enough evidence to realize both accounts belong to the same individual. You might also notice who is now commenting on our videos. These are friends of the fake Joe Blue account. Remember, this all started because you falsely accused Joe Blue of being a cheater and used the fake account as your "110% evidence" of this claim. When an Aussie friend of the fake account (Browning_404) comments on your channel and I point this out, you say you don't care. All you care about is proving me wrong. This is your problem. You don't care about being accurate or learning new information. You just try to twist everything and ignore evidence so you can create your own delusion that you are right. You have some obsession with being right (in your own head) and will twist reality to create this delusion. You then project this mental disorder to other people and accuse them of being guilty of it, when in fact it's you that has the problem. I will extend the same offer I've said before. If you want to chat on Discord, I can answer your questions in real-time, screenshare information directly to you. I'm not going to make a video response to every video or comment you make, and explaining everything in comments takes forever, and results in a lot of it being censored because YT doesn't let me share links or say certain words (and I'm not even talking about insults).
@icandobetter6969 7 дней назад
Excuses excuses excuses😴 YOU are the one who wants to insult me and claim i'm not trustworthy based on information given by steamid, HOWEVER you are not even able to read it properly = you cannot be trusted when you argue based on emotions like a 10yo kid🤷
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
I included a TIMESTAMP at the start of my comment so you know what part of your video I'm talking about, and you are STILL confused? At 29:00 in "Aus_Freeborne exposed for lying about everything" you are watching my hypocrite video (AGAIN) and showing my comment that got held-for-review. You then complain about my comment and say "that is an insult, and restricted by RU-vid which I also informed you about and showed in my video which is kind of funny you're then doing this on purpose". You then go on to say "I made the video where I showed you that I needed to approve the comment because I had no idea the comment even happened, then you said I'm sorry, but have you deleted the video? No you have not, so you're not sorry. You're still fabricating the evidence that I'm a hypocrite". Do you understand you are still talking about my original hypocrite video, but talking like I made it AFTER you proved that you didn't hide my comments? I've already made a comment on one of your videos that I will delete the hypocrite video or make a correction to it, whatever you prefer. Whatever option I do, if I don't let you choose, you will whinge about it. You'll say I'm deleting evidence, or my correction is not good enough.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
As you said, this is from the ORIGINAL video i responded to you, showing that i needed to approve your comment... create the same day as YOUR video "that is an insult, and restricted by RU-vid which I also informed you about and showed in my video which is kind of funny you're then doing this on purpose". Then you quote me saying this... which is in a video roughly 1½ day AFTER my original response to you, showing that YOU are not sorry for being too hasty because YOU are still keeping your lies on your own channel........ "I made the video where I showed you that I needed to approve the comment because I had no idea the comment even happened, then you said I'm sorry, but have you deleted the video? No you have not, so you're not sorry. You're still fabricating the evidence that I'm a hypocrite". Then you continue to do this to justify your braindead lies: - Do you understand you are still talking about my original hypocrite video, but talking like I made it AFTER you proved that you didn't hide my comments? Do you not understand that i am using your video as a reference because you yourself have literally tried apologizing for making a video that's a blatant lie and i made my EXTRA video showing that you are not sorry for blatantly lying about people.... I clearly have way too high expectations for your level of intelligence, it seems you're more deluded than Joe Blue... Reality does not support your delusion... RU-vid does not support your delusion... Timestamps does not support your delusion.... But i am begging you, please do not stop trying to justify your lies🥰
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
Our video timeline. (I can do better) - JOE BLUE = THE REAL CHEATER ! (5th) (Freeborne) - I can do better (Loctarjay) is a clueless word. (10th, after getting home from visiting family) (I can do better) - Reaction to Aus_Freeborne - what a rollercoaster xD (12th) (I can do better) - Coincidence or The Real Deal ???? (13th) (I can do better) - Mr. Freeborne proving he cannot read (14th) (Freeborne) - I can do better (Loctarjay) is a hypocrite (20th) (Freeborne) - I can do better (Loctarjay) really has no idea (20th) (I can do better) - Aus_Freeborne is being desperate again (21st) (I can do better) - Aus_Freeborne the hypocrite and liar (21st) (I can do better) - Aus_Freeborne exposed for lying about everything (22nd) (I can do better) - Aus_Freeborne gets another meltdown (24th) Please write this down as you seem to have trouble keeping track of how time works. You repeatedly go back to things that happened in the past and react like they just occurred. This might explain why you are still so caught up on an insult I made to you 4 months ago.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
@@Aus_Freeborne i appreciate how desperate you are and ONLY focus on the videos, which literally proves what i am saying, because the videos are also going through the comments you left, but had you mentioned the timeline for the videos AND comments you'd have proven yourself a liar even more, which is why you purposely left out context for that xD and even your own videos are not saying i'm wrong or anything, actually not even remotely close to it Your own videos are just highlighting random shit... the best part is when you're the adding your own opinion and words to it = "See the Community ID? That's the same Community ID at (the timestamp on the video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tbeAVCJc01Q.html ) . That means they are the same person. If we then look at the 2 community ID's, which you have noted in your own new video, then they are: - 76561198191203898 - 76561198994682998 As you can see, they are NOT the same Community ID - in computer science, ID's are incremental, thus for an ID to be the same as another ID they need to have the same specifications If i make it even more simple and show you where they differentiate, then they look like this: - 191203898 - 994682998 You will probably claim "The first part is country-related" or something close to that... but that is then something YOU need to provide evidence for and since i'm not having that knowledge and only the knowledge of Computer Science, then i'm not bothered with that opportunity and thus, IF that is the case, then i am acting in good faith and i will then address that in a new video myself.
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
@38:00. You say I'm not doing a good job at showing the two SkyeLarry profiles are the same person. You are so frustrating to educate. At 32:16 in this video, there is the SkyeLarry account. See the Community ID? That's the same Community ID at 37:49. That means they are the same person.
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
The accounts for those banned Fatware Product testers came from the Oceania Hunt Discord server, which posted the details of their ban (reason, date, and profile link). That's how I know they were banned for cheating in Hunt and their community ID. Fatware rarely updates the list of Product Testers. So their group page shows the name of the cheater when they were banned. The first thing some of them do is change their name AFTER they get banned. Therefore, you can't quickly scan the friends list of the fake Joe Blue account and say none of the others are related to Fatware without checking further. Just put in more effort. You have all the links to these accounts from my video. You just have to pause it and write them down. You can even look up the current members of Fatware for example. You will see Cig and π are current members.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
my video response proved that's a blatant lie based on the information YOU give (it is uploading now)
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
@30:00. I made my 'hypocrite' video 2 days ago. You are complaining about it and saying you made a video disproving what I'm saying, but saying you already showed that you had to approve the comment because it was paused-for-review because it contained an insult. YOUR video was 1 day ago. My video was 2 days ago. Do you understand that means I made MY video BEFORE yours? Now I will agree with you here, that I was wrong. I doesn't seem you hid my comments. You just never approved them until after you saw my video. I'm still uncertain when you first saw my original comments explaining my video. One of your comments I read indicated you actually had read the comments, but didn't realize they were hidden from others. Can you please confirm/clarify that. Did you actually see my first two comments, and is that how you found my original video? My video calling you a hypocrite was based on the assumption you were hiding my comment intentionally. I apologize for that. I can issue a correction in the top of the video description, or remove the video completely. I'll let you decide.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
my video response proved that's a blatant lie too, based on the information youtube give on upload dates (it is uploading now)
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
@16:06: There is something seriously, fundamentally wrong with your brain. My first comment (accusing Fritz of being a cheater) was on the 15th. The second comment was on the 15th too. The 3rd comment was on the 17th. An hour later came the 4th comment (my apology to Fritz). All that information was right there in front of you at 7:45, but like you've done soooo many times, you just missed what was right in front of you. Now I will acknowledge the timestamps on my watch history don't prove that I watched Joe's video BEFORE I accused Fritz. How/why it looks like this, I don't know. I ask you to use some common sense here. It's not possible for me to have made a comment and know who was in Joe's video, or the contents of the video, UNLESS I had watched it, even just a tiny portion of it. I think YT only recorded the time I stopped watching the video, which was near the end of the workday. As an example of how YT timestamps are weird, it now shows I watched the video originally at 2:30 PM, instead of 3:10 PM. See here: imgur.com/a/vxj1I2o I don't even know how it could change by 40 minutes. If it was 30/60 minutes different, I would assume Daylight Savings or time zone changed affected it, but 40 minutes? Not sure what happened there.
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
I will clarify (because you are so thick headed), the comments I am counting, are the comments I made ABOUT Fritz. I am NOT counting the off-topic comments I made to other people (such as Joe Blue) that had nothing to do with Fritz. Let's count it out nice and slowly for you. Comment 1 = "Fritz is a dirty cheater". (15th April) Comment 2 = "Clip 3 does look like silent aiming" (15th April. I'm talking about Fritz, but not TO him) Comment 3 = "Is that you sniping in Fritz Clip 2"? (this was my first reply to Fritz, on the 17th April). Comment 4 = "No, that's not necessary. I apologise". (my second reply to Fritz, and my apology, which came on the 17th, an hour after comment 3). I made other comments on the same video that were in different conversation thread, and had nothing to do with my accusations against Fritz. I therefore OBVIOUSLY am not counting those comments.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
"My first comment (accusing Fritz of being a cheater) was on the 15th. The second comment was on the 15th too. The 3rd comment was on the 17th. An hour later came the 4th comment (my apology to Fritz)." my video response proved that's a blatant lie based on the information YOU give (it is uploading now) There is something seriously, fundamentally wrong with your brain. - says the one who desperately tries to change reality to fit his emotional tempertantrum... i dont care how much of a crybaby you are, how sensitive you are and how often people pamper to your emotions... i live in reality, if you dont, then i will point it out... like i am doing
@princesshildur 8 дней назад
Sif meowing 🤣
@Fearless_Beggar 8 дней назад
Ugh - i remember this one - it annoyed me so much i rage tested it - i found there's multiple ways to get on that box quicker than Joe Booboo's reaction time. EDIT: ^ #11 clip 1... And i layed into his dumb-ass for the bad play/window clip 2 too. Such a Joe Blue play. Also Meow. :D
@fritzflitz 8 дней назад
I have jump and vault seperated and i even have interact and bandaging seperated. lightfoot does not silence jumping anymore. idk if this was changed a month ago but it DOES silence vaulting and makes ladders more quiet. and that headshot... it hurts...
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
Personally i dont see the benefit of having interact and bandage on different keys because majority of the time you need to stop bleeding, you dont need to open anything, and by the chance you need to open something, it's way faster to punch it open😅 I think the lightfood change is more than 2 months ago And the headshot at the end is literally the most innocent clip he has ever shown BUT he claims if you defend it it's a sign of cheater defending🤣 How can you claim aimbot, when the shot literally hit your head because of your own missplay🤦
@fritzflitz 8 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 OH the thing with the bandaging and interacting was that it preferred to interact with things before bandaging. like interacting with a crank or picking up a world item. if your badly wounded and have 2 ticks to save you. that can end up downing you XD I dont wanna change it back now cause im used to it.😂 that headshot.. i explained to him that those windows are probably the one thing thats always looked at a few times. or always in view. he didn't like me saying that XD
@Browning_404 9 дней назад
Thanks for the information as a fellow Aussie this freeborn guy makes me very sad and i can't believe I trusted him.
@icandobetter6969 9 дней назад
Always be sceptical with who to trust, but never make a freeborne (blindly trust someone who claims to have a rightous cause) The funniest part about Freeborne isnt what i have shown, it is in his own video when he's making a report of someone, it stated what chest they used and continued "knew me as an anti cheater", luckily he deletes it and writes something else but simply that's his initial thought makes it far less trustworthy when he's some unknown person😂
@icandobetter6969 9 дней назад
We all hate cheaters and there obviously needs some sort of action against them But outright lying about things is not the way to do it, that's only counter productive
@Aus_Freeborne 8 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 LMAO. You realize he is trolling you right? He's the same Browning_404 that's friends with your fake Joe Blue.
@icandobetter6969 8 дней назад
@@Aus_Freeborne You do realize that i have caught you lying about EVERYTHING, right xD ?
@Browning_404 8 дней назад
@@Aus_Freeborne I'm not allowed to question the accused??
@fritzflitz 9 дней назад
aus_freeborne also apologized on my own video. (unedited bounty hunt match) but we dont know the timestamp or date of that one since he didn't screenshot that in the history.
@icandobetter6969 9 дней назад
He is a walking contradiction who desperately tries changing reality I'm literally trusting him far less than i'm trusting Joe🤷
@fritzflitz 9 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 yeah, at least joe said some things that were true. even if its small things XD Freeborne is constantly changing sides and it really shows that he just wants to change reality and be accepted somewhere. XD
@icandobetter6969 9 дней назад
​@@fritzflitz at the very least are Joe sticking to his stories and removing videos that are not viable to use xD Aus_Freeborne is lying his ass off about everything, changing story whenever he switch the person he's talking to and literally keeping his comments and videos with the blatant lies in hopes some other loser will believe them so he can feel better about lying all the time xD
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
I was looking thru some old clips last night - found one i renamed "Cheater" - it shows a dude with 10 squares for a name and a 24,00 KD... It was one helluva headshot...
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
Joe thinks it is difficult to find cheaters, but it is far more obvious than he actually thinks Why, you might ask... Simple answer: Majority of the time the cheaters start with dumb cheat-settings because they are new to cheating and does not actually adjust the setting to look more legit AND because they are new to it, then something like wallhack makes them actually VISIBLE track enemies through walls By the tiny chance the cheater is a long-term cheater, then not even Joe Blue - The Anti-Cheater would be able to spot the cheat happen😂 The thing Joe is doing is cry wolf around every corner because he cannot accept that his "skills" simply cannot keep up with the current level (Mine arent that much better, but at least i dont cry like he does)
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 I've played Hunt since 2018 and in my experience i've only ever seen blatant cheating from a few people who were testing their software for sale. One time years ago a guy messaged me on steam after a match asking if i wanted to buy his shit lol and another time it was a random teammate calling out what he was doing in VOIP advertising it lmao he was actually a pretty nice dude if you disregard what he was up to of course :D I've noticed Joe doesnt spectate enough to see from their perspective, ESP isn't easily detectable unless you can see their movements, tracking habits and pathing and the pre-death screen insta-hackusations are hilarious! maybe Joe is psychic! he has natural brain ESP! He knows your argument before you've said it!
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
Yeah, depending on surface and priority noises running is around 80m. Distance to killer says 43m. Easy kill.
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
Easy sound indication for the killer😂 Joe is basically within walking-sound distance😂
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
06:14 "is that ours?" - boss banish audio sting is directional. LOL (for the record i bet if i analysed my games i'd find that i say dumb shit like that all the time!) ((Also i'd bet real money from the previous conversation about 'OLED burn-in' before they to moses compound that Joke was talking about the MSI AI monitor panels and how the extra crosshair/visual enhancements being on screen for long periods would ruin them! Haha!))
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
I have said dumb shit too... But that right there was only said prior to reaching 50hours😂 Now, EVERY single time a banish start, i look at the corner (i even did before they talked watching this) and then i look at the map to see if i need to be careful I dont remember that conversation where he says it will leave a burn-in effect However, i have an OLED tv and i can promise you that it requires ALOT of brightness to even come close to leaving burn-ins on a tv, seeing the MSI was a gaming monitor, i imagine they added extra security for such And also... My old Asus RoG Phone 3 got burn-in without having an oled screen, so burn-in can happen to anything and everything, just requires high brightness and white areas🤷 (I work with technology, so such information is not even new to me either)
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 Oh that conversation i was talking about probably didn't happen, i was just betting that it did, because the clip starts part-way through or near the end of their conversation... my own speculative thoughts... The mind of Joe Blue... Those AI panels sound like an April Fool's thing to me, I dunno if there was any truth in the articles i saw a few months back - but the best way to stop the profiteering from cheating is release a legit product that enables cheats thereby subverting the very definition of cheating in games... "If you can't beat them - join them" - as the saying goes...
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
@@Fearless_Beggar Joe Blue is actively normalizing the words "cheating" and "cheater" and once something has been normalized it is no longer considered an offence by society standards Ask yourself who benefits from cheats being normalized = cheaters... Why would an "anti-cheater" desire normalizing cheating... (spoiler) because he is not an "anti-cheater", he is simply just a-cheater
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 Luckily his reach is too small to directly affect/influence society that much, i hope! However it's quite dangerous that he has the potential to do that though, people with delusions having a platform that could reach/influence millions is quite scary... Even the word-of-mouth factor from the few people on his side is nerve wracking... Let's hope this MSI tech flops cus they have a much bigger reach in the gaming world... ((again i'm still not 100% sure i haven't dreamt it up - is that AI panel tech even real?)) It would take profits away from the 'underground' cheat makers/sellers and put it into the pockets of big tech companies... nightmare fuel. I think i prefer gaming as it is lol
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
1. that is why i started attempting to correct his mistakes and convert the videos into ACTUAL attempts to catch cheaters and remove the delusion it failed and he blocked both my accounts, so i made videos to expose his blatant lies and hopefully that will help everyone see the light rather than follow Joe in the darkness 2. The MSI monitor is a built in AI-minimap recognization example for games like LoL, the monitor will take not of the minimap and send an arrow to the screen showing which direction the enemy is some took that a step further and then applied that to the minimap in CS:GO and speculated that if that could be implemented, it would then be a monitor-version of wallhack and thus undetectable. Is that the story you heard and if so, then i do remember it, but not from Joe, i saw it as a news-highlight on my phone xD
@Fearless_Beggar 10 дней назад
Every video he uploads proves he's bad at the game(s) LMAO Just noticed in the clip below stillwater, in the basement, did he purposefully switch from his shotgun to the pax to throw that play? 9m is good for romero... I think fritz mentioned it too. Also, that clip is pretty old? from the last event right? I guess he's done with Hunt and all the backlash from simply not knowing basics of the game. So funny how he doesn't know where his hunter's head is.
@icandobetter6969 10 дней назад
YES !!!! Joe Blue purposely threw that match only so he can cry "cheater"😂 There was absolutely NO logical reason why anyone would swap away from a perfect shotgun situation and pick a pistol which have a higher chance of losing the gunfight😂
@Browning_404 11 дней назад
good job man i always knew this
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
21:50 - Why I clicked on all the Fatware Product Testers was so you/viewers could quickly see the profiles and date of ban. I can't paste links here in YT because they get auto-deleted. I'm trying to give you info as quickly and lazily as possible, given the fact the only way I can communicate that info to you is over RU-vid. I'm not wanting to spend hours making a long video ranting and explaining everything in detail like you do. The reason I don't have a video on you prior to last week, is because there was no need. You can insult Joe Blue all you want. I'm not going to get involved and make a video because of that. Your recent video was different though. I saw it, and immediately recognized the account you were (falsely) alleging belonged to Joe Blue. I'm not friends with any of these people, but I have insider information sort of, being an Australian that has looked up many of those accounts and kept tabs on them for months. Of the 27 accounts, I estimate 20 of them are Australian. You don't recognize them because you're not Australian. ItsGhost for example is an Aussie streamer, but he hides his country in his profile. Cig is also Australian (and member of Fatware), as well as π (aka zBurton), jon (aka Rufe), and SkyeFLarry. murdz (aka Timmy), DOC (aka AngryGoy or DocHolliday I think), are Australian. I don't recognize all the accounts though, but the others are troll accounts with random names. The few friends they have, are Aussies. Examples: Accept Defeat, jgiles556 Lil G, and Rock and im Stoned
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
"i'm trying to give you info as quickly and lazily as possible" That's on you if the info then not gets understood as you desire, not the viewers If the info gets ignored because YOU are not adding or explaining your intention, that is also on YOU🤦 And that right there sounds like a horrible excuse for why you're doing a halfass job and demanding people to read your mind🤦
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 No, it's on you. My only mistake is over-estimating your ability to keep quiet while you watch my videos so you might actually learn something. In your response videos, you don't even read my description until you're half-way through your reaction video. As soon as my videos start, you're being argumentative, trying to attack everything I'm showing you. I honestly didn't think I had to explain every little thing in my videos. I thought you capable enough to just watch my video and see I was showing you the full account history of the person you thought was Joe Blue. The biggest confusion you had was you never saw my first two posts because YT moderated them. I'll repost it here, without the mean word so hopefully it makes more sense to you. 1st post: "You are such a mean-word. That is not Joe Blue's account. It belongs to an Aussie cheater that changed their Steam name to impersonate Joe only last month." 2nd post: "As you don't pay for SteamID, I recorded this for you to prove this cheater account doesn't belong to Joe. (my YT link was here) The account belongs to an Aussie cheater as evidenced by their friends lists, which contains bunch of cheaters I recognize. I doubt it belongs to KimboR91 either, despite the cheater using Kimbo's name several times. He is an Aussie streamer. Most of the cheaters that troll the community like this are just immature kids. They setup fake accounts or change their names frequently. They often target streamers or well-known players. You fell for their trap and they will be laughing so hard at this video." So you were supposed to read those two posts, then go to my video, and read the description: "Joe Blue's number 1 hater, "discovers" an alt account with the name Captain Blue, and is then convinced that it must belong to Joe Blue because it shares the same name. He seems somewhat clueless to how easy it is to change your Steam name and delete your name history from within the Steam interface. So here's some additional context to hopefully disprove this accusation and highlight how pathetic his "evidence" is. #Fatware #KDFarmers " Now put aside the fact I said some mean words to you, and go watch my first video again. I bring up the profile and quickly show the cheater accusations go all the way back to 2021, long before they changed their name to Joe Blue (last month). I did all that in 20 seconds. Then I spent about 80 seconds showing the full history of that account with my paid subscription permissions. Now understandably, you were confused with why I was highlighting the names of the Fatware players, but I don't think that was worth you ranting about. Even if you never saw those first two comments I made, you had known about that site for months. Even if you never logged in, it still shows you a summary of a person's name changes. That's all you needed to know the fake profile only had only changed their name to Joe Blue sometime in 2024 and had gone by 39 other names before that. So, you didn't do enough research or verifying before you falsely accused Joe Blue of owning that account and thus being a cheater. Even if you didn't follow half of what my video was showing you, there was enough blatantly obvious information there for you to realize you were wrong. If you saw what that profile looked like 3 months ago, you would never be able to tie it to Joe Blue. None of the friends are related to Joe Blue. The country of all those people are not related to Joe Blue. You also could have looked up the people that left comments and wondered why an Australian would leave a comment on Joe Blue's profile like they're just played together, when they're on opposite ends of the planet. You didn't do any of this, which is why I made my video, accusing you not knowing what you're talking about.
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
@@Aus_Freeborne it is not my job or anyone else who watches your channel, to magically understand what it is you are attempting to explain without saying anything🤦 The fact you are actually saying it is our job (my job) literally proves you cannot be trusted🤦 Which is why it is hilarious you're using intelligence insults towards me while being so delusional that yo want magic to happen just because you dont know how to explain yourself🤣
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
@ 21:00 - You didn't watch Huuge's video or read the 45 comments. Fatware was never mentioned. Their name appeared in the search result because SneakyPeaky's video appeared in the related videos playlist when Google indexed the page.
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
You saw exactly what i did and heard what i said, so i'm curious as to how you're confused🤔
@fritzflitz 11 дней назад
the entire video just HURT so badly... running is audible 70-80m depending on the situation. walking about 40m. the camera is in the chest. which makes your head exposed as soon as you peek. Oh nooo, the wellspring thats right there and another guy thats also on the way arrives at the same time as mee and decided to fight hiiiiim thats soo suuussssssssss..... they areee teaaamiiiinggggg...... his logic... is... so terrible.. he needs to stop using JOEGIC and start learning real LOGIC yeah his audio seems fucked up. he cant even properly locate people. you can still move and not be audible by someone else. like WALKING or CROUCHING. "the window is so small to hit me" your angle does not equal to his angle. the enemy is not hugging cover. hugging cover is BAD in A LOT of cases. welllll nowww, is Joe purposely missing him to hide HIS cheat? 🤔🤣🤣
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
God damn nothing gets through to you does it? I said in my very first comment (that was hidden by YT for moderation), and then in further comments (which you DID see) that I believe this account belongs to an Australian (but Joe Blue is from the UK). I cannot prove this 100% without a doubt, not did I ever make such a claim. Unless I know the actual account holder in real-life and where they live, none of us can ever prove that. What I can do is provide very strong evidence that the account belongs to an Australian. I'm not going to do ALL your homework for you. YOU are the one that made the very serious accusation that Joe Blue owns this account and was cheating on it. The onus of proof is on you. You also made several videos were you claim you have 100% or 110% proof. You are the one that makes these wild absolute assertions, not me. What I have done is put up a short clip which shows very strong evidence that this account belongs to an Australian, but all you do is dismiss everything with nonsensical dribble. Pause my video and you can find the profiles of all those friends. You can visit their Steam profiles and find out more about them in your own time. I showed enough of them had Australia as their country. If most of your friends are from the smallest continent in the world with a population of only 25 million, it's strong evidence you are also from Australia. Some of those countries are going to be fake. You can look up the profiles yourself and verify. I believe you will find the one's that have Australia in their profile, are indeed from Australia. Most of those with blank countries are also going to be from Australia. One or two with foreign country like Israel, are likely also from Australia but using a fake country for laughs. All this points to the account belonging to an Australian (cheater). This is the point I'm making. The same point I made in my first comment and subsequent videos/comments. You are simply WRONG. The account does not belong to Joe Blue. It is not 110% proof that Joe Blue has been cheating on an alt account. Why is it so hard for this to get through your head?
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
(quote) God damn nothing gets through to you does it? (quote) that I believe this account belongs to an Australian (also quote from you) Joe Blue's number 1 hater, "discovers" an alt account with the name Captain Blue, and is then convinced that it must belong to Joe Blue because it shares the same name. He seems somewhat clueless to how easy it is to change your Steam name and delete your name history from within the Steam interface I have absolutely NO reason to believe the word of someone who purposely are disrespectful with EVERYTHING they are doing... 1. YOU blindly trusted Joe and insulted me before even knowing what i was doing or why 2. YOU blindly insult anyone and everyone based on the lies given by Joe 3. YOU then change your position to insult Joe 4. YOU then apologize to 1 person you insulted based on the lies created by Joe 4.1. BUT YOU also do not delete your insults about said person and keeps the facade that Joe is still correct 5. YOU continue to be disrespectful towards people regardless what you have to say To explain to me, one more time, why exactly i should be trusting anything you are saying
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
oh, and btw, the "which you DID see"-part is to some extend true.... I did "see" there was something other than the original insulting comment, which was being held for approval by YT.... but i did not care about it because you are constantly disrespectful and started the 1st comment with being disrespectful, so there was absolutely no reason for me to focus on the 2nd comment, at all (edit: this is also as much as i got to read from your comment before i already got tired of your desperate attempts to justify your disrespectful behavior😴)
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 1. Wrong. I watched the back-and-forth videos. There was no blindly trusting Joe, but I did believe he was not deleting your posts like you first claimed, and I was right. You were wrong. 2. Wrong. Just lies. I don't ever blindly believe Joe. 3. I didn't "change my position". I try to be nice to someone if I think they are making honest and simple mistakes. When they are being stupid and reckless, I will not go easy on them. That's why I will sometimes be nice to him even after I've been harsh in a previous video. 4. Who? Fritz? I apologized because I made a clear and unambiguous declaration that I think he is a cheater. When I changed my mind about that after doing some testing and research, it deserved an apology, so I made it. If I say a mean word to you, it was deserved, and you don't get an apology. I don't apologize for hurting your fragile feelings. I apologize if I get the facts wrong. You are still all the bad words I called you. 5. Disrespectful? I say a few negative words. They are not vulgar or swear words. You are the one that has an entire channel where you target one person to defame them and make up clear lies, then say "it's a joke".
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
​@@Aus_Freeborne1. If you did you'd have known what was happening, which your response comments on Joe's channel AND conversarion with me on S..t..e..a..m proves you did not... Stop lying🤦 2. You blindly trusted Joe about me... And you blindly trusted Joe about Fritz Flitz... Again, STOP LYING😂 3. You have obviously changed from blindly supporting Joe, to disrespecting him... You have obviously changed from blindly thinking Fritz is a cheater, to apologizing to him on his own channel (while keeping your insult about him on Joe's channel) Again again... Stop lying🤦 4. "I apologized because i made a clear and unambiguous declaration" = Joe Blue said Fritz is a cheater, so Fritz is a cheater🤡 Oh wait... You also just said you did not blindly trust Joe, but now you are admitting you did🤣 5. "Disrespectful? I say a few negative words".... Ahrem... "Loctarjay is a clueless fool" ... "Loctarjay is a hypocrite" If we go to Joe's channel: "Dude, it's pretty hilarious this fool" and your very next line "he's such a low iq individual" If you're actually gonna defend yourself, at least make it challenging for me to prove you utterly wrong with everything you're saying🤣
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
@11:00. Okay, I will I apologise for thinking you hid my comment. I'm not a content creator, and not making my videos to engage with an audience, so I don't have experience with moderating comments. You managed to find my first video within 24 hours of me posting it. I have a tiny channel with almost no subscribers, so it never occurred that you would find that video by coincidence instead of reading my comment where I posted a link to it. I think we can agree that YT moderation is awful. A word like f0ol gets two comments hidden in an obscure area that the channel owner never sees. I wonder how many of my own videos now have hidden comments I'm not aware of. Either way, I made the same mistake I think you made many months ago when your comments were not appearing on Joe Blue's channel. This was not a blatant lie. I simply didn't know YT held comments for review in a weird area of YT Studio and is this buggy where it doesn't even show the correct number of comments.
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
Apology not accepted - like i told you on S T E A M... i really could not care about an apology from a known disrespectful person who will lie his a$$ off to fit in somewhere xD You managed to find my first video within 24 hours of me posting it OR.... someone else managed to find your channel with the video about me, because you're too much of a coward for a direct confrontation and did purposely NOT tag me in the video, they then told me about it and i looked at what you had created I know your IQ is not that high to actually THINK properly, but you truly are not that important xD
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
​@@icandobetter6969 LIAR. Every time you contacted me on Steam, you were basically begging me for an apology for that one comment I made months ago saying you had a low-IQ. It's sad and pathetic. Too much of a coward for a direct confrontation? Is that a joke? YOU blocked me on Steam because YOU are the coward. You are just lying here because you've seen my video where I clearly proved you a link to my video on the 10th June, the same time I uploaded my video. I wasn't trying to hide anything from you. I've also told you this already, but when I saw your video on "Joe Blue = The Real Cheater", I tried to message you directly on Steam to tell you that you were wrong. That's when I realized you had unfriended me. I couldn't easily prove it in a comment, so I made a video instead, then provided a link to it in my comment on your video. It was not until your response video that I knew you had blocked me as well on Steam. So your accusation that I did any of this because you blocked me is wrong.
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
Nope, not lying😂 Every time i contacted you on steam, i was rubbing in how fake you are and that i was enjoying it😂 You can even see my reaction on the steam conversation​ in my video about you that i did not accept your apology for insulting me😂 But nice attempt to further lie and make excuses for yourself, i do appreciate your desperation🥰 (That was also the only thing i read from that comment, when you start with a lie it sets a poor and lacking foundation for what you say next and thus have no value) @@Aus_Freeborne
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
​@@Aus_Freebornetoo much of a coward for a direct confrontation? Is that a joke? YOU blocked me on steam because YOU are the coward Oh wait... So you did notice i blocked you😏 But just before you claimed you did not know i had blocked you😏 Funny how you now magically knows it😂 And funny how you're ignoring the REASON why i blocked you on steam = to show you have you prevent someone from "wasting your time", but hey, here we are, with you desperately trying to save your own skin and "wasting your time" with the very thing you did not want to waste your time on, like a predictable little clown🤣
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
​@@Aus_Freeborneyou mean your video where you're clearly.... Showing the same thing i did in my video and not doing anything to indicate i'm a lying🤨 You mean the video i also reacted to being confused AF with your silence and highlighting😂 Yeah... That didnt go so well for you😂
@fritzflitz 11 дней назад
LMAO i was right about the "held for review" part. this guy really switching sides consistently. its goddamn hilarious. he blindly believed joe when i got accused of cheating and then later on apologized. 🤣 he switched from clowning on joe to trusting and believing in him constantly. an untrustworthy person who just tries to fit in somewhere.
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
I have more respect for Joe Blue than I got for this guy... The HUGE difference between these 2 people are very simple: Joe Blue is consistent with what he's doing and his lies, Aus_Freeborne are not and will switch to say whatever is required to feel better about himself in the moment
@fritzflitz 11 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 that is very much true, Joe is consistent and predictable at this point. Freeborne isnt and he will probably switch around again. which isn't good for himself.
@Aus_Freeborne 11 дней назад
How the heck are you honestly on his side? Do you watch any of these videos? All he does is put his foot in his mouth, constantly adding his own commentary as his slow brain ticks over, trying to disprove what's in my videos immediately before he gets a few seconds into them. I did not blindly believe Joe. Show me proof of where I did this? I watched your gameplay clip, looked at your kill highlights on your own channel, and then made my accusation. Then I did some of my own testing and realized my mistake, so I gave you a genuine (and generous) offer, and you are still spiteful and now lying about what I did.
@fritzflitz 11 дней назад
​@@Aus_Freeborne EDIT: there's a bonus on my channel that shows you lied and that you blindly believed joe. you cant prove it otherwise and if you say it without any proof its a full on "trust me bro" moment. as a matter of fact, i watched all of I can do better's videos that i need to be concerned about. I even take stuff into my own hands. yes you did blindly believe joe before even WATCHING the gameplay. which is for someone that wants to expose cheaters a WRONG WAY TO DO IT. its INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. if you blindly believe someone you are doing something wrong. especially if you believe a liar and a fraud like Joe..
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
You are doing absolutely NOTHING in your videos xD What is there to argue against when the ONLY thing you are doing is highlight some text and then demand i dont know about some stuff, because if i do know about X then your argument against me is not working and your entire video is a lie and should never be uploaded = why i can easily argue against your videos.... because they are blatant and desperate lies xD the ONLY reason you have made your videos about me are literally because i blocked you on ... s t e a m ... xD do NOT attempt to say "no it is not, it is because of you claiming the account was Joe", because if that truly was the case, then you would NOT have waited 6 days to make your worthless video xD I blocked you, which resulted in you going through my channel desperately trying to find a "gotcha"-moment and then desperately attempt to use that, like any 10yo kid would be doing xD
@YuukiVal 11 дней назад
this man went from destroying Joe Blue to glazing Joe Blue. Mans a parrot
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
actually, if you go back to when he first made a comment on Joe's channel, then he was protecting Joe (the video is: Video Response To "I Can Do Better" Accusing Me of Cheating) Which he then follows up with insulting Joe for not knowing how to use and EQ or play the game Which he then follows up with blindly trusting Joe that someone is a cheater - he follows that up by apologizing on that persons YT channel, but NOT deleting his blatant false hackusation on Joe's channel Which he then follows up for defending Joe and follows that up with insulting Joe...... Like... Aus_Freeborne is so fake that it's worse than Joe xD
@YuukiVal 11 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 thats even worse... bro went from glazing to hating and back to glazing but even harder... God save me this guy cannot make up his mind, watch next month he will post "Joe Blue is a hypocrite and liar"
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
He is already posting that in Joe's comments xD or atleast close to stuff like that xD
@princesshildur 12 дней назад
The box in front of a box, out of a box where there was a box in a box!😂
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
OHHHH... Joe Blue is playing in a Sandbox
@Fearless_Beggar 12 дней назад
Is there a box there?
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
Wait... did you notice a box ?
@fritzflitz 12 дней назад
Box? WHERE? "the box is a lie" *insert Glados Voice from Portal 2*
@fritzflitz 12 дней назад
all i hear is "Box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box" yeah, just proves joe is trying to convince people somehow. untrustworthy. once again, him confidently claiming you cant do something without looking it up before saying it. classic joe. proving how untrustworthy he is by himself once again.🤣
@icandobetter6969 11 дней назад
You cannot shoot through boxes xD
@fritzflitz 11 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 that poor Box. i feel bad for it. XD
@fritzflitz 12 дней назад
LMAO, joe really said that while being on youtube himself? xD "nothing stopping people cheating and lying on these platforms" OH we know that joe lies constantly soooo🤣 "im better than you ever will be. you need cheats to even stand a chance against me." i would beat him while listening to music and just vibing without fully focusing. oh wait right you cant even talk calmly with your friend during a slow fight, cause its sus. 🤣 the way he contradicts himself constantly is so funny.
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
he says 80% are cheating, but how can we trust he isn't part of those 80% too xD it is also hillariously funny how he can claim "you need cheats to beat a cheater" and then also say "you need cheats to beat me".... like... he is literally calling himself a cheater xD
@fritzflitz 12 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 yeah exactly. he told me to not trust content creators.. while he IS ONE. he told me that he would beat me in a 1v1 and if I would beat him, i would expose myself as cheating. so he said it multiple times already. XD logic doesn't seem to be logical if its made by joe.. 🤣
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
​@@fritzflitz "yeah exactly. he told me to not trust content creators." The ONE and ONLY proper response then is: - Joe, you just told me (quote) while you're creating content yourself, so you are telling me to not trust you, which is what i'm already not doing aka not trusting you, so i am glad you're confirming what i am doing is correct "he told me that he would beat me in a 1v1 and if I would beat him, i would expose myself as cheating" - Joe, only cheaters can beat you, but also only cheaters can beat cheaters, that means you are telling everyone you are a cheater yourself
@Aus_Freeborne 12 дней назад
You have a severe mental impairment. One of the first things you claim in this video at 1:25 is that you didn't make a 30 minute video accusing Joe Blue of cheating on a second account. WTF? You've made several comments and videos now repeating this same theory, even after I've provided evidence to show how you were mistaken. I'll dumb it down for you. The video I was referring to was the 35:36 minute long video titled "JOE BLUE = THE REAL CHEATER". That was the only video I watched. I didn't watch the 40 minute one. Regardless, you should KNOW that was the video I was talking about, because I left you two comments in that video, and one of them linked back to my video, which is how you found my video. You have since deleted my two comments on your own channel it seems, because they're not visible when I log out of my RU-vid account. This guy is honestly dumber than Joe Blue by far. Joe has his own issues going on (mostly paranoid with an extreme conspiracy theory mindset), but at least he can make logical arguments. Jay is just a braindead fool that cannot make a single coherent argument.
@Aus_Freeborne 12 дней назад
I uploaded a short clip to my channel showing that two of my comments have been hidden/deleted from your video. Those two posts clearly explained the silent video I uploaded that you found so confusing. Are you hiding my posts that debunk your claims, because that's what it looks like to me.
@gurraking7229 12 дней назад
The conversation on the stairs made my head hurt.. " I can't hear people switch to their melee weapons so you cant too!" Man child needs medical help.
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
It is insane how he applies his own flaws to everyone else... He claims "no footsteps" while everyone tells him they can hear footsteps = cheater defenders He claims wallhack just because he cannot wallband and when you tell him the sound gave it away = cheater defender... He is the most mental case in gaming community's history🤷
@fritzflitz 13 дней назад
"DDos hackers in Rocket league are proof that it happens in hunt" A DDOS attack would just kick everyone from a lobby or just shut down entire servers, right? guess what, lobbies in rocket league are small too.🤣🤣
@icandobetter6969 12 дней назад
It is amazing how Joe can take vital requirements for getting booted in a game and apply that to his own selfish lies about people and demand we must blindly trust him🤦
@fritzflitz 12 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 EXACTLY
@fritzflitz 14 дней назад
joe then: "shadowplay is being deleted by cheaters >:(" joe now: "my Harddrive is faultyyyyy :((" did he realize his first reason was dumb? xD
@icandobetter6969 14 дней назад
Oh no no, i actually think he sincerely believes what he's saying and that's why his voice is so sincere when he's saying those things😂 Which also is why he's not using the same tone of voice when he's making followup videos, because then he knows he's wrong and still need to defend his delusion🤣
@fritzflitz 14 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 oh yeah, true. 🤣 he is also way too confident in the things he says. that confidence level he has. how can someone be so confidently incorrect almost all the time? xD like thats what scares me. him being confident without knowing anything. if he is like this in real life...
@Fearless_Beggar 14 дней назад
45:33 Your keyboard electrocuted you??? CHEATER!!! :D haha
@icandobetter6969 14 дней назад
Seriously, i hate my keyboard doing that🤣
@Fearless_Beggar 14 дней назад
wow 2:10:19 - has he used a mask??? like the fake-ass ghost hunters!!!
@icandobetter6969 14 дней назад
yup, you got it, Joe Blue has added fake details to recordings so he can claim cheaters when there are no cheats happening xD
@Fearless_Beggar 14 дней назад
Joke referenced Sardin many times and failed to comprehend every single time.
@Fearless_Beggar 15 дней назад
I'm tempted to change my steam nickname to Captain Blue and accuse everyone of cheating via VOIP...
@icandobetter6969 15 дней назад
I'm tempted at recording his voice: This is Joe Blue + Cheating Little Cunt And just spam it all over hunt using a voice modulator😂
@Fearless_Beggar 15 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 Don't modulate it - you need that whiny pathetic tone of his voice! :D I'm not sure if i can impersonate him accurately except the accent... Actual voice clips played thru a soundboard thing would be funny af.
@icandobetter6969 15 дней назад
@@Fearless_Beggar well, with voice modulator i meant a software that stores sound-clips and can add them to the microphone without you talking😅
@Fearless_Beggar 15 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 ah yeah i see, haha Jotato has so much ranty-waffling nonsense on his channel to sample you could chop it all up & make him say whatever you want... lmao evil :D That can't be legal surely? If you do anything like that for a YT upload; make sure u have a disclaimer covering your arse - he seems the type to bait that kind of stuff...
@icandobetter6969 14 дней назад
@@Fearless_Beggar technically it is legal, because otherwise Trump would have sued people who did it to him😅 And you can also hear the different tones in his voice when sampling like that, which also makes it more of a joke than anything else But would be hillarious if someone got that skill level to make it happen, because you can basically have him say anything and everything😂
@gurraking7229 15 дней назад
" It's called a joke bro!" same Sh!t in his Video about racha, them joking about the throwing axes being (hitscan) went completely over his head and outright dammed it as cheats. Dudes so dense its crazy.. Good job on the last few videos these dudes are clowns.
@icandobetter6969 15 дней назад
It's funny how Rachta and mates together with JackFrags and mates are not allowed to joke about cheating BUT Joke Berp and mates are allowed to joke about cheating😂 I love how insane his entire YT channel is😂
@fritzflitz 15 дней назад
"he is locked on the target through the cart." joe has never heard or pre-aiming in 30 years of gaming. "no concentration at all, having a conversation. not looking for the tiniest bit of movement" literally me: *sees the tiny movement through the bushes* guess being chill and talking to the teammate while playing is sus XD. (its a headshot hitmarker) also he didn't skip, its kill clips stitched together to make a video. yeah the quality of the video isn't great in fog or rain sometimes, i was able to see that guy with the conversion on my screen. I don't know why he cried about the shot i got aimpunched in before. i was soooo confused at that one too. the aimpunch was long over. I even took time to aim for it XD. being calm and collected and control over a trigger during fights helps A LOT in hunt. armoreds used to bug out if hit in the side. how does joe not know that the muzzle flash is always near the head if people aim down sights. especially when crouched. like WHAT? joe has no clue about guns. like my god. XD I used 2 darksight seconds to look around in between that clip and the guy below the deck XD. if you listen closely you can hear a single mud step below us. I actually got the kill, the guy bled out before my partner stabbed him. xD "same game" no. different map.. XD "how do they know its flechette" we had a previous encounter with this person and flechette is REALLY AUDIBLE. we killed the teammate of her outside. WE TOOK THAT BOUNTY THE WHITESHIRT HAD. XD "you cant hear that shit" butcher calmed down and no wooden footsteps inside and yk, we had info about her dead teammate at the bridge. XD "sus for walls" if i would have wallhacks, i would be looking where the target is about almost all the time XD the headshot in the fog is funny. apparantly its sus to shoot people in fog that shot at us FIRST. Joe also claims you cant see silhouettes of hunters in fog and doesn't believe me that recordings and youtube videos lose in quality especially on fog maps. the guys silhouette was visible on my screen. XD maybe i am the flash, ohh no wait im just a nobody 🤣 "how does he know the dudes there" fights been going on for a bit longer than the clip yeah. i was behind the tower and got shot and retreated. that was WHY i was moving my mouse around while moving back lmfao. also the guy is FULLY VISIBLE IN MY VIDEO. this made me suspicious of joe manipulating footage to look worse. "crytek made the drilling for cheaters" also joe: uses the drilling... soo is joe cheating?
@fritzflitz 15 дней назад
about the leading clip. the thicker parts on the side cant even be really used with spitzer ammo. i do it by feeling since i mained the berthier marksman since it came out🤣 and sniper scopes are different aswell. Joe: "should be shooting now" ITS GODDAMN SPITZER AMMO XD crouching with steady aim makes the gun almost fully stable after a few seconds.
@icandobetter6969 15 дней назад
I love how Joe is completely ignoring Mussle Velocity on bullets together with ignoring the usage of Spitzer, both which drastically changes the time of shooting at targets while sniping xD For him to truly ignore those factors, HE NEED to prove that those factors are useless in the game and does not change anything
@fritzflitz 15 дней назад
@@icandobetter6969 he doesnt even know its called spitzer, he calls it high velocity.. cauuse "same thing" XD the fact joe said that the lead is always the same just hurts all over again. he never shot a sniper at long range.. its so funny
@icandobetter6969 15 дней назад
​@@fritzflitz i'm not completely certain on the list, but "the lead" changes based on - Distance to target - Travel angel of the target - Speed of target - Speed of bullet some games also have "bullet drop", although hunt doesnt, which then adds - Aim height compared to the target There could be more factors, but these are just from the top of my head... ALL which are arguments to why you should NOT always lead the same
@fritzflitz 15 дней назад
​@@icandobetter6969 yes thats exactly it. the most impactful is a targets movement. bullet drop would add the need to adjust for the drop off over range and scopes in real life (and some games) have a built in rangefinder that you can measure a targets height with which then results in a rough range that you can adjust the scope for. and well IRL snipers also need to adjust for wind and Coriolis effect depending on the situation.
@fritzflitz 15 дней назад
the ping argument is so funny. the difference between 10 and 60 ping is like NOTHING. ping is simply the time information needs to travel from your client to the server and back to you. one way is half of the ping. all the so called "advantages" people think you get. like peekers advantage for higher ping gets countered by the time your info needs to get to the server. me on US east. stable ping of 90ish. 45ms one way. an african friend with a ping of over 200 on EU. 100ms one way. he gets all the disadvantages like invalid shots and stuff like that. i dont really do. higher ping is not giving you advantages except trade windows cause the shots the high ping player fires do not get deleted. simple counter question: if it would give you a big advantage why are you not playing on high ping servers? berthier marksman is a newer variant (tide of corruption) but still XD funny that he mentions the cyclone. both were added in the same event.