Guitar Mods and Maintenance, tutorial and demo videos
@dokertimusic7934 5 месяцев назад
Very helpful ideas, but I wish you'd shown us the step by step processes for inserting true bypass switch - it's much more helpful/reassuring when you can follow the steps 'you see'.
@anthonybitseedy8612 3 года назад
I've looked all over on UTUBE for how to make my newly just bought Vox V847-A easier to push pedal down on and off switch it's hard to on and off please help
@patrickjamesworrow1130 9 месяцев назад
Exercise your legs & feet.
@omargrini9750 3 года назад
good evening I'm looking for the pcb diagram for vox pedal wah wah thank you
@pietroanania 3 года назад
hello how I can eliminate the ssh noise using the AC/DC adapter in the wha 847?It increases with other effects as distortion and others in the chain. It is possible put 1000 pF ceramic capacitor filter between the power positive input of adapter and the mass (negative) of the pedal? I provided that stabilized power supply and the rest is good. I'll wait your valid suggestion with a schematic diagram. Regards
@paests 3 года назад
Finally a sweep range comparison! Thank you
@harleyrider9166 5 лет назад
you said 9.947 first then you said it was 9.957..which one is it..LOL:) This video is so low res I can't see a damn thing as far as detail. It's one big blur. Redo the video at a higher resolution so we can see what's going on with the soldering and connecting.
@pedrotierra2117 5 лет назад
Secreto debelado
@nekkocooper5132 5 лет назад
YOU ARE SUCH A MORON. NO MENTION OF WHAT TYPE OF SWITCH AND THE VALUE OF THE CAPACITOR!! HOW DOES THIS HELP ANYONE?? I can tell you how to make your car very fast in 3 easy steps. 1-Instal a really big engine. 2-Put stuff on the engine to make it make more power. 3 Actually there are only two steps. Simpler than you though?
@harleyrider9166 5 лет назад
He mentioned all the values of the capacitors and also mentioned the type of switch. Pay attention moron.
@nekkocooper5132 5 лет назад
@zhou_sei 5 лет назад
your mod is called "sweep range", but it isnt really extending or contracting the range at all, or at least it doesnt sound like it, ive done the same mod. it is changing the center frequency of the sweep.
@zhou_sei 5 лет назад
and before anyone whines about me being pedantic, the only reason i clocked on this video is because i thought there was an actual sweep range mod going on here.
@EBJorge-ql1ii 5 лет назад
This one is identical scheme as mine. I bought last year, made in China. It’s very different from the one v847 that I bought in 1996 made in USA.
@dmthandmade5674 6 лет назад
I've just scored an old USA made V847. I'm going to make it true bypass and eventually i hope to have all the functionality of the Dime Crybaby.
@bigfootedhunteruk2225 6 лет назад
Where you from man and would you do these mod for someone and how much all in?
@dodgyaz 6 лет назад
Could you just hook a pot to where you are putting resistors and have it adjustable from outside the pedal?
@joshweston139 7 лет назад
im new to wahs where is the battery? i think i need a new one
@ETILHK54 7 лет назад
Sweep range mod is magical. I transformed it into a true bypass awhile ago, but now I added 10nf in there and it's sounds much, much better. Almost no noise and overall frequency response is what it should sound like as a base model i think. Although i personally don't see the point of going higher, unless you need a bass wah, with 10nf it's sitting on the edge of my clean signal already, but then again it's totally worth it.
@amirshah9759 8 лет назад
Thats a coil split
@garethniles6152 8 лет назад
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when you say the output is reduced, is that only when the split is engaged or is the overall output of the pickup reduced?
@TJPenitencia 8 лет назад
+FooFooCuddlypoops 5 Only when the coil is split, otherwise the output is at the regular humbucker level.
@jacksoncox8580 8 лет назад
I have done this 3 option sweep mod as well as making my pedal true bypass and putting an LED in the pedal. Though I’m having difficulty with doing the volume, mid range, bass and gain, and vocal mod. I have the same board layout as your Wah pedal and the website you listed has a different board in the pedal. How do I do the mods on the website you listed, on the pedal you are using in your video?
@peclat202 8 лет назад
It works with v847a?
@roxguitarman86 8 лет назад
I've watched the whole video waiting to see how to install LED....... :( also i know that when you have the pedal in front of you everything seams easy but big close ups would be good especially when quality of the video is really low (360p) thanks for the video tho!!:) i like the capacitors mod , but didn't understand exactly how to solder them together
@neilmaughan7315 9 лет назад
Cheers man! answered all my questions
@AustinOrdnance 9 лет назад
It's called a coil split, coil taps the exact opposite
@cippidiaz1363 9 лет назад
Catfish Connor No, it is not.
@AustinOrdnance 9 лет назад
Look it up
@applesAndCamelCasing 8 лет назад
It's indeed called coil splitting, but tapping is NOT the opposite.
@stamppedals7114 9 лет назад
If you need help with wah modding just write to me! I've modded near 200 wah pedals
@LBibeauB24 7 лет назад
Alexander Fors I need to know how to remove the pedal itself. all I want to do is remove the rubber stoppers.
@Texturas75 5 лет назад
Hi! What pieces do you recommend me to buy to upgrade a Vox V847A in order of importance? Thanks.
@laserranger1 9 лет назад
Instead of trying out a batch of capacitors to get the one required to give you a different tone out, be it one with more bass or treble, I think an even better idea would be to drill 2 holes in the case, put 2 test instrument sockets in the holes and solder leads from these, one to each leg of capacitor C2. That way you can make a kit of capacitors of different values that can be put across the new terminal sockets (maybe using croc clips connected to terminal plugs) as and when required to alter the tone of Wah Wah. It would also enable you to revert to your original Wah sound when need be. A future modification maybe?? I know I'll be doing this!!
@jitteryloki5819 9 лет назад
hey, that sounds sick, especially for going from very treble filled wah like kirk hammet in many songs to very dark heavy wah like tone for more crunch
@heraclitothiago 9 лет назад
This will work on VOX V845? Thanks
@stamppedals7114 9 лет назад
***** in VOX V845 all the same. For wah mod info see my channel!
@heraclitothiago 9 лет назад
Thanks Alexander
@tradbowseven 9 лет назад
What LED should I use? I found the switch on Amazon, figured I'd get the LED there as well, just not sure what spec to search for. Thanks and great video.
@waylandstrickland1157 10 лет назад
Split or tap... the point is still clear.
@danielsimpkins9662 10 лет назад
Mate, jazz/blues solos just aren't for you. There's no flow in what you did there at all. Also, as everybody else has said, this isn't coil tapping. This is coil splitting. There's a difference.
@Drachot 10 лет назад
About the Noise cancelation and reduced output level, will that happen only when mods are engages, or the tone will change overall, even when coil splitting isn't engaged.
@emilianoaita 10 лет назад
Hi! I made it (actually, I don't know how, cause I don't understand eletronics)... But the only problem Is that the VOLUME is way down... any tips? Thanks a lot
@canallucasrocha 10 лет назад
Boa noite realizei todo o procedimento no meu pedal wah, coloquei um led para sinalizar o on e off, quando ligo a chave 3pdt 9 vias da um estalo no momento do ato de ligar, quero saber como posso retirar isso ou se realmente tem algoma possível possibilidade?
@heraclitothiago 9 лет назад
Eae Lucas, você conseguiu implementar as modificações?
@canallucasrocha 9 лет назад
Sim, tive que fazer algumas mudanças, não eliminei totalmente o estalo mais ficou quase imperceptível, também quando tiro o plug input ele desliga a bateria para não gastar!
@heraclitothiago 9 лет назад
Cara eu tenho um VOX V845, eu adoro o som dele, mas um MOD não faria mal nenhum, to sem coragem de fazer a modificação e conheço pouco de eletrônica, tem como tu me dar uma forcinha cara? Vlw.
@canallucasrocha 9 лет назад
posso te enviar meu esquema eletrônico, mais é fácil fazer o mod só tem que entender pelomenos o básico e saber usar o multímetro! e o meu tem uma diferença dos outro foi que criei uma placa de CI de verdade!
@heraclitothiago 9 лет назад
Lucas Rocha amigo, meu email é heraclitothiago@hotmail.com envia pra mim =D vou estudar um pouco de eletrônica
@guitarrax 10 лет назад
Hi TEST SOUND please :)
@taft788 10 лет назад
You could use a VariCap and include a control on the outside of the pedal, would give a wide range of the Wah range. Nice video. Merry Christmas.
@rockdanezdeleon7501 10 лет назад
hi, test sound? please
@rockdanezdeleon7501 10 лет назад
or review HD jejeje :)
@tpp5151 10 лет назад
You're using a coil split, not a coil tap
@haroon1957 10 лет назад
hi, I watched the entire video in the hope that a clear view of the 3DPT connections and and explanation of how the two wires running through the hole in the pcb are connected. Are you able to email this information to roy.trevor57@gmail.com Thank you for the great video.
@customguitarprojects 10 лет назад
If you look on the website there are some images that should help. The other wiring diagram is just a generic view of how to connect 3pDT for true bypass so you need to work out the corresponding wires in the vox pedal (image on website that gives this info). The wires coming through the hole in the circuit board are actually just a single lead that is attached to the 9V terminal on the circuit (as per 3PDT diagram. The purple bit is heatshrink where it is attached to the leg of the LED. Hope that makes sense
@haroon1957 10 лет назад
Thanks. I will revisit the wah project. In order to power the led i need to access 9v from the board to pin 8 on 3PDT?
@CagBurns 11 лет назад
Dude will you please stop picking so damn hard
@linkintheskywithrupees 6 лет назад
Callum Burns ikr it sounds like shit
@clogssg517 11 лет назад
Hi i have the Vox V845 Wah, would the switch mod work on that? my pedal is a massive tone sucker at the moment
@_chairman.lmao. 11 лет назад
Most Epiphone LPs have that built in
@stringwhore 11 лет назад
team beach body lols
@jandersonortiz9797 11 лет назад
if you would be very kind of answer I would appreciate very much this is my email yosuaortiz@yahoo.es
@jandersonortiz9797 11 лет назад
would be very nice of me capasitores values ​​and I wonder if the original parallel places in Honduras and really am not very well speak very good English but I wonder if the video is the same rocedure for the VOX V847 made ​​in china ?
@customguitarprojects 11 лет назад
If you look at the webpage in the description it has a link to another website that has an older version of the circuit board on it. This is where I got the ideas for these mods. Hope that helps
@customguitarprojects 11 лет назад
Hi glad you like the video, you need a DPDT (double pole double throw) footswitch to do a basic true bypass mod. If you want the LED as well you need a 3PDT footswitch. You should be able to source from any decent electronics suppliers or stompbox parts suppliers. Cheers
@iogurte987 11 лет назад
hey bro nice vid. i just brought a v847 and i want it true bypass. what the name of that new piece to put in? double fro somethin switches? where can i find one?
@groovydjs 11 лет назад
Not the same at all. This guy is correct....coil splits and taps are VERY different things.
@samcrawford-hunt8677 11 лет назад
This isn't coil tapping - it's coil splitting :L Tapping is where the coil has two different output terminals (one with a high resistance and one low) to make the pickup have a better tonal range using certain switches.
@paj1015 11 лет назад
Well, I don't care if it is Gibson, PRS or who else is calling it coil-tap. A humbucker can't be tapped it can only be split to one of the two coils, or wired i parralel or series humbucker. Coil-tap is for single-coils. PERIOD!