@chelsealynch3327 2 года назад
Where is the rest of the video?
@Hec-Thor 5 лет назад
She said that she's American
@malikr.chappell3912 6 лет назад
@pepevelez4742 7 лет назад
color IS a feature of a race identity. Saying latina or Latino o Latin, has nothing to do with race, but more with ethnicity. While ethinicity identifies a person or a group of people due their common nationality, traditions cultural and/or geographical features. RACE: Identifies people by their physical genetic features. Hence a Black person can be latin, as well as he can be French, or German or Russian for the Same Token. Anyhow Latin or not, black or white.. I LOVEE THIS WOMAAANNNN BECAUSE OF HER WOMANHOOD, not because of her color, race or ethinicity, irrelevant factors when you don't disscriminate and truly appreciate beauty every and anywhere it may be.
@TINKERB121 7 лет назад
I thought it was her in Crash also. She and Thandie favor.
@JamaicaQueens1984 8 лет назад
She looks very pretty when she smiles and her skin is driving me insane as well. I want to kiss her face and her neck, her face and her neck is gorgeous, and I want to kiss every part of her feminine legs passionately, her shapely toned legs are so femininely beautiful and sexy. Luscious lovely skin texture.
@kparm23 6 лет назад
JamaicaQueens1984 Wow
@JamaicaQueens1984 8 лет назад
Sexy Women Femininity = Wemininity
@jaelynstellamusic6562 10 лет назад
@sports6779 just because a person is black does not mean that they are not spanish. Slaves were brought to many countries. Let history tell it Africans were brought as slaves to South America and the Caribbean islands. There were actually more slaves brought there than to North America. Slaves took on the language or heritage of the owners and basically began to evolve into what they are today wherever they are today. African Americans North America (black) speak English. South American african Americans (black) speak Spanish or Portuguese(Brazil) Africans in the islands such as Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico (spanish) or Haiti(creole or French) these people all are different in were they are settled but all are black.
@kykysanches3402 11 лет назад
What does race have to do with color we're all mixed and she's Latina if she was white then everybody would believe she's Latina
@pepevelez4742 7 лет назад
I think you got it wrong, color IS a feature of a race identity. Saying latina or Latino o Latin, has nothing to do with race, but more with ethnicity. While ethinicity identifies a person or a group of people due their common nationality, traditions cultural and/or geographical features. RACE: Identifies people by their physical genetic features. Hence a Black person can be latin, as well as he can be French, or German or Russian for the Same Token.
@martinfuentes8151 5 лет назад
Kyky Sanches Hace 6 años ¿Qué tiene que ver la raza con el color? Todos somos mixtos y ella es latina si era blanca, entonces todos creerían que es latina.
@soniag8739 11 лет назад
she sounds so tired of explaining her race.
@AriXBerrie 11 лет назад
there is no accent on the "n" otherwise it would be pronounced sal-dan-nya.. it's Saldana
@glitch0000 11 лет назад
Mango tree? we have had MTV since 1981, if they sent you out into the country side that's a whole different story, my God...
@glitch0000 11 лет назад
It's Saldaña not Saldana you ignorant fuck
@JoseT228 11 лет назад
..for me it is better for a child to gounup in the caribean ..there is not racism and lots of fun, more than in NY...and for my taste she is tooo skiny....
@JohnNicholasDLC 11 лет назад
cuando ella tenia 10 anos mtv no se veia en la republica dominicana bobolon
@JohnNicholasDLC 11 лет назад
ya no dijo nada malo
@noliturs 12 лет назад
Que idiota Zoe, en Dominicana podemos ver MTV, comer Mcdonald's y vivir muchoos créeme mejor que en NY. vete al carajo.
@NathaliLima1 12 лет назад
A person can be black and latin american, you know? I'm black and latin american. Not spanish,but still. And yes, latin countries are extremelly racist. Especially because they try to deny the problem. Latin is not a skin color. When we refer to latin america(or spanish or portuguese..) or people who comes from there, is a geographical description. A Latin american citizen can be from any color. even from japonese ascendancy, like some of my friends. She say tha she is blacklatin.what's wrong?
@sport6779 13 лет назад
@javie2 ok thanks :D
@javie2 13 лет назад
@sport6779 Don't feel stupid. You just had no idea about Latin people or Latin culture. Just be open to experience a different culture.
@javie2 13 лет назад
@kellyannabama It's so funny how you hate the fact that Zoe is a proud Latina woman and represents her people very well... The term Afrilatino does not exist in Latin America because we're all Latinos and we don't divide ourselves... I guess you're another American Hater that hates people from other cultures.
@sport6779 13 лет назад
omg i feel so stupid. i always thought she was black not spanish!
@zombi81hagy 13 лет назад
this girl is definitely one of the sexiest woman on earth
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@natygoly thats what i was trying to tell javie2
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama Everyone from Latin America is Latin and that includes: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala..etc So yeah all Dominicans are proud of being Latin just like any other Latin country... And when a Latina like Zoe (Domincan/Puerto Rican) represent us so well in the world, we have more reasons to be proud of our Latin people and culture...
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 dont u mean dominican and proud
@javie2 14 лет назад
@EGYPTIANROYALT You mean Caribbean like J. Lo?
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama We is anybody who is Not you. And in Latin-American, we could care less about your opinion. We're Not looking for American's validation so We're Not gonna lose sleep over your deranged fictitious world. We're gonna keep being who we are... Zoe is a living proof that she's proud of her culture and people. Latina and proud!
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 who is we, your the only dumb ass that belives what your saying.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama You again? You are like a bad habit hard to get rid of.. We don't even get your point... If you don't like Latin people, don't watch Zoe movies but if you do like Latin people, why do you argue?
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
Your an idiot
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama Born in America from Latin Parents (Mom-Puerto Rico & Dad-Republica Dominicana) & raised in Latin-America (Republica Dominicana). She's Latin and proud! You just have to deal with the facts...!
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 i said she was 10, the woman was boring in america and last time i checked that meanse your american citizen. I see you like to pick fights over the net because you have no friends and nothing better to do. Good BYE i have other things to do then entertain your stupity.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama LOL... Do yourself an Ear Wash... Minute 1.26 Zoe moved to Dominican Republic when she was 10... I guess... You know more than Zoe about her own life... LOL... Zoe boricua/Dominican, her mother is Puerto Rican and her father Dominican... Zoe was raised in Dominican Republic and both of her parents are Latin... Zoe is the quintessential Latin actress. You're probably confusing Zoe with J. Lo. because J.Lo like yourself were born and raised in USA. So please go BS someone else...
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama You are a foreigner to us. You are American. I'm Latin-American, born and raised in Dominican Republic. Language? Our language is only one part of our culture. Our Latin culture is not only language. Our Latin culture is the way we think, the way we communicate to one another, it's our people, our arts, music, ours institutions, religion, common history... You wouldn't have the Latin culture unless you were raised in the culture like Zoe and myself...
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 first off you never said that and you tried to denouced the real nature of your cluture and I called you a racsit. You can say whatever you want but your just going to sound stupid. Do yourself a favor and stay in school because your an idiot. You have such pride in a language that was stuffed down your ancestory throats when they were conqured by the spanish. Your lack of Latin America history is just sad and their no sense in having this conversation.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama You're probably a fake like J. Lo. who wants to pass as Latin and neither of you were raised in Latin-America or speak spanish fluently. On the other hand, Zoe and I were raised in Latin-America, speak spanish fluently and know our culture first hand. Nobody told us about it. Our Latin culture lives in us because Zoe was raised in a Latin family with latin values and all the latin view of the world. Latin is Zoe's identity and she's very proud of it just like myself.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama I told you that Latin culture is the mix of European, African, Natives, Asian, and Middle Eastern in Latin-American. Nobody in Latin-America use the terms of African, European, Asia descendant because we are all mixed and we are all Latin. Since you never lived in Latin America, you wouldn't know about it. I'm a real Latin like Zoe because we were raised in Latin-America. All Latins are one and united. And we don't care about being better than Americans. We just love our culture.
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 cause the truth is unless your of african decsent your not the same race as zoe. Hell your not even latino, I hope you do some research on africans and latin countries and maybe then you would be able to understand the history better and become a better person. bye :)
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 The fact is african culture and heritage is deeply routed in the latino community. Its the music, dance, food, style and hertiage. Latin cluture is a mixture of spanish and african heritage. The reality is we all have alot more in comon then you think because being Latin dosent make you better then everyone else javie2. And that the problem with latin countries there so divide that they cant realize that dark skin are light skin brazilan are cuban were still the same.
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 first of latin cluture is a mix of african cluture and yes i do have latin blood and you are a racist, i dare you try to denounce the african cluture that runs deep through latin countries. Who do u think came up with the drums, dances, and that carabian type latino music. It was Africans lamo, you shoulld really pick up a book because latain cluture is a mixture of African and spanish traditon and hertiage so you can stop it with your lantino supremacy talk.
@kellyannabama 14 лет назад
@javie2 first of latin cluture is a mix of african cluture and yes i do have latin blood and you are a racist, i dare you try to denounce the african cluture that runs deep through latin countries. Who do u think came up with the drums, dances, and that carabian type latino music. It was Africans lamo, you shoulld really pick up a book because latain cluture is a mixture of African and spanish traditon and hertiage so you can stop it with your lantino supremacy talk.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama Unless you are Latina you are not the same race as Zoe because we Latins come from a mix of different races just like Zoe and myself... But what makes Latin people unique is their Latin culture... You wouldn't understand it because you don't come from our culture...
@javie2 14 лет назад
@0525lena Same thing with J Lo. J Lo was born and raised in New York so it would NOT be genuine to say J Lo is a latin actress. The only difference is that Zoe grew up in Latin America and J Lo does not even speak spanish properly.
@javie2 14 лет назад
@laura3088 Su padre es Dominicano y su madre es Puerto Rique~a... boricua pa' que lo sepa... Y obvio Latina pura 100%
@javie2 14 лет назад
@kellyannabama Zoe is Latin and proud so we could care less what you have to say about us... You don't like Zoe because she's Latina so don't watch her movies... We are not looking for Americans' approval... we're just happy as we are...
@1bulma1 14 лет назад
i get it now,this was how uhura used to dress any time she went to spock's class
@salsadancer109 14 лет назад
@Anaiise ayee jeje gracias :-)!!!
@Anaiise 14 лет назад
ok lets get this straight dominicans are a triculutral group we are european, african roots, and mostly our native american ( taino) heritage. can we stop about race and focus on saldana :)
@LoniLoni11 14 лет назад
Yes Black Latinos! I am from the C'bean and people have to remember that slavery and the Spanish Inquisition play a big part of the composition of each island in the territory. I think she's a great actress with great beauty. She looks younger to me--didn't know she's born 1978.