Gavin Ramon Show
Gavin Ramon Show
Gavin Ramon Show
Welcome To The Gavin Ramon Show!\u2028
I post every week talking about Life, Movies, Entertainment, Poltics and Life.

Im a British man with opinons that are my own and won’t always be the social norm. Lets talk and express ourselves freely like we should be able too.

I hope that you enjoy the videos and have your voice heard too. \u2028\u2028

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@gammawolf4955 День назад
that's just want i want to know why is she on TV. Bet if she went up into space she would say it's racist
@giggitygiggity8391 2 дня назад
Maximum Overdrive (1986) is the film you were referencing at the end. It was written and directed by Stephen King.
@GavinRamonShow 2 дня назад
THATS THE ONE ! I loved that growing up
@chanzig1138 2 дня назад
Clerks grew up as we grew up, it’s hard to let them go
@AngelaChilvers-b6t 2 дня назад
Your 3 god daughters would love this movie!! They live for horrors!! X
@CASHABILLION 2 дня назад
When I found out this was just a movie and not real I flipped out 😂😂
@CASHABILLION 3 дня назад
Everytime moms hit the vape I hit mine 😂 I love moms she funny asf
@dnvdnvdnv 3 дня назад
In your beginning remark, you mis-stated the fact that he was referring to 2020 when Trump attempted a coup and didn't relinquish power. You said 2016 which he was running for election. Just something I noticed. Keep up the good work.
@GavinRamonShow 3 дня назад
@@dnvdnvdnv he was saying “he said Trump would win” but he never once admitted that. He always had a meltdown
@robbiebonham 3 дня назад
We'd win easily. Who's 'we'?
@crsgslr 4 дня назад
As you’re asking yourself why, why oh god, why, think of the name of the movie and ask yourself why again.
@crsgslr 4 дня назад
I don’t know if I’d even classify this as a horror film. It manages to stay well outside that measured box. When the director records an apology for making a film like this, you should listen. This starts as a more traditional horror movie, but it takes a HARD left about 1/2 way through and becomes something completely different. So my take away in the end was that, no, not everyone should see this movie and it hasn’t left me in the 14+ years since I first saw it.
@solvingpolitics3172 4 дня назад
How can anyone take that clown Cenk seriously. He is just a cry bully.
@user-xq4yr7xu1z 4 дня назад
I would suggest you read Michelle Obama's first book called Becoming. In it she makes it quite clear she did not like living in the White House. She resented constantly being in the limelight. She felt there was no privacy ever. So, I would be very surprised if Michelle was at all interested in being VP. I think you might want to research this further.
@GavinRamonShow 4 дня назад
@@user-xq4yr7xu1z I don’t think this one comes down to research. Honestly it’s just an opinion I have. Maybe you disagree and that’s fine. I just think she is the only person that could potential be the strongest against Trump. I don’t trust anyone in that position of power. I mean Biden said he was “FINE” for two years. You trusted that? See what I mean. None of them are honest
@user-xq4yr7xu1z 4 дня назад
@GavinRamonShow Yes, that's what I'm trying to get at here. You say it's an opinion you have. Interestingly, it's an opinion that ALOT of people have, that Michelle Obama should be Harris's running mate. Frankly, I think she would be terrific. She is a very smart woman, quite level headed. She knows her stuff.
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 3 дня назад
​@@GavinRamonShow yea, Michelle has the best chance but she has said that there is no way she will run as she does hate the whole White House thing and has a great life at the moment with plenty of money and fame. She won't run.
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 3 дня назад
I'm pretty sure they have chosen Kamala to run. I saw that on the news today. Not entirely sure how that all works but Biden said he is going to support her and she is acting as the new candidate. I believe she is it. And like Trump said in a video taken of him on his golf cart "Kamala will run. She is bad. She is so fu#king bad". 😆
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 3 дня назад
Also, when will you be live again? It's difficult with the time difference here in Australia but I'll watch if it's not the middle of the night. Lol
@carol-l8u 4 дня назад
I think Dems will win because women will vote against him and because he and JD Vance sound so out of their minds. The problem is there is a reason so many of us did not support Harris in the past and none of that has changed. Quietly not voting is the answer to that.
@GavinRamonShow 4 дня назад
@@carol-l8u whatever happens, I feel it’s going to be a very interesting election this year and something I’d love to keep covering. Thanks for commenting
@UseYourVoices 4 дня назад
I am a woman. I don't want men in my bathroom, locker room, or dressing room. PERIOD.
@davidhazzard3154 4 дня назад
Mentally disturbed mad woman
@magfan77 4 дня назад
Big Mike…
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 4 дня назад
Awesome. Back on. Yea, get onto Piers! Love the guy.
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 4 дня назад
Can you see this comment?
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 4 дня назад
Good. You're back!
@trishlangford5773 4 дня назад
This Iman woman is VILE.
@ericules5558 4 дня назад
The hangover movies wish it was as good and funny as this, hangover sucked
@ianmasters4225 4 дня назад
Imarn is everything that is wrong with the woke left.
@peterschairer488 5 дней назад
Maybe it's because I've been reading about real life stories of this kind of subject matter but I LOVED this movie.
@GAZWALMSLEY 5 дней назад
she tries to come across as some kind of Martin Luther King figure. She thinks she sounds clever and smart. She sounds like a moron. She simply has a massive chip on her shoulder.
@stevemason9150 5 дней назад
This is genuinely getting absurd now. Everything is racist apart from her.
@emmataylor-rennie8353 5 дней назад
What we really need to be looking at is the reason why these trans women want to use the female toilets so desperately? Is it because it can put them in danger from men? If so they should be understanding that men can be predatory in nature. Then knowing that, we should all agree that the safety of young females is more important than the safety of fully grown men who identify as female. This issue is all because of female safety. The men's toilet is not the issue here and doesn't even factor in the situation.
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 6 дней назад
Love the hair! I usually shave mine cause it's easier. Especially when I ride motorcycles and get "helmet hair". Anyway, I'm gonna spit some facts. Most of my family is in the US so I know more than most about the current situation. The US is in a TERRIBLE state right now. Inflation through the roof. Interest rates through the roof. Wars all over the world cause Biden is so weak (Ukraine, Israel etc). Tens of millions pouring over the border with many bringing fentanyl and causing crime. Energy situation is dire. It's just terrible what Biden has done. Kamala hasn't a chance in Hell to win against Trump so I'm sure the Dems won't nominate her. She was only the vice president cause she's a black woman and wanted a "diverse" VP. A big problem is that the $150million raised from campaigning can ONLY be passed to Kamala. No-one else. So they will have to start from scratch with $0 and only a few months to go. I don't think they have a chance anymore. Especially with Trump being a hero now after that attack. He will be great for the country. He knows money so will fix the economy. He will close the border. He will fix these overseas wars. Pretty crazy stuff but Trump has it in the bag I'm sure. Unless they manage to kill him. I'm sure they will try again. Maybe with poison next time. I reckon with food, he needs to get his family only to go out and buy prepacked food for him. Keep their eye on it the whole way home and go to different shops each time. Only way to be sure until he becomes president...sorry for the long message but it has to be said.
@emavale4125 6 дней назад
because they are men. use men spaces
@kayjsinkentucky 6 дней назад
Really good video. Hope you're having a great day Gavin. Trump 2024 ❤🇱🇷
@GavinRamonShow 6 дней назад
@@kayjsinkentucky thank you and I hope you are too.
@clareswahn106 6 дней назад
@GavinRamonShow 6 дней назад
Is it A good thing? I think it is , but who will replace him?
@RoaldRoberts 6 дней назад
Because of the psychological horror, I know you said you sort of didn't like it that much, but to me, this to me is the best one. The old man in the wheelchair, I just come back to this one over and over again. And on the Amityville series, nr. 6 "It's About Time" is my favorite ✌👏 Great review
@talentedcreole9340 6 дней назад
Wyt men are not the only people qualified for good jobs, what is wrong with these viruses? Equality equals oppression to wyt men. She wants them to get out of the way, is true...Wyt people hate to admit micro racism? when they speak on most of them are not racist, that's a lie! Racism is like kryptonite to these awful people.
@talentedcreole9340 6 дней назад
Only stupidity would think a person is not qualified for a position. If DEI didn't exist, racism would prevent these people from positions and you know this. Equality equals oppression to wyt people, it's that simple. The fact that they really think someone should be rushed to be a pilot is just micro racism and jealousy. Gavin, is biased and shows micro racism.
@devinpaul9026 8 дней назад
Jack, Mack, Chuck, Charlie, Bud-- it's all Old Time American Tough Guy speak for "bro" or "buddy" or "dude". "What's YOUR problem, Charlie?" "Bathroom's that way, Mack!" Ect.
@devinpaul9026 8 дней назад
In the later King movie Riding The Bullet, they were gonna switch Staub's car to a Christine cameo-- well they ruined so many of em making THIS movie that they couldn't find anymore to use, and were forced to use a different year and just have it be sort of a reference. An ACTUAL Christine cameo occurs in the opening of Cat's Eye, where she nearly runs down a CUJO cameo!
@devinpaul9026 8 дней назад
Grampa Fred, Gremlins 2.
@GavinRamonShow 8 дней назад
@@devinpaul9026 just actually watched Theif with James Caan and he was in that too
@6891x 9 дней назад
Waah waaah wahhhhh cry holy shit you're a weirdo. It's just a movie. Nothing is too much or too sick if it's not real!!!
@minxkitten1 9 дней назад
She is vile .not sure why she is given air time . embarrassing
@josephgallacher6477 9 дней назад
It's other guys that's in destiny's exes crack
@GavinRamonShow 9 дней назад
@@josephgallacher6477 ouch , that’s gonna hurt ha
@keelan51 9 дней назад
Destiny is still hurt his misses ran off with another dude and his ego got destroyed😂
@GavinRamonShow 9 дней назад
@@keelan51 surely that’s gotta be part of his behaviour.
@KimKeenan 9 дней назад
I don't believe in cancelling a person / But this Destiny is just a diabolic disgraceful lunatic and should not have any type of platform to spew his hatred , To say fook you about a man who would have put his life in danger many times to help others , that died protecting his family is abhorant - Crazy nutjobs can only hide their true selves for only so long and Destiny's mask has now disintegrated
@GavinRamonShow 9 дней назад
very well said !
@rhiannonpeach4571 9 дней назад
Great content keep up the good work love your channel ❤🔥🙌🏻
@GavinRamonShow 9 дней назад
@@rhiannonpeach4571 thank you so much this means a lot. I am trying 😘
@longriderxx 9 дней назад
@PeterVincent-f4w 9 дней назад
Piers was on top form and he needed to be handling these two arrogant nutters! I commented Piers don't Ever have destiny back on your program again! Most of us had great sympathy for the man's family who lost their loved one he didn't!!! Evil man!!
@GavinRamonShow 9 дней назад
As we should. A man with his family is just an everyday person. Nobody should have been lost that day.
@CrazyAustrianInAustralia 9 дней назад
This guy "Destiny" (what a stupid made up name by the way. Why doesnt he just use his real name??) is a psycho. Im not surprised he is a cuck. As in, he lets other blokes screw his missus. I bet he sits on the "cuck chair" at hotels. Notice how in hotels there is always thus weird random chair? Its for cucks to watch their missus screw other blokes. Puff Diddler uses this chair all the time. And "Destiny" no doubt does too. I bet he watches. 😂
@steelergrl81 9 дней назад
What happened to Pelosi’s husband was not cool at all. Destiny really showed himself during this interview.
@flcns07 10 дней назад
Welcome back. Hope your vacation was great!
@GavinRamonShow 10 дней назад
@@flcns07 thanks buddy. And I hope you are good
@mdaddy775 7 дней назад
I daresay his brain is still in vacation mode if he thinks Piers destroyed them!
@user-xq4yr7xu1z 10 дней назад
Words matter whatever the political ideology. Somehow we don't understand that.
@GavinRamonShow 10 дней назад
I am glad it isnt just me thanks for watching
10 дней назад
If Christian’s get to judge LGBT folks, that means that LGBT folks get to judge Christians. Who said… “Judge not, lest ye be judged?” Christian sexual repression leads to sexual abuse. According to the French government, the Roman Catholic Empire raped over 32O,OOO innocent French children. Just since 195O. If we extrapolate from this French datum for the at least 8 other Roman Catholic dominant countries, we end up with over 3 million children raped by Roman Catholics just since 195O. The FBI is currently investigating the rampant level of sexual abuse of women and children in the Southern Baptist Convention. Which is the largest Christian denomination in America. Liberty University, the famous Evangelical University, recently was fined 14 million dollars for just ignoring the significant level of rape on their campus for many, many, many, decades. Christian sexual repression is not innocent, as it leads to an ugly level of sexual abuse. So take care whenever you are in the sexually toxic Christian community. Especially the child raping Roman Catholic Empire. Remember that idealism is always, always, always, based on denialism. This is why the Christian community is again attacking the LGBT community as being sexually dangerous. LGBT folks are not groomers. As the evidence demonstrates the actual groomers are largely sexually repressed Christian males. They are just engaging in ugly and hateful deflection to hide and conceal their own sexual toxicity. They are just scapegoating and distracting from their own sexually criminal behavior and history. "Look over there, not over here." So don't be fooled by all of their ugly and hateful lies. And remember that if Drag Queens are all about love, then it begs the question as to what Christianity is actually all about? So therefore perhaps Drag Queens can help Christians learn how to love better. As currently they all seem so love disabled. Even though Mother Nature has never been heterosexual, but has always been, and will always be, LGBT. Just like her natural world of which we are all a part. See the brilliant and amusing recent Peacock documentary titled: QUEER PLANET. 💙
@jdoodah 10 дней назад
Good man Gavin, always love your videos and I find I agree with you on nearly everything so far! Never heard of this ‘Destiny’ bloke, another woke angry hypocrite! Scary how these people act, I hate Biden but I’d never want his head blown off, never mind celebrate it openly! What he said about that man that was killed just for being there was disgusting, how are these people so popular!?
@GavinRamonShow 10 дней назад
I don't understand either. He has been huge for A few years on various platforms and he used to be able to find a middle ground. He has gone head first off the top roof with these comments though. It was always gonna end up with huge backlash