Mei Zhong
Mei Zhong
Mei Zhong
Mei Zhong (鐘玫) - If (如果)
2 года назад
@honghuang7343 2 года назад
@feng3625 2 года назад
@tccii2468 2 года назад
To make a whole song out of one word (NET) already takes tremendous courage, and to strain your voice to its limits and express yourself with no reservation takes pure audacity! My dear friend, I am so proud of your adventurous spirit and pure dedication in this artful expedition! The visual and vocal impact is already incredible on its own; TOGETHER, their perfect integration is stirring the heart and soul to the core! I could tell, you really poured your heart and soul in it!
@feng3625 2 года назад
@jingjingyang1700 2 года назад
A single word speaks for millions - it starts with Beijing opera, reminding me of Tang Dynasty Empress Young. With the sound of Zheng, I hear the voice of weeping grief, helplessness and despair. Life can be nothing but a net, if you are not courageous enough to break it!
@mollychen6643 2 года назад
@kennethfan7436 2 года назад
一个朋友听后的感慨之言。 精彩惊悚的刺激,魔法附身的体验。整曲奇异出新,压抑中高潮叠起,撕裂里无奈沉沦。一字百调,直击人心。无所不在的魔咒束缚和欲争而不能脱的张力,以及对美好生活和人文阳光的向往,尽吐其中。其音入耳汗毛耸然,其意摄心想象无限。一字吐不尽千种叹恨,吐不尽的亦在万种纠缠中暗露玄机。大曲实乃阳春白雪中的另类与创新。作曲的戏剧西乐与湘调的丰满演绎、两面古筝的绝妙契合呼应,画面节奏和风格同步形成的视听共震,均合力聚焦到同一作用点暴发。加之这首一字诗本身的内涵,想必以学术与艺术价值新立标杆,将在音乐史上留下一笔。恭贺艺术大家们标新立异尽显功力不凡。
@linjiang5398 2 года назад
@mhz00544 2 года назад
What an outstanding production of both music, singing and graphic production! The graphic display/interpretation of the music is a perfect combination of the East meets the West, the Past meets the Present and we can see the splash generated by two powers meeting and the aftermath effect, not to mention the since where I can hear Peking Opera mingled with Western aria. This is truly the Sounds of the Hearts, of life, of struggles and of course, of triumphs. What an outstanding production!!
@jwhill7 2 года назад
This, of course, is quite different from your earlier recordings. Since I cannot follow the meaning of all the words, I focused on the musical style, which seems to be an avant-garde outgrowth of Post-Webern Expressionism, a style that would have been recognized in the composition seminar that I took in 1964. With the pervasive influence of Minimalism and Neo-tonality, today, we usually hear music that is at least more stable from young composers. The graphics were quite impressive. And, of course, your vocal interpretation is outstanding. You certainly could sing in an opera by Alban Berg.
@hongyingliu475 2 года назад
This is smazing!让我想起神歌《忐忑》,龚琳娜的京剧发声炫技大成,你这首更有内蕴,既有技术又有思想,很多层次和细节,各种元素混合:美声、中国戏曲、西方歌剧。焕鸣的视频非常贴切地诠释了作品的内涵,丰富了听者的想象。是你们共同的多媒体突破!恭喜🎉
@lightandsalt4150 3 года назад
Sometimes life is like a net. The people inside the net try their best to escape. After struggling, they look forward to one day breaking the net.I like your sing the song! Your expression is vivid and vivid.
@holy2022 3 года назад
@godslove3867 3 года назад
@Kenvado 3 года назад
Very interesting concept! I love how unique the melody is! The soprano voice definitely adds to the concept.