Let's Player focusing on mostly PC games, with some passion for music.
I hope to share my Let's Play of games in these genres that I really enjoy:
- Real-Time Strategy
- Turn-Based Strategy
- Simulators & Simulations
- Role Play Games
- Survival Games
and several others.

Main Inspiration & Idol: Chuggaaconroy.

These are the Let's Play Series currently on the channel:
- Let's Play Main Series: Focused on details & usability as a walkthrough
- Let's Play Raw Series: Sharing first impressions & playthrough, learn as we progress.
- Let's Play Early Access Series: Witness the evolution of a game as it gets developed.
- Let's Play Nostalgia Series: Good Ol' Memories, games important to me, or are great classics
- Let's Play Demo Series [Might be retired]: Playthrough a demo.
- Let's Play Live Series: I stream sometimes. Mainly open world survival games.
Age of Mythology Retold EP2: Tutorial
Месяц назад
Age of Mythology Extended EP2: Tutorial
Месяц назад
Age of Mythology Gold EP2: Tutorial
Месяц назад
Age of Mythology Gold EP1: Introduction
Месяц назад
@littleanna79 2 дня назад
thanks for the video
@SoulzWind 2 дня назад
You're welcome! thanks for watching!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
as said before about the Scylla, every god has no access to the civilizations water-mythunits, theb upgrades are still god-specific (diponysus can upgrade the Scylla, the other two age3 gods cannot)
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
Ohh hahaha yeah I think that's probably it. But the water units weren't all that useful when everything's connected by land. There's no fully-water maps. Anyway this mission really was tough! Then again, which one wasn't? XD hahaha There's one upcoming mission that I really didn't like. One that I had to restart many times.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind the campaign doesnt have much water missions, but there is 1, where the enmy is on an island. i gues si see the difficulty soon enough:)
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Wait.. enemy on the island? Do you mean just a small pocket of 3 toxotes on an island with gold mines? XD And yeah I don't like the kind of difficulty, but at least it isn't too much of a grind as compared to some other games.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
@@SoulzWind one of the egyptian missions has the enemy on an island, and you have to siege the island, and i think on titan difficulty there are alot more ships around
@SoulzWind 2 дня назад
Oh! i can't wait to encounter this mission! :D Would be fun!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
originally it was 10 houses, its 16 now
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
Ooh really? You mean in Retold it's 16 while the Extended and Gold only limited houses to 10?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind yes, you can check it out next time you play:D
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Yup, well as mentioned I've recorded up to mission 7 so I might already have noticed it somewhere. My memory isn't good especially having to remember 3 versions of almost the same things. 🤣🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
small sidenote, the lure last until it attarts 1000 food,then it stops luring. but it also acts as a granary (and can research technology), the granary you build next tpo the lure is useless:D
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
Thank you very much for the information! I really didn't know that at all! Hahaha I think this main series was one of the least-researched main series ever for my channel. I entered this very unprepared as I'm preserving the time for doing all 3 versions at once. XD Must've been really funny watching me build that granary by the lure right? 🤣🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind it is new in retold i think, i dont think in the others it did that (the granarypart), the luring is the same
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Oooh I see.. So at least I wasn't that bad in discovering game mechanics! Would've been a great remiss to not realize the lure functioned similar to a granary after multiple playthroughs of the campaign in the older versions.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
you can jynx the enemy?, your a wizard Soulzwind:D
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
Can I really? hahahaha. Anyway which part of this episode made you suddenly think of this? Just really curious to know. 🙊😆
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind when tyou said they had not attacked yet, and didnt want to jynx it, and right after they attacked:)
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Hahahahaha yeah! Usually that happens. I think subconsciously we expect something to happen since we experienced the same in Gold and Extended. Would've been nice if they really changed it up and waited for another 3-5mins.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
they are just attacking and attacking, well you put on titan difficulty:D
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
Hehhh well that's true though. You're right. I chose this difficulty level afterall. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind higher difficulty does cause more to happen and makes the content more interesting. (in the second mision, that guardtower on the cliff that attacks the goldmine is not there in the easy modes)
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Oh wait seriously?! Woww okay.. It'll take me more time before I'll discover that, in the comparisons video coming up after the entire campaign playthrough ends. Thank you for pointing that out! It's really helpful! :D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
@@SoulzWind i never played the campaign on titan, i never sen a guard tower there:)
@SoulzWind 2 дня назад
ooh icic. Well then i hope this series would show new things on the game that you've not seen yet. :D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 6 дней назад
kinda funny, using Aphrodite, as she kinda caused the Trojan War, by promising Helen, Queen of Sparta (she made Helen fall in love with Paris) to Paris, Prince of Troy. Paris then took Helen back to Troy, then Agamemnon, brother of the King of Sparta, wanted to get Helen back. you are now helping getting Helen back to her husband, basicly going against Aphrodite's wishes
@SoulzWind 5 дней назад
LOL I didn't even know this part of the lore! 😅🤣 Your contributions in these comments are really wonderful because these lore really give a different vibe on my otherwise unexciting choices in the game hahaha XD Thank you very much! 🙏 No wonder Agamemnon was like trying to save Helen. I thought he was just trying to win her heart or something. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 5 дней назад
@@SoulzWind there is probably more lorestuff, ill tell you when it comes up in the missions. noo agemenmon tries to get his kidnapped sister in law back, i dont think the mission tells you about the trojan war and why it happens, as there is more too it. it was the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, and Eris was not invited. at the door she threw a golden apple in for "the fairest" and so Hera, Artemis and Aphrodite all claimed to be the fairest. to settle it they asked Paris who he would chose, he could not chose so the goddesses bribed him, Hera offredt power, athena wisdom, and aphrodite offred the most beautiful woman in the land (Helen), and paris picked aphrodite
@SoulzWind 3 дня назад
Oh wow this lore really went very twisted there. :O I didn't think Agememnon was good given how the game portrayed him! Especially with his attack plans, it looked so obvious that he wanted Arkantos, Odysseus and Ajax to do all his work while he reaped the gains.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 3 дня назад
@@SoulzWind that maybe more because the trojar war took 10 years, that part with the horse is only the last part, Agememnon has been besieging troy for 10 years and failing, he is probably a bit exhausted from it, and happy to finally get atlantis to help
@SoulzWind 2 дня назад
So Helen has been trapped in troy for 10 years?! 😮😨 Well it's understandable then. If he's exhausted from 10 years of the fight, then him coming up with a not so fine plan, is quite likely.
@MaryKatherineCabuslay 11 дней назад
thanks for this video! also i played a bit with the tempura and it turns out you can skip the first step of dipping in flour and go straight to the cold tempura batter though i wish there was a "batch coating" process because it's so tedious to coat them one by one most especially if it has quick time events
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
you're welcome! yeah the tempura process is way too tedious. I'm not sure if skipping the flour step would've caused certain complaints from the customer. Any observations there from your experiences?
@MaryKatherineCabuslay 11 дней назад
@@SoulzWind so far there are no complaints they always gave me the best feedback I even skip the part where you drain the oil using tissue paper
@SoulzWind 10 дней назад
Ahh that's great! I didn't know it could be done. Previously, I had skipped the tissue paper thingy for the tempura, and it seemed to have led to a lower customer rating. But then again, I might have been mistaken, in that it could've been caused by a different problem and not due to skipping the tissue paper. So thank you for letting me know that the approach is viable :D
@MaryKatherineCabuslay 10 дней назад
@@SoulzWind yeah that could be! glad i helped Ill share my other findings the more i play the game
@SoulzWind 10 дней назад
Thank you! Yeah please do share your findings of the game! I think it'd be really helpful. Also, the game seems to keep changing as developers fix bugs. Some bugs disappear, some recipes/procedures change, but also some new bugs seem to appear, or old ones reappear. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
you talk how the cutscene was slighty wrong. i just did a mission with a cutscene: gargarensis and his army come in, and im just wondering where my 40 elephants are. Thoth has a new upgrade in retold, it makes migdol stronghold gives double units if empowered. imagine if the Haradrim worshipped Thoth and the would have double the Mumakil:D
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Hahahahaha if they did get double Mumakils, they might have overrun Pelennor Fields and thus Minas Tirith, before Aragorn trio arrives with the Dead from Dunharrow!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind should would not have helped, as i think those dead are still immune to normal damage, sauron probably still needed the firebreathing balrog to stop them
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
Hahaha I meant that they might have led to Minas Tirith being completely overrun before Aragorn and his team arrived. Making saving Minas Tirith nothing but symbolic. I.e. lesser Gondorians left alive when Aragorn arrives. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 11 дней назад
@@SoulzWind oh, true, if there would actually be anyone left to save
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
hahaha yeah! they'd come back to an empty city. The only gondorian left would be Aragorn and anyone not at minas tirith. Even Pippin and Merry might not have survived either.
@sashiksapfirchik1319 14 дней назад
PC game ?
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Base game is on PC, Xbox, PS and Switch, and seemingly on android devices. However, I'm not sure if this DLC is equally available across all platforms.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
character: why didnt you attack Kamos? Player: i was in a cutscene, i could not do anything
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
🤣🤣 OMG!!! It reminds me of when players can see enemies approaching from behind a character who's facing away, and engage the enemy in combat. But in a cutscene, that same character then becomes totally oblivious and taken down by a sneak attack from that same enemy type while players scream at the screen. 🙊😆
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind its one of the reason i like1 idea from red alert 1, in mission 2 you secure a pass, and in mission 4 you track enemies through that same pass, and every uniot and building you ended with in mission 2 are still there in mission 4, at the same spots you left them. im so sad not mroe games use that
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
Ahh progress tracking across missions! It would've been really really nice indeed! I guess for many RTS games, that could mean making subsequent missions way too easy. But you're right, progress tracking in some form would make putting in more effort in previous missions more meaningful. E.g. BFME has progress tracking where high level battalions are carried over to next missions, along with their upgrades. While credits earnt in Starcraft 2 Campaigns allow upgrades between missions, carried across future missions.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 11 дней назад
@@SoulzWind i agree, but red alert 1 was different, it actually saved what you left on the map itself, and when you return, on the same map, but bigger. SC2 was things outside the mission that you did. with BFME onyle the army and its upgrades was saved, but on every new map you had to invent all upgrades again for new units. but yes, some games take progress over, AOM is not one of them.
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
yeah.. i like that progress is at least carried over in some form. Well technically, while red alert 1 did that really well, there's a small problem if the player ended that mission on a disadvantage. It could lead to the connected mission not being completable XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
im trying to figure ut what ypou where complaining about, but i dont know
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Not sure which part you're referring to but if it was 13:35, it was because the notification keeps popping up indicating only 1 unit can gather from a farm at a time.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind ahhhhh, you could have added a few more farms:P
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
Yes, but I didn't want to add more farms. It was enough then. 😆🤣 hahahaha
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
the minimap gives a cirlce when there is an attack
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
I guess sometimes I fail to notice them XD hahahahaha
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind this gives me a question, how far ahewad is itr all recorded, can you use the tips of these first misisons in the later missions?
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
Of course, the tips would be useful! As of now, up to mission 7 has been recorded. :D I do have to record several missions in advance for efficiency as there's setup for recording, as well as setup for editing.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 11 дней назад
@@SoulzWind good to hear, im playing some skirmish games also testing out all the civs and the new upgrades, and then massing the a4 myth units to see how effective it is.
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
yeah i think in AoM the focus seems more on the myth units than anything else. It's fine since it's AoM, but still, yeah. That seems to be the focus.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
anything you build is visible at the top left corner, so you casn see if things are done or not
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Ahh yes that one! I forgot to mention it! That's quite similar to, perhaps even inspired by, the spectator mode in Starcraft 2 isn't it? :D I think it's a super good addition.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind it very well may be the inspiration
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
you thought that jumpoff took place at that cliff, nahhh, its a secret other cliff, it wasnt on the map:)
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Hang on, are you saying that in jest, or is there really such a hidden secret cliff that wasn't part of the gameplay but can be found through the use of the map editor or entering developer codes? 😮🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 13 дней назад
@@SoulzWind wel, i dont know if the cinematic actually plays on that same map, probably does, but it happens alot, that a cutscene removes the entire army, and then pretwnts you are in danger
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
hahaha yeah! I prefer when in-game cutscenes reflect the actual units we have, like what happens frequently in Starcraft 2. Also I don't think Age of Empires 1 & 2 have any cinematic cutscenes right?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 11 дней назад
@@SoulzWind i never actually played age of empires:D, but it seems the cutscenes are prerecorded and dont reflect anything you did ingame (sadly)
@SoulzWind 11 дней назад
yeah they're all pre-recorded as the zones are typically cordoned off, or separately zoned probably so that units can spawn in properly. Imagine accidentally causing a pivotal character to die before the event trigger activates.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
i dint see a cut in the gameplay
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
A cut? Hmmm did I make a mistake during editing? do you mind telling me the timestamp?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
@@SoulzWind thats a good thing, if yui had not said you had to leave, i would not have noticed:D its good editing
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Hahaha you mean that cut! I see XD That's good to hear! My recordings often get disrupted, so the more seamless the cuts, the less intrusive they are on the general watching experience. 🙊🤣
@rickydas9779 14 дней назад
Why are you playing this now that Retold is out. It looks so old.
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
I'm playing all 3 versions for comparison purposes, and to showcase the differences across the 3 games. Also, old games are still worth playing because of other reasons such as nostalgia. They may not look good now, but would've been during the days of their release.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
about running out of gold, you have a market later on, caravans generate gold, and you can sell wood/food for gold
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
Yup! I come to heavily depend on the market later, as well as Vault of Plenty too. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
i picked Ares too, the weapon upgrades and cyclops helps with destroying buildings
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
Yup! I think we need an easily reproducible, viable siege unit that isn't an actual siege engine. Minotaurs work too, just not as well.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
@@SoulzWind minotaurs deal hack damage, cyclops crush damage (siege damage), cyclops ar basicly siege units
@SoulzWind 13 дней назад
Agreed on both. It's just that minotaur's damage is significant enough, and with it being slightly more tanky, deals out enough damage to be useful as tower clearers if necessary.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 14 дней назад
no recollection, after mission 3, gonna be interesting to watch, so its basicly blind after 3
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
Hahahaha yeah sort-of, because I did play the entire campaign at least twice. Just very long ago that I don't recall anything now.
@garrettcolton5774 15 дней назад
i'm really enjoying this series. keep it up!
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
Thank you! I hope you find it interesting to see the differences between the versions too :D
@EternalRecurrence88 15 дней назад
If anybody else is fallowing this tutorial like soulswind does, you don’t have to worry about those reset beacons, just the healer one. You can create some walls around that bottom right shield becon to navigate them away from it.
@SoulzWind 15 дней назад
Yeah! The shield ones are really bad because they absorb an entire hit. Especially painful for fast movers because we have very limited time before they leave the range of the towers but if we can detour monsters outside the range of the shield beacons, they should be fine. That healer beacon is definitely scary if we let monsters go that far with staggered damage. The healing just removes our efforts entirely.
@EternalRecurrence88 15 дней назад
I wasn’t even planning on taking out the bronze stash. I had all the stashes, i just had problems finishing the field. I am stuck everywhere. This field is the closest Ive been able to get progress on. I’m going to have to check where you squeezed out some extra skill points i don’t have. At least if this doesn’t work with the skill points i do have.
@SoulzWind 15 дней назад
So how was it? Did you manage to make progress since your comment? I sequenced the episodes in the order of which field I've visited, including backtracking for extra skill points.
@EternalRecurrence88 15 дней назад
@@SoulzWind yep thanks from the reply. I did need to do a little bit of back tracking, but i’m ahead now. I figured i would need purple skill tome to get more of those bronze stashes. Surprised it wasn’t necessary. Drove some extra likes and watch time to some of your old content. I did cringe every time i heard you say apparition. Haha. I basically didn’t fallow your methods, but i did fallow your sequence of to catch up on those skill points…. Are you still playing gemcraft? I have been playing them since the first couple flash games.
@SoulzWind 9 дней назад
Sorry for the late reply. I missed out your replied comment. Yeah I think not all of the backtrackings were necessary. It really depends on the approach taken on each field. Sometimes i had tunnel vision and didn't really use the right approach and just couldn't think of one. Thank you for supporting my old content! 😀 Ooh why did you cringe about the apparition? Did I pronounce them wrong? I've not been playing gemcraft since completing the series. Had to move on to other game series XD Not sure if I'll do Chasing Shadows though. But would likely cover newer iterations of Gemcraft if any.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
if the godpower has that little yellow dot on it, that means a number of uses (similar to the atlantean powers in the older versios) if it has no yellow dot, it has unlimited uses, but at an increasing favor cost
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
Yeah it would turn out to be extremely useful, especially the Vault of Plenty. Having 3 of them can turn the tide of battle around.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
@@SoulzWind what about 3x son of osiris?
@SoulzWind 16 дней назад
Wait.. are they even good to begin with? I can't remember. It's the same one we fought as part of the Retold tutorial right?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 16 дней назад
@@SoulzWind the Son of Osiris is that lightning wielding, bird headed pharaoh, with a powerful chain lightning attack. even 1 is extremly lethal
@SoulzWind 15 дней назад
Ahh I don't quite recall how well they fought. I thought having unlimited flow of resources at a good rate seemed stronger than a perishable unit like Son of Osiris. 🤣🙊
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
with all the krakens, you know what Arkantos needs, a jar of dirt.
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
A jar of dirt? Why so?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
@@SoulzWind noo, awww, you didnt get the joke:P, in Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow is being followed by a kraken, and he gets a Jar of Dirt because his enemy cannot get on land, its a mental boost:)
@SoulzWind 15 дней назад
Hahaha absolutely did not get the joke. I've not watched Pirates of the Caribbean at all, so other than the famous soundtrack, I know almost nothing else about it. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 15 дней назад
@@SoulzWind aww, you should watch it, it are good very movies, especially the first one (that joke is from the second movie), last movie is not that good, and if you have history knowledge, its even worse
@SoulzWind 14 дней назад
Yeah maybe someday! XD Too busy with work, and editing 🤣🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
the routing wasnt bad, the moment you told them to garisson, the mousecursor was on repairing, the last second before dying they started to repair the tower. you ordered the villager to repair the tower, not to garrison it
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
Ahh I see.. I did encounter issues with attack move and other actions not registering properly. Could it be that? Or in the heat of the battle, I'd really did issue a wrong instruction =X 🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
@@SoulzWind if you watch it back you can see hat happens with the villager, dont know about the other issues. i think you use hotkeys for the commands?
@SoulzWind 16 дней назад
Haha okay I'll have to find time to rewatch it. XD I've not completely updated the video descriptions either.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
atm its still a mystery why poseidon helps the pirates , in the end of the story we know why
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
Hmmm I think they did resolve this storyline but I can't recall anything. Guess I'll have to play on to find out.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
@@SoulzWind final mission explains it, or maybe the one before it, it maybe the end cinematic of the mission before the final
@SoulzWind 16 дней назад
Cool! I'll look forward to it. I'm very certain I've played through entire campaign at least twice. But it's been too long since then and I've forgotten the details.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
i always found it interesting in the end they say "poseidon's creatures help the pirates", but those are Kraken, those are creatures from Njord.
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
yeah it confused me greatly too. I was wondering why they would design such a phrase. I think it might have been an oversight?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 17 дней назад
@@SoulzWind more probably it is a creature from the sea and poseidon doesnt have sea creatures on its own that can attack, but theycould have used Scylla's
@SoulzWind 16 дней назад
I guess so. But then again, if they did, then scylla wouldn't be a viable unit for use in the coming missions. In fact I depended quite a bit on the Scylla for the attack on the Troy gates, for it defends the harbor really well
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 16 дней назад
@@SoulzWind why would it not be?, the kraken is still very viable for the norse. it could even be a little insight for greek sea myth units for the upcoming missions. but maybe having the scylla, a unit you use, be used by poseidon too , could be strange. But then again, they made prometheus an enemy, he was one of the few titans NOT in tartarus
@SoulzWind 15 дней назад
I think I saw it from a different angle. But yeah I get what you mean now. I guess Scylla is one of Poseidon's creatures, so having it there is better. But maybe Kraken looked more evil and menacing so they chose it. XD
@glitchapalooza 18 дней назад
Another great video Soulz also good job doing the mission on Titan difficulty very impressive.
@SoulzWind 17 дней назад
Thank you! The later missions did make me reload save files several times though, which is kinda upsetting. XD
@kidgorz 24 дня назад
how to make beaten egg?
@SoulzWind 24 дня назад
Ahh "Beaten Egg" is the result of doing Step 1, whisking the 100g of egg and then transferred to a Deep Plate.
@kidgorz 24 дня назад
@@SoulzWindthank u so much😊
@SoulzWind 24 дня назад
You're welcome :)
@glitchapalooza 24 дня назад
Great to see Age of Mythology on the channel this was literally my childhood
@SoulzWind 24 дня назад
Thank you! It takes a while to record/edit the episodes because it's 3 games at once. So how did you find the game? Was it as good as the other RTS of those days? :D
@glitchapalooza 24 дня назад
@@SoulzWind I found the campaigns very enjoyable the Mythology gameplay was very different for me since I was so use to playing age of empires I spent most of my time playing to online mode against other people which gave me my first taste of multiplayer
@SoulzWind 23 дня назад
Agreed! The use of myth units and godpowers in the game brought a very different layer of gameplay. It's also good that they have entirely different units for each faction rather than same units but restricted upgrades according to faction. Age of empires is good in its own way and does have unique units too, but I guess with the context being mythology, AoM has a lot more bandwidth with regards to creativity. Sorry, but you meant online mode for AoM or AoE? 🙊😆
@glitchapalooza 23 дня назад
@@SoulzWind I think having the extra ablity regarding god powers gives an extra layer of strategy overall they did a pretty good job keeping things balanced I was talking about the AoM online mode if it is still even a thing i remember getting some good games back in the day
@SoulzWind 23 дня назад
Yeah with the god powers, there's at least some form of balancing as a last-ditch effort to salvage a situation. Ahh I think you remembered right, there was some sort of online mode. But I've never tried the multiplayer XD
@nobitan5904 28 дней назад
How to increase relationship level ?
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
hi, do you mean with computer players in skirmish mode?
@nobitan5904 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind yes
@nobitan5904 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind I've been trying since I was a child, but I still can't do it when I grow up. 😂
@SoulzWind 27 дней назад
Ahh I see. Hmmm I vaguely recall that players are able to use one of the options in the "Diplomacy" (?) menu to conduct subterfuge to decrease relations between the enemy computer players. Also players can send gifts/tributes to improve standings with those computer players. As for whether the 2 actions are related to each other, I couldn't fully ascertain, but I think I somewhat recall seeing enemy relations dropping first, before we as players can improve our own standing with them. In summary though, it's basically repeatedly carrying out the 2 diplomacy actions over an extended time period. Could have required repetitions of 10 or more times before any changes were observable.
@nobitan5904 27 дней назад
@@SoulzWind thank you
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
the dismaneting of the solarfarm has begon, Ra will be pleased you steal less of the solar energy:D
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
Hahahahaha it took me a short moment to realize whom you were referencing! 🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind the only true Sun God ofcourse, Ra, but could be Re, hieroglyphs dont have vowels so its written as just R
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
Wow seriously? Did archaeological finds/studies surmise that it's only written as a singular letter "R"? Would be really interesting to know how they derived the name "Ra" then XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind the surroundin languages, like greek and phoenician and sumerian, and even the mroe modern egyptian, seems to indicate it is Ra, but Ra is at least 4000 years old, and figuring out the evolution of ancient egyptian is difficult as the writing system didnt had vowels. it shighly likely Ra, but far from 100% sure
@SoulzWind 27 дней назад
Omg... as soon as you mention Phoenician and Sumerian, I couldn't pay enough attention to the rest of the comment as I immediately got reminded of Age of Empires 1 🤣 But yeah I think if they're able to continuously uncover new artefacts, they may grant new insights into the name and other parts of the myth.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
normally i would say that people dont spawn and are created with a special birds and bees story, spawning only happens in myths, but then again, this is age of MYTHology
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
Hahahaahha so technically, they DO spawn because they live in the age where colossus and chimeras exist too 🤣🤣.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind yes, well, i guess they can spawn, i expect in that universe they are also made the birds and bees way:D
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
Hahaha but why not the amoeba way? 🙊😆
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind the amoeba way?, that sounds very unfun. why make new people without the sexpart, its so much fun, even Zeus knew that:D
@SoulzWind 27 дней назад
LOL amoeba way seemed mysterious. They just suddenly split. Actually any reasons why they an amoeba would split? Like, what's the trigger? XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
the town center was actually flashing:D
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
Hahaha yeah I see the flashing now too. You're referring to 7:58 right? :D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind in the disc edition it didnt flash:D
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
Yup in the disc version, the buttons were flashing but i think the on-screen assets were not. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
that crab is a Carninos, a mythunit of Hera, not new:D
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
Yes indeed, you're right. I noticed that in one of the later missions. I've recorded ahead, but had not found enough time to edit the videos yet. Spent a lot of time creating the font from existing art to use for episode numbers and their background.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind well, it is an obscure unit, you have to play zeus, and pick hera and have actual water on the map
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
Yeah I would eventually get the unit in the Retold version in a later mission. :D Though there wasn't much use for it
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind it seems they made the watermythunits no longer god-specific at least some, i had the scylla with all 3 greek gods
@SoulzWind 27 дней назад
OHHH!!!! Is that why I had Scylla for one of the later missions despite going on a different track? I forgot if I made note of it as I had to restart due to failures XD hahahahaha
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
intsallation flavor text, i miss that, red alert 2 has that too, in that game it actually talsk aboiut the story and units
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
Yes!! Same for starcraft 2! It was a whole story right? :D Age of empires also had units going across the screen while villagers were building something
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind i cant rememebr starcrad=ft 2, but red alert2 told the story of red alert 1 during installation
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
Oh no.. I dont have the disc though. :( So I'll have to get the discs if i want to find out... or watch youtube
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind just watcj youtube:P
@SoulzWind 27 дней назад
hahahahaha XD I guess that's the option for now 🤣
@pedrohenriquestagiph3265 Месяц назад
I'm having trouble with the first ever step. Like, everytime I try to put it on the bowl of the second step, it just goes to dust, I have no idea what I am doing wrong
@SoulzWind 29 дней назад
hmmmm... Could it be that you've used the same bowl for both the first and second step? By right they should be different bowls.
@pedrohenriquestagiph3265 29 дней назад
@@SoulzWind Here is the kicker: I am using two different bowls, yet the one with Cake Flour and cocoa just disintegrates and I can't add to the bowl for some reason. I think the recipe of the first step is incomplete
@SoulzWind 28 дней назад
​@@pedrohenriquestagiph3265 That's indeed interesting! I've just tested the recipe on v.6.0.12/040924/f09c94f on Steam and the first few steps seemed to work fine. May I enquire the following: - Which platform you're playing the game on (I'm playing on Steam, PC version) - Which version number you're playing the game on? (mine's v.6.0.12/040924/f09c94f) - May I seek more details on what "disintegrates" meant? -> did all the ingredients from step 1 disappear completely from the bowl as soon as you add them into the bowl? -> did the bowl have 2 ingredients (cake flour, cocoa) remaining after mixing with the hook? -> were you unable to add more ingredients to that same bowl after the ingredients disintegrated? Meanwhile, could you try starting a new game (after ensuring your current game has been properly saved) and try again?
@pedrohenriquestagiph3265 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind Sure thing, I can definetely help with that -I am playing on Steam in the PC -The number of my version is the same -about the ingredients "disintegrating" , yes, just the cake flour and cocoa remained after I mixed with the hook. And the thing is when I try to add it to the second bowl, the ingredients don't appear on it, just appearing the dust of the cocoa and the cake flour
@pedrohenriquestagiph3265 28 дней назад
@@SoulzWind Oh, and I did try it on sandbox version and the problem still remains
@SitaDriany Месяц назад
@z963852741013 Месяц назад
This is so precious with unboxing CD, sure because this game is not selling well at the time, but doesn't mean this is the bad game, even better then any of AOE series imo, and it gives you an oppertunity to get this buried treasure on hand. And also there is not much CD ROM device been used on almost any PC right now, I'm feel proud of you for this.
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Hey thank you! :D I'm glad you found the unboxing meaningful! I thought it would be great to coincide the unboxing with the release of Retold XD Yeah I agree that AoM was really different because it brought about a new element of gameplay with its godpowers, which was probably still a rather new concept for RTS back then. Haha yeah, CD games have become very rare because of how so many of them are no longer supported/compatible.
@Bleilock1 Месяц назад
Ahh nostalgia
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Yeah! the good old days!
@HolyAd3pt Месяц назад
Lol my game is bugged and doesn't trigger Near Harad even though I just beat Helms Deep.
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Hmm do you happen to have a savegame so that you can load into the mission right before the victory at Helms Deep?
@陳啟安-m7b Месяц назад
thank you.
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
You're welcome!
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
I do have 1 question. can the new game be modified as easily as the old version (can you see if in the gamefolder on the computer (age of mythology - data) there are files like "Majorgods" that you can open with notepad and see the data readable?)
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
I looked into the "Data" folder, which was a subfolder of another. There were 3 files there of the "bar" file type.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind the original steam game has in the data folder document files named "majorgods' 'minorgods''proto', 'techtree', those files can be changed by a texteditor and have effect ingame. its similar to the rules.ini file of the red alert franchise. i wanted to know if this remake also had those files. its fun to mess around after i finish the game. like making all godpowers be able to use multiple times.
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Ahh I see what you mean! They're in xml format. Hmm true, ini files are just text files aren't they? :D Quite interesting to know though! XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind they are xml? wich should mean they can be opened with a text editor right?, because the extended edition also has xml files
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
I mean, the Extended edition has files in xml format. The seemingly game-changing files are either "bar" type or "xs" type. While there are some xml files, they don't look like ones that could influence gameplay to such an extent as the "majorgods" file would
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
the retold seems to have no loading for the titans as its part of the basegame it seems
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Yup the titans expansion just got merged into the base game and offered as a package. XD
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
the titan loading screen,at 8.30, thats Kronos, the big bad of the story, gargarensis is a cyclops
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Hahahaha thank you! I couldn't remember all their names! LUL For a moment even the name "Cerberus" came up as a possibility, but it was more obvious that wasn't the case. XD I thought gargarensis partly because of the "garga" which reminded me of gargantuan.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind Gargarensis is the cyclops you follow around and try to stop in the main campaign, but he works for kronos. i still find it interesting thatthey try to stay close to the mythology in the game, but then give kronos timepowers. Kronos and Chronos are 2 different gods.
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
I only know Chronos is time related, but not sure about Kronos. It's nice they stay close to the mythology, as it can then serve as a bit of educational content for anyone interested in the mythology :D
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind Chronos was the primordial being of time, Kronos was the king of the titans,. father of the olympians. but because the names look similar sometimes they are mixed, but they are seperate persons
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Yup agreed, usually when 2 names are spelt different, they tend to refer to the two different entities. Chronos and Kronos sure gives very different vibes. 😆 while the chrono in Chronos immediately reminds us of time, I didn't have much impression of what Kronos was.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
that titans background is the same as the gate of the orichalcos atlantian wall
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Oooh I think I see some similarity there. The curves creating the scale-like texture.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind build a fully upgraded atlantean wall and put a gate, you can see the same pattern on the gate
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Okie! I'll try to remember that when playing the game.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
unexpected, i got excited when i saw the retold, i may get it too
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Hehe yeah I had been planning the approach for this game for quite some time ever since Retold was announced. Ultimately settled on this approach of playing 3 concurrently with a follow-up comparisons video so that I don't experience a burnout. Ooh would you be getting the premium or the standard edition?
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind i dont know yet, is the difference that extra norse god?
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Do you mean Freyr? I suppose so. But it's indicated there's going to be 2 more updates that'll be part of the premium package, or otherwise require separate purchase.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind ahh, i have a feeling the other civilizations also get new gods maybe
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
I have not proceeded far enough into the game to tell that, but I intend to play more of the game this weekend.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
at the end of the session that solarpanel field will stretch on forever:D
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
hahahahaha XD Well, it does stretch for quite a bit.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind and will stretch more and more with every episode:D
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
I think it eventually stopped somewhere though I can't remember when. Once I began terraforming I think? 🤣
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind i dont know, i have not seen passd this episode, and so far its adding more and more, haha. but why not, plenty of room:D
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Yup! There needs to be some re-arrangement though. Based on the thumbnails that I've prepared, it'd be episode 45. Oh then again, I eventually added nuclear power which then reduced the need for the solar panels.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
wait, you play eurotruck simulator2 too?
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Yes of course! :D It's very relaxing but requires a lot of focus at the same time
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind i love my pink volvo truck:D (also love to use a mod that allows HCT's everywhere, you know, more challenge
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
May I ask what is HCT? Anyway, the level of customization for ETS2 is really nice, although I feel there can be even more truck brands available.
@ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Месяц назад
@@SoulzWind HCT is High Capacity Transport, it are the full double trailers, you have the full +small double trialers (called LCT(large capacity transport). normally the HCT variant is only allowed in finland, the mod allows it everywhere and makes cargo available for it. wich makes it difficult as the map is not made for it, small depot make you spawn on the fences:D. about truck brands, its about the licences they have for the brands
@SoulzWind Месяц назад
Ahh okay yeah I think I had pulled double trailers several times. Whether they're the full type or not, that I'm not too sure. But spawning on fences sure sound rather funny but also janky. Hopefully it doesn't glitch out, and can allow players to reposition. Hmm I hope they acquire more licenses. XD