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@liamlllll 30 минут назад
@t-rex8595 2 часа назад
Porque no hacen esos torneos para nosotros los que jugamos FC Mobile... 😎
@Watchuser0202 2 часа назад
So we just going to ignore the obvious teks is on?
@davedillinger9920 2 часа назад
Still better than efootball anyday.
@gokgoi764 2 часа назад
Andres iniesta
@gokgoi764 2 часа назад
Andres iniesta
@PrzemekJawor 2 часа назад
JP = polish leaguch Jebac Pis lub jebac Po@@@@
@mikejames04 3 часа назад
My guy really cried over a game of fifa😂😂😂😂😂
@bossykalewa7036 3 часа назад
gvadiol for umut 💯...go find your real mother guys
@timeimmemorial247 3 часа назад
Tekzz was my mentor but let me just stick to my game bruh
@ericpadilla1070 4 часа назад
Hahaa como nunca ganó tanto en champions … siempre me hacen matchmaking con equipos de solo tots o iconos…. Me la paso los 90 pasando la bola de lado a lado metiendo goles rata y echándome para atrás para que el rival pierda su cordura hahaha …. Aún así pierdo en champions pero me encanta que me manden mensajes insultandome 🎉😂….. rivals es diferente ahí nose por qué se me da mas ser tryhard y jugar bien 😂
@josevigil6731 4 часа назад
Why cross it the other player can almost always get a hold of it
@3mblakk932 5 часов назад
If your down to start a pro club team or already have one reply
@simonkaggwanjala1261 5 часов назад
I know it took everything in bro not to rage
@aniisop2056 5 часов назад
I'm telling this again,,, the way fifa is now... It should never be played as a competitive game 🤣
@blackangel8320 5 часов назад
Boycott EA
@Crowishhh 5 часов назад
Boycott EA!!!
@dyl4nthevill4n 6 часов назад
Lmaoo this game is so garbage 😂 why do people still play this game
@AyTonio79 6 часов назад
@RaceEngineerJeff 6 часов назад
I’m not having fun
@matildapenny2033 6 часов назад
@cheffgaming615 6 часов назад
How is that tackle a foul, I feel it for tekkz man
@nabighabbas4889 6 часов назад
This game is absolutely gone…it’s not football it’s just cutback everything. No creativity in a game of football. Wow.
@rafaelholstgarcia1643 6 часов назад
Bro said Thiago Silva😭😭
@familygamerarg 6 часов назад
@zaidaslam5450 6 часов назад
Can anyone send me the background music for 7:00
@georgepotouridis9315 6 часов назад
@georgepotouridis9315 6 часов назад
@civil6712 6 часов назад
Nico is the best when it comes to cornerkick routines.
@marco0594 7 часов назад
Tekkz isa wasteman , lfc fan turned city fan, nobody likes u😂
@Gertzi 7 часов назад
@alphasow8616 7 часов назад
@melgibson5006 7 часов назад
Soccer and crying what else is new
@Danlife112 7 часов назад
That tackle was definitely clean, this game should never be played competitively
@xaxanegue 7 часов назад
@13whatthefish 8 часов назад
Noob tekkz
@pioushawkins8069 8 часов назад
What happened with the throw in??
@jackhunter3484 8 часов назад
Whoever watches tv of someone playing a game must not have a very full life
@clarkukpereseraye8233 8 часов назад
Best of the best
@josemyster4212 8 часов назад
Subestimar a NEAT nunca es buena idea
@temidiamzz 8 часов назад
Wtf was that throwin from that far back and why did he insta throw it or is his skip animations set to x and he was spamming it to skip the cut scene….
@puckeeno6262 9 часов назад
Pa odradis voznju do Omiša i cekas opet voznju u Omišu i radis tu dok ne dodje voznja do Splita (Figurativno). Nema nista ako auto samo staji, a zalis se na zaradu, hej lolo lolo…
@vihaanpatel3864 9 часов назад
Ong this game is fucking broken