The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus leads by creating extraordinary music and experiences that build community, inspire activism, and foster compassion.
@icy76z29 2 года назад
Proud to be a part of the LG TV community
@stanharry3722 2 года назад
This is so cool to see this and I would have been proud to be in the choir but I never heard back from anyone. I enjoyed my time in San Francisco but I left with a broken 💔. Though I had a great time I left not knowing if I could have been in the choir. Thanks for the memories and when I get a chance I watch the videos. ..
@dreamcastx3052 2 года назад
Mind-boggling how no one understands this is literally making fun of anti-LGBTQ folks, and not actually a song about kidnapping and molestikg kids. People are stupid!
@1smallfish340 2 года назад
The amount of people in the comments not realizing the OBVIOUS satire this video expresses, as well as in the description, just to have an ignorant excuse to let out their hate is really fuckin disheartening.
@cade281 2 года назад
I agree that this video is pretty stupid. But please don’t use this as an excuse to be homophobic and make fun of lgbtq people wanting the same rights as heterosexual people. Like don’t use these people as an example for all gay people imao
@GTSongwriter 2 года назад
Overall... So Beautiful! I really enjoyed this song!
@GTSongwriter 2 года назад
Unusual... But... Very good production!
@ShawnBirss 2 года назад
I only just found out about this song. I'm so thankful for it, and for all of you. I was one of those kids who was taught to hate. Now I'm out, and proud, and raising my kids differently than I was raised. Things are changing. For real.
@slutforgojosatoru2697 2 года назад
I am deeply surprised at the top comments like it's obvious it's satire wtf??????
@kybar7055 2 года назад
I’m sorry but if you can’t tell this is satire you’re part of the problem
@ChelsiBoo92 2 года назад
Love, love, love! Why haven’t I heard this until now?! I love you guys and the song has a beautiful message and it’s so hilarious. Now speaking to so many of you leaving these completely unnecessary, ugly, and hateful comments I pray for you to walk out of the fog of hatred and anger that clouds all of your eyes and hearts with judgment. Regardless I have nothing but love, but still it’s so much easier to live life with love and compassion for all. AMAZING song guys!!!! Thank you for putting this into the world. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@ladywolfclawprime8817 2 года назад
It’s a beautiful song. It’s just so sad that so many misinterpreted the meaning. The lyrics “we’re coming for your children” have nothing to do with your children. Wake up people! It was a joke! They were showing you how wrong you are! After all it’s just a pointing towards your own hateful comments on how they would come for your children. The amount of hateful comments on this beautiful song about acceptance and ending the generations of family taught hate against those who are different is appalling. To all those who have, let me say this: I am ashamed to be of the same species as you. My disappointment couldn’t be greater.
@sketchy013666 2 года назад
How in the world do so many people not recognize satire?? There are so many accusations from bigots that “the gays are trying to make my kids gay”. If you listen to the song they are running with that sentence, but then show that all they want is to teach the next generation, the children, tolerance and kindness. Did you all just listen to ten seconds and then get your panties in a twist??
@xJazzyAppy 2 года назад
These comments are wild. It's a funny song about accepting people who literally are not hurting anyone else. Yall conservatives seriously want to be mad at satire 🙄
@Blinky_Dorf 2 года назад
The amount of conservatives leaving comments who don't know what satire means is astounding.
@yazinc 2 года назад
This was hilarious, clearly written in jest, the comments show the level of bigotry is still way too large.
@brianmoore4396 2 года назад
It’s both funny and depressing how many people watch this without realizing how the entire song is a parody of the common homophobic myth that “the gays want to convert your child into another gay!!!!!” It’s really fucking obvious. Also the song only mentions converting your children into being more tolerant, which you know doesn’t mean they have to be gay straight people can be tolerant too
@saritaholley4362 2 года назад
I love holly and I love this whole sound .
@anubisrapture992 2 года назад
They are giving you homophobic far right radicals FAR FAR too much credit. Reading your outraged comments, it’s obvious the entire ( innocent) meaning wooshed right over all of your heads. Because You’all THRIVE on outrage, and make zero attempt to comprehend anything.
@lucasmcweeney7023 2 года назад
This is fucking hilarious
@JLaurenGlow 2 года назад
I must be the only one who absolutely loves this. The message is exceptional. I admire your bravery ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@gabrielsevilla6913 2 года назад
The fact that the straights didn't get the sarcastic nature of this song is so funny to me.
@micahmathewson2475 2 года назад
The satire is just soaring above everyones heads commenting here huh? Right on.
@novictim 2 года назад
LMAO I love how every uptight Christian is angry about this :D
@jesusweeps420x 2 года назад
How does this have 500 views this is absolutely classic ❤️
@andypollack3972 2 года назад
This is great.
@vladisslay 2 года назад
lmao all the homophobes in the comments missing the point. y’all are clowns
@chestio3488 2 года назад
@CheyennefromTaos 2 года назад
I had no real concept of war until my sweetheart was killed in Vietnam. 💔💔💔💔💔 !!! I was at STANFORD UNIV and there were rallies, sit ins, etc. EVERY SINGLE DAY ON CAMPUS. Ive been an activist for many causes every since. I saw Holly twice..California and Vermont. MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH✌🏽 💎 TY SO MUCH, Holly.
@bella99888 2 года назад
👯‍♂👯‍♀ Fabulous San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus 🤘🤘
@it-s-a-mystery 2 года назад
I even saw lefties dogging on clips of this saying its bad optics, but nah it's hilarious. The lyrics don't even say they are going to convert children to "be gay", it alludes to it before revealing that its obviously talking about converting children away from the hate they are taught. Anybody reacting to this needs to be laughed out the room, its the utter depths of pathetic to let this trigger your conservative panic lmao.
@brianedwards7142 2 года назад
Brilliant. Just brilliant. I wonder if any of the droogs commenting even watched the vid or just did their masters' bidding like the Pavlov's dog's they are?
@jd3422 2 года назад
Beautiful. I loved the voices and the arrangement. It's a shame that the camera did not feature the soloist during his brief time.
@capitcha 3 года назад
“Gen z’s gayer than Grindr.” Okay I must admit, I heavily disagree with this song but that was pretty funny.
@michellepswanson 3 года назад
I absolutely love all the homophobic comments on this video, their hilarious. This video just saying that we'll try to make ur children respect pride...
@benlamb1338 3 года назад
Do people still actually care if people are gay?
@SKealii 3 года назад
I’ve been looking for the longest time for this! So tired of finding that Haole song!!! Thank you for putting this on here. I had a cassette tape with it. Long since died. I played it often. I don’t care that I aged myself. I’ve been searching for tradition and culture, it’s why I go to the Catholic Mass called the Latin Rite. This here is great, thank you once again, Aloha nui loa!!
@hey_loranda 3 года назад
the comments in this video just proves that you idiots do not actually listen the song or read description, you just want to hate on somebody
@charlizerogers6670 3 года назад
This comment section is full of people who missed the point…
@rainbowdragon1872 3 года назад
Wow. All you people upset by this are EXACTLY who they're talking about/making fun of
@merileopardisaksassa7030 3 года назад
Fantastic performance! I would have loved to be there.
@tsharabrown3719 3 года назад
How is "Be yourself and be strong" a threatening, disturbing, or even remotely bad message?
@tsharabrown3719 3 года назад
This is so cute and well-sung and just lovely. For the bigots who posted and didnt bother to actually listen to the song, it literally just says that we (the LGBT+ community) will teach your children to be tolerant, fair, and accepting. Frankly, if that's a problem, then that says more about you than it does about the SFGMC.
@josephdefilippis07 3 года назад
You can tell she doesn’t get tired of performing of this song.
@sudarshanseshadri5504 3 года назад
Damn the people in this comments section don't understand satire.
@zazo100 3 года назад
I think it should be clear that this song was meant to be a joke... And I understood 'convert your children' as converting them to accepting people, not to gay (/lgtbtqabcetc...+), you don't have to join the alphabet to respect their choices...
@The2mightybeanfans 3 года назад
This is the most insane comment section i’ve seen in my life. All the homophobes believe that there’s this agenda to turn all the children gay and gain more power than everyone else or some shit, Are they even listening to themselves? There is literally no agenda. ALL we want is to not be discriminated. None of this wouldn’t have even started if people were just accepting in the first place. Also, there is no battle, or “winning” or fight or whatever. You’re either accepting or a homophobe, that’s it
@gaceofspades 3 года назад
This comment sections makes me wanna invest in the educational system. People hear 1 sentence and go rage about how "it's not a choice anymore". Nah you brains, it's about making your child (pov: you are homophobic and influence your child to be so too) less of an asshole and more of a tolerant person
@ignignokt4u2 3 года назад
The whole point of this video was that the gay community is going to teach your children to be more tolerant and less hateful than you are, and you all just climbed over top of each other to show how necessary that really is. Great job.