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How To Destroy Bad Habits? | RELENTLE$$ Ep. 6
2 месяца назад
@benkorenberg261 3 дня назад
The word example >>>>> other words
@Relentless.Hunger 2 дня назад
real -joe
@comunus9879 3 дня назад
put the mic a bit further away from your face bro, its too close
@Relentless.Hunger 3 дня назад
what makes you say that? is it too loud? does it just look weird? what's the basis for this statement. asking so we can improve next time, but anyway thanks for the constructive criticism :) -joe
@comunus9879 2 дня назад
@@Relentless.Hunger it looks weird, its like covering your hole face, it doesn't need to be that close
@Relentless.Hunger День назад
appreciate u bro i'll work on that -joe
@benkorenberg261 7 дней назад
@benkorenberg261 7 дней назад
@benkorenberg261 7 дней назад
@benkorenberg261 7 дней назад
@benkorenberg261 7 дней назад
@colleengariton8735 19 дней назад
I work as a psych np and this is what I tell all my patients even if they have to be on medication also
@Relentless.Hunger 19 дней назад
i'm so glad there are people in the industry like you. these people need help, it's so tragic to see beautiful people with such high potential wasting their lives. it's a tough battle and we need soldiers like you. thank you. -joe
@infiniterandomness7246 19 дней назад
I like your merch
@Relentless.Hunger 19 дней назад
thanks -joe
@loopster049 19 дней назад
I've been depressed/morbidly most of my life and this is truth
@Relentless.Hunger 19 дней назад
by the sound and wording of your comment, it sounds like you were able to get out of it, and for that i am very happy for you. thanks for writing about it in the comments. i feel like many people will say we don't know what we're talking about, so thanks for confirming our message and i hope you continue improving. -joe
@krish_4872 19 дней назад
What’s next is suicide. What y’all are saying makes sense, and is entirely true in some cases especially in the contemporary world. But in a lot of them sometimes the issue isn’t lifestyle but true mental illness, in such cases as Robin Williams. People like that see dirty dishes or undone laundry and think to themselves “I’m a worthless piece of shit, I would be better off dead.” And believe me, it ain’t fun living like that. To this day I still can’t get the constant flashes of suicidal thoughts outa my head, but that’s what therapy and meds are for.
@Relentless.Hunger 19 дней назад
i'm glad you're getting help and i hope you can obtain a full recovery. i think there are a lot of factors in depression. we're just saying that society today, the "ideal" lifestyle perpetuated by the media, the lack of good values, the lack of purpose and meaning, overstimulation, lack of clarity, etc. are also causes, and need to be addressed. this is a snippet from our pod and in the very beginning we talk about the fact that we're not speaking on everyone who's suffering from depression. the one place i disagree with you is that: it sounds like you're saying that most cases of depression are "true mental illness." now, you may be right, im not sure. but i disagree. i think most cases of depression in todays era are from a lot of other factors (the ones i listed), most of which are controllable. i believe people don't have the resources to combat the factors i listed which is really unfortunate, which is a big reason for this channels existence. it also hard to define "true mental illness" because once you have the symptoms, you have the symptoms and it does really feel real and true. i'm assuming by "true mental illness" you mean mental illness that is not caused by the factors i listed or any factors that fit into the category of the ones i listed. it's a huge nuanced conversation and i'd love to have it. in the end tho, i hope you continue to make consistent improvements for your mental health and i'm glad you have the help you need. i appreciate you for commenting maturely on a "controversial" topic and im glad we can have this conversation. reply if you wish, and let's talk about it. -joe
@krish_4872 19 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger nah I totally agree with you. Most of today’s mental illness is entirely manufactured; given how processed our food is and how flimsy our regulations on what is considered “edible” or not in the United States it’s no wonder we’re experiencing such a pandemic of idiocy and despair. It’s only made it harder for us to differentiate between those who need real help and those who have been left fatherless and at the mercy of the internet for their social and societal development. (figuratively and literally)
@Relentless.Hunger 19 дней назад
yep. they need help too, but it's not the same type of help that you need, and that's why we're here. -joe
@jeffreychandler1566 22 дня назад
You guys are so cliché, you're just copying what you've heard other people say. It even looks like you're reading what you're saying. If you guys want to be successful in this, you need to be original. Copying everything you say from other people is cheap and extremely boring.
@Relentless.Hunger 20 дней назад
you have some truth in your comment and i appreciate the constructive criticism. we also talk from our own experience, we just post about what we believe in, whether or not other people have said it before. but you're right; ideally, one should be making content that is unique. as in, make the content that only you can make.
@benkorenberg261 23 дня назад
@benkorenberg261 23 дня назад
@chaseramos4865 24 дня назад
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
why what? -joe
@arsononemwv 25 дней назад
Why was this so good lol
@Relentless.Hunger 25 дней назад
Im so happy you enjoyed it. I will be making a lot more of these videos and listening to audiobooks all the way through. If you have anything you really liked or disliked let me know. - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
what part did you enjoy the most? -joe
@arsononemwv 24 дня назад
@@Relentless.Hunger I’m not really sure exactly, the closest example I can give you is how thousands of people watch the live stream of that guy on TikTok who sells hotdogs all day, or the guy who plays bingo live on TikTok all day. It’s the Monday and very relatable. It draws us in somehow and I’m not 100% sure why.
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
alright. thanks for your feedback. we're trying to improve our content as much as we can. -joe
@madhanmadheswaran2695 25 дней назад
Love the pod... I have ADHD and the building momentum hack has really helped! Trying to get back on the grind... Glad I found you guys.
@Relentless.Hunger 25 дней назад
I am so glad you enjoyed the pod it really means a lot. I am so happy you found us. - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
yep, that's why we're here. if there are any other topics you want us to talk about, let us know. -joe
@TheBestUsernamexD 25 дней назад
Too true. When I stopped being a party animal and gave my life to Christ, it was like BAM! All gone like the wind 😂😂 Don't regret it, now I have free time to focus on what matters most
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
yeah i had a similar story. i turned to God and dropped my addictions and bad habits. realized my friends weren't really my friends. they were just people to have fun and distract myself with. it wasn't their fault, and i don't think they're bad people, i just grew out of our shared lifestyle and decided i wanted more for myself and my life. Thank God, i'm doing better these days and i run this podcast to share this story and the lessons i've learned along the way from drug addicted bum to a God-fearing man who strives to improve in every dimension of life. thanks for being a part of it -joe
@rabbidninja79 25 дней назад
Then i got extremely lucky because all the people i call friends have been around me at the worst times in my life and have been here beside me for over 25 years. I only wish others could have the same.
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
yeah but i'm sure you've had people in your life who you considered friends at one point and then not, at another point. it's a part of life. I'm glad you have real friends who support u behind ur back, and will tell you where to improve to your face, who root for you, who have similar values, who are with you through thick and thin, and want what's genuinely best for you and not what version of you is best for them. Most people these days don't really pay attention to who they surround themselves with. whoever's convenient at any point in time is a friend. that's the only criteria really. it's a tragedy, people dont put much thought into who they spend their time and lives with. -joe
@rabbidninja79 24 дня назад
@Relentless.Hunger not really. Not unless you consider girlfriends. Those never stuck around, but I chose my friends wisely. Sure, there were some that didn't stick around, but I knew they wouldn't, and they were not really friends but acquaintances.
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
that's a very unusual life you're living then. i've gone through probably 10 friend groups in my life. or perhaps i just called the wrong people friends -joe
@rabbidninja79 24 дня назад
@@Relentless.Hunger I've been blessed.
@Relentless.Hunger 24 дня назад
@@rabbidninja79 wish you many more blessings then - Jordan
@BBYNANNA 26 дней назад
We live in a time of instant gratification. With social media where you can see all the people in your life putting on performances of how they are evaluating their lives while you maintain. Back then when you had news you had to come out and go up to them and brag. Which most people dont tend to do because bragging is considered rude.
@Relentless.Hunger 26 дней назад
Hit the nail on the head that’s 100% accurate I’m still working on the bragging part but it’s difficult when people ask what are you up to because it’s rude at the same time to give responses like “oh nothing important” problem is finding the line between the two - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 26 дней назад
yeah we talk about how all the instant gratification is a major factor to the deterioration of society in one of our podcasts. you may enjoy watching it :). it's "How the elite are hijkacking your mind" -joe
@Sumguyinavan_ 27 дней назад
2 things are happening: More people are aware of them, and mental health is less stigmatized, so more people are seeking medical assistance and therapy instead of just living with it- the rates of people having them havent changed, only the number clinically diagnosed on the record Life is a bigger shit show than ever before in history where people have legitimate concern for the end of the world in multiple possible causes that now seem inevitable within our lifetime which would only be a final reprieve from every other problem bringing people down. It isn't chemical imbalance causing much of the depression or anxiety- it is practical situations people are having reasonable reactions to
@Relentless.Hunger 26 дней назад
I can agree with that and you said it yourself the reactions people are having to practical things that arise in life with that in my mind the reactions people are having can be altered instead of something negative at relentless we attempt to speak on something positive and not just speak we try to show that we act on positive possibilities for example there is a 6hr and 40min video on the channel of myself just me working while listening to atomic habits I could’ve just put a anime or played a video game for the 7hr but instead a separate action was taken this is a simple example but I 100% agree - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 26 дней назад
for the first thing, that does make sense. i still believe that the lifestyle of the general public is the biggest factor in the increase in depression. factor in consumerism, instant gratification, and trash economy, and it's no wonder everyone is depressed. as for your second point, i feel as though life always feels like a shit show. 100 years ago technology was not 0.1% of what it is now. kids were dying from pneumonia. i'm sure the world felt like it was ending during the bubonic plague and many many times throughout history as well. i think no matter what time period you live in, the world feels likes it going to end. it may just be part of the human condition. it sucks because with all our advancement, we should be doing the best humanity has ever done before, and yet it's backfiring and we all still feel like the worlds ending. it's an interesting and nuanced conversation, but thanks for your insights, you have good points. -joe
@marycomiskey530 27 дней назад
Well yeah, young people are put under so. Much. Pressure. At least in the US, just to survive and get by, and even then barely so. Then when we raise our voices and say theres a problem we are immediately dismissed and told we're just lazy and not working hard enough. On top of that we're constantly being told that the earth is dying, becoming overcrowded, the government is failing, as is our economy, but it' all our fault because "those damn kids..."
@Relentless.Hunger 27 дней назад
yeah i hear you. we're also young, and it's certainly scary but, what are you gonna do about it? say something is wrong? if so, to who? and what would they do about it? maybe cry a little? this is the world and reality we live in, and i'm not saying it's good or pleasant, but it's what we have. it feels like everything is falling apart doesn't it? but i'm sure it feels like all the time for everyone no matter when or where you live. i'm sure everything felt like it was falling apart during the black plague or the inquisition. the only choice you have is to develop yourself and solve your problems and have healthy outlets and live a good healthy lifestyle. that's what our whole channel is about. we're here to help -joe
@Poker3625 27 дней назад
I have nothing to do and nobody to do anything with. What else would I do?
@Relentless.Hunger 27 дней назад
what do you mean you have nothing to do? there is so much to do. go learn something, go make some money, go workout, go meet some people to do stuff with, go to the beach, go find a hobby, literally there are so many things to do, so many problems to solve, and not enough time for it all. -joe
@My.Random.Screams 28 дней назад
I personally like my quiet unfulfilling life I don't have to deal with anything to crazy and I like it, it's enough for me at this point in time
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
yeah you're right. just live quietly knowing that life could be better and be unfulfilled and don't do hard things to improve your life and the lives of those around you. just stay comfortable and don't do anything. sounds good. -joe
@My.Random.Screams 28 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger I live alone and have zero friends, I'm working on my self and slowly coming out my shell, I'm improving myself slowly because I don't want to go to fast and get uncomfortable or overdo something, I'm basically pacing myself in a sense
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
i get that. if that's the case, you came to the right channel. our whole channel is about self improvement. if you want some personal help and attention (free of charge), reply to this comment saying so and i'll go out of my way to help you personally. -joe
@ahsjustin 28 дней назад
I love it
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
I Appreciate you - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
you love what? this short, the message, living in the way we described? -joe
@GamerTechAdventurer 28 дней назад
It's just ur perspective.
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
not understanding the point of this comment? -joe
@2ELI7E 28 дней назад
I live that way because I am depressed. Lol
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
you are depressed because you live that way -joe
@Sokive 29 дней назад
Ngl I live like this but I talk to my friends all the time and have hobbies that I enjoy from home. I’m also an introvert so it doesn’t bother me at all.
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
yeah i was just responding to a comment about introversion. the point of the short is that locking urself in ur room excessively is probably not good for mental health -joe
@AZNboi135 29 дней назад
I don't think he's met an introvert, but he seems genuine
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
i hear what ur saying, but still, locking urself in a room for most of the day probably isn't good for mental health. the defining factor between introvert and extrovert is that extroverts get more energy around people and introverts get less energy around people (they get drained from social settings). that doesn't mean u have to lock urself in ur room. be alone in peace outside, or doing some sort of activity, or whatever. the point of the short is that locking urself in ur room excessively is not good for mental health. being alone if u enjoy that is fine though
@patrickglaser1560 29 дней назад
This kid has no bullies apparently
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
You would be surprised I was bullied from middle school until high school but after that I became my own biggest bully I would work on one thing I could control every day and now I am who I am because of that i am nowhere near perfect I still need a lot of work - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
and anyway, what do bullies have to do w locking urself in ur room 24/7? -joe
@OGgrimmthekid 29 дней назад
That's the only way to live right now. Like yea sure you could take a gamble try to be an Entrepreneurm. But sometimes better to be depressed with a roof over your head then depressed with a tarp over it.
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
why be depressed at all? -joe
@chasemartin4307 29 дней назад
That's basically how I live these days
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
how do u feel on average living this way -joe
@chasemartin4307 28 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger I've never felt so alone in my life.
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
i'm assuming when you say "alone" it's not the "introvert i like being alone" alone. it's the "i feel like nobody loves me" alone. a tough feeling isn't it. the thing is, you're not alone, whcih is cliche to say but let me explain. do you think you're the only one who stays in their room all days and feels alone? you're not. bit ironic isn't it? within feeling alone itself, you're not alone. but anyway, everything i just said won't help you much. i have a couple questions. do you want to stop feeling alone? when did this lifestyle start? do you think you can escape this feeling, mindset, and lifestyle? this whole channel is about self improvement and living life to the max. maybe some of our videos can help you. if you want my personal help (free of charge) reply to this comment sayin so and i'll go out of my way to help you fix this. what do you have to lose? -joe
@Foxcatcher22 29 дней назад
Thanks random nigga online
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
thanks for what -joe
@Maxzsimus Месяц назад
I feel more like i have control when im up early, and bed early. Routines feel awesome.
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
I totally agree! 100% with you on that - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
yep, i agree with u as well -joe
@chains0.1 Месяц назад
fried ass take
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
take it up with the research 😭 -joe
@obyguadalupe2680 Месяц назад
I thought it was just the meth *phew
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
😂- Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
i only smoke meth for focus -joe
@Chaossage Месяц назад
lol goofy faux science shit
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
Look it up there are several articles on this if you don’t believe us - Jordan
@ava_ava909 Месяц назад
not me watching this at 3 in the morning💀💀💀
@pandaspanda5976 Месяц назад
350 here
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
Replying at 1:18 lmaooooooo - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
this short for u my boys -joe
@casandramoiseanu6345 Месяц назад
Me watching this at 3:45 am
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
Replying at 1:18 😂- Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
this short for u my boys -joe
@Sparky88921 Месяц назад
Or we work nights I don’t get off till anywhere from 12:30 in the morning to 330 if we have to do overtime when people post shit like this how much you pull up the research papers that she did all your research on her scientific paperwork or psychological paperwork, shit like that before you fucking open your mouth and start spewing fucking trash
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
dog i have no idea what you're saying please use punctuation 😭 -joe
@johnhightshoe996 Месяц назад
At 1 am the only time of day that i actually get to myself and can do whatever i want. Checks out.
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
yep, i feel that -joe
@prdix Месяц назад
My pc is on and running a game and I’m watching yt bored
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
that's a bad habit my boy, watch our pods on bad habits to overcome it -joe
@prdix 28 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger nah Joe is a joke, I only follow the law of Christ Jesus
@Relentless.Hunger 28 дней назад
does jesus want u to stay up watching youtube and playing video games? what verse in the bible says to do that -joe
@prdix 27 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger 2 Timothy 2:23-26 Stay away from foolish and stupid arguments. You know that these arguments grow into bigger arguments. As a servant of the Lord, you must not argue. You must be kind to everyone. Stop responding to me with your nonsense.
@Relentless.Hunger 27 дней назад
@@prdix the point of this channel is to help people grow in any possible manner I believe Joe was just trying to say if this short peaked your interest to the point that you took the time to comment then I think you would really enjoy our long form videos - Jordan
@Gibedon Месяц назад
Bruh I just stay up cuz I can’t sleep
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
Insomnia? - Jordan
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
or maybe it's overthinking? what's the cause? -joe
@Gibedon 29 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger it’s prolly a combination of both tbh, I always get stuck staring at the ceiling trying to sleep for like 30 mins straight but my mind races thinking of just random life events and the future. I gave up on trying to sleep at a good time after a while of this, and spent my time either working out or using my computer which honestly probably made me more awake. But now I’m stuck with one of the worst sleep schedules everr
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
do you want to fix it? i will go out of my way to talk to u on what u can do to get back into a healthy sleep schedule -joe
@s0-s08 Месяц назад
HuH? or maybe there just a night person who enjoys peace and quiet
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
enjoying the peace and quiet sounds similar to the control thing. it's peaceful and quiet and nobody is bothering u, u have more control over ur environment in the night than in the day. peace and quiet is just a derivative of that. sounds similar to me -joe
@s0-s08 26 дней назад
@@Relentless.Hunger the problem is your looking for deeper meaning in it and when you start looking you can come up with all sorts of things when most of time there is none. people like what they like and don't need deeper meaning behind it. where all not broken like you think, I know that's a hard concept to understand but it's the truth.
@Relentless.Hunger 26 дней назад
fact of the matter is, there is a reason you enjoy what you enjoy. i don't think it's looking for a "deeper meaning," it's literally just one level of inquiry. however, we may be wrong about what we think is the reason. plus, there is definitely many reasons, and we may have just touched on one of them. some comments in the comment section of this short seem to confirm our hypothesis, even if it's not necessarily true for you. -joe
@Tsuamuel Месяц назад
To the folks referring to function better at night such as the “night owl” you’re correct. This is why the statement starts with “most” people. I feel this and that’s exactly why I’m staying up late right now commenting this. My day was busy and this indeed is my only time I can actually control the narrative.
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
i also feel like i function as a night owl, i wonder why some people are morning people and some are night people. perhaps it's a genetic cause? maybe it's an age thing? it seems to me tho that more ppl these days are night owls than morning people, and that might just be an effect of our environment surrounded by blue light and distractions. not sure. -joe
@truthspeaker6689 Месяц назад
Bullshit. It's when I have peace because everyone is asleep and it's quiet.
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
enjoying the peace and quiet sounds similar to the control thing. it's peaceful and quiet and nobody is bothering u, u have more control over ur environment in the night than in the day. peace and quiet is just a derivative of that. sounds similar to me -joe
@dhxdcv7704 Месяц назад
That’s just wrong XD. They stay up late for the same reason they don’t have control over their lives, they can’t control their impulses. Lil bro really thought he was the next Jordan Peterson 🤦‍♂️
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
that's funny cuz the guy in the short who said this, his name is jordan. but anyway, i was mentioning this in another reply. this is what i wrote: "i also feel like i function as a night owl, i wonder why some people are morning people and some are night people. perhaps it's a genetic cause? maybe it's an age thing? it seems to me tho that more ppl these days are night owls than morning people, and that might just be an effect of our environment surrounded by blue light and distractions. not sure." this environment filled with immediate gratification and things fighting for our attention causes us to lose the ability to control our impulses. we actually talked about this in our latest pod called "how the elite are hijacking your mind." but anyway, i actually agree with you. -joe
@StonagePwnage Месяц назад
Damn that’s me
@Relentless.Hunger 29 дней назад
its most people. u have the power to fix it though. check out our pods for more info -joe
@sadjaxx Месяц назад