Nikki Pet Nutrition
Nikki Pet Nutrition
Nikki Pet Nutrition
Hi, I'm Nikki - an RVT with a Diploma in Companion Animal Nutrition, and current Master's Student in Animal Nutrition. My aim is to give you the nutritional information you need in order to make an informed decision about what you feed your pet! From how to create homemade complete and balanced pet food, to how to choose the ideal premade or manufactured diet for your pet.
@blissfulDew 10 дней назад
I have been playing around with various recipe with Balanced it and it's a great tool. But I'm confused about the amount in the recipe. Let say the recipe is "Ground turkey, cooked" 90 grams. So do I weigh 90 grams uncooked turkey then cook it, or should I cook it first and weigh 90 grams of cooked turkey? The later will be more cumbersome.
@russella90 18 дней назад
Is there BalanceIt but for people meals?
@amandaingram3794 Месяц назад
I’m working with a nutritionist who has recommended the balance it supplement. She refused to touch her food with even the smallest pinch in it previously. How do you increase palatability with a very very sensitive, picky dog with IBD? Her only good stools are when she’s on a simple rice, carrot, chicken recipe with balance it but lacks so much nutritionally.
@nikkipetnutrition Месяц назад
That can be extremely frustrating. Honestly, it depends a bit on the recipe and your dog's case - so I'd probably touch-base with the nutritionist you worked with. But typically we can either go with a "savory" or "sweet" flavor. Something like organ meat puree (ground chicken hearts with water to make a paste), or something sweet like honey to mask the taste. Because yeah - it doesn't taste great. Another option is to see if you can reformulate the recipe using more organ meats and reduce the supplementation.
@politicallyincorrecttimes 4 месяца назад
TRUTH BE TOLD: No dog food made by man is good for dogs. The same applies to cats. Those new foods like "Farmers Dog" are all made to appeal to humans. Dogs have no real need for fruits or vegetables in their diet. It's really all about marketing to humans to make more money, not necessarily about the nutrition and the well-being of your pet dog or cat. REALITY: The perfect food for your dog, or cat does not appeal to the average person. WHY? It's too expensive to maintain on a regular basis for a dog or cat. THE PERFECT FOOD FOR YOUR DOG OR CAT is actually the exact same foods you would feed to a pet boa constrictor; Feeder Rats, Feeder Mice, Feeder Guinea Pig and Feeder Rabbits. These animals contain all the perfect nutrition and vitamins (organs, brain, bone, and blood) your dog and cat need to be as healthy as they can be. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, ASK YOUR LOCAL VETERANARIAN.
@nogames8982 5 месяцев назад
These databases and flow sheets, etc. are completely unnecessary and useless. they say they're balanced, but are they? Who is making the definition? canola oil? Are you freaking kidding me? That is terrible oil for any living being. don't use this at all. Research somewhere else.
@IamCree 5 месяцев назад
I put the exact recipe that you did, and it wouldn't pass. The website refuses to pass anything for me. I literally followed along and did you exact first recipe. I'm starting to hate this company so much. You do a great job, though!
@nogames8982 5 месяцев назад
Vegetable oils and greens are absolutely terrible for dogs. Heck, it's terrible for people too… Please don't put that in dog food recipe. All you're going to do is make dogs sick.
@rustyhowe3907 6 месяцев назад
I just came from the BalanceIT website and in their select-a-meat menu I couldn't find ANY organ, then the wretched calculator decided to add an enormous amount of carbs, veggies and fruit and oil but minimal meat (also didn't see any raw options). So *of course* I'd have to buy all their bs supplements and *of course* their calorie counter went into overdrive and made the recipe over double the caloric needs adding all kinds of 'extras' I didn't select, didn't even ask me what kind of dog I have but it was really quick to sell me supplements for her. The site should've said they specialize in the meat/rice/veggie/supplement feeders ONLY and were organ/raw aversive. Complete and utter waste of time, disgraceful vets endorse this rubbish site (which is how I wound up there), let alone a nutritionist creating a site that says it's fine to have 165grams of quinoa to 62grams of meat, may as well be kibble with those numbers or is that the point I wonder to sell the supplement because a recipe like that couldn't compete with the supplements of commercial feed...
@marcusv7881 Месяц назад
I had a similar experience SMH! Followed the recipe to a T...Mine turned out to be a large pot of oats with two thin slices of meat,a few blueberries, and an exorbitant amount of salt. Dumped the whole pot in the garbage!
@rustyhowe3907 Месяц назад
@@marcusv7881 Internet hugs to you, you at least tried it whereas I didn't bother. What's sad is a vet tech friend I know was the one who said the vets she works with suggest it, which is how I got onto it.
@christinaedwards356 6 месяцев назад
Confused. I learned through well known holistic vets supplements should be added at time of feeding other than the calcium source. Also why would you cook blueberries?
@annemalone4674 6 месяцев назад
Hi! I’ve watched your videos ..Ty for the updated one here! If you are still answering questions… is there some reason that no matter what healthy oil I try to use I am defaulted back to canola and Nordic? I’m fine with Nordic and understand that oils are all different but canola .. is it even possible to find non gmo organic cold pressed? Anyway, Ty and maybe someone knows the answer. I’ve been using their recipes and supplement and the recipe builder is frustrating but I understand why it is. Thank you!
@IamCree 5 месяцев назад
Same question about the oils!
@annemalone4674 5 месяцев назад
@@IamCree I have sought ought cold pressed canola oil but I still wish for an alternative because I wouldn’t cook with it or eat it. It’s fancy metal bottle from Amazon. But I’d love to talk with you if you want.
@annagalati34 7 месяцев назад
Love it. How many grams in total for this recipe??? My dog eats about 180 calories a day.
@annagalati34 7 месяцев назад
Great recipe but you don't give a guide for portions. I have a small 8 pound dog. How much do I feed her. She would normally eat 40 grams of homemade food twice a day.
@nikkipetnutrition 7 месяцев назад
This recipe is about 1000 calories. I'm not sure how many calories your pup is currently eating per day - knowing that info would allow me to calculate how much to feed of this recipe. Your dog's estimated daily caloric needs are 184-369 kcals per day. So this recipe might last your dog 2 1/2 to 5 days? My recipe book which has an additional 4 recipes also contains a calorie and batch calculator to help with these calculations (linked above).
@annagalati34 7 месяцев назад
Max my dog can eat in one meal is 50 grams of homemade dog food. She is a toy breed (Pomchi 19 months old
@joelopez1171 8 месяцев назад
Sweetheart, you have bored me. Can't you just give me a recipe?
@nikkipetnutrition 7 месяцев назад
The recipe is in the description.
@AlesAndBluesGuy 8 месяцев назад
Ultra highly processed junk food.
@marceloecheverry3969 8 месяцев назад
BalanceIt is usefull but it recommended to feed 9 oz of chicken liver to my dog a day, so it is not quite accurate
@sirrahinct471 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for a great balanced meal for my baby. I am sure you will prob say no but could this be done in a pressure cooker instead of a slow cooker. .
@nikkipetnutrition 7 месяцев назад
If you mean in something like a instapot - yes it can be. However, some of the foods would be overcooked (like the eggs and the fish) if you cooked them with the same cook time as the regular meats. So you might want to cook those separately. Obviously cook times would also be different.
@jerrychetty2524 8 месяцев назад
This is just so convoluted, mere advertisement for your product!
@nikkipetnutrition 8 месяцев назад
I don't sell this product, I don't have an affiliate link to this product, and I'm not sponsored by them in any way. I often work with people looking to cook for their dogs who want to make sure they are giving them a complete and balanced meal. BalanceIT is one of the only FREE softwares you can use to formulate a homemade diet for your pet. So yes - I'm doing free advertisement for a free software you can use to formulate food for your dog (or cat). You don't even have to purchase their multivitamin to use this formulation software - you can choose "human supplements" option instead.
@rustyhowe3907 6 месяцев назад
Darn right it's an advert!👍
@ashleerandall4881 8 месяцев назад
"Promosm" ☺️
@jfresh2054 9 месяцев назад
We tried homemade and decided to use hemp Seeds. After 3 days my dogs face and lips were massive. I guess she's severely allergic to them
@giamoretti3053 9 месяцев назад
Try to do an allergy test. I just did it for my dogs and found out lots of things they are allergic to.
@user-gg6rg8dn1o 9 месяцев назад
Very good job!! I personally formulate complete and balanced diets for pet parents and this a great recipe. I see pet parents everywhere on RU-vid looking for a complete and balanced meals....Well here it is! I'm honestly surprised there has not been more comments on this post. I commend you on your nutritional knowledge, the quality of this video and detail on links you provided. Perhaps it's just going to take people more time to wake up, do their research and wander across jewel channels like this. Keep up the good work!
@sookyee100 9 месяцев назад
Love the detailed explanation! ❤ Can you share more about what is the definition of an active dog? My dog gets about 20-30mins walk per day and she is 1.5yr old. Does feeding her calorie dense diet like Farmina, but in smaller than recommended grams/dog’s weight, cause any issues ?
@nikkipetnutrition 9 месяцев назад
A quick check to see if you're feeding the right amount is to look at the bag. Typically the bag is based on an active dog's caloric needs - so if you are feeding at bag recommendations, your dog would have the caloric needs of an "active dog". If you're feeding less, then your dog likely has the caloric needs of an "inactive dog" or a dog who just maintains weight better with a lower amount of calories fed. If you are feeding below recommendations on the bag, it's possible your dog could have deficiencies in not just protein, but vitamins/minerals. This is because the diet is proportionally designed to meet needs at a certain amount of calories fed (give or take about 10-20% typically). Aka - diet supplies 60g protein per 1000 calories, but say your dog needs 50g or protein, but only eats 700 calories. By eating only 700 calories your dog is now only consuming 42g of protein (30% less calories = 30% less protein) which is below their minimum needs of 50g. I hope that makes sense!
@sookyee100 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the detailed reply ! ♥️ Yes, it makes perfect sense to me. Thank you for sharing!
@jessicatomkoski8788 10 месяцев назад
Looking forward to sample recipes for active dogs (the 30-60 min/day type).
@IamCree 10 месяцев назад
My balance it website looks different from yours and won't let me adjust the ingredient amounts like yours. And i can't get recipes to pass. It won't tell me what's wrong, so I don't know what to edit. I've been trying this for hours and only got one recipe to pass, and it's not ideal. There are also so many nutrients that are like 600 to over 1,000% daily value. Why do i want to add so much of the balance it supplement if all the nutritional values are way over the daily value when i do? I'm so frustrated!😭
@nikkipetnutrition 10 месяцев назад
I actually have a new tutorial since they recently had an update. Most of the things are the same, but many of the buttons have moved from the original version. New Tutorial: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZjWjU_pKlGo.htmlsi=Nr30WN4REY2wYDaa
@nikkipetnutrition 10 месяцев назад
As for the second part of your frustration - I totally understand - if can be very frustrating to use the software when you don't know what to add to fill in nutritional gaps. Hopefully, the tutorial and my other videos/blog posts can be useful. This Blog Post on Common Deficiencies may be useful: As for the %s - BalanceIT is an all-in-one - so it's limited by the nutrient you are lowest in, along with the proportions within the supplement of calcium to phosphorus. So if you make a very low-carb recipe, you'd need to add a lot of the BalanceIT to balance the calcium to phosphorus, even though you might not actually need that much of anything but calcium (if that makes sense). Typically in those situations, I'll actually specifically add just a calcium supplement so I can adjust the ratio without adding more of everything.
@KristyMoy 11 месяцев назад
Awesome! Can’t wait for the next recipe
@kimtaback6505 11 месяцев назад
My dog is allergic to any kind of grains what substitute should I use for grains
@nikkipetnutrition 11 месяцев назад
Using something like potatoes is possible but it will create a more calorically dense recipe. Grains have more volume per calorie which is why I chose them for recipes in this category. But if you'd like - you can check out my regular recipe book - the pork and potato or beef and potato would be another option. You can find that one here: thecaninehealthnut.com/dog-food-recipe-ebook-free/
@popcornc 11 месяцев назад
This is great! Thank you :) I hope you do more videos with recipes for more lifestyle stages :)
@nikkipetnutrition 11 месяцев назад
I plan to continue this series and cover both moderately active and endurance athletes. ☺
@sookyee100 11 месяцев назад
What about Farmina ? :)
@nikkipetnutrition 11 месяцев назад
I'll have to include Farmina in my next set of reviews - but most of their recipes fall into the "calorically dense" category. So generally speaking I tend to reach for their recipes for more moderately active dogs. They do have a nice prescription weight loss diet that would work well for an inactive dog though.
@judymclain7302 Год назад
I have not started "real" food yet, I have just been doing a lot of research. I love the ease of Balance It, makes it all seem simple. One of the reasons I have not started using it, is I don't see an option for organ meat. I have been using some chicken liver as treats and he loves it. Using Balance It, how could I work organ meat into his meal plan?
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
You can search for organ meats to add to the recipe. Just keep in mind that organ meats are very nutrient-dense (especially liver) and should be only added at a small amount of the overall diet. I'd also check your copper if you're using beef liver at some point - AAFCO doesn't have a current max of copper, but previously they did, and FEDIAF still does. I like keeping my copper below 7mg / 1000 kcals as that's the upper limit in the UK with FEDIAF currently.
@adrianneprado6943 Год назад
Hi there! Is it possible to reach you to create a personalized meal plan? I feel a little confused. I currently give my dog certain supplements that are not on the website.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Of course - I do create recipes through balanceIT for clients, but I more often actually create recipes using individual human supplements. It really depends on ingredient choice to if a multivitamin or individual supplements are a better option. You can learn more here: thecaninehealthnut.com/dog-food-consultations/
@kristenherd5914 Год назад
We have 6 dogs, so i prefer to make the food for all then add powder/omega oil after its done. Can you advise?
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
The only way you could really do this for 6 dogs is to create a base recipe that is say 1000 kcals, then do the math based on individual calories fed. You'd cook the food, then add supplements and mix them together, then portion to feed. You wouldn't be able to portion each dog's supplements the day of. Basically what you'd be doing is creating a "balanced recipe" like a bag of food, and dividing it between the dogs. This is assuming all the dogs have the same nutritional needs though (same age, activity level, no medical conditions). If they were all the same breed/weight/activity level you could create an individual recipe and multiply it and add supplements the day of, but based on personal experience, I find this typically isn't the case.
@christinaedwards356 Год назад
No to Balance It. Don't like food ingredients it suggests and supplements are synthetic which the body does not recognize as real food nutrition. Problem with this is it only consentrates on making sure nutrients are met, but not the ingredients supplying them. My dog is a Carnivore based on many well known online holistic/natural vets with schooling in nutrition. Starchy carbs are not fed to my dog.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Totally fine if you don't want to use BalanceIT - but saying that the body does not recognize the supplements isn't true. Many, many people don't have the ability (ingredient availability, cost, time) to do a minimally supplemented recipe or use chelated supplements only. BalanceIT is the only multivitamin on the market currently that has formulation software associated with it's use to allow for the creation of balanced recipes. All other premixes or multivitamins you'd need to either use a premade recipe (limited options), or work with a nutritionist to balance the recipe. Also totally fine if you don't want to feed carbohydrates, but I think it's important to understand that nutrition and nutritional needs are not "one size fits all" - the general demonization of carbohydrates is not science-based and isn't supported by scientific literature. Some dogs will do best on certain compositions or including different ingredients over others based on many different factors.
@christinaedwards356 Год назад
@@nikkipetnutrition Thanks for your reply, but working within the medical field, befriending a Registered Dietitian with a Doctorates degree in biology and herbal medicine as well as a nutritionist within the field for 50 years now I'll go with synthetics are not suitable for consumption. Also my dog gets carbs, but much like humans starchy carbs should be eaten sparingly and not mandatory for Carnivores, best to go with low glycemic for these meat eaters.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
​@@christinaedwards356 Again, totally fine if you want to avoid them yourself, or for your dog. If you've spoken to friends to discuss this within the field of canine nutrition - awesome! If you'd like to further discuss with me, I'd be more than happy to review research studies on the topic/s with you to potentially provide another perspective as it's much less clear-cut than you seem to believe. Outside basic needs described within the NRC, canine nutrition is highly individual. 1. There are less bioavailable and more bioavailable supplements on the market. I believe they both have a place depending on individual needs - aka cost concerns, availability, etc. When I speak with clients about supplementation in recipes I give options and pros/cons of these options - I think that conversation is important. You can use less bioavailable forms of supplements that are less expensive as long as you adjust accordingly within the recipe. 2. Dogs aren't Carnivores, they are Omnivores by scientific classification. Omnivore vs Carnivore actually doesn't have to do so much with the proportion of meat within a diet, but how nutrients are obtained and if nutrients in plants can be converted to bioavailable forms. Dogs can make these conversions, thus are omnivores. There are many wild animals classified as carnivores that actually do consume large portions of their diets as plants. 3. Saying "low glycemic" carbohydrates are best isn't really accurate. It depends on the individual pet and their particular needs as to what is best. I can think of many reasons why a low-glycemic option might actually not be a good choice especially when we get into the nutritional management of disease.
@lo94 Год назад
Why doesn't it give you the option to add human food in place of balance it supplement. For instance if I want to decrease the cost of the supplement from $1 a day to $.50 a day buy either changing the recipe with food. It seems you cannot replace what is missing with food.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
It really depends on what you are trying to replace and the ingredients in your recipe? I will admit that the auto-generator is pretty "clunky", and you need to know what ingredients will provide the nutrients you need in sufficient amounts. Without seeing the recipe and what you are trying to do it's a bit hard for me to say what you're missing or might need to try. But this is a free software so it's not perfect. Most other software to do this type of thing is hundreds to thousands of dollar.s
@porfiriasantana548 Год назад
Hi I home make my dog’s food but I don’t know if I’m missing something in her diet cause sometimes she will go a hole day and a half with out pooping
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
That might not be because the diet is necessarily unbalanced as it might be due to inadequate calories or fiber. I'd recommend plugging the recipe into formulation software or working with someone who can help you double-check that the recipe is balanced and giving your pup adequate calories.
@themagicknightress7132 Год назад
My mom said that pet dogs should eat kibble bc the hard food helps keep their teeth cleaner. If you’re feeding this kind of softer food, do you just need to brush their teeth more often? Is once a day enough? Or can you supplement some bones in?
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
We do have some research that suggests that plaque buildup happens slower on dry food in comparison to a moisture-rich diet. But dry food doesn't really clean teeth unless it's specially designed to do so? Typically if you are brushing your dog's teeth my recommendations are as follows regardless of what diet you feed: brush twice daily for any dog under 20 lbs, daily for 20-50 lbs, and every other day for >50 lbs.
@carolynmahoney7845 Год назад
Hi, I gave my dog Molly some homemade food, chicken, brown rice, peas, sweetpotato and she had an allergic reaction scratching her one ear, her paws, etc. The vet seemed to think her allergy was most likely from the chicken. Can you please help me develop a recipe. Thanks Carolyn M.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Hi! If you want to email me you can at thecaninehealthnut@gmail.com and I can set you up a day/time for a consultation to discuss what a food elimination trial looks like, and recipe options. You can also check out my free ebook in the meanwhile - it has several recipes that may be options. :)
@margsimpson Год назад
oh hi me again.....I couldnt find parsley, or portobello mushrooms only mushrooms were white mushrooms or shitake, which i do use shitake but i like to switch up my mushrooms and use them in many different recipes. At least I found two mushrooms. Wondering if this is more for people who just want to add synthetic vitamins rather than going for finding as many nutrients as possible in whole foods. I'm really looking for feedback to see if this program is buggy at times and i should bother to try again or just give up. Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your great content.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Balance.it is very particular about the ingredients included in its software. Some ingredients like seeds have high nutrient variability and poor nutrient absorption so they are not included - many seeds fit into this category as storage can greatly affect fats, and they contain certain anti-nutrient compounds which affect zinc, manganese, and magnesium absorption. You can minimize this by soaking/sprouting for the minerals, but then it affects the fatty acids present causing oxidation. Others may not be included because we don't have full USDA nutrient profiles (aka they lack key nutrients), or because there isn't actually a USDA profile on the ingredient. With a premade diet you could use these ingredients then double-check "spot check" for variability of key nutrients on each ingredient batch, then double-check digestibility with digestibility studies. But for a homemade diet, there is a risk - and generally, I find the Balance.it software to be more risk-averse as it's leaving formulation up to people who may or may not have full nutrition knowledge for dogs/cats. There are other formulation softwares where you will find these ingredients, however, sometimes they are added in my people using the software by hand or they have incomplete nutrient profiles. They also typically don't provide additional information to increase bioavailability to discuss potential issues. These softwares I find are either not as risk-adverse or expect only those with detailed nutritional knowledge to be using them for pet food creation, which would be potentially double-checked for quality control. I hope that makes sense?
@margsimpson Год назад
Hi. Wow what a quick reply, thank you so much. For the seeds I did kinda wonder if that was the reason. It makes sense. I only use organic and do soak and grind them to a fine paste. Your explanation totally makes sense thank you. This is something I would definitely like to use occasionally. However I generated two recipes yesterday and they formulated them with 5 deficiencies and the other with 6 deficiencies, of those they were what I would expect using those ingredients. I have tried to replicate today, and its coming up with "our ingredients didn't quite balance" (although they did yesterday) I've tried on my mobile and my pc and no go. I can't get my head around that as it generated recipes yesterday just fine. Surely the database wouldn't change using common food. Most uncommon ingredient I used was pork pancreas and dandelion greens, in my opinion. One last thing, I use fine green beans occasionally, do you have those in th USA do you know, perhaps you might call them something else? Thanks again.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
@@margsimpson I've had that happen before as well - alas - it's a free software and it does have issues with the "autogeneration" feature sometimes when creating recipes. You can purchase more robust software like Concept 5 if you plan to make a career out of recipe formulation - pet food companies typically use software like this (which has a larger ingredient database, allows for custom supplement additions, supply chain management, etc). But it's cost-prohibitive, and more tech than most people who are looking to cook for themselves (also not really user-friendly). You can also hand-formulate using Excel if you know the math (this is what I do), but again this is more advanced and can be prone to typos/error. You could try something like Animal Diet Formulator - but just be careful because it's open-source, meaning anyone can add ingredients/supplements so things might not actually be accurate. From my google search - fine green beans are the same as regular green beans in the USDA.
@margsimpson Год назад
Omg you are so helpful thanks. Just to let you know and your viewers too as it may help them... I've just tried again and it's created two recipes using those same ingredients. So at least o know its worth it to keep trying. Its a great tool for free, hope you don't think I was bashing it, wasn't my intention just wondering if there were blips from time to time. Oh I am not as clever as you to use spread sheets or formulate for others. I'm old enough to be your mammy, didn't get taught all that stuff. Although perhaps I should try and teach myself. Your never too old to learn. Thank you so much for your help. You really are a sweat heart.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
@@margsimpson Definitely never too late to learn. :) I'm currently going back for my Masters at 34 after working as an RVT for 10 years, so I'm not exactly a "traditional" student. And it's totally fine - Balance.it still has issues that weren't corrected in the recent update - but I love that there is a free resource available to create recipes. I've been using this software for almost 9 years (when I started to cook for my own dogs) - you should have seen how simple it was when it started out. It only had a handful of options of protein, fats, carbs, and fruit/veg - and no database search option.
@mariamagdalena3098 Год назад
My dog gets really hungry with home made food even though I give him the right amount for his weight and size,is that normal?
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
I'd have to look at both your recipe, diet history and learn more about your dog to know what the issue might be. But no - your dog shouldn't be much more hungry on fresh food than on a kibbled diet if given the same amount of calories & composition. But if you switched calories or composition, or even frequency of feeding it can cause more begging behavior.
@gomithejindo6445 Год назад
Hi! Thank you so much for your valuable information. I found that since the renewal, additional salt is automatically added on every recipe. And it makes some nutrients level a lot higher than dog need. Do you have any opinion on this issue? I wonder I need to add extra salt or not as I did not need it based on the version before the renewal.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
I actually sent Balanceit an email about this because I couldn't figure out why they are adding more to recipes. I'll update you when I know more!
@gomithejindo6445 Год назад
@@nikkipetnutrition Ah Oke I’m not the only one who did not understand then. thanks a lot..! :)
@mjaynes288 6 месяцев назад
They specify iodized salt so I suspect it is an iodine supplement.
@Unknown-hu4gf Год назад
Keep up the good work young lady!
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
@jcsteffy Год назад
Amazing! I have been trying to do this on my own at home for months now and your video has been incredibly helpful!
@shanemc2869 Год назад
I just received this today and the challenge to understand , read and just make a serving for my 5 lb morkie a day is insane. I don't understand and you should just make a average amount for category of sized dogs to add daily and be done with this ... I might be returning since it's just a mess of amounts to add
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking? Do you mean to give general proportions of ingredients for balanceIT to create a recipe? That's a bit hard as the proportions of ingredients will change depending on the overall composition you are looking for within the diet. Typically protein ingredients will make up 25-75% of the recipe by weight (depending on composition?) I do find that recipe creation for small dogs can be difficult if you're looking at it on a daily basis. Instead, I'd recommend changing to creating recipes for a week or two weeks. If not you're going to need 5g of this meat, 1g of that meat, 30g of the third meat in a minimally supplemented recipe.
@robinpeters4788 Год назад
She says home made dog food in not complete. But then says balance it offeres supplements to compensate. Does balance it include ingredients like heart, liver and home made bone broth? This website seems like a commercial for their supplements. Not sure I feel comfortable with that.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
BalanceIT Canine or Canine Plus are both multivitamins created specifically for balancing out homemade diets. Using their software you can either use their multivitamin to balance out recipes, or a combination of human supplements (as I explain in part 1 & 2 of this video series). Typically if a recipe would require more than four human supplements (most that include beef organ meats need at least - calcium, iodine, vitamin E and zinc) then I recommend a multivitamin (like BalanceIT Canine) just because it's easier. Poultry organs used in a recipe typically you will also need to supplement copper, sometimes copper depending on the cut of meat. But say you aren't using organ meats (due to availability or allergies), then a multivitamin is also a good option. If you'd like to use similar formulation software so you can use other multivitamin blends, premixes, or human supplements you can - but you'd either need to understand all the calculations to create an excel spreadsheet or purchase formulation software. Purchasing software that does the calculations and allows custom supplementation input costs thousands of dollars. BalanceIT formulation software is free.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
*Poultry organs used in a recipe typically you will also need to supplement copper, sometimes iron depending on the cut of meat.
@jennyvalcore6417 Год назад
Yeah, you can add liver, it's just not in the list they provide up front.. it does decrease the amount of supplmentation you need by A LOT.. but you still need some supplementation. I did not see bone broth either.. and I agree with you ... but adding some supplementation seems like a good idea anyway. if you get what they offer.. you can always just read what they send you, and maybe you can find a better/cheaper option in bulk somewhere else and supplement at the level they suggest.
@christinaedwards356 Год назад
I prepare homemade in which I learned through well known online holistic vets who know nutrition. When looking into Balance It I was not satisfied with being forced to feed certain foods or the fact that the supplements are synthetic. I have seen a few people within certain Facebook groups complain the same. I'd rather feed variety over time using an array of dog approved ingredients and supplement with non synthetics where needed.
@yoshcode Год назад
Nice- very detailed and informative! Just purchased the excel
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
I'm so glad this was useful! Let me know if you run into any issues with the excel spreadsheet and using it!
@deblamberti630 Год назад
I made my recipe for my 10 lb dog for a weeks worth of food. The supplement ratio for the full recipe said 6 3/4 teaspoons. However, I just recieved my product today so I don't know how much to add to her daily meal of 3/4 to 1 cup per day. I have the other portions frozen and I take out a package per day. What would you suggest I add per cup? I bought the balance canine plus (or the one which can be heated 1 time)
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
First double-check that the recipe calls for 6 3/4 tsp of the BalanceIT plus, not the BalanceIT regular. Since the amount of the two supplements in a recipe is different. Next, I'd need you to look at your batch size, and how you are portioning for the week. Typically I create a meal plan for one week. Then portion into seven containers. If this is how you do it - you simply divide the 6 3/4 by 7, and that will give you the daily amount to add. This is a bit less than 1 tsp per day (0.96 tsp), likely the software would round the amount up to 1 tsp per day for measuring purposes. For your next batch - You can mix BalanceIT plus into your weekly batch before you portion it out for the week. If you plan to reheat it, just add it after allowing the batch to cool to room temperature in your fridge. The BalanceIT plus can only be heated one time, not repeatedly.
@cyndizarlenga Год назад
i cant get the dogs to eat the vegtables only the protein. What can I do?
@Feeding3Dogs Год назад
Very simple, mash the meat with the veggies by hand. People still don't get this, but using your hand will make the difference. Try it, and you will see it works Remember to wash your hands with non-chemical soap (non-phosphate, etc...) and rinse carefully to avoid releasing soap into the food.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Typically I will puree the veggies and mix them with the protein. You also might want to consider the vegetables you are using - some have a stronger taste than others. Something like kale might not be as well accepted as Spinach for example.
@ViewoftheGlen Год назад
Love these two videos. Did you ever do the third video on Transitions?
@nishabijoy7987 Год назад
Great video Nikki! Loved the information ☺️
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Thank you! :)
@patwebb2375 Год назад
Dogs don't need carbs!!! It makes them gain weight. They are used as fillers. Omit them when making your own food.
@Unknown-hu4gf Год назад
You don't know what you're talking about...
@patwebb2375 Год назад
@@Unknown-hu4gf Research Dr. Karen Becker
@Unknown-hu4gf Год назад
@@patwebb2375 I don't need to as I have more training and veterinarian education than she ever will...
@patwebb2375 Год назад
@@Unknown-hu4gf that's a joke because she's a holistic vet. Vets don't get taught about health and how to prevent diseases..same as doctors. Candy bar companies are the ones behind all the big pet food companies and are paying for the vet colleges. They want parents to always feed their dog unhealthy food because they make money that way. Big brand dog food is mostly carbs and that is why dogs are dying earlier and having issues before they are 7!
@Unknown-hu4gf Год назад
@@patwebb2375 Pat you have to be joking me! I'm a board certified veterinarian nutritionist and have much more educational back ground then Dr. Becker when it comes to animal nutrition. Karen Becker is making money off of people by getting you to believe what she say's to sell her products. Pat, your suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect!!! P.S. I was trained in vet school about animal health and how to prevent diseases in them...
@heffdog007 Год назад
Hi Vicky my name is Jeff. I have a 2 year old Longhaired Dachshund Purebred. He’s had a long outstanding problem with eating dog food and gaining weight. But the big problem is he is a long-haired Dachshund! If you were to look at him now he’s like a lion with a shaved back. The hair on his head and his rear end is getting long but the hair in between is stunted and not growing out fast enough to catch up with the rest of his body. I took him to the vet and they have done tests on him and can’t see a reason why his hair is shortened there. The vet suggested it could be his gene makeup. Unfortunately my vet is not versed on nutrition to make a recommendation. She did recommend balance IT. So my question is which supplement in your opinion would help with his hair growth? I have just received the balance IT canine supplement. Tell me if you have any ideas diet wise to help with his hair growth. And also is it OK if I use the balance IT canine after warming his food then mixing it in? I realize I should’ve got the balance IT plus instead but I want to make what I bought work
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
Hi Jeff! Unfortunely I'd probably need a bit more information before actually making a recommendation? I'd need to do an analysis of what you are currently feeding to see where improvements could/should be made. Are you currently feeding an unbalanced homemade recipe? Or are you using a commercial product? Are you having to top-dress food a lot to get your pup to eat that could be unbalancing the diet? As far as using balanceIT and heating it. The BalanceIT regular if you'd like to heat the food can be added after you heat the food right before feeding.
@maryeagnew Год назад
Thank you so much! I am a dietitian, so nerding out about actual grams of nutrients and making adjustments to get the most nutrients using food is fun. This is very helpful!
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
I love the nutrient breakdowns from BalanceIT! I highly recommend clients bring those into vet visits - they can be helpful to have on file, and vets like seeing that you are feeding a balanced diet. :)
@maryeagnew Год назад
@@nikkipetnutrition Good idea! I was going to run it by them as well to see if they had any tips as we are just starting a homemade dog food diet.
@maryeagnew Год назад
On the recipe printout, the ingredients weights are for cooked ingredients right? I feel like I remember reading that but now I’m second guessing myself.
@nikkipetnutrition Год назад
@@maryeagnew Yes! All the ingredients are in cooked weights. This means you will need to start with a bit more raw-weight for meats, and a bit less dry-weight of carbs like oats. I typically cook 30% more than the recipe gives for meats, 40% more for fish. Then about half the volume listed for the dry grain. Then you will measure everything after cooking.
@maryeagnew Год назад
@@nikkipetnutrition Thank you!