"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." - Luke 15:10 (KJV)

This channel is dedicated to the sole purpose of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach). This purpose may be made manifest in many forms, but all we do here, is to further the gospel of our risen King.

If you're reading this or stumbled upon this channel, please understand that it's not by chance or happenstance - you were led here. The Lord has a purpose for your life, and this is a sign that you should seek Him while He may be found and answer His call. I've subordinated my will and desires for this channel to the Lord's. Whatever His will or desire for this channel, that alone will I do.

Seek to Know Christ. He is The Way.

📍Based in Tokyo, Japan.
How to Beat Lust & Flee Fornication
Месяц назад
The Missing MrBeast’s Perspective
Месяц назад
Attend Ministry School in Tokyo, Japan!
2 месяца назад
Worshiping Jesus in Tokyo With My Wife
4 месяца назад
Street Preaching in Shibuya Tokyo Japan
4 месяца назад
JAPAN: “The Revival is Already Happening”
5 месяцев назад
@loncho5079 5 минут назад
The young man who was wearing the I love Jesus T-shirt should try to do a better job in representing our Lord, he's describing the homeless woman and he says she's "fricking", everyone knows what fricking stands for.
@OrthodoxChristian809 Час назад
Wow, they all come out with the same phrases 😮 that's so creepy. You can see exactly where it's coming from.
@WimpyA 4 часа назад
It was probably just a nightmare because its literally impossible to go to hell and return a sinner
@WendyBero 8 часов назад
Keep going my Brother in Christ Jesus 🙏 ❤️
@jaredalton5732 9 часов назад
Bro. Sorry u start and stop the video way too much.
@euniceliu665 11 часов назад
Amen! Thanks for sharing 🙏 praise the Lord!!
@VinnyM-tv3nb 13 часов назад
Happiest story I've heard from Japan ❤ . I have a Japanese friend and she's not a Christian, it is my prayer that The Sovereign LORD reveals Himself to her🙏✝️.
@Cat-kq5qg 14 часов назад
Whenever you Said demon's in your video I thought that you where being poetic but after I have seen it's literal just look at these people.
@premro 15 часов назад
Hallelujah ✝️✝️
@DorisHamilton-bj1ui 17 часов назад
You have to repent I have not told people how to be saved
@davidlam6047 18 часов назад
Thank you brother in Christ for sharing this!
@garytompkins6932 18 часов назад
Fella, we know 9/10ths already of the things you said. You talk way too much...
@GregoryJByrne 21 час назад
Romans 2:9 To the Jew pharisee first and then the Greek Sadducee. The truth shall set you free from the father of lies but the truth is inconvenient & the half truth lies are comfortable. You are not Gods. You are not causing CO2 to rise the increase in Earth's AXIAL TILT towards the ecliptic not you is thawing frozen CO2 in the Arctic & will cause Noah's east to west tidal bore deluges every 40 years starting in 2033 for the next millennium it takes for the earth's orbits to cross the ecliptic.
@brianneeley8806 22 часа назад
Spiritual warfare is real. Nicely done!
@kindnessschmidt376 22 часа назад
I did street evangelism years ago with some brothers and sisters in the lord they have screemed at us they have spit at us and called us names but we continued hallelujah the devil is defeated 2000 years ago
@theavocadosalads3951 День назад
Good testimony brother Hiroto. Good blessed✝✨
@recoverykonie407 День назад
I also love watching her intrepret for Esther and Masa when they teach Sunday Church service.
@bgsab7912 День назад
Jesus Christ is in charge. Nobody else!
@nicm6949 День назад
Amen brother. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May you produce much fruit for the Father. I love all my brothers and sisters in yeshua Hamashiach ❤
@Ursus_major37 День назад
30:57 That glitch on the word "angry" - in the context - gave me chills...
@recoverykonie407 День назад
Love how he gets excited for Jesus when he interprets for Masa and Esther during Sunday Church service. His love for Jesus and people is real.
@HCoRE8 День назад
This is at the same time interesting and terrifying. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
@billyhuynh6554 День назад
welcome ,you are a member and son of Jesus
@John-jc4om День назад
The demons feet spun around backwards
@robertgvandagriffsr9869 День назад
I have been in this war all my life, and Daddy God has saved me and protected me many times over, and God slayed 3 demons out of my house i didn't even know they had came into my house out my old ways i may have let them in or may have been there when i moved in maybe, i still don't know, but i did watch Jesus power destroy all three, i could witness it to anyone who would want. to hear, but more important go get saved now don't wait this spiritual war is real and So is Jesus Daddy God and the devil, all truth, Jesus saves us and teaches us all and keeps us all. no matter what, he is Lord. love ya Jesus and poppa God. keep us always and protect us from all this warfare we live through daily amen.🙏🙏🙏✝
@foryou-ft8vf День назад
Thank you for your video. I know, but now understand much better why I am so hated and encounter such hostilities and from people I don't even know. Jesus says "redeeming the time, for the days are evil" and so they are, now more than ever. Thank you Lord for all your Good Warriors. What a battle! But God does not abandon us!
@Freedom_Legacy_Mentor День назад
Matai 7: 16 - 20 Kingu jēmusu-ban 16 anata gata wa sono mi ni yotte karera o chi rō.-Ri wa ibara no budō o atsumemasu ka, tōmen azami no ichijiku o atsumemasu ka? 17, Don'na yoi ki mo yoi mi o musubimasu. Shikashi, kusatta ki wa warui mi o umimasu. 18 Yoi ki ga warui mi o musubu koto wa dekimasenshi, kusatta ki ga yoi mi o musubu koto mo dekimasen. 19 Yoi mi o musubanai ki wa mina kiritaosa rete, hi no naka ni nagekoma reta. Arigatō nīsan
@Freedom_Legacy_Mentor День назад
マタイ 7:16-20 キング・ジェームス版 16 あなたがたはその実によって彼らを知るであろう。人はいばらのブドウを集めますか、それともアザミのイチジクを集めますか? 17 それでも、どんな良い木も良い実を結びます。しかし、腐った木は悪い実を生みます。 18 良い木が悪い実を結ぶことはできませんし、腐った木が良い実を結ぶこともできません。 19 良い実を結ばない木はみな切り倒されて、火の中に投げ込まれる。 ありがとう兄さん
@Dr_PHUNK День назад
The Holy Spirit recently helped me view the world through the lense of the Bible regarding evil spirits and powers. I've always had no issue seeing through the lense of God's love, grace and mercy, but realizing how intense and frequent the powers of this world are actively present, is new to me. Thanks for streaming this video, it was very insightful!
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when I saw the number '11,11' everywhere and for weeks. At Saint Johns day I felt an urgent feeling that I should pray, so I did (Or infact I kind of yelled in anger) I said something like ' why im I and this life so horrible' Then my soul suddenly popped out begging to come home. A voice behinde me said "Make happy and you maybe will become it to" immediately I became very joyful and peacefull ,when I came out of the bathroom my friend said my whole aura has changed from very angry and sad to bright and i was shinning Strangely , I Then told her what just happened … The next night an angel with redhair woke me up telling me I had to meet the Lord I went out of my body ,walked through the door and flew out from my balcony and saw a huge crystal stairway, In the middle of where there use to be houses and a street ,now there was nothing ,only a huge transparent stairway I was so amazed that I took five step then had to sit down on it for a while and looked around.(I thought about my family but i was so happy and relaxed and i knew they would be okay There was nothing else but the stars and the shining crystal stairs that made rainbow colours because of the light Soon after I heard a voice saying "Sarah, come" so I stood up.and continued to the top, but i didnt walked up on all of the steps only a few and suddenly i reached the top There I saw two doors; I chose the one that was open and I could hear Music from , the other door was closed Now I was in space, when He came flying on my right side. He smiled and said- 'Dont look back'! ! We then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42)where He opened up a tunnel on the left side with the four stars in the middle of the Nebula cloud - he used some kind of spell word. Meanwhile I walked around and checked out the cloud. He spread his arms out a bit when he commanded the tunnel open and suddenly I recognised and remembered I knew Him from earlier but had forgot about it. It was Jesus … As we walked through the tunnel I looked at the "walls"'. It was kind of flickering electric but still I had a view to cosmos that was around us.. He said that I should'nt look to much because it would drain the faith out of me...but i thought -'what can harm me when you are in front of me' , i walked slowly behinde and noticed my feet didnt touch the ground but still i walked When out again, we flew in space. As we approached our destination I saw multiple glittering colors and music. He told me "that is inspiration to people on earth" and then he said that I would soon "fall apart" as we get closer but that he would "fix me" again when we get there...Then I woke up on his lap as a baby in the New Jerusalem (a star; all stars are homes for our souls) He smiled and nursed me and I was emencely happy to be in my REAL Fathers arms I was growing up VERY fast, my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me and a creek running under it We hugged each other, some of them I did not know but I knew they were relatives - all of them was young again. I asked my aunt who had died the exact same year "Do you know who this is?" She answered "Yes, He is always here!" I had some alone time with them and we went up in what looked liked an old mill or water tower to talk When Outside again, they showed me the plate with the names of this towns members ,all my familymembers names (so i think all families have a star of their own after life ) After a while Jesus came to get me He and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars. We sat down on a little fountain and he gave me gifts; toys I had as a kid. I became so full of joy to see them again and to see the marks I had made on them while using them growing up, they were still there - and because of that it confirmed to me that it was the same toys I'd once owned. He laughed out loud when I was silly The town looked like a mix of ancient greek and yeah well heaven I didnt see mansions , but it looked like everything my heart truely longs for At one point I got the idea to pinch my arm and I felt it I still had my body even though I knew that I was out of my body I looked up in the air; there were no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summer day so i asked him -does all people come here?'-'No, he said He called for a small cloud that came right above me, it was some kind of "cloud screen" on were he showed me my whole life and some of my future. The cloud somehow surrounded me, and I was reliving scenes from my life, sometimes from another perspective; for example I saw myself playing with my brother and sister when we were younger,. When the scene was over the cloud left me and I was still sitting with jesus. At one point I was shown that he was the one that "installed" my soul in my body the day I was born; I actually was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before I came into the world When I was with the Lord my soul didn't care much for my body...I was still me but in my soul it felt much more important to please and obey Him. Jesus also showed me the several times when he saved me in life; among that from a car accident. He also showed me many of the times I prayed as kid, it felt like I was reliving all the scenes again I could stay , but jesus said -'i dont want your mom to be sad ' He then went over to an old writing desk and wrote his name on something like flesh or papyrus with a feather pen and his own blood and said-' Eat it' Before I did so I asked Him if I could see His hands (to confirm) He smiled and showed them to me; I could clearly see that He had huge nailmark scars in them. I ate it and when i did that i could hear a choir sing..He then began to teach me with words from the Testament, but in some sort of "code" - words I had "to heal with", he said, and names and words was flashing on a screen; all the deciples names and some letters. I said "It's so simple that a child could understand it!" (It was so obvious there!) Now he would show me something and Suddenly we was Syria and stood infront of an old church where there now was a big Stone but once there was a pillar that someone sat on for 37 year .. In the end he showed me that he will come and get me the day that I die. He then gave me eternal life, while he did that, he drew something on the ground and said that I should try to endure the daily temptations and stop saying harsh words in anger. Then He hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had to go back to my body. On the way back we were very close to Saturn and we walked on clouds I've been there two times now and filled with the holy spirit twice and it always happens right after an honest prayer Everything he said came true (in the first experience I was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheat field, he then told me it was going to be a hard life but the outcome will be good for many and that i will be allowd to see more of heaven when 25 years has past and that promise he keept (I recalled later on that he said my aunt had to come before i would be allowed to see the town and she died shortly before my OBE) Behind me was a large tree with fruits I've never seen before and a ladder that angels and I used to transport to another place Later He took me to a throneroom where I saw two chairs; in one of them in front of me on my right hand I saw an old man looking a bit like God, you know from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of Sun and Moon. He was very muscular for an old man ,he looked at me firm but he never said anything . On the wall behind me I saw a big old wooden wheel with gemstones between the spokes .. The floor that seemed to could change from transparent to marble because at one point i saw a jungle with all kinds of trees below me. A loud voice saying "'Bend for your master !", so I did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair but I still felt like HE WAS BOTH OF THEM* He told me that I had to save a girl from doing drugs. I met her later on in real life and manage to convince her; she is now working for the Government .when being "spoken to" it wasn't done with sound and words, it was going on telepathically but I could still think and feel. I've also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice; the last time it lasted for five days - I was full of pure joy and love, infact I've never felt more joyfull in my whole entire life and I was "glowing" for days One evening I saw tall blue/grayish men in the sky flying up and down everytime I heard an ambulance in my town. I also saw "energies" in purple/turquoise colors like rain coming towards us from the sky all the time (maybe Neutrinoes) Jesus' hair was VERY big and beautiful, like the mane on lion and His beard was just as beautiful and on His neck He had some sort of an ancient "hammercut style". His robe was light blue and He wore old sandals When he showed me something i did in the past that wasnt so great he right after erased it and said- 'But it's okay now' and the whole place sang of joy The following days I saw His face in everything; in shapes, in trees and shadows and in almost everything living on earth When I came back into my body I somehow knew the Saints name was Symeon Stylittes and I realized that He really did exist! I had no knowledge of the term "pillarsaints" before , and I still don't know why i saw it Throughout all of my experiences I didn't feel any jugdement only understanding and directions to be a better person . A few days later I saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom; came flying right towards me in a vision when I blinked my eyes for a moment I SAW EVERYTHING CLEARLY AND NOT FOGGY Them the Dark Night Of My Soul started
@silverlion5384 День назад
Does David ever see anyone come to Jesus? If not why not just let these people who God gave over just go to hell? I guess they need to hear the gospel and given a chance so they are without excuse.
@GodFamilyCountry-i2d День назад
Discernment is key. Experience and The Word is how we gain Discernment. I have been deceived many times, the slope is inconceivably slippery - one step and is a 168 mile downward trajectory - and just 2-3 steps away from the shade of the Almighty takes you deep into the enemy's territory. It's like a dream, you become hypnotized, and only when the evil has settled over your life and begun widespread destruction in it do you wake up and realize where you are, how far you have wandered, and how your soul is in immortal danger. Immediately confess, repent, renounce and plead the Blood. Jesus will save you if you come in authenticity. Thank you, Jesus, you are my portion.
@zenettachyne9377 2 дня назад
God is with you ,always stay strong,joyful and shine brother🎉
@VinnyM-tv3nb 2 дня назад
@angeleroberts1896 2 дня назад
Thank you that was very helpful
@Throngmususangtam 2 дня назад
Amen praise the Lord.🙏.
@YoSip3Ek 2 дня назад
Look across the sea in the north hundreds of millions of people have accepted Jesus but they live under a tyrannical regime it took them few decades for them to trust a loving God
@YoSip3Ek 2 дня назад
I hope n pray God will open the Japanese people up for the gospel so let’s God do his work and you just do your job set as an example to your friends and family it will make a big 😅different one pebble at a time.😂❤
@LindaLee-m4d 2 дня назад
Wait......... A minute 😮😮what is going on, on the first Crip are those LGBTQ PEOPLE BEING BAPTIZED 😮😮😮NO WAY
@trab9496 2 дня назад
Hi i would love to meet this couple
@PopulistDavid05401 2 дня назад
God is a blessing and save my soul, a lot of people who are still doing this will go to hell
@ci3008 2 дня назад
@ 70yo i would have never thought the LGBT lunacy would be the line that divides. Time to pick sides.
@chadbelote 2 дня назад
These demons help prove the Lord, hallelujah
@amitshtainer8304 3 дня назад
There was still brain activity he was dreaming it
@TheMan-eo2fr 3 дня назад
As a young christian in a muslim country in SEA, Jesus will flip the world to save humanity
@andrewrivera190 3 дня назад
Just a bit of a thought on the hardness of people’s hearts. People in Rome: Hey! There is a guy that’s going around and healing people and preaching love. Roman Government: Ok fine, but does he pay taxes?
@almiaquinn225 3 дня назад
Kia kaha, God bless the Japanese people 💕
@saraoostrum300 3 дня назад
@GR33ZY.A1 3 дня назад
Exactly 3.47 seconds i doubt it 😅