Village Seventh-day Adventist Church
Village Seventh-day Adventist Church
Village Seventh-day Adventist Church
Welcome to the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA. Our head pastor is Pastor Ron Kelly and is supported by working with Pastor Dennis Page and Pastor Michael Kusarawana as assistant pastors.
Our Amazing Microbiome | Hugo Leon, MD
20 часов назад
Crucial Conversations | Pastor Ron Kelly
23 часа назад
Jesus & Wholistic Sexuality
14 дней назад
Amazing Grace
21 день назад
Grief Recovery Promo
21 день назад
Remnant and the Rescue: Grace for Gibeah
21 день назад
A Journey of Faith
Месяц назад
Remnant on the Rooftop
Месяц назад
Active Duty | Pr. Taariq Patel
Месяц назад
The Remnant at the River | Pr. Ron Kelly
2 месяца назад
Unrequited Love | Charles Pates
2 месяца назад
The Coming Messiah I Dr. Conrad Vine
2 месяца назад
@chattinglifestyle6008 8 часов назад
It's interesting that at the end of these talks Conrad Vine's comments are cut short, we are not allowed to hear his commentary on the presentation... so sad.
@chattinglifestyle6008 8 часов назад
It's interesting that at the end of these talks Conrad Vine's comments are cut short, we are not allowed to hear his commentary on the presentation... so sad.
@sunflower2594 8 часов назад
I love Dr. Vine's sermons. Reading the Bible, I have a really hard time with God. Women are garbage in the Bible, and God doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Indeed, the Mosaic laws, straight from the mouth of God himself and his giving absolute power to men was guaranteed to cause absolute corruption. Setting up inheritance and family lines exclusively through the men made women good for breeding and not much more. From the mouth of God himself, women are worth about half as much as men. Islam is about the most "Biblical" society in our modern world. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Notice anyone missing? How can I love this God?
@EstherHuanca-zq8cu 9 часов назад
Same body can help to translate in spanish ? Thank you.
@stephencoe2231 10 часов назад
The end is fearful and terrible but you turn to Jesus Christ for salvation and into a relationship of love. He will not control you by fear. But you will worship Him in Spirit and Truth not of Ellen. The truth is not Ellen and sda pillars. It is Jesus and as you walk with Him you will see His truth and truly led by Holy Spirit if you know Him and are filled with Him. He as Christ will never leave you. You don't beg Him every day to save you or fill you. In a true walk you will worship Christ and you will overflow of Him. Stay filled. Christ died once for all of your sins all. Today and tomorrow included. You confess daily to keep your mind clear of guilt that causes you to feel worthless. You are not. You are a new creature in Christ. Not religion
@DavidSun-gs3ih 10 часов назад
Uncannyly sister Eva is tacticitly already the first ever American trillioner with her kind of knowledge she's already worth at least fifty trillion dollars iI can easily proof that sister Eva can actually convince the American feds and American sleeping financial super behemoths with something absolutely surprising to the United States of America that cannot be denied sister Eva should use her God given talent and intellect for God's glory instead of scaring people with her vast knowledge and intelligence regarding global finance and economy and where it's heading to .Sister Eva should employ her qualifications as one of the educated and qualified person in the United States of America meanwhile before all the Apocalyptic fullfilment comes to fruition.🙏🙏🙏
@AquaAzul453 10 часов назад
God bless you!! 🙏Celestial voice my little sister!! 🙏
@Chidi-Ingraham 11 часов назад
Amen. Thanks sis. Tony for sharing your testimony. God bless you and continue to use you for the salvation and restoration of others to His glory. 🙏🏽
@stephencoe2231 11 часов назад
At 1:15 hour on we find the sabaterian 5 topics where things go bad
@NiyaRobinson998 12 часов назад
Amen 🙏
@NiyaRobinson998 12 часов назад
@stephencoe2231 12 часов назад
So far thru 21:52 he is actually preaching gospel when he is following the Bible only. Salvation is complete. There is nothing that Ellen can add to the scriptures. If she does she presents a false gospel and it would be better had she not been born and all who believes on Ellen's and sda gospel are guilty as she. Jesus is Lord. I also appreciate some of the things he had added to his story that other Christian pastors speak. So remember that a Christian is baptized by water for forgiveness of sins not baptized into the sda church or anything else added to. Thus as I was baptized at 11 yrs old by elder Henry in Indianapolis I was not baptized into Christ. I was baptized in having to confess Ellen white great sin. Had to believe she was a true prophet of God. Sin folks. A true conversion of Jesus Christ one is forgiven for eternity and filled with Holy Spirit. And all they can do is share their love of Jesus Christ not a religion. No need for 25 now 28 rules. The rest of the sermon is sinking and he does show some truth of foolishness of Miller.
@lisalevangie-mcclellan7515 12 часов назад
Pastor Kelly, instead of "affirming" the sinful decisions of leadership, you need to sound the alarm. Your role is to call it out vs. Suppress it. I want my church back...the leaders need to expel those employed by the GC that are catholicism sympathizers. Removing the reformation from the great controversy book was wrong. I know God will take care care of those who have taken a stand against God and his people.
@TrueIsrael3220 12 часов назад
Painfully honest and very needed. Thank you!
@jasonstych1687 13 часов назад
@maranathasoon8252 14 часов назад
So the lesson for today seems to be that the SDA church threw its own Jewish members under the bus when it became popular to do so. Instead of rallying around them with love, help, and protection. God help us not repeat this terrible atrocity!
@HotSkillet498 14 часов назад
Conrad Vine is an incredible man to walk into that snake pit and have to endure the knives in the back. What a noble man.......certainly can't say the same about Ron Kelly. He should resign!
@godsproperty2167 14 часов назад
I wonder if those magazines had to be vetted by Nazis before they were published. With the type of hostile society then, someone was possibly forced to write or publish those magazines in an effort not to unravel the progress of the regime. That does not sound like the church and we should be careful but if this was the disappointing response to those laws then we should be vigilant that we stand firm and brave when the test of our time is come.
@GoodWillPrevail 15 часов назад
This was so disappointing! I can't believe SDA Christians would throw their fellow brethren to the wolves! They made no effort to stand for biblical principle but supported Hitler's satanic program. Total failure!
@johnrusselljr89 15 часов назад
AMEN to everything you have said!!!
@hoqubaamusicandhealthminis2004 15 часов назад
My prayer is with Pr. Kelly
@HotSkillet498 11 часов назад
My prayer is he resigns. He betrayed & back stabbed Conrad Vine.
@johnrusselljr89 16 часов назад
AMEN &AMEN !!!!!
@juliavandermeer2740 16 часов назад
First I'd like to say that I do not approve of racism, in fact, there are no different races, there's only the human race. Darwin invented the race theory. Being jewish has nothing to do with race. I believe there are good jews and bad jews, like there are good and bad people in every tribe and nation. Although... when is someone considered good? Since we were all born as sinners... That being said, some rich zionists are said to have been responsible for Germany's economical misery. It was the zionist owners of the media, banks and big businesses in the US, whom we now call globalists, who financed England, who had initially lost the war. The condition for their financial support was that England was to give Palestine to them (actually, to Rothschild), which was then under British control (stolen from the Ottoman sultan). So after England won the war, the Balfour Declaration was made up and Palestine was given to the zionists, who had been working to press the sultans into giving Jerusalem to them for the past century, by spreading lies in their newspapers in Constantinopel and creating chaos in the Ottoman empire, trying to cause an uprising and take control of the empire by installing their puppets. Their western allies were mostly interested in the oil and gas fields in the eastern parts of the empire, and the sultan refused to sign a contract with them, allowing them to pump it up. The industrial revolution was still at an early stage, and the west needed the resources, but the sultan wouldn't have it in his empire, trying to protect the people who lived in those areas, since he considered himself to be the caliph (protector of all muslims). Although I certainly don't approve of Hitler's actions, it could shed a light on the cause of his hatred for jews. Or at least I think it could. We also may have to take into consideration the fact that Friedrich Wilhelm (Wilhelm II) and the last sultan were allies, maybe this could explain the zionists' hatred for Germany. Still it raises questions about Hitler's hatred for jews, because apparently his own mother was also a jew, which would make him a jew too, according to jewish rule. Maybe he hated her too. By the way, zionists and jews are not the same thing, most zionists are not religious, despite the fact that they call Palestine their promised land by God. History is written by the victors, and I believe that we don't know half of what really went on, much is kept hidden from us. I do believe Hitler used mind control techniques on the crowds, as taught by Erik Jan Hanussen, an Austrian jewish clairvoyant. How could Hitler hate jews and accept their teachings at the same time? Hitler also visited the pope on different occasions (so not only Germans supported Hitler, but the pope did as well), although supposedly he didn't like catholicsm, or christianity for that matter. So in that case his hatred for jews couldn't have come from christian beliefs. There's a book titled Hitler and the occult, and there are other books about the roots of nazism being in ariosophy, which had many followers under high ranked nazi officers (Himmler, Hess), but Hitler himself, although a follower of the aryan race ideology, supposedly wasn't too interested in it. This strikes me as odd, where else could he have gotten his ideas from then? There's also a theory going around the internet, saying that at the beginning of the 20th century in German cities there was a fast decline in morality, and jews being at the heart of morally objectionable businesses (prostitution, theater), which would have been the cause for his hatred. When we look at Hollywood today, we may get an idea, I guess. There's another theory, stating that the zionists wanted the jews to leave Europe and populate Palestine. However, they wouldn't leave by their own choice, since they had built their lives there and they were well off, making the zionists believe they needed to be pushed to leave (by oppressing them). And then there's the idea that there are too many people in the world. We can hear the globalists saying this from time to time, their goal being to bring the earth's population back from 8 billion to 500 million. All the wars would then be means to achieve this goal (many people dying). So many theories, so many unanswered questions. Some theories may be conspiracies, others may not. As adventists we know that Rome and the jesuits are behind many schemes to control humanity, doing Satan's bidding, but still we can't explain everything completely, there's still so much that doesn't make any sense. I guess we will learn the truth eventually, when we get to heaven.
@leemary4833 17 часов назад
Love the study…yes, superiority, legalistic, physical attitude.
@Adam-lq1wv 17 часов назад
Ron Kelly is committing a GRIEVOUS CRIME against God! " INDIFFERENCE OR NEUTRALITY IN A RELIGIOUS CRISIS IS REGARDED OF GOD AS A GRIEVOUS CRIME; and equal to the very worst type of hostility against God." ( RH September 30, 1873, par. 9)
@rhondalay8692 17 часов назад
@Genesis-rn5jz 18 часов назад
What happened in Germany is very similar to what happened during the p a n d e m ic, there are many similarities, for example, if you were not vaccinated (jew), you were not allowed to enter the church. The same pattern in our leadership in the past and I believe will be in the future. Thank you for this so vital information.
@juleebishop5735 18 часов назад
Great sermon. So full of history
@jcourgreatneed7293 18 часов назад
And remember that before Daniel 3 ( Mark the beast - Image and worship falsely) Daniel 1 (health test) came first. If we failed Daniel 1, there is 99% chance to fail Daniel 3. When your local church talked about these ( Daniel 1 & 2)?
@lindapeterson9101 19 часов назад
Thank you for your straightforward explanation of scripture & end time forecast. Look forward to more. God bless. 57:44
@SteveandMichelleHarding 19 часов назад
Please tell us where we can watch Hendrikus’s second talk as well as this man’s … I have searched and searched for them .. if you can share a link to my what’s app page that would be great as well ..thanks so much
@SteveandMichelleHarding 19 часов назад
I meant or you can send a link to my what’s app… thank you
@JUNEAUMIMI 19 часов назад
@AlvynRamsay-rl2vj 20 часов назад
I haven't been able to make a valued comment seeing that the full text of these holy men have not been published but I welcome it if objectivity and and forgiveness is encouraged.
@Affliatesusan 21 час назад
Thank you, Pastor Erbes as usual you have done your homework
@yearsrestored 21 час назад
Amen, amen and amen!
@Affliatesusan 22 часа назад
See Wikipedia has their spin on Holocaust at the top 🤦🏼‍♀️
@angelawebb6987 22 часа назад
Brother, i remember reading Sister White warning and pleading that we have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS "ACCREDITATION" !!!!! It's during the time of the contentions with the present GC president, and also of Jones and Wagner.
@sheirachisala5209 День назад
Amen 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
@andrewkidd2599 День назад
Amen Amen so true words my brother keep God truth alive
@edzikk2754 День назад
We thank God for Pastor's Vine courage and listening to the Holy Spirit calling. Finally there is one speaking for God's people. Perhaps he is the 'Elijah' we (The remanent church) were waiting for. Mr Kelly, think again, which side are you on. Shaking is happening now.
@stephencoe2231 День назад
1892 was a federal law 1893. And you and Ellen are looking for foolishness for today? You have taken some current history and now to tie it together. There are lot more reasons to fear congress. Does Sda still drink only soymilk?
@stephencoe2231 День назад
The collapse of Jerusalem he speaks of, and Ellen it was the Christians that fled only? What about the jews? Or is this where you replace the jews? I am confused with your language.
@pamelacameron6666 День назад
Thank you for this tremendous and knowledgeable presentation. History seems to repeat itself "Cause and Effect" in reality. May God help us.
@grwaitemd День назад
There are only two sides. There is God the Father working through his only begotten Son who is the comander of the unfallen angels and there is Satan who works through the fallen angels. One side has true love and the other side has false love. Which side is for liberty of conscience?
@Truthteller58-z3c День назад
God sent some into battle but He did the fighting for them by allowing the enemy to be confused they started killing each other .
@Truthteller58-z3c День назад
World war one was in heaven first than it came down to earth 🌎 it continues little wars big wars but the big war World war one on earth the devil with the catholic church was behind it also world war one and two ,the French Revolution, purl Harbor and the Hiroshima bombing the catholic church not had but have their hands in everything .The pope even had his hands in the sinking of the Titanic the captain was a catholic who had a visit from a catholic priests before it sailed ⛵️ the captain was very experienced he know those waters very well .They had their hands ✋️into the Rawanda Genocide it happened after the popes visited Lawanda had the highest levels of Adventists after the popes visit much less .
@wymank День назад
When sacrifice of life, being faithful unto death is presented, many will find out they were just social church attendees never having faced the Spirit of Truth 🙏🕊🍇
@cedricvandermescht4469 День назад
Vert good presentation Henk. Dankie Groete van SA🌾
@UrsulaPainter День назад
Speak not against this man. God has chosen him as a leader for this end-time!
@c848 День назад
​The Jerico battle was the battle of the Lord, who gave Canaanites 40 years chance of repentance after they heard about the Red Sea opening that the Lord did for Israelites. But no, these continued to live only to blaspheme heaven and defile the earth, Jerico was the principal center of idol worshiping which comes with all debasing immorality. This battle was Lord's battle with them, that is why the Israelites were not to make any assault, but only obey orders from the Lord in order to learn to rely on the Lord God to do battle for them. They needed to march so many days in order that their faith grow. They were also having fresh in their mind the defeat at at Baal-Peor so they knew what kind of people were living in Jerico and also they knew Moses command to destroy anything that breathed in those cities. Although Rahab was repentant and saved with all her relatives. Many others could have repented, but they did not, their cup of iniquity filled up. So the Israelites were only to obey the Lord's command, because in this battle nothing was accomplished because of their might or wisdom for which reason they had to destroy all as an acknowledgement of the battle and victory being of God. Now for anyone to come and say that Joshua 6 is a proof that Israelites had fought in the Sabbath day is flying in the face of the whole lesson Joshua 6 is meant to teach. In fact, it teaches that one should not fight, but only obey Gods command and be an instrument in God's hand. Obviously, Adventists taking arms because of Joshua 6, they must have had a humanistic interpretation of the Scriptures. Surely, it was not the commandment of God in that voice and nighter God's call to arms for the adventists. Those adventists who did disobey it were doing the right thing.