Simon Talbot Stream
Simon Talbot Stream
Simon Talbot Stream
A streaming comedy channel by an ex-Jehovah’s Witness, half-Irish, Danish comedian, performing in English. Makes sense, right?
Videos every Tuesday and Thursday!
Streaming every Sunday at 12 PM CET!
X vs Twitch Family
2 года назад
RIP full sunday stream. RIP bro
3 года назад
Streaming vs. Acting
3 года назад
Rudolph on Cocaine | Valheim
3 года назад
Rocket Loser
3 года назад
The lockdown diary
3 года назад
How I Write Jokes
3 года назад
Trashing Lying Realtors with Chat
3 года назад
Climate Change RUINED Mobile Gaming
3 года назад
Irish Dad | The Surrogate Comedy Show
3 года назад
Blame It On The Lag | Apex Legends
3 года назад
Telling The Truth...
3 года назад
My Dad Made Me Watch Adult Movies?!
3 года назад
Pro Strats equals Pro Comedy | Valorant
3 года назад
I'm The Worst Imposter Ever! | Among Us
3 года назад
@herrkulor3771 Месяц назад
Why would they even produce light Cocio?
@rickybuhl3176 2 месяца назад
Remember bringing literal kilos of Tyrkisk Peber with me every time I went back to England as a kid. A bag on Friday night with a pint or two of milk - needed the weekend to get over the shits but t'was worth it lol.
@GoldScrapful 3 месяца назад
Seriøst luk munden og stop med at snakke med maden i munden. Det er mega klamt.
@johndoe6670 5 месяцев назад
Who the f*** buys a Cocio one? Get the real Cocio, the taste is different
@BigAndTall666 6 месяцев назад
Snaps is not a drink but the size of the drink, usually aqua vitae!!!
@BigAndTall666 6 месяцев назад
"old man's pub" = "brown pub" in Danish, lol😂😂😂
@BigAndTall666 6 месяцев назад
"sut pik"??? - what a weird statement! 😂😂😂
@oleolsen1073 7 месяцев назад
Prøv de røde romkugler 😊
@Biyoung 11 месяцев назад
lemmings are a lie
@nighthawk3045 11 месяцев назад
Either you love sild or you hate it. No in between.
@bettinasalo7950 Год назад
Jeg ELSKER det her!
@captiveangel11 Год назад
If you arent crying a little when eating tyrkisk peber, they aint strong enough.
@daddy_kolumbus8330 Год назад
flæskesvær har mange proteiner :D
@oleolsen1073 7 месяцев назад
Og kollagen ?😊
@sebastianhougaard924 Год назад
No shit 1, cocio light is trash
@niamarieturek9281 Год назад
Yum! So much goodness! Love rum balls!
@drbomdaydayboms4890 Год назад
Simon... I have no clue why you kiss that muffins ass so much.. Still love your happy style in what ever you do.
@uziboozy4540 Год назад
There's no rum in romkugle. it's just leftover cake compressed together
@lokegrnbech1878 Год назад
Simon gav du The mand the myth the legend varm snaps? hvis ja. Så er du mere psykopat end jeg var klar over i forvejen.
@Masterfighterx Год назад
Not surprised he didn't like the Cocio, it was the Light variant! Also, that Herring deserved better, has to be either pork lard (Fedt) (#1 choice) or butter.
@Abyssal718 Год назад
sut pik? you know im danish
@strv81 Год назад
Vi er alle danskere inden i
@spillehunden Год назад
What about giffler
@BigAndTall666 6 месяцев назад
Svenske, lol...
@yayvideogames8032 Год назад
fucking rumballs with the yellow cocio is the bomb
@trexy6237 Год назад
That Danish guy have a weird Danish Irish combo accent.
@hs4619 Год назад
Russel just commited more sins that a slug on cocaine
@Viva-Cristo-Rey- 2 года назад
Det hedder sgu en trøffel!
@Liamaar 2 года назад
I miss the stream where I trolled him by getting him banned
@NSG._. 2 года назад
This video makes me Feel very wrong Also try to translate this next line Jeg kommer til at smide min telefon Ud af mit vindo
@jonathanVN1864 2 года назад
"it looks like rat sweat and tastes Like Nightmares." Cocio. -Russel Howard 2020
@thomasschafer7268 2 месяца назад
@PriNcEoFSpAcE009 2 года назад
"Turkish Pepper" isn't Danish, "Fazer" the company that makes them is Finnish in Origin. not that I blame anyone from making that mistake, a lot of candy/brands that we grow up with thinking they're traditional "Danish" candies do not originate here e.g. "Haribo"(probably THE most prolific candy in Denmark) which is German.
@anders9646 2 года назад
Haha sorry bro, Yes but no. Turkish peber was invented in Denmark by Per Fjelsten and sold by his brand Perelly from 1977 . After the company closed Finnish Fazer took over the production in the 90s. So yes the original is danish :)
@PriNcEoFSpAcE009 2 года назад
@@anders9646 I stand corrected then.
@Joliie 2 года назад
Kids eat Romkugler all the time :) so very much a kids treat :)
@JAKOB1977 2 года назад
5 October 2021 awards "worlds 50 best restaurants" .. yeah, no surprise when NOMA enters again they will useally top out but wicked that Denmark got both nr1 and nr2 in 2021 world's 50 best restaurant awards. NOMA nr1 Nr2 Geranium and some Spanish restaurants at nr3 and nr 4 one from Peru. but I do respect NOMA willingness to go out on a limp with all this craziness from the danish and Scandinavian forest environment, though NOMA also stands for NOrdisk MAd = NOrdic FOod.. a danish naming scheme a little like danish LEGO; that stand for LEg GOdt = PLay WEll
@benjaminandersen6678 2 года назад
I miss your hobby project :/ Du den første der får mig til at realisere at comedy i Danmark er noget af d bedste. Mvh fjell aben med skrivefejl 🇳🇴
@lessthan1446 2 года назад
@ninjack11 2 года назад
ah yes romkugle a adult desert that we give to children in Denmark... often
@OhItsThatWeirdoGuy 2 года назад
I am convinced this is like "quitting" WOW... You never quit.. You only take breaks. I will be waiting for your stream to turn back on some day - even if it is just 30 minutes saying "hi!". Maybe in a month, maybe in 10 years. I will be waiting <3
@Nistol11 2 года назад
You may not be streaming anymore, but you'll always be a walkie duckie <3
@itsDair 2 года назад
What a ride! 🚂 Thanks for all the good times, wish I had been better at watching the streams live - can't wait to see your new stuff 😀
@theodorthedanishesguy2846 2 года назад
Ååååååååå I didn’t get to see any of your streams I am sorry
@frederiknielsen3478 2 года назад
@BigAndTall666 3 года назад
NO straeberries in "koldskål", purely fictional, only the "kammerjunkere"!
@Manzion1102 3 года назад
Are we there yet? ...Are we there yet? ...Are we there yet? ...Are we there yet? ...Are we there yet?
@Nistol11 3 года назад
@Nistol11 3 года назад
Oh, but I do shit on you for playing videogames 😅
@Nistol11 3 года назад
@HyperMediaCompany 3 года назад
Has he tried real cocio yet?...
@Noblemand 3 года назад
Jordbærtærte...strawberry tart..Kommer til at tænke på Crank..hvis man har set den så forstår man referencen
@jellyartsy20 3 года назад
You Guys dont lige some of those that is weird hvis i er dansk så var de meget underlige
@itsDair 3 года назад
Who's the best archer of all time? Simon or Legolas? 🤔🏹
@philiphy5759 3 года назад
Keep it up Simon! Love seeing you getting spooked. 😂 Hilarious!
@nadianygaardbrinch5930 3 года назад
Når du bliver SÅ bange for det, kan jeg godt se at en fuld gennemspilning er lidt op ad bakke 😅😂