The React Rift
The React Rift
The React Rift
Welcome to The React Rift, where we dive into the heart of anime and movie fandom. Join us for reactions that celebrate the stories, characters, and moments that make us laugh, cry, and cheer. Get ready to geek out with us as we explore the endless wonders of our favourite worlds!
@heyojohn8444 2 дня назад
Hey nice video! Can you please react to the movie Edmond (2005)? Its classic and underrated. Subscribed!
@maximalblobfish 3 дня назад
@Hitmanrad 4 дня назад
you need to work on a animated intro or something
@Nicask1998 4 дня назад
@omayma_bbh 4 дня назад
Yiipiie need more mha from u guys !!❤
@TheReactRift 4 дня назад
Glad you are enjoying it! Don’t worry, more MHA content will be released weekly! ☺️ - Christy
@TheReactRift 4 дня назад
Last episode that we have the annoying audio filter! 🥳 Also, does anyone else eat like Costi?? 😂 2:35
@galadballcrusher8182 6 дней назад
Ehile you were talking, after signing and wearing the wedding dress she said "after years of cousin stuff i am excited for the real thing"
@arsewynd 6 дней назад
There are more than 100 vaults scattered across the USA, in fallout four you start in vault 111. The wastelands golden rule "you will get sidetracked by bullshit" is clearly a reference to the games side quests which can easily take you off the main quest. The broken water chip is a call back to Fallout 1, that is why you leave your vault in that game in order to find a new one. Yes Coop is the face of vault-tec
@glenroberts9831 6 дней назад
Hard to believe but the actor you were calling a kid is actually 41 yrs. old...lol
@glenroberts9831 6 дней назад
ugh...worst toilet design ever. Tires? How do you clean those out ? 😮
@toomanyaccounts 6 дней назад
maximus grabbed the anchor stuck at the side of the head and pulled on it, pulling out the tongue and innards of the gulper killing it.
@toomanyaccounts 6 дней назад
The eyes of the axolotl gulper are also human like. plus it seems to have a level of intelligence to it. since it figured out it had been fired upon and that the guy with the gun was a potential bigger at the time threat plus an easier snack.
@MotorbreathChannel 7 дней назад
If you guys like Fallout and games where you have to make decisions then Fallout 1 & 2 are the games for you. Or - if you absolutely have to play a more modern 3D game - then Fallout: New Vegas 3 had an amazing game world and putting the franchise into 3D has given it a new life and exposed alot of younger gamers to it, but writing, emergent gameplay and giving the player choices along with tracking them is not the 3's strongest suit.
@TheReactRift 7 дней назад
I'll definitely have try New Vegas again at some point and actually try to finish it. I love decision making games, I'm just making my way through Baldur's gate 3 at the moment - Costi
@alsalthree 8 дней назад
Your playlist is in reversed order.
@TheReactRift 8 дней назад
Thanks for letting us know, I've changed it now :) - Costi
@alsalthree 7 дней назад
@@TheReactRift Thanks
@mrsantibacteria 9 дней назад
Whats that bird on the lefts insta
@alexjessop3704 9 дней назад
Nice video mate could you do a video seeing how many glizzys you can eat in an hour
@arsewynd 10 дней назад
Maximus giant bag is IMO a nod to a common game action of giving your companions all your extra junk to carry. Max hesitates shooting the bear, because his hero ran away like a little bitch.
@raulsiniallikl2317 10 дней назад
Society which treats animals like humans will sooner or later will treat humans like animals and thus begind dacay of the civilization
@arsewynd 10 дней назад
Your comment about Lucys light sensitivity makes sense, but I would assume she has been exposed to UV light from the farms lights. After all plants need it to grow. Also notice that when Maximus is branded he refuses the leather strap to bite on, he is tough. The guard was killed by a baby doll fired from a weapon called a junk gun which can shoot whatever random stuff you find.
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
Good girl. Belgian Malinois is the breed and one of the adult females shown is named Lana 5 who has been in several roles.
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
Hottopic, Amazon have official fallout shirts with the dog on them.
@TheReactRift 11 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts Just had a look at the shirts and they are awesome :) - Costi
@philipturner9087 11 дней назад
Horse is better option the EMP will have taken the cars out they won’t start . . .
@davidperkins6752 11 дней назад
fun fact: Ella Pernell (Lucy) is very British! she just has an amazingly authentic American accent. also, loving your reaction to this awesome series, very happily subscribed and looking forward to joining you both for the rest of the season. much love to you and yours.🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤
@TheReactRift 11 дней назад
She's done an amazing job in Fallout and love her as the voice of Jinx in Arcane! Thank you so much for the sub <3 - Costi
@arsewynd 10 дней назад
@@TheReactRift Ella Purnell was also in Yellow Jackets
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
Vesusivus. The volcanic eruption for all intents vaporized the people but that resulted in voids in the ash that when dug around let you see the impressions of them as they were when they died. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had similar bodies due to the fireball plus people having all that remained as a shadow on a wall.
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
You ukers just have a dumb name for something that has been around since 1613. Alimony derives from the Latin alimonia
@algolem 11 дней назад
Keep them coming ! You guys are the best xD UwU
@TheReactRift 12 дней назад
Apologies about the audio in the first 3 episodes of MHA. We added a filter in OBS and it made background audio and our voices sound odd at times.
@ghostdm69 13 дней назад
Fiily is not Philadelphia, it's an abbreviated term for landfill.
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
Philadelphia is on the east coast. by by car it takes two to three days drive with rest breaks but at a more relaxing 500 miles a day it is about five to six days. The United States mainland is massive. Texas itself if a country would be the 40th largest country in the world.
@solbringer2483 10 дней назад
Not to mention that Alaska is over twice as large as Texas
@theDrasher1 10 дней назад
Per Google Maps directions: Santa Monica, California to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 4387 Kilometers.
@solbringer2483 10 дней назад
What’s a kilometer?
@Fmanzo10 8 дней назад
Or Fillmore Ca. There has been much speculation on this.
@algolem 14 дней назад
UwU love it !
@TheReactRift 13 дней назад
Love you too xx - Costi
@corpusD 14 дней назад
In the game, all the cars were fusion powered and they all stopped working when the bombs fell. I’d bet it was some failsafe that the bomb EMP triggered.
@arshia799 14 дней назад
Please use the original voice You will have more fun
@Nicask1998 14 дней назад
I agree 100% cringe voice acting
@rileytruax766 15 дней назад
when you have a bomb shelter you only have it supplied enough for the occupants of the house....that guy was trying to convince the home =owner to let him in and i assume wasnt taking no for an answer so he got knocked out. letting in even one person puts your family at risk of starvation and dehydration
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
and often the bomb shelter against nuclear war isn't exactly survivable. there are no decon chambers, no ability to generate power, no ability to purify water etc. so against anything else except supplies against a hurricane or blizzard those bomb shelters were just a waste unless you spent millions for a special constructed one that was more like a second home
@rileytruax766 11 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts i mean you don't really need power or ability to purify water. you would already have a supply of fresh water ready to go becuase radioactive fallout only last around 5 weeks and i don't know why power is a must
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
@@rileytruax766 nope. depending upon what was used radiative containmated water would be that for decades. I am speaking more of filterting bacteria, pollutants and recycling water. Most fallout shelters have no ability to recycle water and would run out. Yes you would need power if you wanted to survive weather. wood would be contaminated and release radioactive particulates when burned unless you have a filtration system that can handle that.
@rileytruax766 11 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts what are you talking about you dont need protection from weather your in a bomb shelter 😂 and i say again you only need enough water to last 5 weeks. dont know why your bringing up outside water and how it would be contaminated you wouldn't be outside to be able to drink it anyway. like your aware you can buy packs of water bottles right? and even if you did need wood for whatever reason guess what you can stock the shelter with that too. thats why you supply your shelter so you dont need to filter water and shit
@rileytruax766 11 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts like you do know these shelters weren't meant to be lived in the purpose was to get you through the initial blast and radioactive fallout that's it.
@M4tth3w1986 16 дней назад
alamony is when your divorced and have to pay child support
@Thepirireis 15 дней назад
Child support is separate from alimony. Alimony is a legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after marital separation or divorce.
@rileytruax766 15 дней назад
😂 child supoort is when the father or mother leaves and dosent want to help raise the child so they are legally obligated to at least send money to help financially alimony has nothing to do with children
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
@@Thepirireis and even when the ex-wife is shown to have far more money than the husband he still often has to pay due to how rigged the courts are against men
@marauderdz 11 дней назад
Alimony is largely based on the idea that when it came time to raise children, one spouse commonly gave up their career while the other one didn't. So when the couple separates, the one who wasn't working before now has a more difficult time supporting themselves. Alimony is intended to bridge that gap. There are additional factors, but that's the main one. As the people before me said, it's not the same as child support, but the presence of a child can still affect alimony payments.
@rileytruax766 9 дней назад
@@marauderdz Alimony refers to court-ordered payments awarded to a spouse or former spouse within a separation or divorce agreement. The reason for alimony is to provide financial support to the spouse who makes a lower income, or in some cases, no income at all. that was all from google btw, again had nothing to do with kids solely is about whoever makes the least amount of money
@operative2136 17 дней назад
Honestly, a horse might actually fare better at least initially as far as fleeing from a nuclear blast. The EMP from a nuclear detonation might very well render most modern vehicles inoperable.
@rikyo1425 17 дней назад
@Tijuanabill 17 дней назад
The date is Oct 23, 2077. This is Atom Punk, so this is the future that people in the 1950s dreamed about, come true, then come to an end.
@toomanyaccounts 11 дней назад
1950s style aesthetic. also the tech is different but more advanced despite outwardly looking more primitive.
@Tijuanabill 11 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts I don't understand your point. The genre is called Atom Punk, and I'm not sure why you seem to be refuting what I said, because everything I said was correct.
@toomanyaccounts 10 дней назад
@@Tijuanabill You have a chip on your soldier. I was offering clarity. Each of the various retro punks has an aesthetic style corespending to a certain time period. Steam Punk is Victorian. Diesel Punk is Art Deco. Atom Punk is 1950s. The tech of Fallout diverged with microprocessors not being developed. Despite this the tech is far more advanced with neural net computers, fusion power, laser weapons etc.
@Tijuanabill 10 дней назад
@@toomanyaccounts Thanks for the clarity, but most humans will find it strange when you offer up definitions of terms, the other person just used. We know what the term means, or else would not have used the term. I'm matching your tone. It's not a big deal to me, so whatever. It's fine. Text is inferior to speaking. We aren't sitting a parlor drinking tea. That said, you are incorrect about microprocessors. Although they were developed very late in the Fallout timeline, 99% of the known game lore, came from using a computer terminal in the game, that can't exist without micro processing. Pip-Boys as well, can't exist without transistors and micro chips. And all of this is consistent with the genre, because the people of the 1950s, didn't even know transistors existed, because it took decades to fully realize their potential. So the future they dreamed of, didn't have our understanding of them, because they didn't have our understanding of them. This is where all forms of Punk get wonky, because you are making it for the current day audience, who has an understanding that the characters depicted do not. So there is always a bit of lampooning going on, such as raiders keeping a diary on a computer terminal, in a room that doesn't keep water out. Some of it is just intentionally humorous.
@toomanyaccounts 10 дней назад
@@Tijuanabill vacuum tube are what they use for a lot of things since transistors came very late. The water chip uses vacuum tube. Also several pipboys in the games show vacuum tubes
@alexjessop3704 17 дней назад
Please can you do a video on how many Glizzys you can eat in an hour
@TheReactRift 17 дней назад
We'll keep that idea in mind. Just googled the world record and it's 110 in 10 mins 😄
@algolem 19 дней назад
@Nicask1998 19 дней назад
Hi Costi, i am Johan.
@TheReactRift 19 дней назад
Yo Johan
@entylix1837 19 дней назад
🌟 Watching this reaction to My Hero Academia Season 1 has been an absolute game-changer for me! This show has inspired me in so many ways, pushing me to believe in myself and pursue my dreams with a "Plus Ultra" attitude 💪. I've even dyed my hair green like Deku 🟢 to embrace his courageous spirit. On top of that, it even led to an unforgettable encounter where I had the honor of meeting and sharing an intimate moment with the incredible Jack Black 🤩. This series has truly brought unexpected magic into my life, and I'm forever grateful. Keep up the amazing reactions - they’re inspiring and connecting fans in the most wonderful ways! 🏆✨ #PlusUltra
@TheReactRift 14 дней назад
Thank you for your kind words! Plus ultraaa! - Costi
@danwebb5602 19 дней назад
Hi Costi
@TheReactRift 19 дней назад
Hey Dan ;)
@TheReactRift 19 дней назад
Apologies about the audio in the first 3 episodes of MHA. We added a filter in OBS and it made background audio and our voices sound odd at times.
@denif609 18 дней назад
What a horrible mistake. Unfollowed Channel reported 👿
@TheReactRift 18 дней назад
@@denif609 hehehe
@Hitmanrad 20 дней назад
Oh god the video is here 😎
@entylix1837 20 дней назад
This video not only changed my life for the better but also led to some truly unbelievable events! After watching, I felt so inspired that I rescued a cat from a burning house, and as if that wasn't enough, I even got married to Obama! Thank you for this life-altering content!
@TheReactRift 20 дней назад
I'm happy to hear that our content has had such a huge impact on your life. Make sure to stick around every Tuesday and Thursday for new videos ;)
@algolem 20 дней назад
best react channel xD
@denif609 20 дней назад
I was here 6/25/2024 - 5:21 PM
@spurgurius 20 дней назад
Good stuff!
@Nicask1998 20 дней назад