Life Over Coffee
Life Over Coffee
Life Over Coffee
Rick launched the Life Over Coffee global training network in 2008 to bring hope and help for you and others by creating resources that spark conversations for transformation. His primary responsibilities are resource creation and leadership development, which he does through speaking, writing, podcasting, and educating.

In 1990 he earned a BA in Theology and, in 1991, a BS in Education. In 1993, he received his ordination into Christian ministry, and in 2000 he graduated with an MA in Counseling from The Master's University. In 2006 he was recognized as a Fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).
Marriage Day 13: Change One Thing Today
21 день назад
Marriage Day 7: No More Condemnation
Месяц назад
Marriage Day 2: The Most Important Thing
2 месяца назад
@DanielEstill 8 часов назад
Joe Cross diet and exercise :-)
@emlylemly9748 14 часов назад
Is there a place we can watch the whole interview?
@lifeovercoffee 11 часов назад
Thanks for your interest! You can watch the full interview on Dr. Daniel Berger’s video page at Life Over Coffee: lifeovercoffee.com/video-category/daniel-berger/ Specifically, check out the video titled “A Deep-Dive Analysis of Schizophrenia with Dr. Daniel Berger.” It provides a comprehensive look into the topic. Enjoy! Blessings, --Life Over Coffee
@Dascia2 День назад
Addressing the issues requires a lot more than just conversation. Our food system needs a complete overhaul. Income inequality, rising food prices, and the poor nutrition quality of affordable foods are the cause.
@lifeovercoffee День назад
Please read this: x.com/rickthomasnet/status/1803791161015799896?s=61&t=D-T7yCr_n6Gk0UZJxapqBA
@Johnny-ln2xx 2 дня назад
Adults believing in fairytales, smh, pathetic.
@MichaelClarke1646 2 дня назад
Watching this video I couldn't help but think "you belong in the comments section" and then I remembered Jesus is the truth and several other things I won't mention.
@GoodLifeTalkss 3 дня назад
Short and sweet! How true.
@lifeovercoffee 3 дня назад
Thanks for listening
@DanielEstill 3 дня назад
Our government says it's food and shelter 😂 #antidarwinanism
@DanielEstill 6 дней назад
Parsley salt water is a bitter reminder during passover
@lifeovercoffee 5 дней назад
Thank you for your comment! Indeed, parsley dipped in salt water during Passover is a powerful symbol. It represents the tears shed by the Israelites during their slavery in Egypt, serving as a reminder of the bitterness of sin and the importance of seeking God’s deliverance. In our video, "Reacting to Family Member's Sins," we emphasize the need for compassion and a gospel-centered approach when dealing with the sins of loved ones. Just as the Israelites looked to God for salvation, we too must look to Christ’s love and forgiveness when navigating these challenging situations. May we all be reminded that through Christ’s sacrifice, we have the hope of redemption and the power to extend grace to others. Blessings, --Life Over Coffee
@jeebitlimma477 7 дней назад
Wonderful Pastor i am Pastor jeebit limma from India odisha ministry
@lifeovercoffee 6 дней назад
Thank you for your kind words! It's wonderful to hear from you all the way from India. May God bless you and your ministry as you continue to serve and support His people. Blessings, --Life Over Coffee
@raymondmenendez6499 7 дней назад
You need to be at the next DNC convention
@lifeovercoffee 7 дней назад
Thank you for your comment! My focus here is to encourage people to find freedom and healing through forgiveness, as taught in the Bible. Forgiveness is a powerful, God-centered action that frees us from the burdens of the past and aligns us with Christ's example. Our goal is to help individuals experience this transformative power of gospel-centered love in their lives, regardless of political affiliations. I hope you find the principles shared in our video helpful on your journey towards peace and reconciliation. Blessings! --Life Over Coffee
@dougearnest7590 7 дней назад
As a Christian, I know I must be willing to forgive in order to receive forgiveness. The good part is that I know I won't have to in a lot of cases, because those whose sins against me were the greatest will never ask for forgiveness. You only lightly touched on an important point that most people probably missed. True forgiveness requires sorrow and repentance - and if possible, restitution. "Forgiving" someone who isn't sorry for what they did is absurd, it only reinforces the idea that actions don't have consequences. Hanging on the cross, Jesus prayed for the soldiers who crucified him because they didn't know what they were doing. On the other hand, between the two criminals crucified alongside Him, only one was promised Heaven. The other, the one mocking him and who knew what he was doing, was left to his fate. There are people I will never forgive, because I know they will never ask, and I'm okay with that. It looks like Jesus is, too.
@lifeovercoffee 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Forgiveness is indeed a profound and complex topic, especially when viewed through the lens of our faith. As Christians, we are called to forgive, as you rightly mentioned, and this is indeed tied to our understanding of receiving forgiveness from God. However, it’s important to clarify a few points about the nature of forgiveness according to biblical principles. Firstly, forgiveness does not necessarily require the other person’s sorrow, repentance, or restitution. These are crucial elements for reconciliation, which is a two-way street and involves both parties. However, forgiveness is a one-way street and a decision we make to release the debt owed to us. This is an act of obedience to God and is meant to free our hearts from the bondage of bitterness and resentment. Jesus’ prayer on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34), exemplifies this unilateral aspect of forgiveness. The soldiers were not asking for forgiveness, nor were they repentant, yet Jesus chose to forgive. This act did not negate the consequences of their actions but rather showcased the power of grace. Regarding the two criminals crucified alongside Jesus, the promise of Paradise was extended to the one who showed faith and repentance. The other’s fate highlights the truth of personal responsibility and the need for repentance for salvation, but it doesn’t directly teach that our forgiveness of others should depend on their repentance. Holding onto unforgiveness can lead to a hardened heart, affecting our relationship with God. Ephesians 4:32 encourages us to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Our model for forgiveness is Christ, who forgave us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Forgiving those who may never ask for forgiveness doesn’t absolve their actions or suggest that actions don’t have consequences. It places the judgment in God’s hands, where it belongs, and frees us from carrying the heavy burden of unforgiveness. By forgiving, we reflect God’s grace and maintain our spiritual health. In summary, while sorrow, repentance, and restitution are important for reconciliation, our call to forgive is based on God’s forgiveness of us, irrespective of the other person’s actions. This doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for sin, but it does mean we trust God to be the ultimate judge and healer. Blessings, --Life Over Coffee
@charlottebuck6907 8 дней назад
Apparently some people with schizophrenia respond positively to a gluten free diet...so maybe it's diet related to some degree
@lifeovercoffee 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The connection between diet and schizophrenia is indeed an area of interest for many. While there are various studies and anecdotal reports suggesting that some individuals with schizophrenia might experience symptom relief through dietary changes like adopting a gluten-free diet, it's important to approach this topic with a balanced perspective. In our interview with Daniel Berger about his book, *The Schenphrencic Unicorn*, we delved into the complexities of schizophrenia and the various factors that can influence mental health. The notion that diet could play a role highlights the importance of considering the whole person-body, mind, and spirit-in the pursuit of well-being. Ultimately, while diet can be one of many factors to consider, we must also acknowledge the primary importance of spiritual health and gospel-centered living. True transformation and healing come through a relationship with Christ and understanding our identity in Him. As we continue to explore these topics, let's remember to seek holistic, God-centered approaches to health that honor the image of God in each person and the transformative power of gospel-centered love. For more insights on this and related topics, you might find the resources on Life Over Coffee helpful, particularly those that address the intersections of faith, mental health, and holistic well-being. - Life Over Coffee
@Goldenrose838 8 дней назад
Schizophrenia is a legitimate medical condition. It's far from a failure. 1. It's a genetic condition. 2. There are several types of schizophrenia. 3. It affects cognitive functioning. I can go on.
@lifeovercoffee 8 дней назад
Thank you for your comment and for sharing your insights. If you are interested in exploring different perspectives on this topic, I recommend Dr. Daniel Berger's book, "The Schizophrenia Unicorn." It offers a unique viewpoint that might add to your understanding. Blessings!
@lifeovercoffee 7 дней назад
Thank you for your comment. You're absolutely right: schizophrenia is a legitimate medical condition, and it is crucial to approach it with understanding and compassion. 1. **Genetic Condition**: Schizophrenia does have genetic components, and this aspect underscores the need for comprehensive medical and psychological support. 2. **Types of Schizophrenia**: The diversity within schizophrenia, including its various subtypes, highlights the complexity of this condition and the importance of personalized care. 3. **Cognitive Functioning**: The impact on cognitive functioning further demonstrates the necessity for specialized treatment and support strategies. In our discussion with Daniel Berger about his book, *The Schenphrencic Unicorn*, we aimed to address the multifaceted nature of schizophrenia. Recognizing it as a medical condition is foundational to offering appropriate care and understanding. At the same time, it's essential to integrate a biblical perspective that emphasizes the image of God in every individual. This perspective encourages us to view and treat those with schizophrenia not through a lens of failure but with dignity, love, and hope. By combining medical knowledge with gospel-centered support, we can provide holistic care that respects both the physical and spiritual aspects of a person's well-being. For further insights and support, I recommend exploring the resources available on Life Over Coffee, which offer biblically grounded guidance on various aspects of mental health and spiritual growth. - Life Over Coffee
@DanielEstill 8 дней назад
1st Samuel 21-24 😂
@lifeovercoffee 8 дней назад
Thank you for your comment and for bringing up 1 Samuel 21-24. It's always interesting to see how Scripture can be related to our discussions. Reflecting on David and Saul's experiences during these chapters provides us with much to ponder about persevering in faith. Blessings to you!
@Moose864 8 дней назад
There are many possible explanations for the causes of schizophrenia. Read a dsm
@lifeovercoffee 8 дней назад
Thank you for your comment and for contributing to the discussion. For a deeper understanding and a unique perspective which includes thoughts on the DSM, I recommend checking out Dr. Daniel Berger's book, "The Schizophrenia Unicorn." It offers insightful viewpoints that might enrich your understanding of this complex topic. Blessings!
@Moose864 8 дней назад
@@lifeovercoffee while a religious perspective can be deeply enriching and genuinely helpful for many folks, I am not personally religious.
@lifeovercoffee 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your perspective. It's true that a religious perspective, particularly a biblical one, can be deeply enriching and helpful for many individuals. However, I also understand and respect that not everyone shares this viewpoint. In our work at Life Over Coffee and in discussions such as the interview with Daniel Berger about his book, *The Schenphrencic Unicorn*, we aim to offer insights that integrate medical understanding with biblical principles. Our goal is to provide holistic support that respects both physical and spiritual dimensions of well-being. Even if you don't personally hold religious beliefs, the principles of compassion, dignity, and respect that we discuss can still offer valuable perspectives on mental health and personal growth. We strive to promote an environment of understanding and empathy, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person, regardless of their beliefs. If you're open to exploring more, Life Over Coffee offers various resources that might resonate with you, even from a non-religious standpoint, by emphasizing love, respect, and holistic care. Thank you again for engaging in this important conversation. - Life Over Coffee
@user-yq7zn4nx9b 6 дней назад
Think of it from this perspective. While yes western medicine does perfectly help psychosis, they've found that psychotic hallucinations are culturally relevant. In the USA they tend to be scary or even downright terrifying, in tribes and rural areas like India, they actually tend to be actually positive. The common hallucinations in those areas tend to be laughing faces on the wall, animals, or just family members. When the family notices them Talking to or looking at someone or something that isn't there, they gently redirect them. Because of the stereotypes of Hollywood movies, the second we think we are something that shouldn't be there we panic "on ho they're going to put me in the Looney bin, I've seen how horrible it is in movies" but in reality everyone hallucinates sometimes, and not all schizophrenia hallucinations are full blown delusions. Some people might just see colors on a blank wall.
@wilfreddon246 11 дней назад
People rely on the Holy Spirit. Stop relying on people like Julie Roy and others. Stop being to humanistic. And very carnal.
@lifeovercoffee 8 дней назад
Thank you for your comment and for engaging with the video. I agree that relying on the Holy Spirit is essential for discernment and truth. While human perspectives can sometimes be flawed, God can also use individuals to highlight important issues within the church. Redemptive interactions according to God's Word and the Spirit of God are vital.
@annefischer3530 12 дней назад
I recognized this in my mother more than 20 years ago. She was diagnosed with Bipolar but I thought she might also have schizophrenia because she sometimes had trouble distinguishing reality from the thoughts in her head.
@lifeovercoffee 12 дней назад
It's understandable to feel concerned about your mother's mental health, especially when you've observed behaviors that seem to go beyond her diagnosis. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can sometimes present overlapping symptoms, such as difficulties distinguishing reality from thoughts, which makes it challenging to pinpoint the exact condition without professional insight. Your awareness and care for your mother's well-being are crucial. I recommend that you look into Dr. Daniel Berger's book, "The Schizophrenia Unicorn." Dr. Berger provides a biblically grounded perspective on schizophrenia that might offer valuable insights into your mother's experiences. His approach integrates a deep understanding of mental health with scriptural wisdom, helping to navigate such complex issues with grace and truth. Additionally, consider how you can support your mother through prayer, seeking God's wisdom and peace. Encourage her to lean on Him, finding strength and clarity in His love. Being part of a supportive Christian community can also provide comfort and practical help. Your compassion and desire to understand your mother's struggles reflect the love of Christ. Remember, you're not alone in this journey-God is with you, and resources like Dr. Berger's book can offer guidance and hope. - Rick Thomas
@DanielEstill 12 дней назад
Family loves one another even in marriage like a 2nd or 3rd cousin, it's strange in Texas, but if you can marry and live on a border, I recommend it too because in our culture marriage and work are crucibles. I hope I meet my new wife soon. #crucibletales
@lifeovercoffee 12 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on marriage and family. It's true that marriage can be a challenging crucible, revealing our true selves and offering unique opportunities to experience God's grace. It sounds like you appreciate the refining process of marriage and work within your part of the country. If you're interested in exploring more about the transformative power of gospel-centered love in relationships, I encourage you to visit lifeovercoffee.com. We have many free resources that delve into how God's love shapes our lives, marriages, and our vocations.
@DanielEstill 13 дней назад
People that have brain injury shouldn't sleep or they could die from the concussion until swelling goes down. Schizophrenia is a dementia.
@lifeovercoffee 13 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Brain injuries and schizophrenia are complex and require proper medical care and soul care. Blessings!
@davidwireback8621 16 дней назад
I found this guy rambling on from the start I almost stop listening a couple times until I got about halfway through . Then I said enough. I first turned into this guy's website because I wanted to learn a little bit more about Julie Roy's motivation for doing investigative articles. Or articles about church abuse. Is she being fair or not. However this guy is drinking the same Kool-Aid that John MacArthur is giving out. You don't go through a church program started by the one you're talking about. And say that you have a completely unbiased viewpoint. Where I turned off the video is when he said well she's one of these woke egalitarians. I'm assuming this is meaning that she believes that women are allowed to have more authority in the church than he or John MacArthur's church group Believes. I fall in that camp where I believe that God anoints and calls people both men and women in ministry and some women can be leaders and pastors and churches. And again why are you discussing this about MacArthur case only. The facts are clear one of his staff members in jail for abuse. and what woman wants to go to this church where he publicly humiliated and kick the wife out of the church because she refused to stay married to the creep.
@lifeovercoffee 15 дней назад
Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and taking the time to watch part of the video. My intention was to provide a perspective on Julie Roys' approach to investigative journalism and its impact on the evangelical community, particularly in relation to John MacArthur. I understand your concerns about bias and the broader issues of church leadership and abuse. These are important and sensitive topics that deserve careful discussion. While our views on church leadership and the role of women in ministry may differ, I respect your perspective and agree that fairness and truth are essential in any investigation. Your points about the specific cases of abuse and how they are handled are valid and need addressing within any church context. Thank you for highlighting these important issues. Blessings,
@davidwireback8621 15 дней назад
Thanks for your response. Again I came across your podcast in searching about Julie Roy. I was just wondering if she a good reporter or does she just have a bone to pick with the Christian church
@dougmicheals6037 17 дней назад
The best part about dating vaccinated chicks, is knowing she can't get pregnant! ... Seriously tho... I have so little respect for the medical pawns, i couldn't take anything she thinks seriously.
@noneyabusiness2237 18 дней назад
Then WHY didn't your god just make you formed that way from the very start, since you Claim your god is benevolent and omnipotent? You could have been made by your God PERFECT from the start. Since your god chose instead for you to SUFFER, your god is a SADIST deserving of hate, not love.
@lifeovercoffee 18 дней назад
Thank you for asking. From a Christian perspective, several key reasons are often cited for why God did not create humans perfect from the start and why suffering exists: 1. Free Will: One of the core beliefs in Christianity is that God gave humans free will, the ability to choose between good and evil. This freedom is essential for genuine love and moral responsibility. Without free will, humans would be like robots, incapable of genuine love or moral growth. The capacity to choose is fundamental to the human experience and the possibility of a meaningful relationship with God (Deuteronomy 30:19). 2. The Fall: According to the Bible, humans were created good, but the first humans, Adam and Eve, chose to disobey God, introducing sin and suffering into the world (Genesis 3). This event, known as the Fall, is seen as the source of human imperfection and suffering. However, it also sets the stage for God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-19). 3. Purpose of Suffering: Christianity teaches that suffering can have a purpose. It can lead to personal and spiritual growth, build character, and foster dependence on God (James 1:2-4; Romans 5:3-5). Suffering is not seen as pointless but as something that can ultimately bring about good, even if it's hard to understand in the moment. 4. Ultimate Restoration: The Christian faith holds that the current state of the world is not the final state. There is a promise of a future where suffering will be eradicated, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth where God will wipe away every tear (Revelation 21:4). This eschatological hope provides a context in which present suffering can be seen as temporary. 5. Mystery of God’s Plan: Some aspects of God's purposes and reasons for allowing suffering are beyond human understanding. The Bible acknowledges that God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). This doesn't negate the reality of suffering but suggests that there may be aspects of divine wisdom that are beyond our grasp. These points do not necessarily make suffering easier to endure, but they offer a framework within which many Christians find meaning and hope. It's a deeply personal and complex issue, and different people may find different aspects of these explanations more or less compelling. I wish you peace. Rick
@No_one448 20 дней назад
Don't live life with regret.
@lifeovercoffee 20 дней назад
Thanks for your comment! Repentance helps us grow and embrace God's grace, turning regrets into steps toward a better future in Christ. Blessings!
@No_one448 20 дней назад
@@lifeovercoffee exactly
@johncanthearyou 21 день назад
Wow what absolute shite this is
@GoodLifeTalkss 22 дня назад
Amen! So grateful. That’s a great thought to renew the mind around.
@lifeovercoffee 22 дня назад
Amen! Indeed, it is such a comforting and powerful truth to remember that God is always ahead of us, preparing the way. Reflecting on His sovereignty and care truly helps renew our minds and hearts. He knows our path and orchestrates every detail for our good and His glory. This assurance gives us the courage to trust Him more deeply and to walk forward with confidence, knowing we are never alone. Thank you for your encouraging words!
@charlesren7818 22 дня назад
What about hell
@dereklee2590 24 дня назад
Where can i get the full video watch it so good:) speaking truth we desperately need it:)
@lifeovercoffee 22 дня назад
The full video will drop in August at LifeOverCoffee.com. I recommend subscribing to our free weekly eNews, to ensure you don't miss anything: bit.ly/2RyHXV6
@deborahberko8511 29 дней назад
Thank you for "gping there" and dealing with truth/reality in this complex world we are living in. Well said.
@lifeovercoffee 22 дня назад
Thank you for your kind words! Navigating the complexities of our world can indeed be challenging, and it's crucial to address truth and reality head-on. I'm glad you found the discussion helpful and well-articulated. Shelby Hosana's Unjected App offers an interesting solution for those who prioritize shared values and decisions in their relationships. It's important to create spaces where individuals can connect based on their convictions. Your support and engagement are greatly appreciated!
@patrickolsen1525 Месяц назад
Dude sounds like a schizophrenic!
@beja7641 Месяц назад
@Noneyobusiness851 Месяц назад
all I can say is it's absolutely true for me I am a perfectly normal person but if I smoke pot I go completely crazy I am unable to do the simplest things I am completely confused reality bends to where I don't know what's real and what's not I think that it would be fair to call me schizophrenic or at least that the drug gives me many of the symptoms of schizophrenia
@lifeovercoffee 22 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s important to recognize how different substances can affect individuals in profoundly varied ways. Dr. Daniel Berger's insights in "The Schizophrenic Unicorn" shed light on the complexities of mental health and the impact of substances like marijuana. Your testimony underscores the need for careful consideration and understanding of these effects. It’s crucial to approach these topics with sympathy and awareness, recognizing that what might be benign for some can be deeply harmful for others. Your honesty helps bring awareness to these important issues. Thank you again for contributing to this meaningful conversation.
@weaton25 Месяц назад
Its not just canibus this problem started when the drug dealers made it stronger Ie Skunk the stuff that they sold in the 60s was weak and ok.
@bradforester3635 Месяц назад
Corinthians 16:30 GOD said Earth is Firm Fixed and immovable.. Ball Earth is a satanic lie. Earth is scientifically and measurably flat. All scientific proofs show earth is stationary, level, and non-rotating. NASA is a fraud organization that steals $70 million a day to show you CGI rendering and fake space art. Water always finds its level. You cannot have air pressure without a container. All stars spin around Polaris. 8 inches per mile does not exist. we see way beyond the geometric earth curve.
@stormcrafterfpv6814 Месяц назад
It's not cannabis that causes schizophrenia I've been smoking cannabis since I was 8 years old people are using methamphetamines and fentanyl and that causes schizophrenia
@Godintededitforgood Месяц назад
For sure! That’s why it talks about needing to factor in substance use in the dsm
@richardstrombergoverkill5099 Месяц назад
@user-wc2oh2ug6i Месяц назад
Insane in the membrane
@codymorse2108 Месяц назад
This is a load of bs. I’ve quit weed cold turkey about 5 times for different reasons and the worse thing that happened to me was cold sweats and crazy dreams. Knock this ish off
@Hjaelteomslag Месяц назад
Same here, but at least twenty times. Being Swedish, I've heard this since my early teens, and it always sounded outlandish to me. These cases are definitely schizophrenic already, although probably asymptomatic to that point. It's like these "experts" aren't listening to themselves. Ridiculous.
@Naxxemus Месяц назад
How do you quit something five times?
@patrickolsen1525 Месяц назад
I've never gotten cold sweats from quitting weed. Most I got was irritable and didn't eat as much. No legit withdrawal and I'm a recovering addict! I know what real withdrawal is! I've been there. When you go through precipitated withdrawal you'll never confuse it with anything else. Proud to say I've been clean and off heroin for almost 9 years now.
@louisezaros1616 Месяц назад
@louisezaros1616 Месяц назад
Scizo. Reaction...or actual new DX.... I think new dx...... but slso people were self medicating their disease
@ulfhedknarthedestroyer1753 Месяц назад
@nathanmoore7656 Месяц назад
Yea me too this is outlandish
@jaredhall2539 Месяц назад
I wanna see those statistics. For research purposes.
@sarahessley1323 Месяц назад
www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/young-men-highest-risk-schizophrenia-linked-cannabis-use-disorder Since the creator can’t follow up.
@lifeovercoffee Месяц назад
Here is the link to the book: a.co/d/4hiWWw4
@HuckFlynnHtx Месяц назад
Bull 💩
@christie8345 Месяц назад
Julie Roys admitted to having a sexual lesbian relationship with a 16 year old girl in the youth group she was suppose to be leading. Shes not perfect, either....
@mr.f6912 Месяц назад
Well said, thank you brother! Praying for revival in this country, starting in the church!
@lifeovercoffee Месяц назад
Thank you for your kind words, brother! Amen to your prayer for revival. Indeed, the transformation we yearn for in our country must begin within the church. As we align ourselves with God's truth and love, we become beacons of His grace in a world that so desperately needs it. May our hearts be stirred towards repentance, renewal, and the fervent pursuit of Christ's mission. Let us stand firm, rooted in the gospel, and exemplify the love of Jesus in all we do. Praying alongside you for a mighty move of God that starts with us, His people. God bless you!
@mr.f6912 Месяц назад
@@lifeovercoffee amen! You making this video is a part of stirring believers up!
@DanielEstill Месяц назад
@charapitoen577 Месяц назад
Somebody please do something about the mototaxis, not a good look, very disorganized,
@moistmista2137 Месяц назад
Thank you sir 🗿
@riverhaus452 Месяц назад
christian with bad taste just taste bad
@GoodLifeTalkss Месяц назад
@ajntn7695 Месяц назад
I wish I was this strong
@lifeovercoffee Месяц назад
Thank you for your honest comment. It’s truly a challenge for all of us to rise above offenses and consistently manifest Christ's love, especially when we feel wronged or hurt. The desire to grow in this strength is a beautiful first step. Remember, Christian maturity is a journey, not a destination. Each day offers us new opportunities to practice forgiveness and extend grace, just as Christ does for us. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, the Lord reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Whenever you feel weak in this area, lean on His strength and grace. You are not walking this path alone-He is with you, refining and supporting you every step of the way. Keep praying, keep striving, and trust that He is working in you.