Unrest Film
Unrest Film
Unrest Film
Unrest is an award-winning film about life with ME ("Chronic Fatigue Syndrome")

@lpmegs123 4 дня назад
found this from Ren. Thank you for sharing your story and the story of so many others! thank you for the education. i hope there is some way i can help.
@SheSniper1 8 дней назад
Physics Girl is not just showing this to is for the love of educating. Long Covid & severe fatigue syndrome are incurable and there are no real treatments. So she's also showing what we go through, trying to just get out of bed. I gave had severe chronic fatigue syndrome aka myalgic encephalomyelitis for 20 years. None of my doctors have even heard of it. The others keep recommending exercise. But once it becomes SEVERE, exercise makes the disease worse. So we end up just staying home. Treating our symptoms with Advil, pain patches; etc. If we're lucky, we have a partner to care for us. But many lay in their homes alone. Thankfully, many can get disability income but that won't save their homes. So they have to rent rooms in other people's houses or get roommates which often adds stress to an already weakened body. I hate that long covid happened to Physics Girl. Someone so full of vibrance. But she's shining a light on our disease and science needs to take. Notice. There's a free documentary on RU-vid called Unrest film for anyone who wishes to learn more. Just by watching it, you'll know more than 99% of doctors!
@iikkiskiikkis 15 дней назад
Also found this true story and touching film via Ren. Strenght and love and warm hug! ❤❤❤
@sebimmbasti 20 дней назад
Denmark is a f*u state in multiple ways. The state has far too much power there, you as a person are completely at its mercy. That doesn't just apply in this case, it also applies to dog ownership and many other things. The fact that the country is so beloved can only be explained by the fact that people know far too little. It is a police state in the middle of Europe.
@Miss_Distress 20 дней назад
Struggling with worsening ME and dysautonomia which is ruling my life most days. I almost couldn’t watch this, because it makes me sad to remind myself of how little we know and care about invisible illness like this. Especially having to hear some of the awful nonsense people say.
@pateo2211 21 день назад
in case a stranger in need sees this, me/cfs is nothing but a certain particular manifestation of the vast array of symptoms mercury intoxication causes. after all this pointless misery, its kind of anticlimactic to just find a cure that was already there for the taking, only that for some reason, our doors of perception were blocking it’’s very existence. google andrew cutler chelation, enter the rabbit hole, completely-permanently heal. thats what i and many have already done. godspeed and please don’t wither away in you bed-coffin waiting for medicine to admit it’s terrible ignorance. it will not happen this lifetime
@pateo2211 21 день назад
in case a stranger in need sees this, me/cfs is nothing but a certain particular manifestation of the vast array of symptoms mercury intoxication causes. after all this pointless misery, its kind of anticlimactic to just find a cure that was already there for the taking, only that for some reason, our doors of perception were blocking it’’s very existence. google andrew cutler chelation, enter the rabbit hole, completely-permanently heal. thats what i and many have already done.
@paulysshoptiendaonline7897 26 дней назад
Fibromialgia y SFC necesitamos ser escuchados
@sharonclarke2587 29 дней назад
This is also my story in so much of this film. Watching it reminded me of all the doctors I saw, all the 'it's all in your head' remarks from medical people to family to friends. This disease stole my career, my marriage, my self-confidence and the only things that held me up were those people who didn't judge me, or dismiss me and my faith in Jesus Christ. I cried buckets as I watched certain parts of this film. Almost 40 years later, I still struggle. I still drive with hand controls although even they tire out my arms if I have to drive far enough - thank God for cruise control! God, please help us all find a cure for these illnesses!
@karmen181 Месяц назад
I came to watch this because I found Ren last week. And just wow . I watched his chapters last night and he pointed this out . I do not have ME but I have an invisible disease so I feel this so much .. this was powerful thank you
@incognito595 Месяц назад
@cfc105 Месяц назад
what a bunch of fighters and heroes, hope a cure is found soon 🙏much love and strength to you all💪💜 Ren brought me here.
@billpeet1933 Месяц назад
Even if it was a mental illness (ant it is not), why this people are denied any kind of help and mercy? They have evident disabilities and they are clearly struggling for many years! Nobody should have to suffer so much and so long, this is hell! People are so evil and hypocrit in front of the pains that doesn't affect theirselves! Always ready to judge and laugh like children! If there was a God there would be equality in suffering and in joy. Unfortunately it isn't like this in this world. Life is so cruel and unfair instead.
@robinlingebach9240 Месяц назад
I was recently diagnosed (1yr now) after having covid. One promising treatment is stellate ganglion blocks. I had my furst round in april and went into remission for 4 months. Ive now relapsed but im going for a second round and september and have high hopes.
@Nora-chicha Месяц назад
Merci d'avoir fait ce magnifique documentaire qui rend enfin visibles les invisibles. Il faut que les choses avancent. Que du budget soit alloué pour la recherche sur des traitements et que les personnes malades soient écoutées et respectées.
@MrRomerista Месяц назад
I need the Film about her recover, please!!!
@steved1191 Месяц назад
I was diagnosed just two months ago. Although frightening to watch, it’s great documentaries like these are made.
@beemedia4931 Месяц назад
Thank you Jennifer Brae for this film. It really takes a special kind of soul to stand by someone with ME . They should all be commended xx life is very precious xx
@lionvlogvlog5109 Месяц назад
@v.martina Месяц назад
Há 8 anos condenada por essa doença terrível. Devastou a minha vida. Há, dois dias, depois de quase morrer inúmeras vezes eu passei para Universidade. Parceiros, torçam que eu consiga estudar! #sonhosnãoenvelhecem
@burgermind802 2 месяца назад
Thank you for putting this up, now I can share it with family and friends easily.
@google-is-invasive 2 месяца назад
hi - adding my story to one of the many in this comment section i caught covid at the end of 2021 at work. i was bedridden for 7 months, it took all in me to get to the bathroom or to shower, i could barely feed myself. if i managed, i'd just sit at my pc with my eyes closed and just listen to my friends talk; if i felt bad enough i would lay in bed with them on speaker but on low. but it was only 7 months. i was able to recover enough over the course of 2 years, despite a 2nd covid infection - which my brother had exposed me to. after these 2 years, i was able to take 10k step walks again - this would cause me to relapse for a few days, but it was still manageable. then, i tried to work again. it was only for a few hours for a couple of days, i ended up bedridden for a week with a 101 fever. i was lucky enough to recover from this slip up, but i was being extra careful. alas.... not careful enough. at the beginning of july 2024, i caught covid again, this was the first time from being in public. this infection was probably the most mild out of all 3 infections, but it has left me near the start of my journey. i'm still thankfully able to walk and shower once every 3 or 4 days, but the light and sound hurts so bad again. most of my day is spent resting in bed and i've had to ask for help to have someone make me food. my story isn't over yet, and i don't want it to be. but we need help. for the record, i've been trying to see doctors for the duration of my illness and it's been a fucking mess. i finally got in contact with a doctor who specializes in me/cfs. i'm so grateful there's even one doctor who will listen.
@genericyoutubechannel6180 2 месяца назад
Finally the "mytacondilria being the powerhouse of the cell" has finally become useful knowledge 😂
@beneath.the.rosesluciddrea8470 3 месяца назад
"If you say too little, they can't help you, but if you say too much, they think you're a mental patient." This struck me so hard. It was really good to hear a well person see this and say it.
@MollyMcMullen 3 месяца назад
Great film, beautiful love story. Thank you so much Jennifer Brea for representing us.💖🙏
@finnfan33 3 месяца назад
It's the pity that's the hardest. Stay strong, dear ones.
@Riekalina 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this moving film🙏❤
@caroleperret499 3 месяца назад
La mère dune amie est en état grave dans le noir comple et le silence 24h sur 24 nourrie pars sonde mon elle même mallade elle viens dapprendre quelle a la la maladie de chacot et qui lui reste 3ans a vivre
@caroleperret499 3 месяца назад
Ca me fait de la peine de voir pleurer
@Naratifan 4 месяца назад
Ouf such a brutal disorder...
@mautsukuda 4 месяца назад
Ren brought me here. His music is so powerful and his story opened my eyes to this illness. I hope you all have continuous days of peace, free of pain and anguish. I hope the awareness about M.E. will continue to spread and more funding will come towards research and treatment of patients. Stay strong. I love you all. 🙏🙏❤❤
@sparklingblackrose3 3 месяца назад
Thank you for showing up. You are so appreciated 💜
@theveganflower5135 4 месяца назад
The "its psychiatric disorder" It's because the premise began with having depression or anxiety/trauma increased your chances of getting m.e and fibromyalgia. But it isn't the cause. More doctors now think it's an issue with atp synthesis issue that then causes the auto immune like symptoms. Like the amount of trauma+ sickness viral/infections disrupt somethung bioligical causing an attack. And then boom m.e. it in a way makes sense, so much phisical/viral/ emotional trauma to tge body is bound to do something to it.
@jkcliff2956 4 месяца назад
I've had it for 42 years. Thank you Jen.
@rebeccabrandt3440 Месяц назад
i’ve only had 15 i can’t imagine. im glad you’re still here.
@theveganflower5135 4 месяца назад
I always tell my doctors that im not depressed. Ive been depressed as a teen. Now that im ilder and have m.e and fibro. Im just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Its different.
@rosalyparamo1761 4 месяца назад
Gracias por este documental . Desde el 2011 padeciendo fatiga crónica y fibromyalgia. Perdí mi matrimonio por la misma razon😢. Espero en dios algún día encuentren la cura.
@FreeRangeHusband 4 месяца назад
The radical activism, transableism and poor me syndrome approach by the me/cfs community has not helped the credibility of this condition. Most people who see this movie or hear us whine just find us more obnoxious than credible.
@milagrosmendez77 4 месяца назад
Heartbreaking but necessary. I pray a cure is found soon so you can all get the help you need and deserve
@wdonno 4 месяца назад
So the CDC has a long history of fucking up immunopathology. Well, I guess, it’s only been on the medical radar for around a hundred years. Mb, third or fourth time will be a charm for them!
@raggedblossom508 4 месяца назад
Sadly, the people who really need to see this film will never look at it. As long as hard hearts and fixed minds rule the medical system, nothing will change for sufferers of ME. Different people could make another 'Unrest' today and the story would be the same.
@AS-ok2ni 5 месяцев назад
After watching this! I’m wondering has anyone looked into the fact that it seems to effect the Killer T Cells and when the T cells are effected and stop working it causes a catastrophic domino effect in the immune system. It seems to leave the body with only way to fight off anything that over making what of immune system you have left. I believe that leads to the inflammation. Then I am wondering if paralleling things like HIV that the Latten stage of AIDS. In this case you have two completely unknowns. This starts less severe and it could be “fixed” maybe with something like AIDS. Drug that doesn’t allow the virus into the T cells. That maybe we could stop it from turning into this full blown disease. Hopefully someone sees this. They go you are onto something and we are going to figure it out.
@DonnaPoynton. 5 месяцев назад
Sent by Ren ❤❤
@IreneA-pp6zm 5 месяцев назад
"I don't have to let go of everything I had hoped for", this resonates with me. Especially during the work I do for my chronic illness that takes all my time. It helps with the grief of losing yourself and your personality to it. I don't suffer from M.E., the documentary is helpful though in highlighting invisible illnesses and making me feel less alone with mine. I appreciate the recommendation from RenMakesStuff.
@allisonwindle1117 4 месяца назад
I came here from his recommendation as well and now I'm going to share it with as many people as I can...
@Alex-pg1gt 5 месяцев назад
Wow, mental illness is no joke.
@robinlingebach9240 Месяц назад
Me/cfs is not a mental illness. It is recognized by all medical organizations as a biological disease. This is a physical disorder. It affects the nervous system, immune response, metabolic processes, and at the very basic level it disrupts the mitochondrial ability to make atp which is the energy every cell in your body needs to function.
@robinlingebach9240 Месяц назад
The one positive to come from the pandemic is that now that so many people are suffering with long covid that often includes me/cfs that they are finally researching this horrific illness.
@AS-ok2ni 5 месяцев назад
Hoping this gets a lot more views and a lot more eyes on what millions are living with. Ren recommend, this to watch! Another kind soul told us it was here. You are all incredible humans with the strength of Gods. Or universe. Maybe just maybe the right person will see this. We will find away of catching it and stoping it or healing it.
@Is402831 5 месяцев назад
has anyone contacted Dr Judy Mikovits?? and is anyone looking for parasites?
@joelleedde 5 месяцев назад
energy where are u ENERGY...
@joelleedde 5 месяцев назад
thank u Ren for mentioning this doc. this should be a worldwide wake up to this disease ❤ speechless... it s an every second battle... & DENMARK WTF is wrong with u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
@katrogers28 5 месяцев назад
This was heartbreaking and infuriating 😭 I only know of this film because of Ren Gill, whose song Patience was featured in the film. He is telling his story with M.E. and Lyme disease in seven installments on his YT page, to raise awareness and help others who are suffering. His next song Troubles is about chronic illness and tells the story of his experience and treatment by the medical industry. Troubles premieres May 9, 2024 on RenMakesMusic RU-vid page.
@SensaSand 5 месяцев назад
Could someone point me to an online community where I can find emotional and moral support. I am suffering from ME for 25 years. And I am pretty much isolated and cut off from humanity. I need some help.
@AEPhotog1 4 месяца назад
I belong to the Facebook group 25% Severe MECFS. I hope this helps.
@Miss_Distress 20 дней назад
CFS subreddit 😊
@samanthalasiewicz6165 5 месяцев назад
I got a mosquito virus on vacation in 2014 and have never been the same since. Hyper POTS sympathetic overdrive, tremors are the absolute worst.