Scholastic Lutherans
Scholastic Lutherans
Scholastic Lutherans
A collaborative channel focused on bringing Lutheran Scholasticism to laity. Lutheran Scholasticism is underexplored at a lay level, perhaps due to untranslated material, perhaps due to clergy not studying it, or perhaps due to its striking complexity. Our goal is to change that. Videos release Saturdays at noon Eastern time.

Historical Reductionism and Narratives
21 день назад
The Lutheran Emphasis on the Ordinary
Месяц назад
Do Sermons Need to be Long?
Месяц назад
Is Divine Revelation Necessary? [Scriptum #31]
5 месяцев назад
Ordinatio [Cantate Una #1]
5 месяцев назад
Monergists and Boasting [Improviso #30]
6 месяцев назад
@Christianger-gj7th 10 часов назад
When we say Eternal Manifestation, its energetic procession
@t80combatmaster65 2 дня назад
Dispensationalism is a psyop. Change my mind.
@Mr.DC3.1914 4 дня назад
the GB did not teach that they are prophets that foretell the future
@andrewg37 4 дня назад
"Brushing your teeth for the Virgin Mary" Insane.
@Dilley_G45 4 дня назад
Thanks for the content. Always good to have this info even if most of us aren't in danger. The main threat are the charismatic false prophets
@lucasschultz3542 4 дня назад
saw a car and immediately thought "whats up youtube theologians"
@jamesmcelroy5830 8 дней назад
Judeo Christianity and Christian Zionism is heresy. Us Christians are not supposed to be the servants of the Rothschild created state of Israel. If you look at the USA and Canada and England and many other western nations we have become disgustingly subservient to Israel and Zionism. Our countries have acted disgracefully on the world stage because of our obedience to them. It’s shameful what we’ve become.
@Martinus1483 8 дней назад
Believe it or not, there are actually Catholic priests who teach justification the way Lutherans teach it. I was at mass one day several years ago, and the Polish priest was waxing eloquent on how we are completely justified by faith apart from any works. His face was glowing. I was nodding my head, happily agreeing with him, but when I glanced around, I noticed many parishioners were sort of scowling or showing disagreement. I hope there are many other priests out there who are teaching the glorious gospel of justification by grace through faith alone!
@ScholasticLutherans 8 дней назад
@@Martinus1483 Glad to hear they are preaching the true Gospel. May they come to see Rome's errors and joing a church that embraces the true doctrine of the Law and the Gospel!
@unit2394 8 дней назад
Honestly dispensationalism has probably done about as much damage to the Church as liberalism.
@jrodmcscary 9 дней назад
No. But I'm watching the video anyway.
@UltimateCreedFan 10 дней назад
Crazy thing… in Matthew, the sheep and goats eschatology if you read dispy study notes such as Ryrie, it is said that this refers to a specific judgement on how the nations treat the nation of Israel during the tribulation period. So it goes from the most challenging and convicting passages for Christians to a future judgement based on foreign policy beliefs. Oh and the true Christians will be raptured away before this anyways, so the passage is for neither Jews nor Christians but future left behind gentiles I guess?
@rolandcarle 11 дней назад
Dispensationalism is belief in a christian form of science fiction (almost similar to the Star Wars saga), fantastic, but unlikely 😊
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
27:32 he’s completely right and Lutheranism is non-Christian and I need to get out of my Lutheran Church immediately and I truly do mean that. I’ve been praying about this for a while now.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
22:36 Christ is. Christ is the head of the church you need to read your Bible.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
22:17 that’s the way it was in the apostolic era. Was headed by the bishop of the congregation that’s it.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
20:56 that is so unfair. Gosh, you guys ought to be ashamed. You oughta repent. I don’t know any good Christian that doesn’t have a great concordance. Of course it matters and we always go back to the Greek, which is why Lutheranism on baptism communion is incorrect and heretical
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
20:15 I agree with you here
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
It’s just absolutely stunning the gaslighting that’s going on here. The only church that I’ve ever seen that is OK with sending R the non-Christian churches like Lutheran in Roman Catholics All other churches produce good fruit most often. I’ve never been to a Christian church and not felt welcomed loved but challenged. Holy Spirit is alive and moving in the Christian church. Producing good fruit my wife and I served the homeless for years. So much more to say, but then we start going to Lutheran Church. It’s in the neighborhood and for many years now we just sit stand sit stand and there’s a bake sale to get a new church roof and that’s about it. No worship, no, letting the Holy Spirit move, very mechanical and ritualistic, very Sacramento, very religious actually. No relationship with Christ.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
When you say nondenominational, you mean a Christian church. The only church that dates back to the time of Christ. There is no other church of Christ but Christians.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
8:16 lutherans preach for 10 minutes max. A couple throw a couple stories in a personal life, tied into one passage and that’s it.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
7:36 just the fact that you call your religion after a sinnful man shows the error of your ways.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
5:44 there is nothing personal about a Lutheran Church. It is stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, recite the same prayer time and time again No one sings, but the one person on the worship team. And go home.
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
5:23 no you show up to church to read the wall and perform the ritual
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
As someone who goes to a LCMS church right now, I can see many falsehoods. I’ve talked to one of the pastors in our circuit. Baptism and communion
@drummerhq2263 11 дней назад
3:15 what is entertaining?
@Thatoneguy-pu8ty 11 дней назад
You know it’s gonna be good when it’s two hours long 🔥🔥🔥🔥 thanks bros.
@shellie2415 11 дней назад
MacArthur preaches eternal security. I've listened to several of his videos, and he's never strayed from that belief. I was enjoying your videos until now. It's too bad because I've been looking into lutheranism.
@BPCougar8000 11 дней назад
He's ex mil, the .mil is indoctrinated to worship Israel above all else. Not his fault exactly but he's been out long enough to start to apply critical thinking to his opinions so...
@FutureNotFixed 12 дней назад
Also, although the redshirt guy is right about the 12 tribes being mentioned in Revelation, the rabbis hold that the 12 tribes are reconstituted at the RESURRECTION. Today's 'Israel ' is the racially mixed descendents of JUDAH, NOT the twelve tribes. They have replaced Israel with mixed JUDAH that calls itself Israel. Look at a map of the twelve tribes. Notice the tribal allotment of Judah. Question: does Judah have tribal allotment outside its own borders? Do they have right to the land of Naphtali, Dan, Isaachar? Simeon or Ephraim? Nope. There is also as the host says that in Revelation it can be symbolic. Look up the Three Oaths on wiki that are in the Talmud. The Jews are under 3 oaths not to try to take over the land or oppress the inhabitants who live there.
@FutureNotFixed 12 дней назад
The man in the video being critiqued is grossly confused. He goes to Romans 11 and says Gentiles by faith are grafted into ETHNIC Israel. He ignores that everyone who is not of faith is CUT OFF from the tree. The tree IS Israel but NOT ethnic Israel. There is NO ethnic Israel today. If after 70 years of captivity Ezra and Nehemiah had to pass racial purity laws creating ritual divorce, what has 1900 plus years of diaspora living done? Persians converted to Judaism (Esther), the Itureans and Edomites were converted in the Greek period, Yemen converted to Judaism before the Islamic era, the Khazars, and then intermarriage of Jews with Italians, Germans and the Spanish. Can't forget Saba, Eritrea, Ethiopian and Egyptian and Indian Jews. The closest to ethnic Jews today are.....the SAMARITANS. The DNA percentages can be googled. Only ethnically pure Jews had connection to the land, and even then, they were ONLY TENANTS who retained the possession CONDITIONALLY.
@antoniotodaro4093 12 дней назад
Q: Are Christians obligated to support the state Israel? A: Obviously not
@chasewilkinson1977 12 дней назад
@Outrider74 12 дней назад
Dispensationalistd always seem to gloss over Romans 9:6. Also I dealt with some of this in a vidcast I did about dispensationalism on the AllpointsTV channel
@ScholasticLutherans 12 дней назад
@@Outrider74 are you in this video? ru-vid.com3s91MAPjZnk?si=UIyVdD0NfGpAl-Qr
@Outrider74 11 дней назад
@@ScholasticLutherans Yep. That’s me
@jameskuek7810 12 дней назад
Our way is not God way, our thought is not God thought. His way and thought are higher than ours. He is God.
@Seyiwale6127 12 дней назад
This is not about Christian’s or Jewish Zionist ,,, Germany cannot steal land, properties and steal Palestinian identity , we all know the truth. thinking we don’t know what is right from wrong .
@SajeedaSultana-z9t 12 дней назад
Supporting Israel means supporting evila and inhumanity and I am no religion and no human support cruelty on humanity.
@PåGyngendeGrund 12 дней назад
Short answer is obviously no
@LutheranIdentity-uj8yk 13 дней назад
"God will bless those who bless israel". It is pretty telling that the ultimate motivation for supporting Israel for these people is greed. , "I'll get mine if I just suck up to those folks." Must be a hangover of the prosperity gospel of the 70s and 80s .
@magnobraga4619 13 дней назад
And the end of times
@SaintGerardMajellaInc 13 дней назад
We can always pray for their conversion but support is not obligatory for us
@barelyprotestant5365 13 дней назад
Great video!
@lorgaraurelian4076 13 дней назад
Summary...no, we aren't obligated.
@MarcyNLittle1991 15 дней назад
Perterism all the way ❤ it’s all finished. Jesus ❤
@ScribeOfBoom 4 дня назад
Preterism is most certainly heresy. You probably need to know what preterism is before espousing it friend
@MarcyNLittle1991 4 дня назад
@@ScribeOfBoomI think you should read the Bible for what it says….Jesus coming in “the glory of the father” was never about a physical coming or a physical resurrection…..it was “coming to life” as in the life giving reconciliation BACK to the God as in the garden of Eden…..sorry you feel that way, but God bless you
@MarcyNLittle1991 4 дня назад
You should look into apocalyptic literature written in biblical times and see how they wrote, it is different than what we know today….also, Jesus did not agree with the Sadducees on their belief in no resurrection, and he also did not teach the physical resurrection the Pharisees taught….he refuted that while talking to Martha about Lazarus “rising on the last day”…..Jesus was the resurrection aka reconciliation back to the life giving spirit of the Father, the one true God….you may feel free to comment further but I suggest you also see what other “traditions of man” have been brought into the “church circle”….i will not have a back and forth on it, I have said what I have felt led to say…..it’s wonderful you have Jesus though ❤
@terrybryan7883 15 дней назад
Scholastic dispensationalists do not say the locusts of Rev. 9 are helicopters (14 minute mark). They are clearly demonic beings as clearly stated in the text. As a man who graduated from a dispensational bible college and seminary that view was never supported at a scholarly level.
@johananswedlund7149 16 дней назад
Luther as far as i know didn't comment on the prophets. Calvin did but the inconsistency in hiis commentary is comical. Maybe Luther saw this and decided to leave it alone either way the point is that whether you accept the challenge of trying to spiritualize the prophecies concerning Israel as Calvin did or whether you choose to ignore it , as luther did, the end result is similar. You wind up missing the point. The prophets saw the future and neither calvin Luther the pope or modern replacement teachers can change that.
@johananswedlund7149 16 дней назад
Old dispensationalist here. Take my challenge. Take the book of Isaiah in one hand and Calvins commentary on Isaiah in the other. Read through bothe carefully and eatch how he gives the blessings for israel to the church and the curses for Israel to the Jews. If you are ok with this type of theological and mental gymnastics then be my guest.
@ScholasticLutherans 16 дней назад
@@johananswedlund7149 Why would we Lutherans care what Calvin says?
@bazzy8376 18 дней назад
I was shocked to find that dispensationalism was still a thing. I thought it died with Jack Chick Fundamentalism
@cameronbrinkman367 19 дней назад
Gerhard espousing Christian Nationalism smh
@karmalogicallyours 19 дней назад
Thank you
@figsweetnut 20 дней назад
dispensationalism is zionist satan worship, Christ has saved all men, more so those who believe
@ScribeOfBoom 4 дня назад
Thats slanderous and reaching
@figsweetnut 4 дня назад
@@ScribeOfBoom if it wasn't true I'd never say it. Miss me with your ignorant condemnation.
@figsweetnut 4 дня назад
@@ScribeOfBoom congrats you have washer content on your channel, one of Satan's top guys. Keep swinging pharisee.
@TheClements-DL 21 день назад
Honestly, after listening to the Lutheran’s position here and the debate between Fr. Stephen De Young and Dr. Gavin Ortlund, it seems to me that the understanding of the Church, its inspiration and authority are largely the same and may just be semantical: the issue of our division in this sense seems to be largely a consequence of history and divergent traditions as a consequence of that history.