The Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network (iCatholicRadio) is an apostolate dedicated to proclaiming the fullness of Truth with clarity and charity. We are blessed to receive and faithfully echo the revelation of Jesus Christ that has been authentically handed on over the past 2,000 years by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Magisterium of the Catholic Church that Jesus instituted.
@bmjjjja Час назад
No one who actually reads the Bible would become Catholic. This only proves CO doesn't read or doesn't care what the Bible says. The HISTORY they're accepting is what happened after Jerusalem was sacked. Ridiculous to use that era as indicative of a true walk of faith. How about going back further to the life of Christ in the NT? He forbade the authority system of the catholic church. In fact, he HATES it and demands repentance of it. But that also condemns all other organized religion as well; catholicism is simply this nicolaitan system (clergy/laity) on steroids. So no, to be a student of history does not lead to Catholicism; it rejects catholicism to embrace what the biblical "Christians" and "followers of the Way" believed. They had no authority structure; they were all equal. They did not reject Torah; they followed Torah and proved they did, even the jots/tittles were obeyed.. How about this? Look into the history of what the early catholic fathers wrote about Paul and the followers of Christ or Nazarenes, as they are called.. Then you have to ask yourself when you read those critiques of Paul and all disciples of Christ, "who is right; the people who walked as Christ did (Torah obedient) or the power and authority religious organization that has become the catholic church?" It's just not that difficult, if you're a student of history! Picking a group that was persecuted is not the barometer of truth; that's absurd! Some priests answering legitimate biblical concerns that the catholic church is violating is not what the Bible describes as a born again child of God who has a personal relationship with Him; that's idolatry instead! Taking the second commandment out of the list so that the catholic church can continue in their heresy is not authentic faith; it's fraud! Giving objects some kind of power to do anything is no different than witchcraft! Ignoring the actual physical characteristics of the whore in Rev 17-18; a false representation of the bride of Christ, is nothing more than ignorance, laziness and brainwashed!
@DoloresGreen-Tortora Час назад
It’s not about whether you’re a good Catholic or protestant. The Bible says no one is good except the Lord Jesus Christ, I hear very little about Him in your speech. Relationship with any church leaves you empty without Him.
@Stardust475 6 часов назад
Shame on you for platforming this awful woman. Where is her priest or Bishop? Are they okay with all the lies she peddles and the unhinged rants?
@diannaflorestrueba3791 8 часов назад
Father Strickland, I went to mass on one Sunday and the “ Consecration “ was not valid! I know the words of Consecration by heart ♥️. And that hurt 😞 so much!!!
@SBKnight 7 часов назад
Share what you think you heard that made it not valid
@barrybarnard836 8 часов назад
There is only one Church, it's the body of Christ, there are Christians in all denominations, as there are unsaved people in all denominations, Jesus is the way the truth and the life, not your church or denominational beliefs, unless you are born again you will not see the kingdom of God.It's not a matter of converting, it's a new birth, one is born from above. I sat in church for 39 yrs on my way to hell.
@iam604 2 часа назад
If Jesus is the way, then where is he?
@EricaJames-f3d 9 часов назад
To know the word of the living God is to know Jesus ❤️
@iam604 2 часа назад
That doesn’t make any sense. When you say “living God” you imply that there is a non living God which actually is Jesus because Jesus died. So what exactly are you claiming?
@megancarney4511 12 часов назад
So proud of you Candace!!!
@joolz5747 12 часов назад
@forhisglorylifestyle 12 часов назад
Where is the testimony of believing and receiving Jesus Christ! In order to be a Christian...which is one who has repented your sins and believe * receive Jesus Christ as Lord and savior...You MUST BE Born of God. I don't care if you call yourself a Catholic, Protestant, whatever, You are absolutely NOT a child of God until you receive Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY mediator between man of God. Anything else is false! John 1:9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
@LorriePaige 7 часов назад
Her life is an "agenda" she constantly pushes....She's all about wanting to become famous. Regarding Christian faith, she has the head knowledge but not the heart knowledge; that's obvious.
@Stardust475 6 часов назад
The fact they're platforming someone like har says a lot
@iam604 2 часа назад
Born of God? I thought we were all born of sin? Jesus is NOT THE ONLY mediator and if you actually read the Bible you would know that same practice of going through one being in order to get to god happened with angels. And what was Satan before he was cast down? And who also fell with Satan? And who was also able to make babies with the daughters of men?
@Bruc3L33 13 часов назад
I don't think it's very discerning to not see that the Pope is denying Christ. I've watched him telling the world that all ways lead to heaven. That should really make ya think. 😮 I'll pray for you all. I love you
@BibleBuddy4Ever 13 часов назад
I have been waiting for this sooo long, welcome home Candice ❤❤❤❤
@FayeMoore-q4j 14 часов назад
Salvation/ Born Again into the family of God is through Jesus Christ Sacrifice , His Shed Blood On The Cross For All Who Accept , Who Receive And Believe That GOD Sent His Only Beloved Begotten Son That Whomever Believe In Him Shall Be Saved -John 3:16 ,,,”NOTHING” BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS …. Not Blood Plus Knowledge of History Or Anything Else … Born Into His Family …. Having A Personal Relationship With JESUS Produces Works Because His Desires Become Your Desires As You Grow In Him … Again !!!NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS ….. It’s So Simple , Man. Thinks Somehow He Must Add Something To It It Can’t Be Free … When It’s A GIFT…. Neither Can You Know Him Through Your Intellect , The Things Of God Are Hidden From The Mind Of Man 💜✝️ Jesus Did Not Care For Religion- Pharisee’s and all their traditions…. I love Candace 🙏🏿
@Scottybeammeup2 14 часов назад
A very enjoyable story, but she still needs to ask some more questions. Like: Why are there no priests anywhere in the NT Letters? Why was the vail in the temple to the Holy of Holies torn in two? Why did Jesus give us the "Lords Prayer" example prayer? What was the purpose of the Priest in the OT? Why in the letter to the Hebrews does it discuss the High Priest hood of Jesus? Why do the scriptures there is only one High Priest? Why do the scriptures tell us that there is no need for another sacrifice of Jesus? What do the Scripture state about baptism? What do the scriptures teach about Last rights? What do the scripture teach about who is the the only forgiver of sins. What do the scriptures teach about purgatory? What is the definition of Grace? EPh. 2:8 & 9.
@Sumwhere-N-Between 14 часов назад
I’m not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ? She only talked about herself and the Catholic Church. She never talked about Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour! Salvation is very important and personal and it doesn’t have anything to do with walking 60 miles with priests… God loves you and He wants to save all souls and the only prerequisite to eternal life is faith in/on Jesus Christ and His perfect redemption one time finished cross-work! (Rom. 1:16, 3:10-20, 4:5, 4:24-25; Eph. 1:7, 1:12-14, 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-7) ❤
@seraphim3469 14 часов назад
How pleasant to see the personal side of Candace. So casual and open. I am very glad she is Catholic. I find Mass to be a total joy and feel sorry that protestants don't understand. Glory to God in the highest.
@marysears4545 15 часов назад
I researched the history of my Catholic Church and then checked it out with the Bible and found it did not measure up to the words of Jesus and in "fact checking" the Church was obviously teaching a contradiction of the rest of the facts of the Bible.
@Squivey3577 16 часов назад
Catholics and protestants are headed to the same home
@willytangkere5784 16 часов назад
Of course you have freedom to choose whatever you want to believe according to you’re perception
@destroyingfear777 17 часов назад
Catholicism is not Christianity at all whatsoever! She has no idea about spiritual warfare.
@Serquss 20 часов назад
Candace is truly a gifted communicator. God bless Candace and her family.
@elissalewallen1644 22 часа назад
I had started researching Catholicism just weeks before the debate between George Farmer and Allie Beth Stuckey premiered because my husband is Catholic. That debate was a turning point for me, as well. It made me realize how weak the argument is for Protestantism and I realized for the first time that Catholicism actually made sense. In fact, there were times I actually got frustrated with Allie Beth's arguments. By the time the debate was over my jaw had dropped and I just thought, "Wow...the Catholics are right about everything." It made sense then why they believe in asking for intercessional prayer from the saints, something I thought I would never be able to understand or believe.That debate changed me from, "I'm just curious about Catholicism" like Candace had been, to having a full-on quest for the Truth. And I kept finding it in Catholicism, not Protestantism. I discovered every crazy misconception about Catholics I had always believed was just that. Thank God for Candace and that debate! I believe He used her and her husband to help educate thousands and help bring them closer to Him.
@richyaxl1151 17 часов назад
Amen. Beautiful said. Now the Lord awaits you as well, my sister. Come home to us! 🙏🏽✝️🔥
@iam604 22 часа назад
I hope Catholics understand that their denominations specifically outlawed English languaged bibles at one point and officially restricted all non-Latin versions.
@Jcproduction8748 23 часа назад
22:52 yes!!! We’ve been truly waiting!!!!
@gabipurcar7936 23 часа назад
To know history means to know and experience Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
@iam604 22 часа назад
No it doesn’t. Knowing history means knowing the origins of the story of Jesus just like knowing the story of Hercules.
@jessicablack6473 23 часа назад
Welcome home Candace! I saw the debate between your husband and friend. He just dropped facts always level headed when your friend was defensive and sometimes a bit catty. I knew you could see the differences and I knew then it was just a matter of time for you to come home. I was so joyful when I heard your conversion, and praised God for the amazing soldier joining the militant Church. God bless you Candace always
@iam604 23 часа назад
Militant Church? Your god needs this? Wow! Judging the history of the Roman Catholic Church, it’s militant and tyrannical as well on top of being the sole Christian cult responsible for all inquisition that tortured and murdered people that would not convert to it. All with your god’s blessing according to the church. Just goes to show exactly what type of organization it is as well as the deity they worship.
@m.a.nugent8278 23 часа назад
I am so glad that you have made your journey public. You are such a good speaker, and it is obvious how intelligent you are. I’ve read many of the comments here and it is quite obvious which ones are written by Protestants. It is such a shame that they just don’t get it, and that they interpret their partial bibles that they use incorrectly and that they mold it into what they WANT to believe and not to the truth. I pray for God’s mercy for their souls and for their conversion and salvation. We should all pray for that. Thank you so much and may God bless you and your family, always!
@Angel-l5p6y День назад
She is proud woman And her tempo is 😢😢😢😢😢 You must relaxe od fear
@erim9175 День назад
The level of HATE towards catholics from LOVING protestants is not of the Holy spirit.
@paulsmallwood1484 15 часов назад
Coming from someone which praises a person for leaving Evangelicalism and historic Protestantism which they then describe in essence as inferior, substandard forms of Christianity, is rich.
@EricaJames-f3d 9 часов назад
Neither is praying to Mary
@Paul-x1i1p День назад
Amen, Fiat
@deniss2623 День назад
No, Candace, to know history is to know that Roman Catholicism is heretical and not true Christianity.
@HillFarden День назад
Do not follow in the path of deception. **Thesis:** There's nothing approaching papal authority in the New Testament **Matthew 16:18-19 (KJV)** 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (TLDR) The Roman Catholic Church cites **Matthew 16:18** to suggest that Jesus established the Roman Catholic Church and they teach that verse 19 is Jesus making Peter a pope. I’m aware of the Petrine theory, which posits that Peter was the first pope. The keys to the kingdom of heaven, **Matthew 16:19** as cross-referenced in **Luke 11:52** and **Matthew 23:13**, point to the gospel of Christ, which all believers are entrusted with (see **Mark 16:15**). The concepts of binding and loosing are metaphorical in this context as also seen in church matters- **Matthew 18:18**. -------------- However, it is important to note that Peter self-identified as an elder, not as a pope. In **1 Peter 5:1 (KJV)**, he writes, “The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed.” This demonstrates that Peter viewed himself as an equal among other elders, not as someone with supreme authority. In the New Testament, the terms "elder," "overseer," and "pastor" are used interchangeably to refer to church leaders (see **Acts 20:17, 1 Timothy 3:1-2**). The Catholic Church believes that Jesus singled out Peter to establish a Petrine Papacy, but if that were the case, Peter would not have referred to himself as an elder. No Bible dictionary on earth is going to define an elder as a pope within the broader context of the New Testament. The etymology of **elder** in the New Testament derived from the term Greek word (presbyteros). It means “older” or “senior.” This term identifies individuals in positions of authority within the early Christian communities. It emphasizes maturity, spiritual oversight, and the responsibility of guiding the church. The role of elders in the early church was not a hierarchical papal structure but a communal one. Elders were part of a shared leadership model, working alongside apostles and deacons. This collaborative leadership is evident in Acts 15, where the apostles and elders collectively addressed the Jerusalem Council. Elders are seen as a group of spiritually mature men who provide oversight and shepherding within local congregations. They are responsible for teaching, discipline, and ensuring doctrinal integrity. Elders in the early church had specific roles and responsibilities, which include; - Overseeing and shepherding the flock **Acts 20:28 (KJV)** - Teaching and preaching the Word **1 Timothy 5:17 (KJV)** - Praying for the sick **James 5:14 (KJV)** - Appointing leaders **Titus 1:5 (KJV)** - Guarding the doctrine **Titus 1:9 (KJV)** - Exercising discipline **1 Timothy 5:19-20 (KJV)** - Providing spiritual guidance **1 Peter 5:1-3 (KJV)** - Anointing with oil **James 5:14 (KJV)** -------------- **Equality among apostles** In **Revelation 21:14**, when John describes his vision of the New Jerusalem, he notes that it has twelve foundations, each bearing the name of one of the twelve apostles. If Peter had held a position equivalent to that of a pope, one would expect some mention of that distinction. Instead, he simply sees the apostles together, indicating that there was no hierarchical papal authority in the early church: **Revelation 21:14 (KJV)** "And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." ------------- **Collegial decision making** Furthermore, if Peter were a pope, the apostles would have turned to him regarding the replacement of Judas with Matthias. However, **Acts 1:24 (KJV)** states, "And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen," indicating that the decision was made collectively by the apostles rather than dictated by Peter. -------------- **Nowhere to be found ** If Peter were the supreme leader of the Christian church, it seems unlikely that Jesus would have left him out of Paul’s conversion experience. In **Galatians 1:11-12**, Paul explicitly states that he received the gospel directly from Christ, further reinforcing that Peter did not possess any form of supremacy. This shared apostolic authority is evident throughout the New Testament, where apostles like Peter, Paul, James, and others worked together in collaborative leadership (see **Ephesians 2:19-20**). --------------- **Accountable to the collective** In **Acts 11:1-18**, Peter explained his actions regarding the Gentiles to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem, seeking their understanding and support. He recounts the vision from God and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles, demonstrating accountability to the wider leadership. This event illustrates that Peter did not exercise supreme authority, as decisions in the early church were made collectively with mutual accountability. --------------- **Leaders have clear titles in the Bible. They don't play hide & seek** Historically, the papacy developed gradually over time, rather than existing in its current form from the start. The concept of the papacy is built on the **Petrine theory**, which is a theological construct, not a direct biblical mandate. Theories can be appropriate in political contexts, space science, or matters of law, but when it comes to church leadership, scripture clearly presents God’s chosen leaders without ambiguity-whether kings, judges, or prophets. The Bible does not sift out kings based on theories; if Peter had been appointed to supreme authority, scripture would have reflected this explicitly, just as it does with other key leaders. Instead, there is no evidence of papal authority in the New Testament. -------------- **Equality among apostles** If Peter was a pope Ephesians 2:20 wouldn't have left him out. It would have said built on Peter, the apostles, and the prophets. **Ephesians 2:20 (KJV)** And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; -------------- **We have a Great High Priest over the priesthood of believers who gives us access to the throne of God** In 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV), it is states, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” This indicates that all believers have access to God and are part of a “royal priesthood.” The idea of a singular earthly mediator like the Pope as the Vicar of Christ conflicts with the biblical teaching that every believer can approach God directly. -------- In conclusion, the New Testament presents a model of church leadership characterized by shared authority and mutual accountability, devoid of a singular supreme leader such as the pope. The early church operated collaboratively under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, fulfilling Christ’s commission to spread the gospel to all nations (see **Matthew 28:19-20**). Jesus is our Great High Priest and Supreme leader. **Hebrews 4:14-16** ---- God's people are not moved by theological constructs, theories, or speculation. We walk in the light of the truth. Thx for reading
@baileyvanblarcom4792 День назад
Question. WHO compiled the Bible that you are referencing?
@HillFarden 23 часа назад
@@baileyvanblarcom4792 Who kept the Torah for 1500 years? Did it help the Jews see who Jesus was? Nope, they still killed their own savior. Those Catholic comebacks do not work on me. In fact, many of the Jews are still in spiritual blindness even today. *Baptism regeneration* is not true. You can’t be saved or reborn from a baptism in water. Use your discernment. I’m a fellow believer just as you are. Jesus taught that there were two baptisms. *Acts 1:5 (KJV)* For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
@iam604 23 часа назад
@@baileyvanblarcom4792William Tyndale is the one who translated the Bible into English and yet Christians, specifically Roman Catholic Christians, tortured and burned him alive for doing it. Oh and no god helped him out in any of it. So much for actually helping people become Christians.
@iam604 23 часа назад
@@HillFardenLike the Bible, the Torah has only beliefs in who actually wrote it and since there is no original Torah text, who knows if those that so called “kept the Torah” actually did it accurately. You Christians only have faith which is still a belief and no actual facts to prove any of your claims. Christians have repeatedly failed to prove the existence of their god(s) so anything attributed to that unproven god is ALSO UNPROVEN. You lot should really focus on proving your god exists before you go around attempting to prove what your unproven god actually wants for everyone.
@HillFarden 21 час назад
@@baileyvanblarcom4792 The Jews had the Torah for 1500 years but they still didn’t recognize their Messiah. Being used by God to compile the Bible is great but it still doesn’t change the facts. There’s no scripture in the entire New Testament that illustrates a papacy. Repent
@violetcrumble57 День назад
I thought she was quite smart.....oh well most of the time anyway
День назад
i love you candace but this time you so so wrong what a pity
@Emilia12070 День назад
Thank you Bishop Strickland! 🙏✝️🕊️
@maranathatothekingofkings2836 День назад
If only Candace would research the papal beast like she researches everything. She would run from her abomination. Has she ever wondered why occultist use the "holy water" for rituals. James Kawala gave hia testimony of how he moved from African sorcerey to organised occult as a young boy. He went to "study" in the vatican, only for him to be initiated into the occult structure.
@butterification День назад
@bobjenkins3rd День назад
One RU-vid comment spurs you to become Catholic and you don’t even give bro a pin? Comeon now
@krisnurs598 День назад
Love your speech God Bless Candance.
@richyaxl1151 День назад
AMEN! As a fellow Catholic Christian myself--I was one of those praying and hoping that one day you would join His Holy Church. Now, here you are! You have come home to us, Candace! My heart rejoices, and the Heavens celebrate this victory! Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for finally being with His family. The Lord has been building you up all these years so that your strength could keep spreading His love and Truth to ALL creation. The church has gained yet again another warrior to defend our faith. Together evil shall never prevail. VIVA CRISTO REY!!! ✝️ 🙏🏽 🔥🕊
@abrahamphilip6439 День назад
Nobody would be Martyred for the reason of receiving the Eucharist, but for standing up to the Faith , especially against the diabolical Sodom and Gender ideologles, Does the Bishop ever talk about this other than giving lip service , as if a holy cow,
@mfowler342 14 часов назад
So, if you understand what we are being taught by these holy men, our job is not to keep dwelling on the garbage, but to grow in holiness! This Bishop is a holy, holy man. You already know Sodom is evil, why do you need him to tell you that?. Grow closer to Jesus.
@abrahamphilip6439 9 часов назад
Why is he avoiding talking about Sodom & the Gender ideologies orher than assuming , cause its seriousness he understands not, Was Jesus talking garbage when he warned " Remember Lots wife" ? These are supposed to teach/reveal what Jesus taught/warned not their own conclusion of holiness, Nevertheless, for you & the Bishop , when you stand before Our Lady, for all will, see that you dont see a spot on her palm , if you do, know that it is not her sin but yours,
@emilclark645 День назад
Roman Catholicism IS NOT Biblical Christianity, just read the Bible!!! Show me in the Bible, Catholic doctrine, you can't do it, it's what the Catholic Church says, not the Bible. It's very sad that people are so easily deceived!!!
@jimreilly917 День назад
😂😂 the Bible rose from the (Catholic) Church…which rose from Jesus commission to the Apostles at Pentecost, 40 days after his resurrection. Not in 1517 from the ranting of an angry former monk. Or a philandering English king.
@maranathatothekingofkings2836 День назад
​@@jimreilly917Uet you do not follow it bit add to it tradions of men
@isabellucia8774 23 часа назад
Show me where in the Bible it says, that the Bible is the ONLY sole and infallible for Christian faith and practice
@iam604 22 часа назад
@@jimreilly917Wrong, the Bible, as it is known today, came from William Tyndale who defied the Roman Catholic Church and translated the Bible directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts into English rather than relying on the Latin Vulgate, which had been the dominate version used by the Catholic Church. Outraged by what William did, the Roman Catholic Church captured him in 1536, convicted him of heresy and executed him by strangulation and then burned his body. Because of his deeds, you, and all have an English Bible and not because of the Roman Catholic Church who actually punished anyone who took your gods believed words outside of the Roman Catholic Church.
@jimreilly917 16 часов назад
@@iam604 key phrase…as it is known today. The Church started at Pentecost…not at the rise of Protestantism.
@Mommyof4AAAB День назад
Oh how sad. Im so sorry. Hopefully sĥe will read the bible and learn the truth
@shadstla День назад
That is your mistake Candace RCC is antithetical to what the Gospel stands for!
@basedautistic6021 День назад
You guys know this is the same person who questions whether or not Josef Mengele tortured Jews in the Holocaust right? She defends Andrew Tate (a porn salesman) and even Nick Fuentes has pointed out she is obviously an antisemite… but HEY, she says she’s Catholic!
Orthodox Church has the truth. We need to follow the Lord Jesus in the same way our Holy Saint Fathers did. We need this example to really see Christ. If you want to test it yourself search Saint Paisios and see his example and learn his life and worship of the Lord. Find a spiritual father to confess to and honestly follow the Orthodoxy and you are gonna know that are being saved rather than imagining you are being saved by our Lord Jesus.
@trumpetoftruthcanada8933 День назад
All I have learnt is that she became a Roman Catholic because her husband became one. She offered no scriptural reasons why Catholicism is the best way to follow Christ. I have at the least heard a testimony of someone leaving the Catholic church to become a true follower of Christ, and they all were able to provide scriptures and reasons backed by the scriptures to show why they left. That is very lacking here. At least provide one scriptural evidence.
@lets_patois День назад
The fact that you said "someone leaving the Catholic Church to become a follower of Christ" is so telling to your view. Catholics are followers of Christ. It's impossible to have an in depth explanation of the Faith in the comments but there are plenty of good Catholic apologists you can watch here on YT. Just look up any doctrine and you'll find a video explaining it in depth. To answer your question, protestant doctrines are often valid but most times illogical, false and even unbiblical. One basic error is Sola Scriptura: The idea that The Bible is the ONLY source of authority. If this is true, what authority governed the church during the inter testamental period? Forget that, how do we know that the selected books are The true and complete canon? The protestant canon came around after Luther took out the 7 deuterocanonical books from the Catholic Bible. The reason protestants give is: The Hebrew canon is the Jewish accepted canon and that the early church only selected NT scriptures. But they forget that the Jewish canon they use was settled some time around 1st century and during that time Christianity and NT writings were already in circulation. So in essence, for your OT scripture you rely on people who rejected the NT and for your NT you rely on a "non followers of Christ church". How ludicrous does that sound (it's stretching it a bit but in essence, it's true)? The response to this would be to say oh well, The Holy Spirit was led the Early Church to decide the NT books. How would the Holy Spirit be upon a bunch of "non followers of Christ bishops"(as you believe)? But then, you acknowledge that The Early Church was Christian and authoritative through The Holy Spirit. At this point, you have entered a dilemma, cos you're basically catholic now. However, to double down on this, why did Martin Luther remove the deuterocanonical books while the early church approved of them. That leads to debating theology, those books didn't align with Martin's view of the "true biblical message". He even questioned including Hebrews and James in the canon, referring to St James' letter as an epistle of straw due to its emphasis on actions rather than just proclaiming the faith by words. He didn't take them out but his questions tells you something about his stance. Martin, who claimed we should be subject to scripture alone, changed scripture to his theology rather than aligning his theology to scripture. Also, if Sola Scriptura is true, why do we have various denominations with various doctrines from the same scripture? When we know that the Holy Spirit brings Truth and not confusion. Catholicism is much more logical and unbiased, it answers all these questions simply by pointing out that the authoritative pillars of the Church are Scriptures and Sacred Tradition (orally passed down) and the Magisterium (teaching authority of the Church). St Paul said "So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter." (2 Thessalonians 2:15, ESV) We know that both Scripture and Sacred Tradition are authoritative due to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Hence, we can say that: During the intertestamental period, the Church was led under the authority of Sacred Tradition. We know the Biblical canon listed by the church at Council of Rome (382 CE), the Synod of Hippo (393 CE), and the Councils of Carthage (397 and 419 CE). Reaffirmed in the Council of Florence (1442) and officially defined at the Council of Trent (1546) in response to the Protestant Reformation all saying the same thing, are true because the Church has authority given by the Holy Spirit to discern what is truly Scriptural. We don't rely on people who denied the NT or non followers of Christ, but we rely on the Holy Spirit mediated through The Church for our belief in canon. We know that the universally declared doctrines are true because The Holy Spirit guided the Magisterium in their declarations, hence, we don't have major doctrinal contrasts or differences, even across different rites. I could go on but, I'd encourage you to fact check me cos in doing that, you'll seek validation on other aspects of Catholicism. Simply put, Catholicism is the fullness of the Christian faith as it IS and holds on to what Christ left us, The Holy Spirit, The Church and The Eucharist. It is the faith of The Early Church (look it up) kept till today. Protestantism is only a part and portion of the christian faith founded by some (not all) men who didn't value authority of The Church or Church Fathers (Early Christians) and wanted to please their own theologies. While there's some truth and some things we can learn from the Reformation, The Catholic Church remains the fullness of the Christian faith.
@trumpetoftruthcanada8933 День назад
@@lets_patois Bro. Am a Christian, not a protestant. It was your church that gave us that name because we protested their lies. The history you gave as your evidence only dates back to AD 400. The church existed before that. Study the church history, AD 400s are the same Era of the Roman empire under Emperor Constantine. This was when the doctrines began to change and replaced with many pagan Roman traditions and rites. Go and read up on church history. Jesus gave us no traditions of men to compete with the scriptures. He gave us his words and empowered his apostles to lay the foundational doctrines and practices base on scriptures alone, nothing more. All other things came about during the marriage of the church with the Roman empire. Read the scriptures to see how Jesus condemned the Pharasees for having the traditions of men in competition with the Torah. I don't follow Martin Luther because he was a mere man, and had some doctrines that I don't even agree with. I only follow Christ, and obeys his words that he gave to his apostles to pass down to us. Whenever anyone practice something that is outside the scriptures or competes with it. He seizes to be a true follower of Christ. I was raised in Catholicism, and saw that it has gone completely astray, and I left. The reason? I read my Bible.
@bobjenkins3rd День назад
Ephesians 5:22 is a good reason to convert to Catholicism though.
@trumpetoftruthcanada8933 День назад
@@bobjenkins3rd Bro. You need to read the scriptures. Ephesians.5:22 says "wives submit to your husband as to the Lord". This is about marriage. How is that a good reason to convert to Catholicism? Are you okay? This is what happens to you when you let someone convince you that praying to Mary and the saints is Christianity. We pray to God alone through Jesus Christ our saviour and mediator.
@lets_patois День назад
@@trumpetoftruthcanada8933 You're Christian, I agree but your church came from the Protestant reformation, hence, you are Protestant. That doesn't eradicate being a Christian. Catholics are also Christians. The history I gave dates further back that AD 400s. Before then Christians were under persecution so they couldn't have held councils. You know that the first several popes were martyred right? The Bishops came and settled what Christians had believed in ever since, even during persecution. And your idea that the Church married the Roman Empire or that Her doctrines changed in favour of Constantine couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, I'll urge you to name a few of said doctrines. The early Christian Church Fathers didn't change their faith under martyrdom, what makes you think they did under Constantine? In fact, early Church Fathers like St Ignatius of Antioch (letter to the Smyneans 7:1 & 8:1; letter to the Trillians 2:2; letter to the Philadelphians 3:2; letter to the Magnesians 13:1 107 AD), and St Clement of Rome (First epistle to the Corinthians 44:1-3. 96 AD) took "Catholic" stances even as early as the 1st and 2nd century, so you're point is historically inaccurate Sacred Tradition is not "traditions of men". They are Apostolic Traditions. Christ condemned the Pharisees, not because their traditions weren't in the Scriptures but because they contradicted Scriptural truth. (Mk 7:9-13) I have read Church history , not fully, but enough to understand that the Earliest Christians came together for the Eucharist (not a sermon), they believed in the communion of Saints ( In Heaven and on Earth), they held Apostolic succession and Sacred Tradition, held the 7 sacraments, etc. Notice how your response didn't answer the previous questions asked: What authority governed the Church during the intertestamental period? How do we know that the selected canon is true and complete? What authority did Luther have to declare that 7 books of Scripture were no longer scripture, contradicting the 1.5 Millenia of Church agreement? If Sola Scriptura is true, why do we have several Protestant denominations with contrasting doctrines, all from the same Scripture? Another president doctrine that contradicts both the church and scripture is Sola Fide: They quote St Paul in Romans 3: 28, Eph 2: 8-9, Gal 2: 16 , etc to support this but forget Gal 5:6 when he says the only thing that counts is FAITH WORKING THROUGH LOVE. 1 Cor 13:2 when he says if I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing 1 Thesis 1:3, Rom 13:8 - 10, etc. Putting Paul aside, Christ himself in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats ( Mt 25: 31 - 46) tells us that the righteous are saved not by faith alone but by how they demonstrated love (which Paul calls the fulfillment of the law) In Mt 19: 16 - 22: "if you want to enter life, keep the commandments... Jesus replied, 'you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery,...' " In Mt 5 - 7: He emphasizes that "not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven but only those who do the world of The Father who is in heaven" Mt 7:24 -27, The paracle of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), John 15: 1-8 where the branches that bare no fruit are cut off, Luke 6:46 and so on You are well aware of St James' teachings on justification through actions and not faith alone as well. Philippians 2:12-13, Rom 2: 6-8, 1 Tim 6:18-19, Heb 13:16, Micah 6:6-8, Isaiah 1:16-17, Ezek 18:21-22, Tobit 4:5-11 & 12: 8-9, Sirach 3:30, Wisdom 6:17-18, etc also speak on the importance of actions and works of love and righteousness.
@beatalogioco3990 День назад
@ritaesho5 День назад
I’ve been waiting for this moment ❤
@JosephineWrightNori-ub8vm День назад
Thank you Jesus dor helping her..
@brandiemartin7745 День назад
I absolutely love Candace but I truly believe she only drank the kool aid because her unwavering love and affection for her husband. I believe she knows what is right and true and I pray she comes back to her religious roots. Catholicism is not it. Sola Scriptura! God is the only way, the truth, and the light! God bless her and her family! 🙏🏻
@isabellucia8774 23 часа назад
Candace is very intelligent and smart enough to know that if she truly didn’t agree with something or wasn’t fully ready to convert she wouldn’t do it. She isn’t one to just jump on something bc everyone is telling her to, this never applied to any of her other stances (she does her studying). She clearly did her research and all trails lead back to the One, True, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.