Light of Hope

Dear Followers of Jesus Christ,
I have not been able to manage this account for almost 2 years. Many of you asked me where you can get more of Francis Chan, so here is my answer to your question.
You can get his message on this web-site
and about the videos uploaded here I e-mailed Cornerstone couple years ago, and person named Karl gave me permission to upload the video. So I recommend you to ask for permission from Cornerstone if you want to share these video. Let's not be Lukewarm, let's be radical for Christ by the power of His LOVE~!!
Just Stop and Think
17 лет назад
Slavery Can Be Fun
17 лет назад
Luke Warm & Loving It
17 лет назад
@LouijayDort 20 дней назад
Amenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamen the Lord is amazing and pure and holy and just!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
@seipeitsebe3121 Месяц назад
2024 ....
@faithpieters131 2 месяца назад
watching in 2024
@mannyprays1164 3 месяца назад
Who’s watching in 2024??? 👍
@israelarcet7074 3 месяца назад
Absolutely 💯
@michaelg362 4 месяца назад
@Mija04.24 5 месяцев назад
“What did I do wrong, why are you leaving me!” -God How humbling.
@Mija04.24 5 месяцев назад
How I needed this. How grieved God is with the people. 2024 and this needs to be heard by all!!!
@user-uq5fm1hb4v 7 месяцев назад
still watching this
@dongorsegner4607 8 месяцев назад
I’ve watched this a number of times………..oh the temptations look so good. I get a handle on stuff in one area and things crop up in another.
@mberhan2 9 месяцев назад
We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. 1 John 2:3‭-‬6 NIV
@afproduction101 10 месяцев назад
2023 🥳
@user-lq7jf8tr4x 10 месяцев назад
Me ❤❤❤ and I love it
@hardlines4 10 месяцев назад
Please God forgive me and help me 🙏🏼
@paulrivalto1974 Год назад
All SIN is S-elf, I-sh, N-ess! Even the Sin of the garden!
@zoeerae5563 Год назад
This guy is amazing. He’s really helping me with my pride…
@alexandrakaraboukoukis931 Год назад
@samu__2903 Год назад
@tinamarieeloian904 Год назад
Made me cry, laugh and praise God..Love u God
@Myjesus-1 Год назад
There are many Hypocrites who claim a belief in Jesus, but they don't follow him. Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." The majority of his followers contradict him. Some even mock at the command that he gave us to live by. Jesus did not make mistakes in the language he used, yet countless Christians feel that it is their duty to correct him. Many even say that he didn't mean that, or he meant to say something else. They will even use his own bible scriptures against him to try and prove him wrong. It takes a lot of arrogance to challenge his authority, and those who do will be counted among his enemies. Those who reject his word reject him. Romans 1:28-32 "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them." Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." Hypocrites contradict Jesus. They say that sinning, even daily, is a normal part of Christian life, and it is even expected of us all. They know nothing about the work of the Holy Spirit to transform us to righteousness, and if they are told, they deny it.
@SusanEvans Год назад
I love the illustrations! They make everything clearly understandable.
@damianwhite504 Год назад
like your hair frankie
@susanflakes6968 Год назад
Way over anxiety, appreciate your heart and need ya'll to keep the faith here...this morning @ 3...as usual...Blessings!
@truthseekers1620 2 года назад
sin may seem fun but it ain't the consequences are not worth it which is death
@susanflakes6968 2 года назад
In 2022...it doesn't look good to me at all...I can't stand to be anything but close to HIM...
@spiritualservicesgodbless7641 2 года назад
Thank you for the video
@privacy9175 2 года назад
It's now 2022..
@Chompchomp9 2 года назад
This reminds me of this song called Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. It helps me keep my eyes on Him. Don’t lose hope everyone! The same power that rose Christ from the dead is living in you! (Romans 8:11) “Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light and his glory and grace.”
@worldview730 2 года назад
Amen, the hard reality of my everyday life. But the positive thing is I still desire to do god, glory be to God 👍🙏😇
@aaronreau8556 2 года назад
Forgive me Jesus Christ for my wicked heart in Jesus' name amen
@aaronreau8556 2 года назад
Please that I would be saved
@aaronreau8556 2 года назад
Please pray that would be holy as he is holy
@catcha4974 2 года назад
Frances Chan: I love you but please look at creation based scripture. The Bible does not say earth is a ball shaped or spinning (1000 miles an hour). The Bible says we are on pillars. still solid ground and there's no evidence of a curve. That's a lie we were told since childhood. Sea level is level. Ponds are level. All bodies of water are not clinging or wrapping around the ball. The sun rotates around the earth moon & stars rotate like a clock...200 plus bible verses to describe creation and the earth. Read Where Are We? Earth According to the Bible. Author Chad Taylor.
@a.kamileon 2 года назад
The one I needed this Sunday, sinned before dawn because it looked more enjoyable.
@MenwithPurpose2012 2 года назад
Fell into porn today and I feel so 😞😞😞. Please pray for me. One of the best sermons I've ever heard.
@JCTBomb 2 года назад
22:00 Weather he knows it or not, this comment, guilt ridden, is more likely to be a contributing factor to many leaving his church then sin ever is. That is why I left church, and a huge reason I don’t share my heart, which is where the desires come from which cause sin, (James 1) is because I am afraid of being guilt tripped, shammed, or judged.
@redemptionsdafellowship3456 2 года назад
It’s 2022 and I’m watching this weeping like a baby. Lord forgive me. I choose you Jesus
@sydneyhaenzi3481 2 года назад
Every time I reread Crazy Love and it tells me to come back to this video it is so needed. So much truth about the love of God and we all need to hear this often.
@David_Sewap7 2 года назад
Watching in 2021 dec 4 Keesekoose first nation
@nishidaryn 2 года назад
@diggy1108 2 года назад
We are ALL sinners that fall short of the glory of God. And we ALL are deserving of eternal punishment in hell because sin is so serious (it’s the cause of all pain, death, and suffering). And that’s why Jesus willingly died on the cross for all our sins and rose from the dead three days later! That we may have eternal life with Him if we repent (to turn away from our sinful life, and turn to Jesus Christ the Lord our God and Savior) and trust in Him (that He will save us ONLY because of what He did on the cross, we are saved by grace through faith)!!! And don’t wait because either because you do not know when you will die (just really think about that, you have NO CLUE when you will die! it’s could be tonight in your sleep or even in the NEXT HOUR!) That’s why God is calling you RIGHT NOW today to receive the gift of salvation!!!I
@raingriggs3883 2 года назад
Thank you
@petermazurkiewicz5465 2 года назад
I try to tell myself that this is true. I've tried for many years. It still wont sink in. I just can't figure how to honestly want God more than the things that make me happy. Existence is extremely hard and I wish I were never conceieved.
@matthewmatthysen7578 2 года назад
@vadimdmi 2 года назад
@samstewart9989 3 года назад
With sin
@samstewart9989 3 года назад
@heatherwyatt4812 3 года назад
Anyone here in 2021?
@zule2312 3 года назад
Love his book! ❤️
@mick1gallagher 3 года назад
You look like someone who has spent all his life playing with himself you scrawny little weed
@Fatelvis2 3 года назад
I understand that sin is destructive but during your EARTHLY life how is your relationship with God better? I read the bible and see a big book of DON'TS