Stasia Bliss: Life-Force Oracle
Stasia Bliss: Life-Force Oracle
Stasia Bliss: Life-Force Oracle
I Envision a world of Empowered People.
We are in the midst of a paradigm shift and I am here to ease that transition by providing information and instruction for how to manage your life-force energy- the energy of your life. This is Consciousness in your body and it is managed through awareness and mind. Different exercises and wisdom will assist you in becoming masterful over your life-force energy and understanding how to work with it for the most empowered life during these potent times of change.
New Moon Virgo Vibes- What to Embody
День назад
The Devil Archetype in Tarot & Awakening
14 дней назад
Subtle Science Lab eps. 3 - on Kundalini
14 дней назад
@kkst3552 Час назад
I have a tendency to fall in love with women that laugh at my jokes and think I am funny. In research on romance it has been noticed that women love a man that makes them laugh and men love a woman that laughs at their jokes. There must be a Darwinistic survival reason why women favor a man that makes them laugh while the men favor women who laugh at their jokes. Part of romance is about being with people who bring out the qualities of ourselves that we like. A person that makes us feel like we are good people because we like the version of ourself that shows up to be with our beloved. The beloved is not as important as loving ourself because we find the version of ourself that our beloved brings out of us too be lovable. Anybody that makes a more lovable version of us show up is going to be appreciated. Have medical people observed Expanded Myelin sheath around the nerves of Kundalini practitioners? Seriously humanity needs spiritual growth because humanities self inflicted disasters for political or greed reasons has become a threat to human survival. Nuclear war risk is too higg at the current time but getting hysterical about nuclear war or anything else rarely helps bring the awareness needed to fix self created disasters. We would not create the disasters if we knew we were creating disasters.
@kkst3552 Час назад
Codes of remembrance. kashori Airb. OK put on agenda find out what this guy Kishori was teaching. And If you did it all just for you is anything wrong with that? I am a helper by nature but When I am helping people is when I get concerned about my spiritual ego and make a point to try to stay aware of my spiritual ego. I do not think ego creates too much problem when we stay aware of our egos. I think being a bull in a china shop who hurts people with his ego requires a certain degree of unconsciousness in order for the ego to make a mess and cause suffering. Ego making us stupid, mean and delusional does not seem to fit well with self-awareness. Sometimes people are just to aware for ego to start running wild. I think keeping ego from creating problems only requires moderate self awareness.
@kkst3552 2 часа назад
I may have never had Macha.
@kkst3552 2 часа назад
I never saw the point in not taking a 5 minute stretching break when meditation sitting leg cramps cause pain. I tried a let the mosquitos bite meditation but after catching Dengue Fever in Pune I decided that meditating inside my mosquito net might be a better idea. If I start feeling people and their thoughts too much because of meditation I seek out the company of Redwood Trees. My wife and I did not like our friends going to Goa for Heroin even though we had also been drug users but we occasionally took psychedelics not opiates or amphetamine or Cocaine. We lived in India for a few years in the 1980s and 1990s. Doctors gave me Morphine, fentanyl and Norco after I needed surgery on a Staph infection that put me in the hospital for 6 weeks a year ago. I thought the differences between the 3 opiates were interesting. While I was in the hospital my 59 year old wife surprised me by dying.
@kkst3552 5 часов назад
Logic is not dirty clutter or monkey mind. The Problem with monkey mind is that monkey mind is often misinterpreting truth and incompetent at logic and serving the wrog goals. Guy with the long hair, logic is your friend, not your enemy. Logic and analysis make monkey mind, more disciplined, and less hysterical.
@kkst3552 6 часов назад
I lump Kundalini more with sense organs and mind and and biological like human wifi system that connects to god’s connective internet and God’s Google like search engine. God universe was kind to let us log in to and use God Universe innernet. Kundalinin may = innernet not consciousness. In my own personal language consciousness is that which observes rather than that which interprets, or that which is observed. Interpretation and mind seem more to me like what I see with my eyes or hear with my ears or smell with my nose than the process of observation. But you guys, presumably have done more with kundalini that I have so you are the authority not me, but in spiritual things, I often become wary of people not wanting to have to create their own language. The problem with using the language of an authority figure that you have borrowed, and sharing that with other people is that we may not understand what we are talking about when we are trying to repeat somebody else’s words, rather than create our own language. Science tries to stay close to the truth, but staying close to the truth is not easy. My bias says that what we observed ourselves is closer to the truth than what we heard somebody else say. I see a pair of kundalini, yoga practitioners trying to form a language about kundalini to be like a pair of car mechanics trying to form a language about what is happening to the car. I don’t like the kundalini is consciousness statement, because I divide the observed from the observer, and consider the sense of self and the lack of a sense of a sense for God universe and the experiencing of the kundalini energy to all be part of the observed rather than being the observer. I could be wrong, but I could be right. Love you guys, keep up the good work.
@moonstruck5763 13 часов назад
Love this ❤
@kkst3552 День назад
I fake hip movements until I get results but only because my lower 3 Chakras are comparatively sluggish and less prone to having sensations. I can have my 3rd eye buzzing up a storm in 5 minutes just from meditatively breathing into my 3rd eye. I can drag my 3rd eye alive perky buzziness to my throat Chakra to with breath and meditation to get my throat chakra involved in the whirring energy. Then drag the electricity to Crown and Heart. My Lower 3 Chakras may barely respond to my electric Chakra meditation drag the energy with breath technique but with faking the hip motions I could eventually generate plenty of sensation even in my sluggish lower 3 chakras. 10 years ago I ran away in fear but I intend to get this electrical magnetic machine buzzing again and this time see where it leads to. I am starting to build this practice again. I think I will be ready for the bliss, no self, and strange stuff again in about 2 months. Last time 10 years ago 2 months of practice was needed before I could have scary blissful dramatic effects.
@kkst3552 День назад
I do not think needed a body to go to heaven or to spiritually evolve is part of the Christian Bible. Mormons may be separate from most Christian theology in this idea of needing the body to do something with god after death. The more sophisticated 1/3 of Hinduism and Buddhism may stress the need for a body to become Enlightened in but I think sophisticated Buddhism and Hinduism do not require that the enlightened human. Who is God have anything to do with some disembodied human who is also God. God, the father in a strict Christian religion is a god made men’s image but it’s not a real god. As the keeper of the knowledge, you are stuck with this annoying task of sorting out, the high-end Hindu and Buddhist gobbledygook from the real spiritual truths. In the New Age movement in California, or among the Indian pundits and saddles a lot of bodies passed off as spiritual is just fluffy philosophy that isn’t exactly true. The truth is fine and mystical, but not as easy to talk about. I think you have chosen to do this job of trying to know the difference between the spiritual gobbledygook from the spiritual truth.
@kkst3552 День назад
Nuclear War, Global Warming although global warming might actually help humanity; we humans may need to evolve spiritually just to avoid accidentally collective suicide through stupidity and greed and bad culture. I am 64 years old. Is Stasia old enough to know about Kundalini awakening / Chakra opening? I am not doing well at guessing Stasia’s age. I ran away from Kundalini awakening 10 years ago because I had a disabled wife to take care off and I was scared that I might become unable to maintain my mental focus if I continued to play with my Kundalini. My Kundalini practice that I 90% made up on my own was having effects. Ever since my wife was cremated a year ago my wife has been much easier to take care of but I wish we were still together. Stasia probably went into more detail on some of her other videos about how her body handled Kundalini awakening. I am not a healthy 64. I have diabetes and sometimes heart disease symptoms. So fine, I have quit nicotine. My child abused adorable wife was sometimes physically violent with me but she could not hurt me unless she used weapons. Nicotine is a anti-anxiety medicine that is useful in war and domestic violence. What I learned from my wife punching my head only to hurt her hand is that Women should not fight men because the physical mismatch in a fight puts women at to great of a disadvantage. I never hit my wife back but running or hiding make more sense than trying to beat a man in a physical fight. But my wife was so cute, so adorable, so wise. Her child abuse caused rage problem did not make her less lovable. She was my spiritual partner and was with me at the Ranch and Pune 2 Osho Ashrams. As far as the mental chaos and confusion of modern humanity I seem to be out of that box and ready to become something new. I probably can awaken my Kundalini if I try because I seemed to be heading down that path 10 years ago. Osho was good to my wife and I and I wanted to become a bodhisattva rather than an Arhat to return the favor. But the desire to help others my be spiritual ego a ugly egoistic desire to be superior. Osho would talk and my listening to his sounds, meanings, and silences during discourse was meditation for me because my ego and chattering mind did not receive invitations from me to be present during my meditation. Many people think ego and chattering mind are uncontrollable but in my case they can be mostly put to rest fairly easily. In discourse listening mediation that I did while sitting with Osho If I desired nothing I would become intoxicated from the meditation sitting with Osho. I liked the meditation intoxication but wanting the meditation intoxication would diminish the meditation intoxication. It disturbed me a bit that I was using Osho’s presence to get high with a drug users attitude. I was meditating but meditating me and the heroin addict down the road but want to get stoned and want to feel good. One man may live in a fancy house and drive a fancy car, while the drug user wants to feel good from drugs and I want to feel good from the intoxication of the meditation. Me the meditator, rich materialist with good job or Heroin and Cocaine user seeking to get high all have the same drug seeking high seeking behavior so I will not pretend to be superior to the drug user, or superior to rich man or power hungry man. I wonder if I will survive Kundalini awakening? Osho said that most people die immediately upon enlightenment. Osho was talking about enlightenment not Kundalini awakening. If a person has a self then I do not think they are enlightened. Osho said we have 7 bodies. Osho once said Kundalini awakening was a 2nd body experience that probably would not lead to enlightenment. If the Kundalini shock at the 2nd body level Is great enough then perhaps the 7th body cessation of self will be triggered and the end of the sense of self way being in the 7th body is enlightenment. Some people might falsely mistake Kundalini Awakening for enlightenment when the enlightenment may not be complete just because Kundalini has awakened. So I better check for myself and see what I find. If I can still write words after Kundalini Awakening then maybe I should try to write about Kundalini Awakening from my Osho disciple perspective after the Kundalini Awakening has happened. Let’s check my calendars and schedule some time for Kundalini awakening. About 2 months ago Somebody told me about Stasia. I have looked into the does Kundalini awakening have negative health effects on old people question. Answer inconclusive. Would Kundalini awakening risk me losing my chance of becoming a bodhisattva? Answer, Kundalini awakening probably will not stop me from becoming a bodhisattva because Kundalini will probably usually be a 2nd body experience that does not end reincarnation. With Osho saying that most people that become enlightened die immediately upon Enlightenment, and therefore cannot become bodhisattvas anyway. Concussion I don’t really have a reason to delay Kundalini awakening now that my wife is dead. I spent part of two months trying to figure out if there was any reason to avoid Kundalini awakening, and decided that in my limited state of understanding, I might as well go ahead with my kundalini practice, which I just resumed, and which might take me deep in a few months. You never can be exactly sure where Life is leading you because there’s no good map makers for life.
@kkst3552 День назад
You are supposed to use nicotine gum or nicotine lozenges for only a few months. I have been using nicotine lozenges for about 10 years. The nicotine lozenges were making my intestines sick. I have been using Marijuana dispensary gummies lately. The marijuana gummies helped a bit with the nicotine withdrawal. I am going through nicotine withdrawal. I have a negative reaction too woo woo airy fairy. If your readings are going to keep showing signs of being in tune with reality I need to stop being judgmental about Woo Woo airy fairy regarding Tarot decks and regarding you. I like you and value what you are doing. I used to use the Rajneesh Tarot deck. I was getting readings that did not seem random but why would god or universe or magic be willing to shuffle the deck in such a way to give me meaningful non random readings. As a bit of a mystic raised by a ashiest scientist father I am stuck living in the paradox of attempting to balance my father’s way of thinking which I do respect with the mystical life experience that I have experienced but would not expect my father to believe. Father designed the inertial navigation system for the Apollo moon rockets. You are not too focussed on sun signs. I have 3 astrology clusters and I guess would listen to you on all 3 astrology clusters in your seemingly weekly Astrology/Tarot readings for us people. I never did a Tarot reading for a group of multiple people. My Clusters, Mercury, Mars, and Venus conjunct in Pisces in 8th house Trine or sextant Jupiter. Sun in Aires 9th house. Rising and Moon conjunct in Leo, Moon in 12th house. Something is opposed or square to my Saturn which is in an earth sign,. I forget whether my Satturn was in Virgo or Capricorn.
@StasiaBliss 23 часа назад
Beautiful comment friend, it is the work of us all, actually, in our awakening process, to balance the practical and the magical, it is my whole life’s work- and the work we must all ultimately do in order to be whole. As far as the nicotine patches, etc, maybe time to renew your relationship with tobacco all together and make it holy so you can let it go if that is your destiny, or otherwise become a shaman. I appreciate you being here. Let me know if I can be of further assistance on your struggles, otherwise keep tuning in. ❤
@kkst3552 4 часа назад
@@StasiaBliss maybe I will hire you someday just a play and to allow me to ask you follow-up questions in my own language about your kundalini experience. God universe gave me $6000 investment income today and $8000 investment income yesterday but that money is not reliable. And me working is also not reliable. So I could still end up dying homeless behind a dumpster, but that does not frighten me that much. I believe that PS LV silver fund is the best investment anybody can make for the next year in a difficult investing climate. I need to either reduce my expenses or keep on getting lucky with investments. But I am feeling so lucky that I think I can afford to hire you for a session even though I don’t really have anything that needs to be fixed as far as my mental health goes.
@kkst3552 День назад
I wanted to see what the star was doing with her hands in the river. I process visual images a bit slowly. You held the card too briefly for brain to see everything in the card. Not a complaint. Just letting you know that some people would need to look longer to get the detail and mood of the Star card art. Modern media often plays images to quickly for me but I suspect average people visually process faster than I do. Why is the character called “star”? What deck is that? It looked like she was doing some crafts task. Why do I project that? I see no tools in her hands or things be worked on in the brook. Star makes me think of star talent. If i i get naked and bend over with my hands in the river I am probably trying to accomplish something.
@StasiaBliss День назад
I do apologize for holding the card up for too short a time. This deck is David Palledini’s Tarot. She is filling up cups. The star is like the wish come true. But yes, whatever Star means to you can also be an interpretation. Thank you for your comment and for watching. 🙏
@savindaillangasinghe3346 3 дня назад
Opposites attract. Scorpio- Aquarius. The most powerful combination in the Zodiac (the opposite of water is air. the opposite of emotional intensity is intellect). The only woman that I love happens to be an Aquarius archetype. No one awakens and turns active the dormant volcano that I am like she does. She's the only one who can and has hurt my heart and soul to the core. All other women are only sexual interests for me. But she is the fire in my loins, the itch in my crotch, and has my soul, spirit, mind and heart ♏🔥 ♒
@truthforyourhealth 3 дня назад
Thank you for the reading 😊
@LuisMiguelSamperioMatilla 3 дня назад
Sancho ArcoIris welcome! 😼❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
@kkst3552 6 часов назад
Wasn’t Don Quijote’s servant named Sancho Panza?
@TheWormsEquals 7 дней назад
Very insightful.
@truthforyourhealth 7 дней назад
I will leave the Sangha I'm in. You know I should not expand my consciousness anymore. That's quite a tower moment
@StasiaBliss 3 дня назад
That’s big.
@lukepuch 7 дней назад
Great message seriously❤️
@StasiaBliss 7 дней назад
lol kind of I guess. Haha. But truly though, people know they have to spend time in the bathroom but don’t always prioritize prayer/meditation.
@Eternalmercy4evr1 8 дней назад
Did you just compare pooping to spending time with Jesus? Like Holy shit! That's a stretch 😅😂😆
@cinza7881 9 дней назад
@priorq 9 дней назад
Ya the bear totem has definitely come into my realm. Pretty sure I'm using the power tool lately through my writing. Nice read .❤
@savindaillangasinghe3346 10 дней назад
I'm Scorpio ♏🦂🦅🐺🕷🦎⚕🐍
@EarsofUnderstanding 10 дней назад
Thanks Gorgeous!!❤
@lynetterobertson6164 12 дней назад
@lynetterobertson6164 14 дней назад
Stastia B Tarot with energy embodiment techniques & tips sounds like the perfect antidote to else tarot indulgence guilt 👍
@StasiaBliss 13 дней назад
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. ❤
@Zechariah369 14 дней назад
Thank you for everything you share. It's been useful to me. the song was lovely and sorry for your loss
@StasiaBliss 13 дней назад
Thank you so much 🙏
@parthsharma6004 14 дней назад
So much resonating and syncronised what your topics nowadays..im reorgansing life after the purge and darknight... Pls discuss and blend bok book too..this is how i connected to the channel but love it now
@truthforyourhealth 15 дней назад
My former tarot reader retired. I think you can tune in with shakti and I like how you use different dvinatory tools. I would like it if you were my reader. Also I like your music. I find your music beautiful. This video was what I needed after a stressful law exam.
@StasiaBliss 15 дней назад
Thank you so much for the feedback and support!! 🙏
@ridoyhassan3509 15 дней назад
Hello Stasia Bliss: Life-Force Oracle, hope you are well. I also follow you on RU-vid. Your videos are amazing but your channel is not perfectly SEO. So, due to lack of SEO your videos don't reach to target audience and don't rank on RU-vid. That's why your Videos do not get much audience,views, likes and comments which limits your channel growth. Without SEO any channel don't grow organically. so you should SEO your videos. Hope you have understood what I said. Have a nice day. you can make m,e work if you want Thanks
@lennybogart 19 дней назад
What’s the _World Economic Forum_ have to do with Kundalini!!??? I think it’s those types who have done their best to hide this knowledge! And I know that they will simply want to manipulate it!!!!
@savindaillangasinghe3346 24 дня назад
This felt more candid, which I like
@Universallove2all 26 дней назад
Stasia I just came across your video because I think I’m going through a gradual awakening, can u tell me if this is symptoms, I get lower back pain, burning in my stomach at times as well as butterflies, I get waves or bursts of energy, roller coaster of jumpy, happiness, to sadness, depression, I also get waves of heat strokes and cold sweats and heat waves as well as my hands burning. Pls help 😣
@StasiaBliss 13 дней назад
Yes. It does sound like you are having awakening symptoms.
@user-pu9xo2xu9v Месяц назад
Always thankful for the lessons and bravery~
@moonstruck5763 Месяц назад
My condolences to u & your family Stasia ❤ So sorry about your dad 😢
@jimmyjim7392 Месяц назад
Love your hair color w eye color
@cathybossio3405 Месяц назад
My deepest sympathies for the loss of your precious Dad. 🙏🏻♥️
@StasiaBliss Месяц назад
Thank you 🙏
@truthforyourhealth Месяц назад
Thank you Stasia for just being in my life❤
@truthforyourhealth Месяц назад
Thank you, I definitely have this integration time after the energy rocket shot up my spine. Lots of good points. I think you handle it well with the spider bite. 😊❤
@Goldenthreadtarot Месяц назад
It’s interesting to understand why we didn’t feel heard in our families. What were the actual circumstances that led us to feeling that way.
@Goldenthreadtarot Месяц назад
I’m not coming at you, it’s just funny how the cat is trying to “speak” as soon as you say you weren’t heard in your family, and you’re telling her to be quiet. 😂😂
@SwamiChampakAnand Месяц назад
Water is THICK Air
@truthforyourhealth Месяц назад
You already worked through my stuff in the video ❤😊 great video
@StasiaBliss Месяц назад
Wonderful 🙏
@skywhilds Месяц назад
Yessssssssss Full Engagement: Open Heart/Mind
@priorq Месяц назад
This was so full of lightning bolts. I get the feeling of this ruminating Spirit in the ethers allowing the elements, elementals, going forth and creating this fire of life we call the universe. And it being the Intelligent universe. Just beautiful.
@user-pu9xo2xu9v Месяц назад
I want to not only honor my old ways but keep them near and dear just in case. How do I see the beauty in releasing what no longer serves me and embrace the space for anew? This is something I struggle with, perhaps because of ancestral trauma in my family tree.
@StasiaBliss Месяц назад
If something is meant to stay with you, even in the release, it will not leave you. But instead you will integrate the best parts. The beauty in release is recognizing that life is a glorious stream of stories playing out. But at times we attach ourselves to old stories which actually can block new stories from unfolding. That is why I suggest ritualizing the release. Make it a beautiful process of honoring and it is easier to shift. Make sense?
@savindaillangasinghe3346 Месяц назад
Sabbe sankhara anicca ti yada pannaya passati atha nibbindati dukkhe esa maggo visuddhiya. Nibbanam paramam sukham
@kkst3552 Месяц назад
As a child my throat chakra used to buzz and whir when I watched other children being creative.