Yoyoyo, I'm Patrick. I like video games, I speak about them, I enjoy. Come and chill with me, its very chill.
@simonkisielewski3327 5 часов назад
dude retrospective? it came out couple of months ago (jokes aside great content lowk)
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 4 часа назад
i guess youre right bro its a bit too recent for that word 🤣🤣🤣 still, the past is the past eh XD thank you dude glad you enjoyed it!
@andrewkelly1337 9 часов назад
When it comes to Shadows, a lot of the complaints are coming from people who genuinely assert that solo, melee only is the intended and best way to play and anything else is cheapening the fights and ignoring mechanics. So they're playing their 6th Soulslike from Fromsoft (Sekiro is offline only and that changes the game a lot) and they are still only using the same buttons and mindset they had for Dark Souls 1. But the games have evolved and franky always had more than they are willing to accept. So it's a different kind of skill issue, a mentality thing. To an extent.
@KubinWielki 9 часов назад
About 5 minutes into the video, thoroughly enjoying the calm voice, the good structure of the video thus far, and I'm thinking to myself - "Huh, can't wait to watch through this one's backlog. Must've taken him a while to find his style like that." Scoll down... 13 subscribers. 1 video. What. Well... 14th subscriber, glad to be here.
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 9 часов назад
ahaha love this sort of comment, thanks very much sir! ive had some experience with video editing in the past, but this is the first one in this style, its fun to make, just takes a long time haha. welcome dude, glad to have you!
@KubinWielki 8 часов назад
@@DeepDiveCosyCorner The editing background makes sense, and definitely shows. Now that I've watched the video, I have to admit that I definitely don't see eye to eye with you on certain things (though still really enjoyed the video, regardless). At some point you mention that it's not a bad boss design, but rather a design that necessitates learning and memorazing the boss's patterns and attacks, and that it works against using "OP tactics/builds" to circumvent it. While I agree that it doesn't make it a "bad" design, it's definitely a type of design I don't enjoy and find vapid - I like challenge in games, but I like to overcome it my way, not just "the one true way" that the game forces on me, so if a game throws a boss which demands the slow-paced, 200-attempts meticulous learning of all the minutiae of the boss's animations and attack windows, I'll just be bored out of my mind. In my mind, re-attempting something tens (let alone hundreds) times isn't a challenge or fun - it's just work and tedium. I'm just not able to derive satisfaction from it, because if I have to bash my head against something that many times, any and all feeling of satisfactions from finally doing it, has been long since eroded into a feeling of "thank fuck this tedious shit is finally over". Again, this is not to say that "boss bad" or that people are wrong to enjoy it (hell, I cherish Elden Ring for what it is, despite not being a fan of the franchise - ER being my introductory game into the Fromsoft's works), but I'm definitely glad that we *can* go against the intended design in ER. When I first began playing, I was elated to see that I could postpone Margit until I felt ready, and discovering that I could just ride around Stormveil to explore further was probably *the* thing that made me fall in love with ER. That's why I'm not a fan of the game just going "No. You play *my* way now, regardless of your fun.". Though on second thought, I'm being a hypocrite here, because I distinctly recall people having this exact complaint in regards to the Marauder fight in DOOM Eternal, and I loved the absolute fuck out of that fight, so I can't even pinpoint the exact reason why I find some "learn my moves" bosses vapid, and some great.
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 6 часов назад
@@KubinWielki Thanks for watching the whole video bro I appreciate it! yeah dude I understand, but I guess where we diverge here is that I really grew to love the classic souls formula, 50 attempts against a boss, even 100+, I think I am just someone that bonds with an experience the more time I spend trying to understand it, the more confusing it is initially, the more likely I will be to stick with it until I get it, perhaps its a bit masochistic lol, and even if I curse the hell out of the fight while its happening, I do find it extremely satisfying when I figure it out, funnily enough I did find the consort radahn fight boring at first, I was bored of dying over and over on the second phase with no clue of how I died, but I really began to get immersed into it after about 200 tries, I know its a lot, not everyone wants to die 200+ times, but thats just how I experienced it, and its definitely a call back to the approach souls games had before Elden ring, if Elden ring is the only souls game someone has played or enjoys, I understand why this sort of experience is a bit bizarre, but that sort of is the core of souls games, overcoming initially insurmountable odds. I know players like me might sort of be in the minority here, but the more overwhelming a challenge is, the more memorable it will be after its over. but anyway dude its alright if we disagree, this discussion is a fun one to have anyway! 😁so to summarize, to me, feeling like an experience was truly ''fun'' always has to involve a little bit of misery along the way 🤣the last point I want to respond to is that I've seen players beat radahn in particular in many different ways, with magic, dex weapons and heavy weapons, even in co-op or with summons, none of these methods are cheating, as long the player doesnt feel like it is. even if some styles of combat are heavily punished, the options you can take to change things up does allow for creativity. so you didnt enjoy any other souls games if I understood correctly?
@KubinWielki 4 часа назад
@@DeepDiveCosyCorner Aye, I completely understand that it can be fun, and IS fun for many people (hell, if it weren't, then soulsborne games wouldn't have taken off like they have and wouldn't have become such a well known and loved genre), and I get that to many people it's a divine feeling to overcome a challenge you bashed your head against for tens or hundreds of tries. It's just that to me, the tedium of grind overshadows the final victory. I have sometimes envied other people the ability to find the eventual victory worth the grind. As for the other games - I've been a PC player my whole life, so I find it immensely uncomfortable to play with a controller, and playing the original souls with mouse and keyboard proved to be... well, the controls in themselves were a constant bossfight, lol. I enjoy when a game is challenging through in-game merits, but not when it's challenging through the ways controls/camera are set up. Elden Ring seems to be the most polished in that regard, so the controls and camerawork are tolerable vast majority of the time with mouse and keyboard. I have Bloodborne on console, and I played through a portion of it with great enjoyment, but ultimately fell back to just playing PC games (again, really difficult to get used to the controller after a lifetime of exclusively using mouse and keyboard). But I enjoyed the atmosphere of Bloodborne dearly, and I fully intend to go through it someday.
@Dragun9389 14 часов назад
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 8 часов назад
thank you! 😎😄
@Sprn3t 20 часов назад
I agree with many of your point, i think fromsoft's Elden ring has become so massive that the dev couldn't really take into account all the impossible OP strats that people come up with and this has made designing bosses more difficult than before. My main complain about the fight is the fact that player's agency and diversity was lost. Radahn's punishing window is quite small that I can't really use my weapon ash of war anymore unless i sacrifice being hit after (and possibly die). Sure, I could just abandon all this and just light hit him till he die. But why should I? As you also agree, the appeal of these game is partly that each of us has to overcome adversity by our own way. Invalidating many builds' window to use the very thing that make them special reduces this fight into a bottle neck, the one way you can fight to win. I beat him in the end, after conpletely respecting my stats and using different weapon. I still enjoyed part of it (phase 1 is very enjoyable), but I felt sad that my roleplay was nomore, that the character I play failed, and someone else defeat him instead. With that said, I wanna say that your video is awesome, and a great counter balance to lots of complains I ve heard out there. Keep it up man!
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 11 часов назад
thank you so much dude! even if you dont 100% agree with all of my points I appreciate that you still enjoyed the video, and yeah I understand needing to change your top ash of war's could feel a bit annoying, my only rebuttal for that is that has sort of been the case with many other bosses in Elden ring and also in past souls games, some ash's of war are only 100% viable in certain contexts, some are only really useful when taking out group enemies, or with the slower bosses, or in PVP, I get that it could be kind of annoying if an AOW you've been using has been viable for every other situation except radahn, but personally I enjoyed that, I used the blind spot AOW through my whole playthrough, but during the fight I realised that I couldn't really use it against radahn, he just kept catching me with his next attack after I used it, so I settled on the crag blade AOW just to give my weapon an attack boost, and then I just focused purely on dodging and learning his moves, which was a nice change up from what I got used to with the rest of the bosses, personally I enjoyed the moment of ''okay, looks like this isnt going to work, I need to think about this differently''. I just found that experience really interesting and stimulating, its interesting how everyone has a different opinion on this fight huh! 🤣 with all that said dude, thank you for watching the video!
@fox65094 День назад
Awesome video and I'm v happy to have been there when you finally beat him!!! 😤🫨😎🥳✊
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 9 часов назад
thank you mrs delta! 🥺🥺 it was really a thrill, glad you were there too 🥰❤
@albertoorsomariaiorio2823 2 дня назад
Awesome video man! I agree with most of your points, and in fact I was happy to finally have a challenge again, after having learned the main game's bosses and all the ways to break them. Now I have something to look forward to, as besides the "gimmicky attacks" the boss moveset tightness and aggressiveness has ramped up in a dramatic way. And you can't get easily away with the one shots because of the skadoosh fragment mechanics and the insane HP they have - no more Morgott incidents! I also think that for the first playthrough many attacks are only perceived as unfair because we haven't learned yet how to optimize against them. For example, on my first playthrough I decided to tank some of the PCR clones and dodge only the lethal attacks, control the panic, and that was good for the W, similarly to your story. Now after, much more experience, I know how to dodge properly all clones as well, but my first playtrhough they were to me more oppressive as the cross slash given how my build actually allowed me to partially low-profile it. On repeated playthoughs I am still on the fence about the cross-slash itself, thinking about it in a hitless perspective, as it really closes up space on how to play the fight. I think one has to also acknowledge that there is a community and an interest for that as well, and making completely undodgeable attacks I think misses the mark a bit, as it is a "skill-independent" aspect of the fight in the end. However, in the end, I learned how to adapt to the cross-slash as well, and the fight albeit more challenging had become extremely satisfying. I was so sad about the changes overnerfing him that I now play with the pre-patch PCR mod. I hope that when they see that enough people hard-stuck on him finish the game, they undo at least some of the changes, especially on the weird opening windows they introduced.
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 9 часов назад
great comment man I actually relate to everything you said, the biggest issue for me with the fight was the clones and the light beams to be honest, I was actually surprised to hear how many people hated the cross slash, to me the light beams where the biggest offenders at first lol, but then when I realised that you just need to stick super close to his body to avoid them, I began to practice the first phase like that, sticking super close to build the habit, that is the exact moment I realised, ''whoa, this fight is amazing'', whats great about it is that it leads you to believe for ages that the second phase is pure chaos, but its just the first phase, but sticking right there on his ass instead, I thought that was pretty clever. the simplicity hiding in plain sight. thats why I kind of see the fight sort of like a puzzle now, that takes ages for figure out, but it just feels really rewarding when you do. I'm defo sad about the nerf aswell, because they made him slower aswell, I haven't tried it yet but from clips ive seen, it seems he is way slower, so the fight seems to have lost a bit of the thrill. and yeah dude I think the scudu fragments were a great idea! some people think there could have been better solutions, but to me it does its job pretty well, the way they were implemented might have been a little awkward, like not having any pattern into where they are found, just randomness, thats not great to me, but the idea itself was 100% solid. thanks for your comment dude, I enjoyed reading it!
@np_animation6319 2 дня назад
I literally cannot believe you're not some massive content creator, this channel as of me finding it has two subscribers. TWO. i'm really happy to be the third, keep up the amazing work.
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 2 дня назад
ahhhh dude that makes me feel warm and fuzzy haha, glad to see the effort has paid off, your comment motivates me to keep making content, glad to have you dude, welcome!
@oFcAsHeEp 2 дня назад
I agree with your theory about the difficulty. But I also understand the complaints. ER attracted a whole new crowd of "casual gamers", due to its popularity, and I think most of the difficulty complaints come from them. Most people aren't willing to die 100 times to a boss (god knows I did), or spend hours getting gobsmacked. Most people just want their dopamine hit, a victory, and then they complain. I wouln't say I'm good at souls games, but I beat the original game and dlc on my own, so it's not that horrible. But I did sink over 400 hours in the base game...
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 2 дня назад
yeah dude I think you are right, lots of the complaints probably do come from a lot of the more casual players, but there are also a lot of people that really love souls games that think the direction of SOTE is a bad sign of things to come, lots of people overly analysing the stats, hit boxes and long combo's as ''bad'' or ''lazy'' design, they basically forget to just try to enjoy the challenge lol, again I know not everything can be perfect, but the think the general attitude towards the design in SOTE is a sign of GOOD things to come haha, Personally, I want to fight a final boss more than 200 times, thats not for everyone I know lol, but there is a method to the madness here. Thanks for your comment dude I appreciate your thoughts!
@Liberation_Warrior 2 дня назад
Amazing video bro. I miss old Radahn, bring him back! 😭❤️
@DeepDiveCosyCorner 2 дня назад
@@Liberation_Warrior me too bro, me too... i hope the crazy bosses continue in the next game, i wanna be demolished 🤣